Begin Again (Beautiful #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Begin Again (Beautiful #2)
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“You asshole!” she yelled between her tears.

“What the hell, Huntley? What did

“Baby,” Grayson soothed. “Please calm down.”

‘No, Gray, I’ve had enough of all of this. Our night has been ruined because if
she pointed at me,

bitch of a girlfriend!”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I had no idea that was going to happen. Now, tell me where I can find Demi, please.”

Huntley shook her head. “No, you’ve done enough. She was fine until you showed up. I love you Brody, and your one of our best friends, but right now I don’t like you. Demi deserved better. She’s been through hell and back again because of you!”

“Huntley,” Grayson warned with a shake of his head, “Don’t.”

They seemed to be having a silent conversation that I clearly wasn’t privy to.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized again. “I know I’ve fucked up real bad, but I need to talk to her Huntley.”

“I’m also sorry, Brody, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. She needs time, and she needs the chance to really get over you. I want you at our wedding tomorrow, but Sienna isn’t welcome and if she shows up I won’t hesitate to have her thrown out.”

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away feeling contrite.

I started to speak but Grayson cut me off. “Why don’t you go inside, baby?” he said to Huntley. He was worried about her. Even I noticed the change in her behavior. Huntley wasn’t always so verbal about her feelings, let alone her anger towards someone. She nodded and Grayson kissed her forehead before she disappeared inside again.

“Listen, Gray - ”

“No, Brody,
listen. You are my best friend and God knows I love you like a brother, but enough is enough. I’m going to tell you something and you won’t like it, but I’m the only one will give it to you straight. It has taken almost a Goddamn
for Demi to be anything like herself again. I know I said it isn’t my story to tell, and it isn’t, but you need to understand what it did to her when you left. I hate seeing you two do this to yourselves and each other, and now you’ve got a baby on the way with Sienna. I…” he paused, and rubbed his face with both his hands, “Fuck. I don’t know what to say anymore.”

I sighed and stuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans. “Man, I’ve fucked things up so badly I don’t know which was is up. I don’t know where to
go from here.”

“Be honest with yourself for one thing. You know in
your heart what the right thing to do is. No one can you fix this, except you.” He patted me on the back. “I’d better get back in there. I’ll catch you later.”

I watched him walk away and allowed his words to sink in. I knew what I had to do. I just needed the courage to do it.


WHEN I ARRIVED back at the hotel, Sienna was sitting on the king size bed waiting for me. I’d decided to walk back and used the time to think about what I had to do.

“I was wondering when you were going to come back,” Sienna said as she sauntered towards me. She was wearing a silk nightgown and was most likely naked underneath. Looking at her now, I asked myself, not for the first time, why I’d gotten involved with someone like her. What attracted me to her?

“I had to apologize for the scene you caused,” I replied quietly, my voice calm. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on my chest. I clutched her wrists to stop her from moving her hands further down. She was trying to seduce me and after her performance at the bakery there was nothing about her that turned me on anymore. “Don’t be so dramatic,” she said. “I thought you’d be happy.”

I started thinking about it and couldn’t understand how she’d gotten pregnant in the first place. We’d never had unprotected sex. I was more than cautious about suiting up when I had sex with her. Demi was the only woman I’d ever not worn protection with and I was determined to keep it that way. Sex with Sienna was just that. Sex. But with Demi it was always

“Tell me how,” I said. “We’ve never had unprotected sex, Sienna.”

She snatched her hands away and tried to look hurt. “You’re doubting me?”


“I didn’t sleep around, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

“You’re lying, Sienna, but we’re going to deal with it when I’m back in Chicago.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

The hotel phone rang and I answered. “Hello?”

The concierge’s voice came through the phone. “Good evening Mr Scott. I called to let you know that the town car is ready to take you to the airport.”

“Thank you. We’ll be right down.”

I put the phone down and said, “Pack your bags. The town car is here to take you to the airport.”


“I took the liberty of booking you a flight home while I was walking back here. Your flight is in a few hours but you can’t stay here.”

