Beg for It (7 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beg for It
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"You, of all people, should understand the demands you make on a submissive. Whatever you did left her in tears, Kole.” He huffed out a frustrated breath. “Why am I even having this fucking conversation? You're an experienced Dom. You

"When she left me, she was the strong Bella, as always. Completely closed off and showing no emotion.” He ground his teeth together. “She said she needed time to think, and I acknowledged that since she outright told me she was fine. Of course, she's a sneaky little woman and hides her emotions well."

Reed's expression became knowing. “You clearly got to her."

"I suppose. But she never said a word about it, even after I pressed her.” He clenched his fists “And she certainly never asked for anything more."

A huge smile spread across Reed's face. “Say it ain't so.” At Kole's arched eyebrow, Reed added, “You're in love with her."

Kole exhaled through his nose. Why deny it? They both knew it was true. He'd never believed in love at first sight. But he definitely believed in lust at first sight. He'd wanted Bella under his command from day one. Now that he'd had her, something else developed—his desire to keep her. “The woman has woven a damn spell over me."

"The challenge of her?” Reed offered.

Kole inclined his head. “I'll tell you this much—not once did I miss how far some submissives will go for me, and
surprised me."

"She keeps you content, then?"

"Bella could make me want no other.” And knowing she was hurting created a heaviness like a rock in his gut, even if anger tinged it. “Fuck, she's in tears now?"

"Was when I left, but I'm sure the girls have calmed her down."

He grunted. “I could have helped her—talked her through it.” He stared at his friend, and Reed returned the knowing look. “This hiding nonsense will stop."

Reed gave a firm, approving nod, seemingly agreeing with Kole's intent to make things right with Bella. “What's your plan?"

He stood and glanced down at Reed. “Her time to think things over has ended.” Now he was fueled by motivation to fetch his sub and teach her a lesson. “I'm going to straighten her out."

"I'll call Marley and tell her you're on your way so that the girls don't kick your boys when you get there."

Kole said nothing more, wound up tight, and he exited the condo. He made quick time to his car in the parking lot and approached his black Dodge Charger.

The lights in the parking lot were dim, but the shine of the paint on his car glistened. Yeah, his car could make him smile, even though right now his unhappiness at Bella masked it.

Once at his car, he pressed the Key Lock button to open the doors, just as a voice sounded behind him. “Give me your money."

Kole slowly turned. “Pardon me?"

"Your money.” The kid of no older than seventeen appeared hopped up on some hard drugs waved a gun at him. “Give it to me."

"Kid, go home."

Wide brown eyes stared at him so bloodshot and crazed. The teenager glanced around frantically before waving the gun at him again. “Now. Give it to me."

He heaved a sigh, wanting to get to Bella—to deal with her, not this shit in front of him. He reached into his back pocket, took out the four twenty-dollar bills in his wallet, then handed them to the kid.

"The credit cards too."

Kole narrowed his eyes. “No."


"I've given you money. My generosity stops there.” His fist tightened in preparation for the fight ahead, readying to knock this kid out. “Go home."

A long second passed before the teen lurched forward. Kole grabbed the hand closest to him and twisted to get him on the ground, but at the same time, the teen hit him above the eyebrow with the gun. Pain laced his forehead, and a warm gush of blood slid down his cheek.

He groaned, kicking the kid and sending him sprawling to the ground. The idiot, with gun in hand, scrambled away and ran.

Go beat the kid?

Another gush of blood along his face reminded him that he had a slice in his head. Cursing, he yanked his shirt off and held the cotton against the wound to stop the bleeding.

He opened the door to his car and sank into the seat. Then he glanced up into the rearview mirror and pulled his shirt away—the deep wound needed stitches.


He started the engine, tied the shirt around his head, and made a beeline out of the parking lot.

Stitches first, then Bella.

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Chapter Six

Heat burned through Bella as she replayed the night with Kole in her mind—the sensations he offered, ones she never knew possible. More than just getting off, more than just a simple orgasm, an explosion of sensations that held no beginning and no end.

The time that passed, which should have been her sleeping, was actually spent tossing and turning as she mulled over what happened between them. How her pride had made her leave him.

