Believe: The Complete Channie Series (64 page)

Read Believe: The Complete Channie Series Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

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Josh shut and locked the door, then peeled off his shirt on his way to the bathroom.

“Josh? What are you doing?”

“Come on. There’s room enough in here for two.”

“We can’t shower together! What if your daddy catches us?” In spite of what Josh had said about Ezra not caring whether or not they slept together, Channie agreed with Hunter. She didn’t want Ezra to think she was a whore.

“Did you forget that we’re married?”

“Did you tell your Daddy?”

“He doesn’t care. Besides, as much as I’d like to ravage your body, we don’t have time before lunch. It’s just a shower.”

It was a lot more than just a shower. They didn’t have sex, but they might as well have.

Josh’s dresser and closet were well stocked. He wrapped Channie up in his soft-as-a-cloud robe then got dressed and took an armful of clothes to Hunter’s room. He said, “I’m going to go raid Liz’s closet. I’ll be right back.”

He closed the door before Channie had a chance to protest. She didn’t want to go chasing after him wearing nothing but a robe so she sat on the bed and braided her hair while she waited.

When Josh returned, he said, “Well that was creepy.”


“Digging around in my step-mother’s underwear.”

“Josh, I can’t wear her skivvies.”

“They’re brand new. The tag’s still on ‘em.” He tossed a pair of panties at her.

Channie caught them and set them aside. “Give me one of your shirts and a pair of boxers.”

“No way, babe. Not while Hunter’s here. I want you covered. Besides, I already called Liz and asked her. She told me where all the new things were.”

“Why didn’t you say so?”

Channie was surprised by how well Liz’s clothes fit her body. When they opened the door, Hunter’s voice echoed down the hall. He was still in the shower, singing at the top of his lungs. Josh said, “Wait here,” and slipped into Hunter’s room.

Channie heard him banging on the bathroom door. Hunter, apparently, did not. He continued singing.

Josh said, “Okay, you asked for it.”

The shower shut off, Hunter yelled “Hey,” and Josh darted back out into the hall. He had some sort of an electronic device in his hand.

“I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. Watch this.” He pressed a button.

Hunter yelped then swore. A few moments later, the bedroom door creaked open. Hunter peeked around it and narrowed his eyes at Josh. “How’d you do that? Magic?”

Josh waved the gadget in front of Hunter’s face. “Remote control. Get dressed and meet us downstairs for lunch. I’m starving.”

Channie sat between Josh and Carmen and tried not to drool as she inhaled the wonderful aromas of bread, cheese, and potato soup. Ezra squeezed Josh’s shoulder then sat at the head of the table.

They all laughed when Hunter sauntered in wearing Josh’s clothes. He’d rolled up the cuffs of the jeans and sweatshirt, but he still looked like a clown. He grinned and said, “You don’t happen to have a belt I could borrow, do you?”

Josh said, “Sure, but why?”

“Your pants are too dang skinny. I cain’t even zip em up.” He grabbed the waistband through the thick fabric of his sweatshirt and wiggled his hips as he tugged. “But without a belt, I cain’t keep ‘em pulled up.”

Ezra said, “You kids go ahead and eat. Hunter, what size pants do you wear?”

“Whatever size my brothers outgrow that’s still got some wear left in ‘em.”

Carmen licked her lips as she ran her eyes over Hunter. “I’d say you’re about a 34 inch waist and maybe a 36 inseam.” Hunter smirked at her and puffed his chest out as he stood a little taller. She pulled her gaze away from him with obvious effort and turned her attention to Ezra. “Would you like me to run to the mall and pick up a pair of jeans for our guest?”

“Finish eating. I’ll see what I’ve got in my closet. I’m sure Hunter can keep his pants on until I get back.” Josh snickered then covered it up with a fake cough that didn’t fool anyone.

Carmen said, “How old are you, Hunter?”

Hunter’s smirk widened into a grin. “Old enough.”

Channie rolled her eyes. “He’s seventeen.” It looked like Hunter was ready to start working on his “distraction” plan.

Carmen’s smile turned into a pouty frown as the level of lust in the room decreased by half. “Too bad.”

Hunter said, “I’m twenty-one. I just look young for my age.”

Josh laughed and said, “You are not twenty-one.”

“How old do I need to be?”

Ezra stepped around the corner with a sweater and pair of jeans. “At least eighteen and I’d need to see a driver’s license before I let Carmen corrupt you.”

Channie’s eyes widened as she stared at Josh and raised her eyebrows.

He said, “I told you he doesn’t care. What happens on the third floor stays on the third floor.”

Ezra handed Hunter the clothes and said, “As long as it’s legal.”

Hunter said, “I got a driver’s license upstairs in my wallet that says I’m twenty-one.”

Josh said, “Yeah, but whose name’s on it?”


Channie said, “Which one of your brother’s is missing his license?”

Hunter folded his arms across his chest and sat back in his chair. “What difference does it make iffen we’re both willing?”

Josh said, “Carmen is more than three years older than you, which makes you jailbait.”

“Are you telling me that a woman can go to jail for laying with a man younger than her?”

Ezra said, “If you’re asking if an adult woman can be prosecuted for having sex with a minor, the answer is yes.”

“But … why?”

“To protect naive and vulnerable young men like yourself.”

“From what? Having a good time?”

