Beneath The Skin (A College Obsession Romance) (32 page)

BOOK: Beneath The Skin (A College Obsession Romance)
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“It’s just the store brand,” mutters Mrs. Rudawski as she passes by me to hand the other glass to Brant, who takes it too quickly, nearly spilling it in the exchange, then proceeds to chug it. She spends precisely two seconds staring at him and pondering life’s intricacies before returning her attention to me. “Your bags are all in, Penelope?”

“I only brought the one,” I say with a shrug, clutching my glass with both hands.

“Elliot is making chicken primavera. Is that alright for dinner?”

“Sounds great.”

“Ooh, are those contacts? Your eyes are out of this world, girl.” Mrs. Rudawski chuckles, studying my face with the wonder of a child stargazing in an open country field for the first time. “As green as garnets.”

“Garnets aren’t green,” Brant interjects through half a mouthful of tea.

“Some are. Tsavorite garnets, like the one in your grandma’s ring,” his mother returns, her eyes not leaving mine, still curious. Then finally her gaze pulls away. “Take your time and relax, get settled in. I know you have your thing tomorrow night, but tonight you’re all ours. We aren’t doing much, but if you want to join us in the living room after dinner, Elliot and I were going to start a new series on Netflix.”

“Sounds great, Mrs. Rudawski.”

“Kristin,” she says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I’ve never really been a fan of all those formalities.”

“Clayton is,” Brant throws in with a smirk. “The fucker still calls her Mrs. Rudawski.”

I jerk at the curse word, surprised by it. From the way that Mrs. Rudawski—er, Kristin—doesn’t even flinch, I take it his family has no qualms about language.

“Well, you know,” Kristin quips back, returning Brant’s same exact smirk.
He has his mother’s mouth.
“He practically grew up here, what with all the times he’d run out of that mess of a house he lived in. Forgive me, Penelope. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Clayton at all or think I sound like a total bitch, speaking of his family that way. They’re just good for nothing, and it’s a wonder that a boy as good as him came from a family like that. He’s basically my adopted son.”

“He’s a great guy,” I agree, not really knowing too much about him beyond what Brant’s told me or what little I’ve seen being around him.

“Mrs. Rudawski,” she murmurs thoughtfully, looking away with a chuckle. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.” She lifts her chin, breaking from her thoughts. “Are you close with your family?”

I open my mouth, but the automatic response of “Yes, totally!” finds itself utterly lodged in my throat. I don’t want to lie. I don’t want to tell the truth.

Kristin seems to sense that. “You know, my mom and I haven’t talked in six years. Ugh.” She rolls her eyes and bats at the air as if to fend off a mosquito. “I won’t drag you through the mud of
story. No family’s perfect, that’s for sure. Anyway. Enjoy your time here, Penelope. I need to feed the dogs before they feed on us.” She gives a wiggle of her fingers, then slips out of the room.

The moment she’s gone, Brant sets down his glass and comes up to me quicker than a dog to a bone. “I’m so fucking hard right now.”

“I’m thirsty,” I say back, taking a sip of my tea. Despite not being a fan of peaches, this tea is fucking amazing.
Store brand

“I want to come all over your tits,” he whispers, his mouth somewhere near my ear.

My whole body shivers with excitement, but I don’t let him see that. I coolly turn my face in his direction, briefly catching his lips with mine, then I pull back to stare into his eyes. “And I want you inside me. How are you going to come on my tits when you’re inside me?”

“I want inside you too. I want everything.”

“I want you to take off all your clothes right now and put yourself inside me.”

To that, Brant grins and moves to close the door and lock it.

“Why bother?” I catch his arm before he locks it, pulling him toward the bed. “Get naked.”

Brant blanches, his eyes wide. “But …”

“Is your ass too sore? I barely hit you.”

“Uh, no, like … uh …” He glances at the door, nervous.

“No one’s coming in,” I say with absolutely no certainty. I tug on his jeans, undoing the button as he stares down at it, wide-eyed and starting to breathe heavily. “And if someone does, you better not stop whatever it is you’ll be doing to me.”

“W-What?” he asks, distracted. “That’s … I can’t do it if—”

“Anyone could walk in,” I whisper, taunting him. “The fear of getting caught … It’s all
high school, isn’t it? Sneaking around?”

“Yes,” he rasps. “Yes, yes, yes. Fuck, I’m so hard.”

“We’re being bad. Both of us.” I grab his crotch with the jeans still on, squeezing a moan right out of him. “Maybe I need a spanking too.”

“Enough with s-s-s … s-spankings.”

I let him go and, with one yank, his pants drop to the carpet. I pull on his boxer briefs, which hug his thighs deliciously, until they slip down his knees, forgotten. What stands at full attention before me is all eight inches of Brant.

“I wonder if, like, maybe I …” Brant starts.

And then I push him, sending him on a backward plummet onto the bed. His cock bounces against his abs.

I crawl over him. “You wonder what?” I ask.

“Shit, Nell. I … I wonder if …”

My mouth lowers onto his cock, kissing the tip. He sighs with pleasure, staring at the ceiling and unable to finish his sentence. Responding to him, I smile, then let out my tongue, running it slowly from the base to the tip like a lollipop.

He lifts his head, staring at me with agony in his eyes. His cock flexes, likely just as much in agony.

“I wonder, too,” I say back, kiss his cock, then finish, “what you taste like.”