She had opened herself up to him, expected him to say...something. Ask her on a date, for another scene...just something. When all that stared back at her was disappointment, failure entered her soul, and her walls rebounded.

Never let anyone in. Be stronger than the men around you. Prove your worth.

She'd let Kole in more than anyone before. Let him overpower her, make her beg for him, and she had been exposed. His disapproval sickened her.

A creak of her bedroom door, followed by Marley's voice, interrupted her thoughts. “See, I told you he's not here. I waited a good hour, but when he didn't show up after you called, I knew something was wrong."

Bella rolled over just as Marley shut the door. Pushing off her blankets, she slid out of bed, dressed in yoga pants and T-shirt, then hurried out of the room to find Marley and Reed standing in the living room. “What's wrong?"

"Did Kole come to see you?” Reed asked. “I know Marley never saw him, but maybe he came and left."

She shook her head. “Why would he?"

Reed frowned before he focused back on Marley. “You're right. Something is wrong."

"What do you mean?” Her heart thumped. “What's going on?"

Reed never answered. Instead, he tucked his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He dialed quickly, then raised it to his ear, and a moment later, he ended the call.

"He's still not answering. It's going straight to voice mail.” He stared at Marley with concerned eyes. “This isn't like him. If he said he was coming here, he would have."

Bella couldn't catch up. “Kole was coming here?"

But before anyone could respond, Kyra's yawn sounded behind Bella. “Why are y'all being so loud?” Kyra said, peeking out from her bedroom door. “You woke me up."

"Kole's missing,” Marley said.

Kyra strode quickly into the living room, wide awake now. “Missing?"

"We need to call around to the hospitals and see if he's there,” Reed instructed. “His car wasn't at the condo."

"On it.” Kyra shifted into serious mode, which fit her so well.

Reed continued, “I'll contact the castle and see if he went there."

Fury so intense and wicked soared through Bella's body, making her hands tremble.
He's at the castle with another woman—another submissive.

Jealousy split her open like a knife in the gut. She should hope he was there, unharmed, but the thought of him being with anyone else crippled her.

Everyone was in a flurry of activity, unbeknownst to Sadie who remained asleep. Reed was on the phone with the castle. Kyra was in the kitchen calling the hospitals. Marley was pacing in front Reed. Bella just stood there, unable to move.

The past hours had been nothing but a whirlwind, leaving her mind a complete mess.
Kole's missing?

Reed tucked his phone back into his pocket. “He's not at the castle."

Bella couldn't even process what that meant. Relief that he wasn't, but then where was he?

Right then, Kyra hurried into the room, breathless. “He's at Johns Hopkins."

"Why?” Bella squeaked, glancing from face to face, then finally settled back on Kyra. “Is he hurt?"

"The nurse wouldn't say.” Kyra grabbed Bella's coat off the hook and shoved it at her, while Marley and Reed put their shoes on. “Confidentiality and all. But she told me enough that I got the impression he's not critical or anything."

Her muscles relaxed, heart slowed. Good news. She stuffed her feet into her clogs and fumbled with the buttons on her coat as her hands trembled. Why was she trembling? Drawing in a deep breath, she calmed herself. Reed smiled at her, then did up the buttons.

"Thank you,” she whispered.

He gave a firm nod, opened the door, and ushered Bella and Marley out. “Let's go."

In quick time, they were in his truck and on the road. The late night was almost a blessing because the roads were dead. Reed paused at the red lights, but when the street was clear, he ran them.

Mere minutes passed before Reed squealed his tires, coming to a stop in the hospital parking lot. They were out in a flash and jogged to the front doors. The emergency room was full of patients all awaiting treatment. They hurried to the desk where a nurse sat talking on the telephone.

Reed tapped his hand on the desk, but the nurse raised a finger at him, not looking up.

Bella gritted her teeth as she listened to the nurse having a personal conversation, and even though only seconds passed, her patience fled.

She leaned over the counter, grabbed the phone from the woman, then slammed it on the receiver. The nurse jerked her head up and scowled. “Excuse me?"