Carmen said, “There’s plenty of girls your age that would be more than happy to show you a good time.”

“And risk getting shot by their daddies and brothers. No thanks.”

Ezra and Carmen laughed.

Josh said, “He’s not kidding. It’s a different world where he comes from.”

Ezra said, “I’d like to hear more about that. Why were you gone so long, son? When you said you were going to go visit Channie’s Aunt for a few days, I assumed you’d be home well before Christmas.”

Josh took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Can I talk to you … in your office?”

hour later, Josh came into the basement where Channie, Carmen and Hunter were watching a movie and said, “Channie. My dad wants to talk to you.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“No. But I am.”

She stepped outside the media room and pulled the door shut, silencing the explosions, gunfire and screams blaring out of the speakers. “What’s going on? You didn’t tell him you’re a mage, did you?”

“No. I don’t think he’d be able to handle that bit of news after I confessed that we got married.”

“You told him we’re married?” Channie threw herself at Josh and hugged him. “So, we can live together after all. This house is so big, it’ll be like having our own place.”

Josh disentangled himself from her embrace, but held onto her hands. “We aren’t legally married.”

Channie grabbed Josh’s arms and said, “Of course we are. Aunt Wisdom bound us. Remember? Beneath the moon and wedding bower, join your hearts with ancient power. Look upon each other’s face, and bind yourselves with courage and grace.”

Josh cupped her face in his palms and said, “Of course I remember. And as far as I’m concerned, we don’t need a piece of paper to make it real. But my dad’s a lawyer and nothing short of a legal document is going to convince him.”

Josh escorted Channie to Ezra’s office then left and shut the door. A massive desk filled the room with its commanding presence, but Ezra was sitting on a black leather sofa against the wall on her left. He patted the space next to him and said, “Have a seat.”

Channie’s feet moved without her permission, as if Ezra had cast a spell on her. She sat on the edge of the cushion and stared at her clenched fists in her lap.
We are married. I don’t care what he says. Josh is my husband and I am his wife.

Ezra said, “So, Josh tells me you believe that the two of you got married in Arkansas.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Channie, look at me.”

She lifted her gaze. Ezra looked like he’d aged ten years since lunch. “Do you think Josh was trying to trick you so you’d have sex with him?”

“No!” Channie jumped to her feet. “It wasn’t even his idea.”

“Whose idea was it?”

Oh crap. How could she explain this without telling him about the Book of the Dead and magic?

When all else fails — lie. “It was my Aunt’s idea. She saw how much we loved each other and wanted us to be happy so she married us.”

“Is she a judge or a minister?”

Channie shook her head.

“Channie, are you pregnant?”

“I don’t think so.” After the first night, Josh had always used protection. But her monthly cycles had never returned after all the moon curses she’d cast on herself.

Ezra rubbed his forehead and said, “But it’s a possibility?”

Channie dropped her gaze to the floor and shrugged her shoulders. The forest green carpet felt like moss under her bare feet. She wished she could just sink into its depths and let it bury her alive.

Ezra reached out and took one of her hands. He shepherded her back to the sofa. “I’m not judging you or Josh. Although I have a hard time believing he thought a backwoods ceremony would be legally binding. Do your parents know?”

A whole body tremor shook Channie’s frame. “No. Please don’t tell them. They can’t find out. It’s a matter of life-and-death.”

Ezra nodded. “Josh told me about your parents. I’m concerned about your nephews.”

A tightening sensation crept up from Channie’s chest to her throat as she thought about the trips. “I’m sure they’re fine. Momma and Daddy aren’t as strict with them.”

“Still, I’d feel better if a social worker paid a visit to evaluate the situation.”


“Do your parents know you’re back?”

Channie shook her head. “I don’t want them to know.”

“I could get into a lot of trouble for harboring a runaway.” He handed Channie his cell phone. “You need to at least let them know you’re safe. And if they have no objections, you may stay here as long as you like.”

Channie’s eyes filled with tears. She missed her family something fierce, but there’d be hell to pay once Momma and Daddy got their hands on her. Especially since she couldn’t threaten to curse them anymore. But she didn’t want Ezra to get into trouble with the law, so she dialed the house.

Courage answered the phone. “Hello. This here’s Coco Belks. Who you wanna talk to?” She let out a little gasp when the sound of his voice went straight to her heart. She’d done a pretty good job of keeping her feelings for the trips under control, but now that they were so close, her emotions overwhelmed her. She had to see them, hold them, kiss their chubby little cheeks.

“Hey Coco. It’s me, Channie.”

“Channie? Hey guys, it’s Channie!

She had to hold the phone away from her ear as the trips fought over it.

Zeal eventually won out.
“Where are you?”

“I’m close.” That’s all they needed to know.

The high-pitched squeal of delight nearly ruptured her eardrums.

“Zeal, honey, calm down. I need to talk to Granny.”

“She ain’t here.”

Channie did not want to talk to Daddy. But she didn’t have a choice. “All right, put Grandaddy on the phone.”

“He ain’t here neither.”

“Then who’s taking care of y’all?”


“You said Grandaddy wasn’t there.”

“He ain’t.

Zeal sighed into the phone, obviously losing patience with her.
“Momma’s taking a nap so Daddy’s taking care of us.”

“Daddy? Whose daddy?”

“Our daddy. He wants to talk to you. Here.”

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