BelleBehindBars (2 page)

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Authors: Wynter Daniels

BOOK: BelleBehindBars
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“You wouldn’t, huh?” He shoved off the wall and she
immediately mourned the loss of contact. “You bureaucrats are something else.
Want to know why my people are so damn uncomfortable around you?”

Swallowing hard, she nodded, although she probably didn’t
want to hear what he had to say.

“Because people like you walk around this place with a stick
up your ass, thinking you know how to work a job you’ve never done. Down here
in the trenches they call you
Buchanan. Why? ’Cause you and
your cronies show your face here once or twice a year so you feel like you know
what’s going on when you don’t have a fucking clue.” He scrubbed a hand over
his face and turned away from her.

She took advantage of the opportunity to release the breath
she’d been holding. Why wasn’t she fighting back? She’d been vice president of
her high school debate team yet her mind turned to mush when he was around. “I
never thought of it that way, but I suppose you have a point. Which is why I
want to learn all I can from you.”

Granny always said you catch more flies with honey

This might take more than one shift. Her heart fluttered
when she thought about spending more time with him.


He’d made it clear he wasn’t interested a long time ago. Why
would he have changed his mind?

“I have to do my nightly check of the old jail building.
It’s a little creepy now that it’s empty and only running with the auxiliary
lighting.” He rolled his eyes. “When a power surge shorted out the electrical
system there, the chief elected not to have it fixed since they’re tearing the
place down in a few weeks.”

An excited shiver raced up her spine. Being alone with Ram
in a dark, deserted building sounded too enticing.

“I’ll understand if you don’t want to come.” He gestured
toward the breakroom behind her. “You can grab a cup of coffee and a snack
while you wait.”

She straightened. “I’m not afraid of the dark, Sergeant.”

But when he let her into the sixty-year-old building, she
wondered if she’d made a mistake. She stuck as close to him as she could as
they climbed the stairs and strode the catwalk.

Ram shined his flashlight into each cell but the
illumination didn’t banish the scary. Shadows took on macabre shapes as their
footsteps echoed in the cavernous space. Something slithered over her boot. She
immediately looked down and saw a dark, furry creature at her feet.

Belle’s scream felt as if it pierced Ram’s eardrum. She
suddenly attached herself to his back, hooking her arms around his waist and
plastering her curvy body to him.

He stumbled but quickly regained his balance. “What the—”

“A rat! There’s a rat.” She tightened her death grip around
him. “On the floor. Kill it!”

He ignored the fact that his pants were growing
significantly tighter in the groin area and instead, trained his flashlight on
his feet, checking the immediate area. Either she’d imagined it or she’d
frightened the poor creature as much as she had him. “It’s gone, Belle. Calm
down.” He peeled her hands off him. Taking her wrist, he pulled her around him
and tucked her against his chest. So much for her precious protocol.

“I-I’m sorry.” She smoothed down a few hairs that had
escaped her bun. “I don’t like rats.”

With that, another one ran across the catwalk a few feet in
front of them. She let out a terrified cry then buried her head into the crook
of his arm.

She whimpered and trembled like a scared kid. He grasped her
shoulders and forced her back a few inches, enough so he could see her face.
God, she looked so helpless and frightened. His breath locked in his throat.
“Don’t worry. It’s gone.” She’d never last in the trenches. “You know if they
put you in operations you’ll have to learn to make peace with vermin.”

Her eyes widened. “But we spend all kinds of money on traps
and poison.”

He nodded. “And none of that stuff can be placed anywhere an
inmate can access it. There’s too much space left unprotected. I hope you don’t
have the same reaction to cockroaches.”

“Of course not. I’ve seen several in the administration
building.” She shivered then hugged her arms around her torso. “How bad are
they in your building?”

He didn’t want her to be his boss, but he couldn’t lie to
discourage her. “Not too bad. We only see a couple a week.”

“A week?” She backed a few inches away, putting space
between them. Damn, maybe he shouldn’t have reassured her. He’d enjoyed having
her so close, feeling the pull of her hot body. He skimmed his gaze over her
and his balls ached with need.

“Can I ask you something?”

He straightened. “Of course.”

Her eyes shuttered. “When you took me out a couple years
ago, what happened? I thought we had a connection.”

Shit. He hadn’t expected that. He knew he’d handled breaking
things off with her badly. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was going through all
sorts of heavy stuff. I should have explained all that better. I’m sorry,
Belle. You’re right. I definitely wanted to explore that…connection.” Who was
he kidding? She’d scared the hell out of him with that curvy body and her
gorgeous face. He’d felt such a powerful attraction that he’d run like a
frightened kid.

