Behind Your Back (16 page)

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Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Behind Your Back
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Trays of appetizers pass by and I grab a few. There is never enough food at these things, just a few bites on a huge plate. Wish they’d serve burgers or something filling at least.

“I’m starving,” Saige says in my ear. It’s like she knew what I was thinking.

“I think dinner will be served soon,” I say back. She sips her champagne and makes a face.

“Yeah, rich people food.”

I nearly snort as I take a sip of my own drink. It’s top of the shelf stuff, but I’d rather have beer.

“What do you mean by rich people food?” I ask.

“Oh, you know,” she says, draining her glass and then putting it on a tray. “Those little tiny bits of food on those huge white plates. I mean, if they want to make it look like a decent amount of food, they should put it on smaller plates.” I’ve thought the same thing myself.

“Tell you what. After we leave, if you’re still hungry we’ll go grab something.”

“Burgers?” she asks as her face lights up.


We finally sit down to dinner and I’ve got Saige on one side and another couple I don’t know on the other. Saige’s parents are on her other side. This could be tricky, but nothing I haven’t done before.

The conversation is mild and basic. Mostly Saige’s parents just want to know about me. Not that Mr. Beaumont doesn’t already, but I give them the same information I gave him when we first met.

Saige adds commentary here and there and I have to stifle a laugh more than once.

We’re both right about the food. If it’s possible, I’m even more hungry than I was when we started.

After some more polite conversation and coffee, I’m ready to go. I need to use the restroom, but I know if I leave Saige’s side, Beaumont will seize the moment and come find me. So I stay.

She yawns and leans against me. I’m surprised she’s so open in front of her parents, but I let my arm rest on her shoulder.

“I’m exhausted.”

“Would you like me to escort you home?” I ask, being careful with my words.

“That would be great,” she says, her eyes fluttering closed as if she’s exhausted.

She gets up and goes to speak with her parents. I stand back as she kisses both of them on the cheek.

“It was lovely to meet both of you,” I say and they agree.

Saige and I walk out and she smiles at me.

“I’m not really tired. I was just sick of being in there. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love dressing up and dancing and sipping champagne, but I reach a saturation point.” She sort of skips in her heels as we reach the valet area.

“I totally understand,” I say. The car pulls up a few moments later and I hold the door open for her.

“Hungry?” I ask when I get in.

“God yes,” she says, and I hit the accelerator.





r. Beaumont is here to see you,” Grace says on Monday morning. Honestly, I thought he’d contact me before now, but I’m ready for him.

“Send him in,” I say. I wait for Grace to open the door and Beaumont to come in before I look up from my computer.

“Nice to see you again so soon,” I say, keeping my tone cautious.

“Yes,” he says, sitting down without an invitation. “I didn’t know you were screwing my daughter.”

I keep my reaction non-visible.

“I’m not screwing your daughter. I didn’t know she was your daughter when I started talking with her. We met at a coffee shop.”

“And she knows you work here.”

“Yes, but I didn’t tell her that I work with you. I have to keep confidentiality,” I say, my tone even and cool.

“Agreed,” he says and there is a tense silence as I wait for him to make up his mind as to what he’s going to do.

“I can’t say I’m happy about the situation. But I do appreciate you keeping our business relationship quiet.” I nod and wait for him to continue.

He sighs.

“And this better not interfere with our particular business relationship.”

“I can guarantee you it won’t. I keep my business life and my personal life completely separate.” He studies me for a few moments.

“I guess I’m going to have to trust you on that. If I tell Saige not to see you anymore, she’ll just do the opposite. So. I’m going to do nothing. But I’m keeping my eye on you, Quinn Brand. I’m going to be watching you like a hawk.” I don’t doubt him in the slightest.

“I’m not a man you want as your enemy,” he says, his eyes narrowing to slits. Message received.

“I don’t intend to, Mr. Beaumont.” There’s another moment when we measure each other. He must find me acceptable because he gets to his feet, buttons his jacket and holds out his hand.

“Glad we cleared that up. I’ll be in touch about my investments. And I’d appreciate it if you would keep her in the dark for the foreseeable future.”

I agree and he leaves.

My legs buckle and I sit back in my chair. I don’t know why I was so worried about this meeting, but I feel like I’ve just dodged a bullet and escaped with my life. True¸ it’s important that I not piss Beaumont off, but my relationship with Saige is of more importance. She’s my way in.

I close my eyes for a second and breathe to get myself back together. Things are starting to move in the right direction, but I really need to speed things up with Saige. It’s time for an overnight.



ll it takes is a few calls and everything is in place. Grace arrives with a bouquet of white roses and a new shirt and tie.

“Thank you, Grace,” I say and catch just a tiny hint of jealousy. I know if I tell her to sit on my desk and pull up her skirt, she probably would. But I don’t want her.

“You’re welcome, sir,” she says, walking back to her desk as I gather my things and head down to my car.

I check my phone and find that Saige is still at the coffee shop where we first met. Good.

I drive to the shop and parallel park just down the street. With the flowers in one hand, I open the door of the café. She’s sitting in exactly the same table we first sat at together.

Her back is to me, so I have plenty of time to approach her without her seeing me. I walk slow enough that she can’t hear me and then reach out and tap her on the shoulder.

Her hair is curly again today and it ripples down her back. I want to twist my fingers in it and pull a little. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll get to in a very short time.

She turns around, surprised, and then she sees it’s me, holding out a bouquet of white roses.

