Belle (14 page)

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Authors: Beverly Jenkins

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Young Adult

BOOK: Belle
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Mrs. Morgan snapped at her sons, “What is the matter with you two?!”

Only then did Belle see the change in them. The dancing light had gone out of their eyes. They were thin and tired-looking, and the borrowed clothes fit badly. The kidnapping and its terrible aftermath had done something to them.

Adam apologized. “Beg pardon, Belle. We promised ourselves we’d do that as soon as we got back. It’s what kept us going.”

Belle didn’t know what to say to such a declaration. It was quite apparent they’d not had a good time of it. “No apologies needed. We’re all just glad you’re here and safe.”

Mr. Best cleared his throat and said, “I know you two have been through an ordeal, but if you ever treat Belle like that again, you’ll be visiting my woodshed.”

Mrs. Morgan added, “And I’ll be providing the wood.”

Both Morgan brothers nodded their understanding, but their smiles were thin, not the full, careless grins they wore before Watson altered their lives.

Daniel asked, “How about a welcome-home party? Are you two up to one?”

Jeremiah replied, “Sure, why not? Might be fun, but make it next week. Give us time to get our sea legs back.”

“And the smell of the pens out of our skin,” Adam cracked bitterly.

Belle knew all about slave pens. They were stocked with slaves destined for the public auction block, but mostly held the old, the dying and the desperate. They were filthy, miserable places. Her mother had languished in one for two months before a buyer could be found.

As everyone prepared to leave, good-byes and hugs were exchanged. It was a bittersweet reunion, and when it was over they all went home.

Later that evening, up in Belle’s room, Jojo was slowly leafing through the dress plates featured in the latest edition of the
Godey’s Lady’s Book.
“You know, Belle, if two men ever kissed me the way those woodenheads kissed you, I’d’ve probably swooned right under the train.”

“It was rather overpowering,” Belle admitted. For someone who’d never been kissed before last week, Belle had them coming at her in droves it seemed.

Jojo asked then, “Who was the best kisser, Adam or Jeremiah?”

Belle was flabbergasted by the question. “Jo?!”

“What? It was just a question.”

“Pretty personal, don’t you think?”

“We’re girlfriends, Belle. We’re supposed to tell each other everything.”

Belle chuckled. “Oh, really?”

“Yes,” Jojo replied insistently.

“I have to admit, we are girlfriends, but—”

“But what?”

“I still can’t answer your question because I don’t know which one kissed the best.”

“Why not?”

Belle shrugged and confessed. “I don’t have a lot to compare them with, I guess.”

Jojo admitted, “Me either.”

Jojo leaned back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling for a moment, and asked, “Belle, what kind of man do you want to marry?”

Belle leaned back and looked up, too. She thought for a bit, then said, “Someone who’s nice and loves me.” Belle turned her head and eyed Jojo. “What about you?”

“I want him to be handsome, strong and kind. Sort of like Papa.”

Belle smiled. Mr. Best would be an ideal model.

Jojo added, “Even though he and Mama disagree sometimes, they always kiss and make up. I like that.”

Belle did, too.

Jojo said, “I think Dani would be much happier if he was going to marry you, Belle.”

Belle sat up, but she didn’t say anything.

Jojo asked, “You are sweet on him, aren’t you—and lightning will strike you if you lie, Belle.”

Belle grinned. “Your brother’s right. You are a pest.”

Jojo rolled over and propped herself up on an elbow. “Never mind that, just answer the question.”

“The answer is yes, and if you tell him I said that, I’ll sew all your curling irons to your hair while you’re sleeping.”

“He likes you, too.”

“As a friend.”

“As more than a friend. I may be only twelve, but I’m not blind. I’ve seen the way he’s been watching you lately.”

“But he’s going to marry Francine, remember?”

Jojo shrugged. “There is that, but then maybe a miracle will happen. They happen all the time in those books Mama reads. The heroine faces all kinds of trials and tribulations, but always winds up with the right gentleman in the end.”

“I don’t think real life is that tidy, Jo.”

“Well, not for women like us, but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen, does it?”

“No, Jo. It doesn’t.”

“Then I say, Francine the Queen will be swept off to Kingdom Come in a giant snowstorm, and you and Dani will get married.”

