Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives) (49 page)

BOOK: Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives)
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is why I’ve sent someone to clean up that problem.”

do you mean by that?!”

your tone, I’m guessing you already know the answer.”

better not have killed him!”

not dead.” Craven smiled. “Yet.”

stalked over to his father. “You fucking call the hit off now!”

my fault your little music producer likes drugs.”

are you on about? Jade’s clean, he won’t touch them.”

not what the police will think when they find he’s overdosed.”

your men off!”

irrelevant anyway, because he’s up and disappeared on us. You wouldn’t by
chance know where he could’ve gone?”

I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

a very loyal son, now are you?”

am loyal; I’ve tripled your income.”

all you’ve tripled is your ego, as well as risked my business over your

Dante to Jade isn’t perverted.”

wasn’t referring to that, and in fact it is.”


and under-age boys. You said that new kid was eighteen.”

told me he was.”

you lie you blink too much, and you’re blinking like crazy now.”

means nothing!”

is when Matty Pottinger is going after me for child pornography.
Child-fucking-pornography!” Craven spat out, his face going purple. “I’m a
respected businessman and you get my name linked to this!”

legal for sex.”

for porn! So, fucking take care of him.”

do you mean by that?”

asking questions! You damn well know I want his head on my desk!”

He’s mine!”

pointed a finger at Ant’s face. “Either you kill him or you’re out of here. I
won’t have you jeopardise my life over your sick perversions. I give you by the
end of the night.”

not killing him! I love him!”

Craven looked incredulous. “What is wrong with you? You barely know the kid.”

don’t care! I refuse to kill him.”

one of
men will.” Craven looked over at Mack. “Big Mack, it’s your
job.” Craven turned and walked towards the exit, his two guards following. “Be
in the gun range within five minutes,
,” he said, disappearing out the

spun around on Mack. “You are not to touch Corey!”

held up his hands. “I don’t want to kill the kid either, but I’ve been given an

work for
, so
give the orders. And if you touch Corey, I’ll
fucking kill you!”

man with the afro stepped in front of Mack. “He has no choice; it’ll be his
head if he doesn’t carry through.”

warning, Ant head-butted the guy, sending him into Mack, who fell backwards,
both of them going down. The afro guy rolled onto his side, clutching his
smashed in nose. Ant stepped over him as Mack scrambled backwards, his face

won’t touch Corey,” Mack said, banging into the couch. “I like the kid, I do; I
don’t want him dead either.”

glared down at him. “You better be telling the truth!”

am, I am.”

continued to stare at Mack, then swung out an arm, pointing to the guy with the
afro. “Take Dez to the main house, and, Dez,” he looked over his shoulder at
his victim, “if you say a word about any of this to my father, I’ll fuck you
till you bleed out of every orifice, then burn your remains. Understand?!”

his hands over his nose, Dez nodded, the man obviously in pain.

him out of here, Mack, and if I catch you even breathing near Corey, I’ll cut
your cock off, then jam it up your arse!”

boss,” Mack said, looking like he believed him. He helped his mate up and
shuffled the groaning man out of the cottage, leaving Dante alone with Ant.

walked over to him, making Dante back up into the wall, the man looking like he
could either fuck or kill him, Dante not knowing which was worse.

you kill my father for me?” Ant asked.

Dante replied.


a gun.”

more inventive.”

don’t know what else to use.”

grabbed Dante’s cock. “That’s because this is your only weapon. You’re not a
murderer; you’re just a fuck-toy.”

killed before,” Dante said, barely able to get the words out.

started wanking him. “How?”

and... Oh God, please stop.”

and accidents don’t count.”

wuzn’t an accident.” He tried to pull away, but Ant tightened his grip. “Ouch!
Loosen up, loosen up, that hurts.”

know. Who was it?”

ca-can’t say. Fuck! I can’t think. It hurts.”

his grip, Ant started massaging Dante’s cock. “Why’d ja kill them?”

begged me to.”


had ovarian cancer.”

isn’t the same as killing someone in cold blood.”

wuz the hardest thing I’ve ever done, I loved her with all my soul.”

you have a harem of bitches—”

wuzn’t a lover! She wuz my grandmother!” he blurted out.

eyes widened. “You killed your own grandmother?”

closed his eyes, upset he’d let it slip, and even more upset over remembering
what he’d done. “I didn’t have a choice; she wuz in agony, and it wuz

baby.” Ant brushed his lips over Dante’s forehead, making Dante’s eyes shoot
open. Ant placed a hand over his mouth. “Ssh, don’t say a word. I like this
side of you, it’s sweet.”

kept still, although he wished his hands were free, so he could punch the shit
out of Ant.

act all tough, but you’re not,” Ant said, “especially when it comes to women.
They twist you around their little fingers, make you do things you don’t want
to. I used to love watching Kara walk all over you, she had you pussy-whipped,
and unlike you, that bitch could slit someone’s throat in a second. I’d bet she
would even do it while fucking.” Smiling, Ant let go of Dante’s mouth. “Maybe
could kill my father.”

she could, just as long as you stop the game,” Dante said, feeling hope.

unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard cock. “Use your mouth to convince me
some more.”

not sucking you!”

here I thought you loved Kara.”


placed his hands on Dante’s shoulders and pushed him downwards, Dante resisting

get down there, and do your job, bitch!” Ant snapped.

not sucking you!”

yanked him around, planting him face first into the wall. “Then I’ll stick it
someplace else,” he said, pulling out a condom.

bucked against him. “NO!”

started yelling from the bedroom. “Leave him alone!”

stopped tearing open the wrapper. “You jealous, cutie?”

