Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

BOOK: Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)
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This book is work of fiction. Names, characters, places,and incidents are the product of the autho
s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental


© 2015 Kimberly Blalock

Bella #1 A Sagatori family saga by Kimberly Blalock

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Cover art created by Kimberly Blalock

Copy and Line Editing- April Newman

Interior Design-Kimberly Blalock






A Mafia



This book is dedicated to

My Nephew EJ


My friend Jennifer Moran.

You were both taken away suddenly this year. Your spirits were amazing, your love was as bright as the sun, and you loved everyone without judgment.

You are both angels watching over us, now. Thank you for allowing me to know you. May your beautiful spirits rest in peace as you sit in the kingdom of God.

More books from Kimberly


The Angel Trilogy

His Angel

My Demons

Our Sins

A Sagatori family saga

Bella #2 coming soon

All books can be found on the (Book) page

at the below link

Stay connected with my books and updates



Chapter 1

My lungs filled with air and quickly released, while my bare feet took me away from wha
d happened. The trees were thick and the burn from impact as I came into contact with each one I passed was horrific. Leaves crunched beneath my feet and tree limbs snapped with each giant stride I took towards my freedom.

The highway was close, it had to be. We came in on the highway.
Oh God. Do
t panic Bella. Just run.

My breathing became shallow and heavy, sweat dripped from my forehead. Heat rose from my body.
d pass out soon if I did
t stop running. I needed to get to the highway. I needed help.

My eyes flickered into the distance when a bright light flashed against the trees.


d found it.

My feet relentlessly moved me forward; my breath became harsher, leaving my throat and lungs to burn. I needed to rest.
d been running for thirty minutes, at least.

I burst through the last set of thin trees as a bright light blinded me. A loud screeching screamed through my ears, leaving me to gasp as I pulled my hands to cover my face.

The car was going to hit m

My body stiffened ready for impact.
Why the hell was I just standing there?
I tried to get out of the way but remained where I was because
d been frozen with panic. I did
t know which way to go, which way to run. A horn blared from the on-coming vehicle as it turned. The headlights shifted into another direction, then skidded into the oncoming traffic as it stopped on the shoulder on the other side.

Oh, thank God!               

A breath gushed from my lungs with pure gratitude that I had
t been hit. The adrenalin that seeped through my veins before I ran to this highway crashed, leaving me falling to my knees in the middle of the road.

My feet were bare and sore. Panties and a tank were the only clothing that covered my frozen body. My knees gave out, hitting the pavement hard. Pain shot like lightning up my thighs.

Are you fucking crazy
” A voice reverberated.

I attempted to raise myhead so that I could beg for help, only to sag against the pavement further. I wanted to jump to my feet and get the hell out of there and call Papa, but my arms and legs felt like one-hundred pound weights were tied to them and gave out against my strong protest. I was exhausted and out of breath. My throat burned.
d just run a mile and I did so without stopping to catch my breath once.  Exhaustion was an understatement. 

Hello? Hey
” The strong voice was closer and the tone had descended from cross to circumspect, leaving me hopeful.

My hand crawled along the rough pavement so that I could brace myself to rise. I saw dried blood covering my hands and nails. The bright light shined, leaving it easy to see what
d done earlier.

s get you out of the road
” The man that once yelled angrily said with vigilance.

Warm hands covered my shoulders, then my arms, wrapping me into safety and off of the road. I worked my tongue in my mouth to speak but it was difficult and felt like cotton had been stuffed into my cheeks. I needed to call Papa before it was too late.

” My voice was almost inaudible because of the dryness but I cried out as loud as I could. I was jostled against his chest as he crossed the highway with composed strides taking us away from the oncoming traffic. More horns blared and bright lights flashed causing my eyes to close tightly with my head and nose pressing against the silk of his shirt.

The air was bitter cold, leaving my entire body frozen, but my feet seemed to have gotten the brunt of the trauma.

m going to sit you inside of my car, okay
” He said with benevolence. For the first time in a day I found reassurance and hope that I was
t going to be at the mercy of a killer, at least not tonight.

I nodded, giving approval as he sat me down inside a warm luxurious car.  I had
t realized that it was a limo until I took a good look around me. The interior was sleek. A bright strip of light stretched out against the entire area. My body was quickly warmed from the seat while warm air also blew against my shivering skin.

My eyes flashed to his and saw that he was watching me intently. I did
t know what to say or do
” I asked, the word barely escaped from my burning throat. He shifted across my body, gripping the seat as he entered. He reached inside of a bar and retrieved a bottle of water.  I gulped the water from the plastic container as quickly as I could all while I watched him from my otherwise motionless position, grateful that h
d found me
Thank you
” I wiped a few drops of water from my mouth with the back of my hand.