Her expression softened as she looked up at him. But
something changed in those eyes. He reached for her glasses and pulled them off
her face to be sure.

Son of a bitch

There it was, written all over her face. Desire.

Not that he could deny his own. Shit, it was obvious from
the huge bulge in his pants. He slid his hands down her arms and pulled her
against him, against his erection.

She was breathing harder, staring at his mouth, lifting on
her toes to get closer. Something primal and undeniable overtook him. He
slipped her glasses into her breast pocket then lifted her wrists to the bars
behind her and watched her eyes darken with passion. And something else. She
wanted him to manhandle her.

The scent of her arousal permeated the air. Sealing his lips
over hers, he took her mouth, hard and rough. Belle squirmed against him,
rubbing her body over his erection. Oh yeah. She had a need that spoke to him,
an unfulfilled need.

God, she tasted so good, he couldn’t stop kissing her. She
moaned into his mouth, let him know she was just as turned-on as he. Moving one
hand along her side, he longed to rip the uniform off her, to feel her luscious

She twined her fingers around the bars, breathing heavy.

Is it my imagination or are my instincts on target?

He cupped her breast. The point was so rigid he could feel
it poking against her shirt. Breaking their lip lock, he lowered his mouth to
her other breast and caught her nipple through the fabric. The harder he bit,
the more she squirmed and moaned.

“Yes, oh yes,” she whispered.

He reached between her legs and rubbed her, nearly scorching
his hand on her heat.

I’ll be damned

He didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that
she’d probably enjoy having him tie her up. The way she held on to the bars was
a dead giveaway. Belle had an unfulfilled desire to be dominated and the idea
of having his way with her heated up his blood. She might be his superior, but she
needed to be mastered in the bedroom and he was just the man for the job.

Chapter Two


Wonderful, sinful sensations had Belle paralyzed with
yearning. She gripped the cold metal bars as Ram touched and bit and turned her
into a whimpering puddle of a woman. Her finger grazed something hairy on the
metal bar and she startled and shoved away from the cell.

Ram instantly backed off. “What?”

She wiped her hands on her pants, trying to mentally shift
gears. “I-I thought I felt something. Some sort of spider or bug.” She

Ram stood taller and clasped his hands. “This obviously
isn’t the time or place.”

Of course he was right, but still, the disappointment stung.
“No, it’s not.”

“But I know what you need.” He cocked an eyebrow and she
forgot all about that silly spider or whatever it was.

“Oh?” Her body quivered at the tone of his voice, which was
laced with carnal intent. “What is it that I need?” Before she had time to
react, he grabbed her arm, spun her around and pushed her against the bars.

His rock-solid chest crushed into her back. He took her
earlobe between his teeth and raked it none too gently. When he released it,
his breath gusted warm over her neck yet goose bumps sprawled over her skin.

A pleasured chill rolled over her body. Her heart raced and
her pussy pulsed, slick with desire.

“You want to be mastered.” His voice—more a growl—vibrated
through her.

“I do?” Yes, yes, yes. She spent so much time and energy
making sure she appeared totally in control on the job. All she wanted was to
let go and have someone else control
. Someone big and powerful like

He slid his hand around her neck, under her chin. Easing her
head back so she could see his face, he grinned. “I’m that master, Belle.”

“You are.” Tides of delicious anticipation flooded her
senses. She couldn’t believe he wanted to dominate her, exactly as she’d
yearned for in her fantasies.

“You know, when we moved out of this building, we threw some
outdated equipment into a cart to get rid of it.” He circled his free arm
around her and pinched her nipple. Hard.

She bit back a pleasured sigh.

“There was this leather restraint system. You buckle it
around a bunk. Or a bed. One of the older kind we phased out a few years back.
Are you familiar with that particular device, Belle?”

“Mm hmm.” Part of her job was to maintain the computer file
of the equipment inventory. She remembered seeing the contraption in the
catalogue. Just the artist’s rendering of it had gotten her juices flowing. The
jail had a more modern restraint chair that they used now.

“Instead of letting an inmate worker take that device to the
Dumpster, I think I’ll throw it in the back of my truck. Dispose of it
elsewhere. Does that meet with your policies and procedures?”

She thought about having her wrists and her ankles strapped
into the thick leather buckles and lust swamped her. “Yes.” Her job forced her
to be completely in control every moment. Totally giving up that control would
be an erotic dream come true.

“Maybe I can scrounge up some discarded handcuffs and belly
chains, hmm? All kinds of toys for us to play with.”

Her pussy quivered with anticipation. She managed a squeak.

“I think you’ll like it. I know
will.” The hard
evidence of his arousal pushed into her back. “You be at my house tomorrow
evening at eight. Do not be late. Understand?”