“Surprise,” I say, smiling back at her.

“What’s this?” she asks, taking the flowers.

“I hope you have nothing planned tonight because you are coming with me right now.” She raises one rust-colored eyebrow.

“Really? You think you can just barge in here, hand me some flowers and I’ll do whatever you want?”

“Should I have brought chocolates? A teddy bear?” I say.

She purses her lips and shakes her head.

“I’m not easily bought, Quinn Brand. You can’t just do what you want and think that I’ll come running.” She stands up.

“You have to make an effort.” She steps close to me and runs her hand down my chest, but she doesn’t stop. She goes all the way down past my belt and…

And now I have a hard on in the middle of a coffee shop.

“See, I think you need me more than I need you at the moment.” She gives me a wicked grin and then removes her hand.

“Bad, bad girl. I was going to give you a lovely romantic evening, but now I think I’m going to have to punish you for being so naughty,” I say, my voice low. Her eyes flare with desire, which is exactly what I was going for. Saige likes to play, and I’m more than happy to play with her.

“Hmmm, I don’t know. That depends on my punishment.” I lean down and nip at her earlobe. She shivers and I smell a victory.

“Oh, I’ll make it very, very good. For both of us.”

I pull back and wait for her reaction.

“I suppose…”

“I’ll take that as yes,” I say and reach for her hand.

“Just let me get my stuff together,” she says, turning back toward the table.

I want her. I want her right here, right now. That one little touch has set me off and if I don’t get her alone immediately, I’m liable to take her right here in the coffee shop.

“Hurry,” I say as she takes her sweet time. She deliberately bends down slowly.

“You are trying my patience,” I say and she looks at me over her shoulder with a wink.

“So sorry about that.” She wiggles her ass a little. I just wait, even though every second is agony. Finally, she stands. I grip her arm and pull her close, and set my mouth at her ear again.

“If I don’t get you out the door now, I’m going to have you naked in about sixty seconds and take you right here.” Her breath catches, but she doesn’t pull away.

“Then let’s go,” she says, her voice a little shaky. Good. I have to keep the upper hand with this one. I can’t let her control me. And one of the best ways to keep control is to get her into a bed.



omehow I’m able to get behind the wheel and drive us to the hotel where I’ve booked a room. Saige doesn’t say anything as I park the car and then help her out.

“I don’t have a change of clothes,” she says.

“You won’t need any for what I have planned,” I say. She squeezes my hand and we walk through the front door of the hotel. I have to check in, but as soon as I get her alone in the elevator, my lips claim hers and our bodies fuse together.

She gasps and then melts into me, her tongue stroking mine, her hands pulling me closer. Her curves conform perfectly to my body. Like she was designed to fit against me. Lucky coincidence and very much in my favor.

She tastes like fire. Hot and sweet.

Dimly I hear the sound of the elevator dinging and the door opening, but I’m too focused on Saige and her body. Her hands lightly shove me and she breaks the kiss.

“This is our floor,” she says, her voice husky. Fuck me. I need to make that happen more.

Before I can think, I grab her around the waist and throw her over my shoulder. She screams, but I ignore it as I walk to the hotel door, swipe my card and let it slam behind us.

My next destination is the king-sized bed that I toss her on. Her body bounces and she looks up at me with her face flushed. But she’s smiling.

“You’re trouble, Quinn Brand,” she says in a soft voice as her hair settles all around her on the pillows. I hope she can’t see that my hands shake a little as I start undoing my tie and stalk toward her.

She sits up.

“What would you do if I said no right now?” I stop walking.

“Then I would say that is a damn shame, but if you don’t want to be with me, then you don’t have to.” I drop my hands and hold them behind my back. She’s killing me right now, but I know this is a test and I have to pass.

“So you wouldn’t try and talk me into it, or change my mind or just take what you want?” She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and I want her so bad I can’t see straight. But I stay where I am.

“No. I would never force someone to be with me if they didn’t want to.” I shuddered, remembering… No. I would never take something that wasn’t mine to take.

She waits for what feels like eternity. And then she smiles slowly.

“Come here.”



resume my walk toward the bed and she stands up and meets me halfway.

“Take off your shirt,” she says. I loosen my tie and then pull it over my head. My hands get to work on the buttons of my shirt. She doesn’t offer to help, just watches as I undo them and then take the shirt off. I’m wearing a white undershirt and I take that off as well.

“So many tattoos,” she murmurs. She’s seen them before, but it’s hard to take them all in in just one viewing. She walks around me, not touching, just looking.

“I want to take pictures of them and then figure out what they all mean. You’re like a walking piece of art. And I really, really like art.” I nearly jump as her fingertips barely brush the skin of my upper back. Back at the coffee shop, my need for her was like a roar, but now it’s slower. Calmer. Still strong, but I know that the payoff will be greater. There’s something to be said for savoring.

“Would you get a tattoo for me?” she asks, coming around to face me again.

“What would you want me to get?” I say. It would have to be something relatively small. I don’t have a whole lot of free skin left.

“I don’t know. But would you do it?”

“Maybe.” If she really wanted me to, yes. I would. I’m making all kinds of promises to this girl. But whatever I have to do, I’ll do.

“Hmmm, that’s something to think about. Now, take off your pants.”

“Not until you take off yours,” I say, standing my ground.

She puts her hands on her hips.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to piss off a redhead?”

I shrug.

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