Beneath The Skin (A College Obsession Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Beneath The Skin (A College Obsession Romance)
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“You’re still afraid of me, Nell.”

“I’m afraid of nothing.”

“If I’m being honest here, I’m kinda fuckin’ afraid of you, too.”

Her eyes change, staring into mine with intensity at those words. The tension is pulsing from her stiffened posture, her clenched hands, her unmoving arms and frozen face. I suddenly feel like I’ve just said exactly the right thing to reach her. She’s caught in my grip, hanging on my words.

“I’m afraid of you, Nell,” I go on, “because you’re really … fucking interesting.” I huff at the total inadequacy of those words and how difficult it is to articulate anything when I’m this damn close to her face. “And, like … you’re really … fucking hot.”

“Brant …”

“And you’re deep,” I finish. “You’re so deep. And I’m … I’m not.”

“Brant …”

“But I want to be. So fucking bad.”

She grabs hold of my shirt and pulls me into her face.

Our lips join, and I taste her at last.

Her tongue darts out, slips past my lips as if it were my own. I might say it tickles if it weren’t for the fluttering that suddenly chases up and down my body.

And then an entirely different fluttering happens when I feel her touch my arm, her fingers crawling up the length of it as we kiss.

My skin prickles, like the winter has cast an early cold front up the tiny hairs on my arms.

I can’t stand what it does to me, so I bring a hand to the back of her head and tangle my fingers in her beautiful, soft hair.

We pull apart for one moment, her eyes gently observing mine, my eyes hungrily staring at hers.

Then I pull her back in with a breathy sound, fisting her hair.

I don’t even know where I am when we kiss.

We’re on the move. Our feet create a dance as our tongues create another, until I back into a short platform and find myself sitting down on it. Nell straddles my lap, her tight ass pressing against my cock as she wraps her arms around me and tunnels into my mouth with her tongue.

And it’s a slow tunneling. It’s a slow, patient, dominating act with which her tongue caresses my tongue and her lips cover mine. It’s like a war of mouths that we’re both meant to win.

My phone buzzes with another text.

She doesn’t seem to hear it. And if she did, she’s ignoring it just as I am ignoring it, holding her firmly against my body as our mouths find the dessert that we didn’t bother getting at the restaurant.

The phone buzzes again.

She pulls away this time, staring expectantly in my eyes. We breathe heavily, staring at one another. My cock flexes by instinct, pushing up excitedly against her ass, and I give Nell a wiggle of my eyebrows.

“What?” she murmurs.

“My cock recognizes you,” I tell her very seriously.

She plays along. “Well, he ought to. He
met me more than once. Though I think he might be better acquainted with my foot.”

My phone buzzes a third fucking time.

She glances at it sitting on the pedestal next to me, then wrinkles her face. “Clay-Boy?”

I’d thought it was the dancer again
. “That’s my best friend who doesn’t live with me anymore.”

“The not-gay one?”


“With the actress girlfriend?”

“You know,” I say, pulling her in tightly, “as much as I’d love to sit here and chat about all my lovely friends, I’ve got a boner pressed against your ass that’s fast deflating at the mention of them.”

“Do you and your gay roommates mess around?” she asks. “Y’know, when you’re super horny and you—”


I grip under her thighs and lift her up, startling her to the point of earning myself a little shriek.

Carrying her to the kitchen, I set her on the counter, unbutton her jeans, then grip the waistband. She freezes, and we stare at one another challengingly.

“The idea of two guys getting it on kinda works me up,” she admits, finally lifting her hips so I can slide her pants off.

“Don’t say that around my roommates. You’ll give them ideas.”

“So you’ve thought of it?”

I grip her panties next. “Nope.”

“I talked you into becoming my art project. I think I can talk you into—”

I pull her legs apart and bury my face between them, and quite suddenly she can’t talk at all.

“Brant!” she howls, showcasing a vocal register I didn’t know she was capable of.

Yeah, I take full credit.

My lips turn her into a moaning, quivering mess as I grip her thighs, push my face into her, and gently have my first taste. Unlike every other girl on this campus, she doesn’t wax it bare. I kinda like the natural thing. It’s so …
Every breath I greedily take in is heaven. Each time she squeezes my head with her thighs, I plunge in deeper.

Her hand slaps down on my head to direct me exactly where she wants me, her fingers tangling in my hair and pulling so hard, it hurts.

I fucking love every second of it.

In response, I moan deeply, casting a wave of vibrations that I know she feels by the way her thighs squeeze me so hard, I feel my whole face turning red.

When she relaxes just a little bit, I gently insert one finger and turn the full attention of my mouth to her swollen clit, adding another finger when I feel her body respond to my expert touch.

I glance up to gage her reaction, sliding my free hand under her red top on a quest for her tits.

She gasps.

Found them.

My fingers invade her bra, discovering the flesh of her perky breasts. I grin at her reaction as an earthquake rockets through her body by my touch—though it’s hard to say which touch is earning the prize.

Just as my fingers find a nipple, I give it a less-than-gentle pinch as I continue pleasuring her below.

Her thighs convulse, threatening to dislodge my head.

She moans and grips my hair tighter, pulling at it as if she could get my face any deeper into her.

Turns out, she can.

