Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1)
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Jilly," he said, pointing to the window.
Moonlight slipped through a small crack in the window coverings. "Remember what I told you that night four years ago in the solar?"
He threw open wide the coverings, sending the pale light spilling across the floor and bed where she lay.
"I said, the next time I made love to you in the moonlight, there'd be no stopping me. That still applies," he said, wearing a devilish grin.

e placed one knee on the edge of the bed, then the other, and slowly crawled toward her.
In the dim light, with his long hair loose about his face, he appeared wild and untamed. His dark eyes held an expression that could only be described as hunger.
Shivers of delight surged through Jillian, at the realization that 'twas she he was hungry for.

Lowering himself onto
the bed, he brushed his lips over her cheek, her neck, her ear. "Lass, you make me daft," he whispered against her hair, right before he covered her mouth with his.

was no ordinary kiss, but passion, pure and simple—the likes of which Jillian could never have imagined until that moment. Her lips parted, allowing his tongue to explore the recesses of her mouth. Then he took his mouth away, leaving her lips burning with the need for more. He kissed her face, the curve of her throat, her collarbone, before moving lower. Then he slowly traced the peak of her breast with his tongue, sending a wave of indescribable sensations washing over her. She moaned.

looked up, his dark eyes as sinful as his grin.
"Liked that, did you, lass?"

Aye," she somehow managed to whisper.
'Twas divine ecstasy and Jillian never wanted it to end.

is hand traveled over her stomach to the swell of her hip, where the shift still covered her. With a groan, he moved to her feet and grasped the hem of the garment. He pulled it past her hips, down her legs, and tossed it into the air.
Then he removed her slippers. With their gazes locked, he slowly peeled her stocking down her legs and over her feet one at a time. He sat back on his heels and studied her, uttering a curse or a prayer, Jillian didn't ken which, beneath his breath. "You've no idea how tempting you are, lying there clothed in naught but the light of the moon."

e lowered his body over hers.
She gasped at the sensation of his bare chest against her own.
His hand slid down to caress the skin of her inner thigh, leaving her tingling wherever his fingers touched.

Kade had died and gone to heaven.
That'd be the only reason he'd have an angel like Jillian in his bed. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to savor the sensuous reality of her being beneath him. He'd dreamed so long of having her there.
The softness of her breasts and shapely curves pressing against him caused him to tremble with desire. He'd planned to take his time with Jillian and explore every magnificent inch of her.
'Twas her first time. It had to be just right. But there was one problem.
His need for her was so great he didn't ken how long he could wait.
He positioned himself between her thighs. "Jilly, I'll not lie to you.
It'll hurt—at first. Then, I promise, it'll feel better."

She nodded, biting her lower lip.
"Aye, I ken it to be so.
No matter. I need you."

slowly pushed his way inside her, intent on causing her as little pain as possible. Just when he thought he had a smidgen of restraint left, she shifted beneath him.
He stopped moving and dropped his forehead to her shoulder, willing himself to regain control. For her sake.

Och! Kade, please," she pleaded, her breath coming in short pants as she shoved against him, trembling with desire.

's need for him ignited a raging fire in Kade he had no choice but to extinguish.
He pushed forward and she gasped.
Slowly he pressed on, when what he really wanted to do was to let go completely.
He clenched his teeth.
He had to hold on. For Jillian's sake.

moved with him, their bodies in complete harmony. Then she screamed, her nails clawing a trail down his back as she found her release.
'Twas at that moment he found his own. Kade collapsed on top of her, his heart beating like a drum against his chest.
Naught had ever come close to what he'd just experienced with Jillian. He swallowed hard, as a dozen different emotions washed over him. His most erotic dreams of her hadn't even come close to the real thing.
He couldn't move.
Hell, he could hardly breathe.

She ran
her hands over his back and shoulders. "I had no idea, Kade, no idea at all, that 'twould be so wonderful," she said breathlessly, awe and wonder evident in her voice.

He smiled to himself.
The lass had enjoyed the coupling.

How soon before we might do

's eyes popped open.
What have I unleashed?
Whatever 'twas, he liked it. He raised his head and looked down at her, his heartbeat and breathing not yet returned to normal.

She squealed as he
rolled over onto his back, taking her along with him, and proceeded to show her exactly how soon.


The next morning Kade and Jillian sat on the window seat in the solar, waiting for Galen to arrive.
He had intended for the three of them to meet the night before, but instead, had one of the servants take Galen a missive, changing their meeting to this morning. He was exhausted.
After their last bout of lovemaking, somewhere near dawn, he'd slept the sleep of the dead.
Even now all he wanted to do was crawl back to his room and fall into bed. But then his fiery wife would be in need of his attention. Again.
He'd manage somehow. He smiled to himself. With her lips puffy from his kisses and the blush in her cheeks, she looked lovelier than ever—except for that dreadful kertch. "Jilly, do you have to wear that thing," he asked, frowning.

Tis tradition, and you ken it. Once a woman marries, she wears a kertch."

Aye, I ken, but promise me one thing?"