Belle looked at Jojo and just shook her head. “You are something, Miss Josephine Best.”

“I know, and soon, you’re going to be my sister-in-law.”

Belle couldn’t do anything but laugh.


homecoming party for Adam and Jeremiah turned out to be an outdoor affair and was held at the Best home during the third weekend of June. Daniel and Mr. Best set up trestle tables, while Belle and Mrs. Best took shifts seeing to the food. Bea Meldrum contributed a bunch of chickens she’d received in payment for some healing she’d done, and once the birds were readied and seasoned, the pieces were set atop the grill manned by Mr. Best and Daniel. It seemed the whole community stopped by, bringing food, neighborly news and well wishes to Mrs. Morgan and her sons. There were sack races, horseshoe tossing and card games. Old men slapped dominoes, and young men eyed the well-dressed young ladies.

Francine and her entourage arrived late that afternoon. Belle didn’t pay them much attention because she and Mrs. Best were too busy attending to the needs of the guests. Belle did garner a particularly haughty stare from the Queen though, but ignored it.

Belle was in the kitchen taking some of her famous biscuits out of the oven when Jojo and her friend, Trudy Carr, came in.

Jojo announced sarcastically, “The Queen’s here.”

Belle set the hot pan on the counter. “I know, she sneered at me when I walked by.”

Trudy added, “Mr. Hood just arrived, too.”

Belle began buttering the hot pieces of bread. There was so much to do, she didn’t have time to be a part of the gossip. “Jo, will you take these out and set them on the table? Trudy, grab that pot of jam.”

“Sure, Belle.”

Belle turned to hand Jo the tray, but paused upon seeing Francine and a few of her friends coming in the kitchen’s back door.

Francine, dressed all in green today, trilled, “Belle, be a dear and find me some thread. I snagged my hem.”

Belle gave Jo the tray. “Thanks, Jo. Thanks, Trudy.”

The girls exited.

Belle then turned to Francine. “I don’t have time, Francine. I’ve a hundred things that need doing.”

“This is important.”

“So are these strawberries.”

The church’s reverend had brought over a basket full of the plump red berries. They needed washing and hulling before they could be enjoyed by the guests. Belle grabbed up the basket and headed to the door to take them to the pump, only to have Francine grab her by the arm.

“Did you hear me?” Francine asked, as if she were mistress and Belle her slave.

Belle slowly looked down at the hand on her arm, and then up into Francine’s eyes. “Remove your hand.”

“You will get me some thread.”

Belle snatched free. “You will get out of my way.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“Well, I’m your better, you ignorant little runaway. I’ll bet you can’t even read the word ‘strawberry’!”

That hurt. “You’d be right, Francine. Now move before I show you just how ignorant I am.”

Belle could see Jojo standing on the porch. Belle was sure she’d heard every word.

Francine had a nasty little smile on her face as she told her friends, “She actually thinks Dani likes her, as if he’d prefer an illiterate slave girl to me.”

Belle forced her way past Francine and out the door.

Jojo stepped forward, but Belle, her eyes thick with furious, unshed tears, didn’t slow. “Excuse me, Jo. I have to wash these berries.”

The laughter of Francine and her girlfriends burned her back as she fled.

Under the pretense of allowing Mrs. Best to enjoy the party, Belle spent the rest of the afternoon and the early evening managing the kitchen, but as darkness fell, she slipped out for some solitude behind the barn. There were a few folks still celebrating, but she doubted they’d miss her presence. She despondently plopped down on the log bench Daniel and his father used for their work breaks. Alone for the first time since her confrontation with Francine, Belle let the tears fall. She was angry, hurt, and for the first time since coming to live here, ashamed of her past. Francine was right; she couldn’t read the word
or even her own name, for that matter. She now understood what Mrs. Best had been trying to explain. The Francines of the world were unkind, and being un-educated gave them only one more stick to help build their fires.


It was Daniel.

Belle stood and quickly turned her back, hoping he wouldn’t see she’d been crying.

He could.

“Hello, Daniel.”

“Hello. I’ve been looking for you. Jo told me what happened.”

“Jo’s got a big mouth,” Belle said with a watery laugh.

“Are you all right?”

“No. No, I’m not.” She turned back to face him. “Will you teach me to read?”