He did
t respond and instead picked up a ringing phone, answering it with sterntone
In a moment

He growled as he nestled his long suit clad legs inside the space. His eyes never left mine. His large hand adjusted his cuff links then quickly disconnected the phone, settling it inside of his jacket
Are you hurt
” His tone was flat and bla

. Did he really care?

My eyes followed to my lap, seeing bloody fingers and knowing I had nowhere to hide my hands. I did
t feel hurt, other than my scrapped knees and battered feet. I was okay physically. I did
t doubt
d be sore tomorrow
I do
t think so
” I shake my head, rising to his intent stare.

His eyes wondered along my body with dark intentions flickering. When he blinked, the darkness magnified as his eyes bore into mine
Why were you in the middle of a highway at one in the morning
” He asked me accusingly. I didn't know him what difference did it make to him?

Regardless of his interestI couldn't tell him wha
d happened. I did
t know him. He was nice enough. H
d helped me. But telling him would put him in danger and I wasn't prepared to do that to an innocent man whose only crime had been to help me.

Could I use your phone to call my father
” H
d know what to do. He'd always known what to do.

He was silent as his hand slippedinside of the expensive suite jacket that covered his large frame. He recovered the phone
d asked to borrow and held it out for me.

My hand raised to his, making a bit of contact with the warmth of his hand. I shuddered and turned my head slightly, hoping he had
t noticed. I did
t think he noticed, so I simply tucked the phone into my palm and reached for the door handle.

Where are you going
” His body leaned forward as he pressed his hand against the leather seat.

My heart beat fiercely wondering if I could trust this stranger. He seemed nice, but a stranger in the dark none-the-less. My grip became too rigid against the metal handle. His eyes scanned me questionably. As the seconds ticked by, I felt like running was the best option, but I knew I would
t last another five minutes in the harsh Detroit cold, especially in what little I had on My body.

My lips scantly parted
m going to step out to call my father
” My voice was meek. He could
t hear what I needed to say and I could
t very well ask him to get out of his own car.

re not wearing any clothing
” He gestured his hand towards my naked body
You should stay in the warmth of the car. 
ll step out and give you your privacy
” My eyes followed as he did in fact step out of the car, closing the door gently behind him, and leaned his body against the door.

I wasted no time with my fingers swiped across the screen pulling up the dialed pad. I dialed my fathe
s number and impatiently waited for him to answer.

” He answered with booming hostility.

” I took a deep breath with comfort that he was okay.

Isabella? Where are you
” His question was commanding. Papa was always commanding. He was the boss of the Sagatori crime family.

They took me Papa. Listen to me! You need to get away. He is
t playing games

specific Isabella. Who took you

” I hesitated
ll explain later. For now Papa, I need you to get Tony and Sal and go to the safe house
” The line was silent
Papa? Did you hear me
” Silence
Papa? Tony and Sal, get them
” I insisted into the phone hoping to God they had
t arrived to kill Papa already.

m here. Where are you?
m coming to get you right away
” He finally answered.

I do
t know
” My eyes wondered out into the darkness of the night only to see a few flashes of light belonging to the passing cars
On a highway. A man in a limousine stopped to help, Papa.
m safe
” My head shook with impatience.

Very well,
ll meet you at the safe house and yo
ll tell me wha
s happened
” I'd do anything he asked as long as he was safe.

Yes Papa. But you have to go now
” I explained apprehensively.

Isabella, you do
t worry about your Papa. Are you sure yo
re safe

My eyes broke across the line of windows finally landing on the tall man that waited patiently against the car
m safe. Hurry
” I risked my voice raising an octave without drawing attention to my conversation.

I look forward, seeing the partition was still raised and the driver could
t see me.
d been in limousines more than regular cars. Up until college, Papa insisted on it. H
d said he was keeping me safe. But I just wanted to be a normal girl and drive my own car instead of
being driven
everywhere I went. So you could say
m not really big on them. Might be a bit of resentment I hang onto from my sheltered life.

Getting into the limo now
” He said composed. My fathe
s the administration of the Famiglia. He was always composed, he never showed weakness. He couldn't, if he was to remain in charge and stay in the position he held as head of this family. Ther
s never time or tolerance for weakness. Weakness gets you killed.
ve seen that happen time and time again with Pap
s crew. The Cosa Nostra does
t tolerate weakness from anyone not even the woman they protect under a tight, restraining, watchful eye.

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