"Where's Kole Walsh?” At the nurse's silence and continuing frown, Bella smacked her hand on the desk with a loud bang. “Where is he?"

Marley snickered. “Oh look, Bella's back."

The nurse pursed her lips, then glanced over a chart. Her sneer returned to Bella. “Room one hundred and twelve."

Without a thank-you, because the nurse didn't deserve one, Bella with Reed and Marley in tow dashed down the hall. Bella scanned the numbers on the doors until she reached Kole's. She took one step into the room, then froze.

Kole was lying on the bed, bare chested, one knee up and an ice pack on his forehead. Her breath whooshed from her lungs. The memory of their time together flooded her mind. Her body awakened, as if his presence ignited a spark in her that made her fully aware of him.

Brushing past her, Reed strode into the room, his voice deep and curt. “What happened?"

Kole turned his head to the side, and his gaze landed on Bella. He didn't look disappointed like he had earlier tonight. Fire burned in the depths of his eyes, but as he glanced at Reed, that rage faded.

Is he angry at me?

"Got mugged,” he replied.

"Seriously?” Marley asked, stepping up next to the bed.

"Stupid junkie wanted money and pulled a gun on me."

Bella's heart skipped a beat. “Gun?"

Kole didn't even look at her. He completely disregarded her as if she hadn't said anything. As if she wasn't standing there worrying about him. Her own irritation flared to life.

What did I do to him?

Kole continued, “He knocked me in the head with his gun. Idiot was too high to realize shooting me would have done the trick."

Reed took a seat in the chair beside the bed. “Did you subdue him?"

"Thought about it.” His fingers clenched and jaw tightened. “But I had other things to deal with."

"What happened after he hit you?” She asked, proud her voice sounded strong.

Once again, he didn't even acknowledge her, and her muscles tensed. She took a further step into the room and glared at him. “Stop ignoring me."

Reed glanced over his shoulder at her, frowning. Marley jerked her head to Bella and shook her head slowly, as if warning her. But she didn't deserve to be treated in this manner. She'd done nothing wrong and held her ground.

Kole rose up on his elbow, lowered the ice pack to display a good five stitches over his eyebrow, and pinned her with his stare. His voice flowed through the room, sounding smooth like velvet, but stern. “Bella. Take a seat. Stay quiet."

A wave of emotion washed over her, compelling her to listen. Normally if a man spoke to her in that manner, she'd curse at him and probably flip him off. But she found her legs moving her toward the chair and was shocked at herself when she sat down.

He finally removed his steely gaze from her and looked at Reed. “Came here thinking they'd stitch me up and send me on my way. Only to find out they had to report it to the cops, and I spent an hour answering questions. Then, the doc thought I should stay until the morning just to be sure I didn't have a concussion."

Bella clasped her hands in her lap, looking down, and a swell of emotion bubbled up.
might have been an understatement. And his unhappiness with her now was worse than his disappointment.

"You should've called us, dipshit,” Reed chastised.

Kole snorted. “It was late. I thought you'd all be asleep, and I wasn't in serious condition, so why bother?"

She peeked up at him under her lashes. His gaze was on Reed, and she'd never felt so ignored. She yearned for him to look at her, offer a glance of the appreciation that she'd seen tonight, and his refusal made her throat tight.

"All right.” Reed stood. “Marley will drive your car home. Then I'll come back in the morning to get you."

Kole reached into his pocket, took out his keys, then handed them to Marley. “I parked in the far left corner of the parking lot. Wreck my baby and there'll be hell to pay."

"I'll drive carefully, and I'm glad to see you in one piece.” Marley turned on her heels and started toward the door. She gave Bella a knowing look and whispered, “You, my friend, have pissed him off."

"Yeah, no shit."

Marley patted her shoulder and offered a kind smile. “Don't worry. His reaction tells me your concerns are for nothing."

"Which means?"

"He wouldn't punish you like that if he didn't care."


Marley laughed under her breath and gave her a quick hug. “I'll wait for you in the hallway. Just don't go
on him and you'll do fine.” Then, she left the room, leaving Bella to focus back on the men.

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