You'll only wear it when we're outside the castle.
I like the way you look without it."

sighed and pulled it off her head. "Very well, if 'twill make you happy," she said, drawing his head down to her and kissing him passionately.

He moaned against her lips. He
'd never, ever tire of her kisses.

knock came at the door and the kisses abruptly stopped.


entered the solar and closed the door behind him.

jumped to her feet. "Tell me, what of Roderick and Winnie? Do they yet live?"

nodded. "Aye, Roderick does, for certain. I caught sight of him through one of the castle windows. He kens me, but he didn't see me. As for your servant, I don't ken.
A good portion of the village is being held in the dungeon.
They're being given their freedom only after they promise their allegiance to MacRae. I've already informed Kade that Sully, one of his best men, stayed behind to keep a close eye on MacRae. Perhaps he'll have more to say once we meet up with him at Lochstorm."

leaned against the fireplace. "Anything more?"

Galen glanced over
at Kade and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. A flash of humor crossed his face.
He opened his mouth to say something and thought better of it. "Aye, one of the villagers said their lady and young laird have disappeared.
The people are fearful their lives may have been taken by MacRae.
Just last evening, he brought the chieftains together and demanded their support.
If they refuse him, he's threatened to have their crops destroyed and their houses burned."

paced the floor, wringing her hands. "How dare he treat my people in such a manner!"
She turned to Kade.
"Please," she pleaded.
"Help me save my people.
Without your help, all will be lost."

couldn't bear to see her tears and the sadness in her eyes.
"Don't fret, Jilly.
I'll deal with Gordon MacRae.
All will be well."

"I trust what you say. When I return, with you at my side, my people will feel hope."

Kade frowned.
She wasn't going.
"Jillian, what is the best way to enter into the bailey without being easily seen?"

The postern gate through the curtain wall. I have a key."

Good. Where is it?"

In the sheath with my
sgian dubh
," she said.

Och, that will make it much easier to get inside the bailey and to initiate an attack," Galen said.

A job well done, my friend," Kade said, gently slapping him on the shoulder. "We'll leave for Lochstorm tomorrow at dawn. We've been at peace and the garrison hasn't been in a battle for some time. I fear they may have grown soft. MacRae's men are well-trained—or he'd not be paying for their services.
I'll tell Logan to have them out on the training field in one hour."

Galen leaned in close to Kade
—so Jillian wouldn't hear.
"Are you certain you have the strength left in you, lad? You look like hell," he whispered, a wide grin on his face.

Kade glared at him

kept right on grinning and winked.
"Congratulations on your marriage, Lady Jillian," he said much louder.

Much thanks, Sir Galen."

Please, Lady Jillian, call me Galen."

Then you must call me Jillian." She walked to the window, and stood with her back to them.

He turned to Kade.
"I'll see you on the field," he said, before once again leaving them alone.

knew Jillian was crying, though she made no sound. He went to her and put his arms around her. She buried her face against his chest, sobbing.

Don't cry so, Jilly," he said softly. "I gave you my word, and Kade MacLachlan's word is truth. Go to our bedchamber and rest. We'll talk later."

he managed a smile through her tears and nodded. Reluctantly, he released her and watched her go.


The sun beamed down from a blue sky when Kade strode across the training field wearing naught but his belted plaid and boots, carrying his broadsword and targe. As his presence became known, the men around him quieted, awaiting his instructions. "Since Lady Jillian became my wife, we've an alliance with the MacRaes. I'm certain by now you're all aware of the events that have taken place recently at Lochstorm."

Some of the men nodded, but others shook their heads.

"For those of you who are unaware, Gordon MacRae, a distant cousin of my wife, has taken complete control of the castle. He'll not easily give up such a coveted position.

garrison is made up entirely of a hired band of soldiers, well trained in the art of killing. When you're engaged in battle, remain alert at all times. A moment's hesitation could mean certain death. Except for a few of the younger men, the lot of you are seasoned warriors and have followed my father into many battles, as you have me since I became laird."

The garrison rais
ed their fists into the air, shouting a battle cry in unison.

Kade readied his
broadsword and targe then raised a brow inquiringly. "Who wishes to be the first man I best today?" he asked, searching their faces.

Tis I." Galen stepped out from behind the crowd.
He was the only one who'd ever beaten Kade, and that'd happened but once.
Grinning, he slid his targe onto his forearm, raised his broadsword and circled Kade.
"Are you ready to be defeated, again?
Judging by that trail of scratches down your back, it appears you've already been defeated once today, or mayhap even twice?" He raised his brows in question.

The men shouted and whistled
their approval. Kade glared at Galen.
Hell. He'd forgotten about the scratches. "Not today, my friend, not today," he said, keeping a close eye on Galen.
He waited for him to make the first move, and when he did, Kade was ready.


Jillian woke from her nap feeling much better about the situation at Lochstorm. Kade had promised her he'd take care of Gordon, and she believed him. She left the bedchamber and went in search of her husband. He wasn't in the library, or the solar, or the courtyard. Jillian hunted for him in the great hall. He wasn't there either. In fact, the room was empty. She stopped a young servant carrying a basket of eggs. "Where has everyone gone?"

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