“Fuck me!” she howls. “BRANT!”

I can’t say how many times my name’s been screamed out when I got my lady-licker this deep down a woman’s wishing well, but I’d say Nell’s wishes are all coming true by the sound of it.

“I’m close!”

I know.

And when she lets go, my face is bathed with the result of her orgasm and all of my hard work.

I don’t stop sucking and licking her, not until every last shockwave, tremor, and whimper is squeezed out of her and she’s nothing more than a puddle of flesh, panting in my arms.

I come up from between her legs, my cock painfully hard between my own and begging for its own release. She peers down at me as she catches her breath. From the sheen on her face, it seems I’m not the only one who worked up a sweat. She looks so damn beautiful right now, I could already take another dive.

No matter how badly I want to slam my cock into her and get myself off, I have to take this slowly. Tonight’s gotta be all about Nell.

Despite not-so-little Brant desperately disagreeing.

“I’ve never come that hard before,” she moans tiredly, then meets my eyes. “I feel so damn … greedy.”

“Tonight’s all about you,” I admit reluctantly, telling her what I think she wants to hear while ignoring the aching throb in my pants.

She considers that, tilting her head and letting all her hair fall to one side. “Wow, Brant. You
an expert in your field of study.”

“Maybe that should be my major,” I reply. “Women’s Studies.”

She chuckles dryly, then suddenly seems to become self-conscious, slipping off the counter and pulling her panties back up.

Wait, wait. I still haven’t gotten the official invitation into her bed. “Don’t get shy on me,” I tease, bringing a hand around and pulling her in for another kiss, rubbing her lower back. My cock hasn’t softened one bit, still aggressively pushing to be freed.

Her eyes still look playful, but her body stiffens. “You’re sweet,” she says suddenly. “Sweet, and … good at what you do. But … I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on. I was … caught in the moment.”

I stop moving my hand. “Nell?”

“You can’t stay.”

I watch her for a moment, confused by her sudden change in mood. And a bit frustrated, considering the situation in my pants. “Alright. I guess I can … uh …”

Really, it’s normally the other way around. After I’ve had my fun in the sun, I’m always the one to kick out the pretty girl before shit gets awkward. Am
the pretty girl, now?

“Don’t forget your phone,” she murmurs, pulling away.

I furrow my brow, bothered by her slight retreat from me. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, Brant,” she replies, “if my obnoxious moaning and squirming was any indication.” She stares at her hands, a guilty expression crossing her eyes.

“It wasn’t obnoxious. It was perfect. You’re perfect. Nell, why are you pulling away from me?”

“I’m afraid,” she answers dryly with a coy smirk, and I can’t tell if she’s mocking what I said earlier or if she means it. “Remember? I’m like, all afraid of you or … whatever.” She stumbles slightly on her way to the pedestal we shared a few moments ago, then retrieves my phone and returns it to me with an awkward, reluctant look. “I’m really sorry tonight didn’t turn out the way you wanted.”

“You were fine. I … wasn’t expecting anything. I just—”

“I’m sorry,” she whispers again, then turns her back to me, placing herself in front of a painting on an easel.

After giving her a moment, I slowly approach, gently place my chin on her shoulder, and let my lips graze her neck, which might or might not have been a mistake, considering how much stiffer my cock just got. But the longer I stand here behind her, the more I realize that …
isn’t happening.

If only my cock could get the memo.

I let myself see the painting we’re standing in front of. It’s a sweet little girl in watercolor—I think—and she’s cheerfully embracing this enormous dog at her side, except the dog’s head is missing. Or maybe she hasn’t painted it yet.

Or maybe I’m starting to notice a theme in her work.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmur in her ear. She doesn’t respond. “I’ll go,” I assure her, in case she still thinks I’m trying to weasel back into her tight, sexy pants. I might be, if I’m totally honest. “But let me see you again, at least. Please. Maybe … let me have your number, or like …”

I can feel her tenseness, even just through my chin on her shoulder.

I guess I can take a hint. When I sigh, my breath causes her hair to stir. “Alright,” I mutter, then slip away from her.

She says nothing and makes no movement as I cross her loft and let myself out through the sliding door. I take my time, just in case she changes her mind and calls out for me.

She doesn’t.

I hear the thumping of live rock music through the walls as I descend the stairs—a band rehearsing. I’m not sure if it’s my mood or what, but their music annoys the shit out of me and the lead singer can’t sing. Or maybe I’m pissed about my cock, which I have to keep adjusting in my pants as it slowly goes to sleep. Yeah, there’s a wet spot there. And yeah, I’m gonna have blue balls for hours tonight, I can tell.

By the time I get outside, I’m just plain angry.

Why do I feel like I’ve done something wrong? I treated Nell like a damn princess. Kinda. Did I push things too fast? Should I not have let my horniness control me, sending me down a path that led right between her sweet, womanly legs? I mean, I don’t have anything to feel sorry for, do I? Hell, I’m the one who made sure she got

When I reach the car, I make an unfortunate discovery. I stare at the jagged hole in the passenger side window, my mouth frozen half-open as I literally can’t even process what I’m seeing.

I step closer, peering into the broken window at the seat where I had left my so-called flashy device.

“Motherfucker,” I hiss through gritted teeth.




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