“Nell …”

Lowering my head, I take just an inch or two into my mouth. He gasps, his fingers digging into the sheets of the bed. Brant’s taste is clean and perfect.

So I take another inch.

I want more.

More, more, more.

My tongue flutters along the underside of his meat as I suck just the end of him in and out of my slippery, teasing mouth.

More …


Suddenly, he grips my hair.

Then he’s pulling me up and down the length of his cock, directing my head exactly where he wants it. As if by reflex, my hands cling to his sexy, dimpled hips and I let him have his way.

I’m not usually the one letting someone else take the wheel. But there is something about having him in my mouth that makes me feel so powerful, like I own him, like he’s at my mercy somehow.

Or maybe I’m at

When he moans, I do too, casting vibrations from my mouth down the length of his pulsating dick. It only seems to inspire him to go faster. I can’t begin to describe how hot that makes me.

“I’m close,” he breathes, a warning.

“Inside me,” I pop off of his cock to demand.

Brant, my trained puppy whose horniness knows no end, slaps open a drawer by the bed, ripping out a long strip of condoms. He tears one off, rips it open, then casts the wrapper aside.

Before he even slips it on, he rises to his knees on the bed and grabs me, throwing me onto it next to him. I respond with a gasp of surprise as he grips my pants and pulls them with animal hunger. I hear a seam tear. He pulls again. Another seam. Maybe it’s my panties. Neither of us care.

And then he’s between my legs and rolling the condom down his long, ready length.

“I’m so fucking wet,” I can’t help but breathe out.

He thrusts into me so fast and so easily, I roll my eyes back and squeeze on his cock, tightening up. Now it’s my turn to claw into the bed sheets, bracing for Brant and his horny rage.

Is it healthy to crave someone this badly?

He pulls my legs over his shoulders and plows into me so deeply, my ass comes off the bed. He doesn’t seem to notice as he practically bends me in half, curling me off the bed as he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts.

“I’m close,” he hisses.

“Kiss me.”

He keeps fucking me, his eyes closing as he enters some alternate plane of orgasmic bliss.

Nope, none of that.


He flips his eyes open, drunk on lust.

“Eyes,” I demand. “On me.”


“And kiss me.”

He reaches under my back, continuing to pump my body. I lift up and cling to his shoulders as our lips crash together like waves against a beach, furious and reckless and loud. Then I feel the inevitable pulse of his cock when the kiss turns into hot, heavy breathing as he empties into me, shot after shot after shot.

After he recovers, we’re sitting in each other’s laps. I look into his eyes and his lock onto mine with intensity. He stays inside me, his cock staying hard even after his orgasm, throbbing as he calms down slowly. I feel so complete. I feel so connected.

“I should put on some clothes,” he whispers.

I nod. “But first, I have one more use for that pretty face of yours.”


“My turn,” I say as I pull off his lap—his cock sliding out of me—and then I push him down, positioning myself over his face. I wonder if he’s got enough left in him to work me over the edge.

Brant’s hungry moan that casts an earthquake between my thighs is my answer.







“So what’re you in for?” asks Tyrese, a dude I grew up with who works in law enforcement now.

“Indecent exposure,” I answer.

Nell tugs unkindly on the chain connected to my handcuffs and pulls me away from Tyrese, who I would wave goodbye to if I had any access to my hands, which are cuffed together and connected by another chain to a pair of cuffs at my ankles.

“I was talking to him,” I whine.

“No talking, inmate,” Nell shoots back, smirking under her prison guard hat.

The orange jumpsuit I wear has INMATE written in block letters down one leg, and PROPERTY OF COUNTY JAIL written across my chest on the right side. Nell’s top is a white button-down shirt (two sizes too small, of course) with a tie, matched to a navy blue pair of slacks. Naturally, she wears the tie loose, the shirt unbuttoned a bit to show off a hint of her ample cleavage.

Fuck, this is so hot.

She leads me into the kitchen, my chains rattling with every step—
or should I say shuffle?
—and I feel the amused eyes of some of the others as we pass by. She pulls open the fridge and grabs a beer. After snapping it open, she brings the bottle to her mouth, giving me a front row show to the way her sultry lips work, sucking down that delicious, thirst-quenching beer. Her beautiful breasts rise and fall as she slowly drinks. Seriously, it’s like she
me to see all the sex I could be having right now if I hadn’t insisted so much on going to this party, just by the way she moves.

“I’m kinda thirsty,” I point out.

“Shut it, inmate,” she says after her long, plentiful gulp.

I draw up to Nell’s sexy side, my crotch pressed into her hip. “Isn’t it …
… to drink on the job? Aren’t you afraid of gettin’ in trouble, Officer Nell?”

She ignores me, though I see the hint of a smirk on her mouth as she leans back against the counter, enjoying her beer.

After giving the crowded room full of pirates, fairies, sexy nurses, and vampires a onceover, I sigh. “Thought there would be more people here I’d know from back in the day. Everyone’s moved away or went to some other party or … somethin’.”

“Times change. People, too,” Nell mutters, I suppose deciding to break character along with me.

“I don’t know whether to be amused or … depressed by how much all my friends from high school seem to have accomplished.” I sigh, distracted for a second by a pair of oddly-disfigured demon-looking people at the back door chatting. “Med school. Harvard. Traveling the world selling … what was it he said?”

BOOK: Beneath The Skin (A College Obsession Romance)
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