She could hardly breathe. “Yes.”

He tilted her head back farther. “Or else there will be

“Oh yes.” She could only imagine what those consequences
might be.

He let her head go then gave her a kiss on her cheek before
taking a step away from her. “Let’s finish this tour, Lieutenant.”

She gingerly turned around to face him as he straightened
his pants and wiped a hand over his flattop.

They strode through the rest of the building, checking doors
and locks as if nothing had happened. Belle had to remind herself the incident
wasn’t another dream. Ram really wanted to make her fantasies come true.

When she followed him inside the new building, she had to
concentrate on turning on her professional persona. No one would know there was
anything amiss in their courteous, respectful relationship.

Their professional relationship
Damn it.
She’d been so lost in their torrid encounter she hadn’t even considered the
policies and procedures when it came to dating officers of a different rank.
Not that half the employees didn’t break that rule, but now that she’d been
promoted she ought to set an example.

No one will find out

It wasn’t as if she or Ram would broadcast that they were
having a date. Well, more like a tryst than a date. Whatever happened, they’d
have to keep it to themselves.

All she could think about now was that hot, brief episode in
the old jail. Her mouth watered for more. She couldn’t wait until she could be
alone with Ram again.

* * * * *

Belle brushed on bright red lip-gloss then blew a kiss at
her vanity mirror. Her brown curls were particularly unruly tonight, but then,
she planned to be pretty naughty herself. Ram had told her he liked to see her
eyes so she’d opted to shed her glasses for the evening in favor of contacts.
She opened another button in the front of her black shirt, revealing a hint of
cleavage. And a flash of the red lace bra she wore underneath.

Slipping on her new red leather stilettos, she drew a
calming breath, but it did nothing to tone down her excitement for the evening
ahead. She sprayed perfume behind her ears then lifted her leather skirt and
gave her thighs a quick blast.

She strode to her car, jumped inside and started it up.
Checking the clock on the dash, she grinned. A quarter to eight. She’d be about
five minutes late—just enough to get Ram to exact some delicious form of
punishment upon her. Her pussy pulsed in anticipation.

Ram’s house sat on a large lot at the end of a dead-end
street. A cluster of pine trees and high hedges provided even more privacy.
Malibu lights lit the path to the door of the single-story ranch home.

She set a hand on her chest to calm her pounding heartbeat
after she rang the bell.

Ram opened the door and grinned when his gaze swept over

Awareness spread through her like wildfire.

Ushering her inside, he took her purse off her shoulder and
set it on a table near the door. In a pair of faded jeans and a black T-shirt,
he looked good enough to eat. “Any trouble finding your way?”

“Nope. Your directions were perfect.” The foyer opened to a
large living room dominated by a giant flat-screen television and a gargantuan
recliner. The sounds of a televised football game drifted through the air.
Typical man cave. To the right was a contemporary kitchen that looked clean and
not very different from hers.

“Can I get you a drink?” He led her into the kitchen.

She spied a glass on the counter half-filled with an amber
liquid. “Whatever you’re having.”

He quirked a dark eyebrow and gestured toward his drink.
“It’s scotch. You sure?”

She needed something strong to settle her nerves. “That’s
fine.” She scanned the room as he fixed her drink. A well-stocked spice rack
and a jar full of assorted kitchen implements told her he liked to cook, maybe
as much as she did.

“Here you go.” He handed her a glass, from which she
promptly took a healthy swig.

The scotch burned all the way down but relaxed her in mere

Ram stepped closer, backing her to the edge of the granite
counter. “You look nice.” He sniffed. “And you smell great.” Those turquoise
eyes darkened as he set his hands flat on the counter on either side of her,
boxing her in.

“Thanks.” He smelled pretty darn good too.

“So you say you didn’t have any trouble finding your way.
Yet you showed up late, huh?”

Would he punish her as he’d warned? Her nipples peaked and
rubbed against the stiff lace of her new bra, creating a wonderful friction.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Even after I warned you that could
lead to punishment. How daring of you.”

Her breath caught. “Yes.”

He pressed his body to hers and she felt his hard cock on
her belly. “You haven’t left me much choice, Belle, have you?”

She forced herself not to smile. “No.”

He slanted his lips over hers for a gentle kiss then licked
the seam of her mouth. His kiss was like none she’d ever experienced. He
plundered and explored. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn she’d given
him ownership of it. He tasted of scotch and desire.

Before she knew what was happening, he snatched her glass
from her, set it down then lifted her onto the counter. Now eye to eye with
him, she grew keenly aware that her breasts were actually heaving.

“No what?”

Arousal sizzled through her. “No…Master.”