Daniel scanned her for a moment. He sensed the seriousness behind the request and knew there was only one answer he could give. “Yes.”

“Tonight,” she said firmly.

He chuckled. “How about in the morning? By the time everyone leaves—”

“Tonight, Daniel.”

Daniel quieted. He sensed her anger and determination. “Sure, Belle. Whatever you want,” he told her softly.

She turned away. “I never want to hear myself called an ignorant, illiterate slave ever again.”

His lips thinned. Promise or no promise, he was through with Francine. How could she be so cruel? Belle had never hurt anyone. In fact, she’d gone out of her way to be as helpful and as nice as she could. “Do you want me to sit with you?”

Belle shook her head. “No. You go on back. I need to be by myself for a bit.”

Daniel didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay and comfort her, hold her until the hurt passed and her smile returned. “I’ll see you later then?”


After he departed, Belle sat alone in the dark, but she wasn’t alone for long.


Belle looked up. It was Mrs. Best.

“Hello,” Belle replied.

Mrs. Best came and sat beside her. “Jo told me what happened.”

“Lord, who didn’t she tell?”

“Don’t be upset with her. She loves you very much, and she was real angry with Francine. I had to send her in the house just now.”


“Wouldn’t stay out of Francine’s face. Caused quite a scene, actually. Even made up a story about Francine making time with the teacher, Mr. Hood.”

“She didn’t make that up.”

Mrs. Best went absolutely still. “What do you mean?”

“According to Jo and Trudy, Francine’s been hanging on Mr. Hood since he arrived. Brings him lunch. They’ve even seen the two kissing.”

Mrs. Best stared. “Are you sure?”

Belle shrugged. “As much as I can be. Jo doesn’t like Francine, but she’s not the kind of girl to go around making up things. She didn’t want to tell Daniel or you, so she told me. It was keeping her awake at night.”

“Why didn’t Jo tell me?”

“She thought you’d turn Francine into stone.”

Mrs. Best chuckled. “That child knows her mama well.”

They both smiled. Mrs. Best draped an arm across Belle’s shoulder and pulled her close. She kissed Belle’s forehead. “You know,” Cecilia said, “folks like Francine and her friends will be with you until you die. All you can do is improve yourself as much as you can, and then hold your head high.”

Mrs. Best pulled back a bit so she could see Belle’s face. “I know she hurt you, but you can’t run and hide. Not you. You walked all the way from Kentucky, young lady—that shows strength, fortitude and determination. Don’t you dare let gnats like Francine make you doubt your worth. We are all precious in His sight, and Lord knows, you’re terribly precious in mine.”

Belle was crying again.

Mrs. Best opened her arms and enfolded Belle with more love than Belle ever knew existed in the whole wide world. Mrs. Best whispered, “We love you very much, Miss Belle. Don’t ever forget that.”

As Belle’s tears ran down her face, she thought about what Jojo said about her mama’s hugs. Jojo was right; her mama’s hugs were wonderful.

A few moments later, after blowing her nose on Mrs. Best’s clean handkerchief and composing herself again, Belle declared, “The first thing I want to do is to learn to read. Daniel said he’d help.”

“That’s my girl. We’ll all help. When shall we begin?”

“I told Daniel tonight, but I’m calmer now. We can start tomorrow.”

“Good. Learning to read is the first step in improving yourself and in fighting back against all the Francines.”

“Well, I’m ready to arm myself.”

Mrs. Best nodded approvingly, then said, “In the meantime, what in the world do I do with this news about Francine and Mr. Hood?”

Belle shrugged. “Did Daniel hear Jo’s accusations?”

“No, he was out walking the Morgans to their carriage, but everyone else still there certainly did. Won’t be long before someone tells him.”

“Do you think he’ll believe them?”

“I don’t know,” Cecilia replied truthfully. “He’s been talking of marrying that girl since he was fourteen.”

Belle longed to reveal the promise Daniel had made to Francine’s drying mother, but because he’d asked her to keep his secret, Belle kept quiet on the matter.

Mrs. Best stood. “Well, I won’t meddle unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Daniel will come to me or his father if he needs guidance.”