“You can’t do that,” she almost yelled, her face contorting into a scowl. God, did this woman ever smile?

“I can and I did. Now, I’m going to shower, and when I come out you’d better be gone.”

I didn’t give her a chance to reply. I pushed past her, pulling off my clothes one item and at a time, and locked myself in the bathroom. I stood under the hot spray of water and felt a new form of determination settle in my gut. I had to fix this mess, even if it meant I came out the other end without Demi. It was time I got my life in order and it started with coming home.
For good.



I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my aunt and uncle’s bedroom and stared at the woman in front of me. It was my wedding day, a day I’d been waiting for, for what felt like forever. There was a light knock at the door and I smiled and said, “Come in.”

I saw Demi’s reflection in the mirror as she slipped through the door and her face broke into a broad smile. “You look…breathtaking, Huntley. The most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

“Thank you,” I reply, returning her smile. I look myself over one last time. My dress was truly a work of art, made from lace and lace applique with a romantic silhouette that featured capped sleeves and v-shaped neckline. My
hair was curled, then twisted and pinned into a low side ponytail with pin curls resting on top of it. A beautiful crystal embellished tiara rested atop my head and held my scalloped fingertip veil in place. With light pink blush, peach gloss and thick lashes, I looked elegant and it was everything I had dreamed it would be.

I turned around and faced Demi. She too looked incredible in her
full-length strapless, one shoulder gown, Champaign in color. It was ruched across the breasts and accented by a black band around the waist with a diamante flower detail on the side. I’d had it made especially for her. Her make up was also simple, but where I had light pink plush, the apples of her cheeks were more peach and her lips had a nude gloss. I watched her warily, wondering what kind of toll the night before had taken on her. She hid her feelings well, but the sadness in her eyes were unmistakable.

“Are you almost ready to go?” she asked, walking closer.

I nodded and asked, “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” she replied quietly. “I don’t want you worrying about me today. It’s

I pulled her into a hug and felt my throat constrict. She backed away when I sniffled. “Don’t you dare
cry. You’re going to ruin your make up!”

I giggled and replied, “Sorry. I’m all over the place. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long, it still doesn’t seem real.”

Demi smiled. “Oh it’s real, and we’d better get going before we’re late. Grayson won’t be impressed.”

I thought about my husband-to-be and my heart soared. I’d missed him last night. He’d spent the night at his parents’ house, and while we both protested it in the beginning, we didn’t want to break tradition and start our marriage off on the wrong foot.

There was another knock at the door and my aunt Emma stepped in, looking regal in her caramel colored pleated chiffon gown. “We’re ready to go, sweetheart. It’s time.”

Demi and I grabbed our clutch purses and followed my aunt outside to the car. When we stopped outsid
e the gates of Lake Dixon nerves unraveled in my stomach and when I saw how beautiful everything looked I couldn’t help but gasp. There were three marquee tents set up, all over looking the lake. The one to the far left was our makeshift chapel with chairs on each side of a white isle covered in red roses. The two marquee tents, a little way down, were slightly bigger and had wooden flooring. From where I sat in the car, I could see round tables that surrounded a dance floor and a few tables that were set up for the buffet dinner. My uncle Alex stopped outside another much smaller tent and as soon as I stepped outside, I was hustled inside and away from curious eyes of our seated guests.

“You look beautiful sweetheart,” my uncle said, smiling.

“Thank you,” I replied. “And thank you for agreeing to give me away today. It means so much to me.” I swallowed the emotion in my throat, wishing so much that my mother and father could be here. They’d missed all the big moments – Hunter’s birth, and now my wedding – and their absence today was sorely felt.

‘I’m honored that you’ve given me the privilege, sweetheart. I know I’m not your dad, but I love you and I want this day to be a dream come true. I’ve said it a th
ousand times already, but your Aunt Em and I are so incredibly proud of the woman you have become.”

I nodded, unable to form words and hugged my uncle around the waist. He wasn’t my father, but I wouldn’t have had anyone else give me away. He’d earned the privilege when he had so graciously welcomed me into both his family and his heart. I loved him dearly for that.