I hate your fuckin’ guts!”

little shit!” Ant let go of Dante, and went for the bedroom door, stopping as a
ringing started. Swearing, he kicked the door, then pulled out his phone,
barking, “Yes?!” into it. He moved the phone away from his ear, looking like
someone had shouted at him, then threw it at Dante, who turned to run.

grabbed Dante as he reached the exit. “You can fight me all you like, but I
will fuck you,” he shoved him outside, “right after one of your bitches dies.”







Sledge raced out to Nike with
Solomon close behind. “Where are Dante and Corey?!”

opened the car door and got out of the Maserati. “I already told ja where.”

not upstairs, and I couldn’t see any cottage out back, so tell me where they

your voice down,” Nike said. His attention snapped to Juliet, who was looking
around the corner of the garage. “Get back in there,” he growled.


cut her off. “You can’t do shit to help him, but I can, so do as you’re told
unless you want a bullet in your head.”

threaten my sister!” Sledge yelled.

didn’t; I’m trying to save her life, so shut the fuck up before you get all of
us killed.”

exhaled, willing himself to calm down, but all he could think about was Corey
being touched by some perverted freak. “Where’s the cottage?” he rushed out,
getting worked up again.

told ja, it’s out back.”

there’s only a row of trees and a concrete building.”

behind the trees.”

show me,” Sledge said, annoyed that Solomon hadn’t known that.

if you shut your piehole and do everything I say.”

nodded, just wanting to get there.

gaze moved to Solomon, who took a step back, looking like he was going to piss
himself. “Watch Sledge’s sister; make sure she stays outta sight,” Nike said,
“and if anything happens don’t wait for us, get her outta here. Take the side
entrance.” He pointed off to his right. “The gate isn’t as high there, plus
they never have guards on it, cos it’s overgrown with brambles. Cover them with
your jacket.”


got a gun?” Nike asked.

Saul said I’m not allowed one after Kara took mine.”

turned to the car and pulled out a gun from under the driver’s seat. He handed
it over to Solomon, then removed his hat and placed it on the guy’s head. “Sit
behind the wheel. From a distance no one will know it’s not me.” He pushed past
Sledge. “Let’s go,” he said, taking off, sprinting for the right side of the
house, the guy faster than Flash.

ran after him, heading around the house. He came to a stop behind Nike, who had
his back against the wall, looking out over the whopping backyard with its pool,
manicured lawns, gardens, a row of trees on the left and the concrete building
off to the right.

against the wall,” Nike said.

did as he was told.

still got that gun I gave you?” Nike asked, pulling one out from his jacket.

Sledge did the same.

you take the cottage, while I take the gun range. The only way into the cottage
is through the front. Take it slow; don’t rush inside, cos if Ant’s there he’ll
pro’bly have at least two guards.” Nike swore, then backed up, pushing Sledge
along with him.

is it?” Sledge whispered.

helping Dez walk to the house, he looks busted up. Stay here, I’ll get info
outta them.”

slipped his gun back into his holster, shook out his shoulders, then stepped
clear of the house and headed for the men. Sledge inched up the side, waiting a
second or two, then peeked around the corner. Nike and a man with half-baked
skin were helping a guy with an afro. They disappeared inside the house,
leaving the backyard empty again.

rested the back of his head against the wall, feeling the vibrations of the
music coming from within, the place pumping. Cheering started up, making him
cringe, what he saw inside not something he ever wanted to see again. He stared
straight ahead, trying to get the image of the fat man paddling the redhead out
of his mind, because his brain kept telling him that it could’ve been Corey
lying across the pervert’s lap, tied up and terrified, crying out every time he
was hit... Stop it! No one was touching Corey. NO ONE!

poked his head around the corner, hoping to see Nike returning, but all he was
greeted with was the empty backyard. After a minute of willing Nike to appear,
Sledge laid his head back against the building again, repeating over and over
again that Corey was all right, that no one was hurting him. Dammit! It wasn’t
working, because that fat cowboy kept filling his mind, eating away at his

glanced around the corner again, wondering why Nike was taking so long, since
all the guy needed to do was to help the injured man inside, then ask where
Corey and Dante were. But he must’ve been in there for at least five minutes by
now. Nike didn’t need that amount of time; he could’ve done it in a couple of
minutes at tops.

realisation of what was happening hit Sledge like a two-by-four. Nike wasn’t
helping him; he was finally getting payback. Shit! Why did he ever think he
could trust that prick? Nike had caused nothing but trouble for him since they
were in primary school.

pulled out his gun, glancing from left and right to make sure that no one snuck
up on him. He needed to get out of here before Nike returned with a pack of
guards. No. What he needed to do was to calm the fuck down, because maybe Nike
hadn’t double-crossed him. He breathed out, trying to get his shit together,
because his heart was racing faster than Corey on acid. Dammit! He was doing it
again, being a moron, fooling himself into getting the shit kicked out of him,
because if Nike hadn’t ratted him out he’d be here with him right now, and not
telling those guards inside where he was. And if he was being honest, he didn’t
blame the guy, because if he was in Nike’s shoes he’d do the same thing. No, he
wouldn’t, because he wasn’t a lying shithead, backstabbing bastard!

lifted the gun and sized up the yard again, knowing he needed to stop being a
chicken-shit and make a run for it. “I’m gonna kill that double-crossing
bastard,” he muttered.

the gun,” Nike said from behind him, making Sledge jump. “I said, lower the gun,

tightened his grip on it, wondering whether this was it, that he would never
see his family again.

it now,” Nike hissed.

slowly turned around, seeing a barrel pointed at his face.


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