That earned her a wink. “Good girl. Maybe I should let you
slide on that punishment.” He moved between her legs, slid his hands along her
bare thighs. “What do you think?” His fingers played with one of the buttons on
her blouse.

She lowered her head, ashamed to meet his gaze. “I think I
earned a punishment.”

He opened her top button then kissed the skin above it. She
leaned her head back to give him better access. When his tongue skimmed lower
and dipped into her cleavage, she held her breath at the tantalizing
sensations. He stopped abruptly and looked into her eyes. “You’re right. You earned
it.” Slipping his hands around her waist, he helped her off the counter then
took her into the living room. He sat on the brown leather couch then shut off
the TV.

She stood over him, waiting, wondering. Her pulse raced with

“Have you ever participated in any bondage and discipline
role play, Belle?”

She sucked in a deep breath. “No, I haven’t.” Gingerly, she
met his stare. “But I’ve fantasized about it.” Her cheeks heated.

“Then let’s make those fantasies a reality, shall we?”

When he patted his lap, his meaning hit her. She was so
aroused, she could hardly draw in a breath.

“Take off your skirt,” he commanded.

The temperature rose a dozen degrees. She immediately
unzipped her skirt then shimmied out of it and kicked it away.

“I like your panties.” His gaze heated her skin.

A heavy pulse throbbed in her pussy. She ached for his
touch. Climbing onto the couch next to him, she waited. “What do you want me to

“I want your hot ass right here where I can spank it.”

For so long she’d dreamt of having a man like Ram do naughty
things to her, things she was too embarrassed to voice. She crawled closer and
lay facedown over his lap.

He laid his big hand on her lace-covered backside. Hot,
sinful cravings rushed through her. When he peeled back the panties her pussy
clenched with longing. He touched her bare butt, smoothed his fingers lazily
over her skin. The anticipation was pure, delicious torture.


The first blow stung. By the third she was panting. The pain
instantly morphed into sinful delight. She clawed at the cushion, afraid she’d
have an orgasm right then and there. Ram slid a finger along her intimate lips.
She eased her thighs apart, only a little, hoping to encourage him to forage

He laughed. “Don’t rush it, Belle. I plan to make you wait
until I’m good and ready for you to come.”

Seething in lustful frustration already, she gritted her
teeth. “Yes, Master.”

He helped her up so she was sitting beside him. “It’s warm
in here. Don’t you think?” He lifted his T-shirt over his head and set it
aside. His shoulders bulged with muscle and his stomach was hard and smooth but
for a nicely defined six-pack.

She nodded as she chewed on her lip, wondering what he had

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”

She started unbuttoning her blouse, but he caught her hands
before she could continue. “Stand up and do it slow.”

Praying her legs weren’t too wobbly to hold her, she stood
and faced him. One by one she opened the buttons until her top hung open,
revealing her bra. She let the blouse slide off her shoulders and drop to the
wood floor. Standing before him in only her underwear and red heels, she
quivered with carnal longing.

Ram licked his lips. His hard-on looked ready to break
through the zipper of his jeans. “Now take off your bra.”

Unhooking it, she met his dark stare then removed the lacy
garment. When he crooked his finger at her, she moved closer. “Yes, Master?”

“You have beautiful breasts. I want to taste them.”

Desire flared inside her as she stepped between his legs.

He shook his head appreciatively. “You want to be my sex
slave, don’t you?”

“Yes. Desperately.” Every nerve ending tingled with

“Then feed them to me.” His gaze landed on her bare chest.

Her heart double-timed. Cupping her breasts in her hands, she
offered him one.

Giving it a long, slow swipe of his tongue, he groaned.
“Mmm.” Then he pulled the tip into his mouth and rasped his teeth over it.

Her legs went weak so she leaned against him and let him
suck and nip and lick her nipple until she thought she’d pass out from the
pleasure. Ram moved to the other breast and gave it the same luscious
treatment. He pushed his hand between her legs and cupped her mound.

She rocked against his touch, moaning, desperate for relief.
But he refused to give it.

“Not yet, Belle.” Holding her by her waist, he eased her
back then stood up. “I’ve set up something special for you in the other room.”
Taking her hand, he led her down a hallway to a small bedroom.

A pillar candle on the dresser threw just enough light so she
could make out her surroundings. The single bed was covered in a blue bedspread
but the surface was terribly lumpy. The reason became clear when Ram threw back
the covers to reveal a leather restraint system strapped to the bed. Thick
cuffs for each arm and leg sat open, waiting. She pictured herself strapped in,
ready for whatever her Master chose to do to her. She grasped the doorjamb to
compensate for her weak knees.

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