“Places everyone,” my aunt announced. She walked up to me and handed me my bouquet of white and roses. “You ready?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m ready.”

I slipped my hand into the crook of my uncle’s arm and took a deep calming breath. We walked outside, the late afternoon sun shining around us, and my uncle led me to the entrance of our chapel tent. Hannah and Finley, looking adorable in their champagne colored flower girl dresses, skipped their way down the isle, and then Demi followed with Jeff at her side. I took a minute to savor this moment and when I looked up, Grayson found me. 


My breathing hitched when my eyes collided with Huntley’s as she made her way down the isle. She was a vision in her wedding gown, with her hair swept to the side, and even through her veil I could see her smile. My heart raced and I felt moisture building in my eyes. Jeff reached over and squeezed my shoulder. “You okay?” he whispered.

I grinned. ‘I’ve never been better.”

As I stared at my beautiful bride, all the other guests disappeared and all that was left was her and me. We’d been through hell and back to get here and I wasn’t going to take a single second of it for granted.

They reached the makeshift alter and Coach Morgan lifted Huntley’s veil, placing a gentle kiss in her cheek. I saw his eyes grow a little wet as he went to stand next to his wife. I took Huntley’s shaking hand in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I mouthed, “I love you” and her returning
gaze was filled with the love and adoration she held for me. I looked over my shoulder, checking to see that Hunter wasn’t fussing with my mother, before giving my full attention to the priest.

“Who gives this woman away?” he asked.

Coach Morgan and his wife both said “we do” and I thought it was rather fitting. It was because of them that Huntley had turned out to be the incredible woman I saw standing in front of me. The priest told everyone to sit down and finally got on with the show. I was grateful for the short ceremony and almost jumped with excitement when it was time for the vows. My eyes never wavered from Huntley’s as she repeated the priest’s words.

“I Huntley Morgan, take you Grayson Carter to be my husband, to share the good times and hard times side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal.

Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed.”

She slipped my platinum wedding band inscribed with our wedding date on my finger and then it was my turn.

“Huntley, as I stand here before you, my eyes looking so deeply into yours, I see all of the things I fell in love with and so much more. I stand here before you, my heart beating so loudly in my ears, and I find myself so lost for the right words to say. Standing here with this ring in my hand reminds me how you complete me, heart and soul. With every smile, every embrace, every tear you've ever wiped from my face, it reminds me how blessed I really am, how I can't ever thank the Lord above enough, for allowing you into my life.

It reminds me of every laugh we've ever shared, every hard time we made it through together, and every beautiful moment there is to come. I give you this ring, my heart, my soul. I give you everything I am today. I promise to love you, protect you, be with you forever, and cherish every moment as if it were the last moment on earth. I love you. With this ring, let it be known, that over every other person in the world I could be with, you were chosen for me. Let it be known, that with this ring, I'm promising to be here for you for all eternity, 'til death do us part.”

Huntley sniffed and wiped her tears while I slipped her princess-cut diamond wedding ring onto her delicate finger.

“Ladies and gentleman,”
the priest continued, “it is a pleasure to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Carter. You may kiss your bride.”

I stepped closer to Huntley and cupped her face with my hands. “I love you, Mrs. Carter,” I whispered. I pressed my lips to hers and her body immediately relaxed into mine. I deepened the kiss, earning a few whistles and hollers from the guests. When we pulled apart, Huntley’s eyes wer
e wet and bright, and the love I saw there mirrored my own.

“My husband,” she whispered, “and father of two.”

I frowned momentarily and then…


“You heard me,” she replied, more tears streaming down her face.


“Yes,” she cried, cupping her mouth.

“God, I love you.” I picked her up and swung her around, feeling overwhelmed with love and pure happiness. I didn’t care that we had audience because in my mind it was just us. Always me and
her. When my lips met hers a second time and our bodies pressed together, peace settled over us and I knew it was the start of our forever.

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