She looked down at Belle. “All of our guests are gone home now, so how about we head back to the house and see if Jo’s still sputtering? Trudy’s spending the night. I’m hoping that will give my hotheaded daughter something to do besides plot Francine’s demise.”

Belle chuckled. “Jo’s a loyal friend.”

“That she is, and Francine’s going to think twice before taking her on again. Jo went at her like a terrier. Even though as a parent I had to send her to her room, I was very proud. Very proud.”

The laughing women struck out for the house.

Once upstairs, Belle stuck her head around Jojo’s partially closed bedroom door. “Knock, knock,” she called out.

Both girls looked up with grins. Jojo was doing Trudy’s hair. The room was thick with the smell of the smoky curling irons. Jojo asked, “How are you, Belle?”

“Much better. I just came to say thanks for standing up for me.”

Jojo said bitterly, “She’s a witch.”

Trudy added excitedly, “Oh, Belle, you should’ve seen the Queen’s face when Jojo dropped Mr. Hood’s name into the conversation. She went still as a post. I thought she was going to wither up and blow away.”

Jojo took up the tale. “Then she tried to call me a liar, but—”

Trudy giggled. “The damage was done.”

Jojo set more hair in the curler. “We think Mr. Hood stayed around because he was hoping to see Francine home, but when his name came up, he hotfooted it back to his horse so fast, you’d’ve thought he had Watson on his tail.”

Belle chuckled. “Sounds like I missed a good one.”

Trudy agreed. “Oh, you did. I’ll bet the Queen won’t have anything to say to Jojo after this.”

Jojo added sagely, “Not unless she wants more of her business spread.”

Belle shook her head with amusement. “Remind me never to get on your bad side, Josephine Best.”

Jojo smiled. “No danger of that, Belle. Belle’s going to be my new sister-in-law, isn’t she, Trudy?”

“Sure is,” Trudy agreed happily.

A laughing Belle rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you two in the morning. Good night.”

“Good night,” both girls called back.

Belle headed down the hall to her own room.



True to his word, later that night Daniel knocked on Belle’s door, ready to begin her reading lessons.

“Come in,” she called.

He opened the door to find the room empty and dark but for a small light from a lamp on the stand beside her bed. Then he saw her standing outside on the small porch attached to her room. “Belle?” he questioned softly.

She turned. “Hi, Daniel.”

“How are you?”

“Okay. Come join me.”

Daniel crossed her room, then walked outside to stand beside her at the thick wood railing.

The stars were out, and the night was filled with the call of crickets. She said, “The warmer it gets outside, the more I enjoy this porch.”

“My grandmother always did. Papa built it for her when she got too sick to come downstairs. I remember her reading to me out here. Then as I got older, I’d read to her.”

“I didn’t know my grandmother,” Belle confessed. “Was yours as kind as grandmothers are supposed to be?”

“Kind and fiery. She was Papa’s mama, and a Tory.”

“What’s a Tory?”

“Someone who supported the British during America’s War for Independence.”

“I know a little about that. July fourth, right?”

“Right. Only we in the North don’t celebrate that day.”

Belle was confused. “Why not? It’s my favorite holiday. All the fireworks and the food.”

“How can a country celebrate its independence while keeping three million souls captive?”

She now understood. “Never thought about it in those terms.”

“We celebrate August first instead.”

“Why August first?”

“Because on August first, 1834, the British freed its slaves in the West Indies. It was the beginning of slavery’s end in Great Britain, and abolitionists everywhere celebrated. Now it’s a holiday. There are parades and picnics and rallies all over the country.”

“But no July fourth?”

“Not for us, no.”

Belle thought on that for a moment. “I guess there are always two sides to things.”

Daniel nodded.

Belle looked up at the sky. It was such a beautiful night. “Are there books that can tell me the names of the stars?”


“The only one I know is the Freedom Star.” Belle scanned the sky until she found the constellation she knew as the Drinking Gourd. “There.” And she pointed at the star they’d followed North. She wondered if her father was following it North right now.

Daniel nodded. “The North Star’s one of the only ones I know, too.”

“Really?” Belle was surprised. “I always thought you knew a lot about everything.”

“I’m flattered, but nobody can know everything. It’s impossible.”


“There’s too much to learn. Most folks concentrate on learning school things first, like reading and mathematics, and then more about the things they really like. Stars, for instance.”

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