Betrayal (54 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“I was hoping to have a moment alone with you before breakfast,” Evan said.

I wasn't sure of what to expect but I allowed him to take my hand, and lead me back into my room. I guess Light Shine would be pissed but I couldn’t care less in the company of such perfection. Once we were in my sitting room, Evan began.

“I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Actually, I wanted to be the first to do so.” The depth of his eyes went on and on. He held both of my hands in his and feathered a kiss on my forehead.

“Happy New Year.” My eyes were closed as I waited for his lips to reach mine. A short moment had past. Once I realized he was watching me and not going to kiss me, as I had wrongly anticipated, my eyes fluttered open. To my chagrin, the flow of blood to my cheeks was rapid and impossible to hide. I owned up to it, redfaced, and smiled and watched his eyes reciprocate the smile.

“Happy New Year to you,” I said, just above a whisper.

“I smell sausage. Light Shine makes the most delicious sausage, and I'm famished. Let's join the rest of the family.”

I followed Evan out of my room, and we walked side by side down the wide stairs. I paused inconspicuously at my portrait. It no longer looked foreign and alien to me. It was me. If I didn't know where the dining room was, not to worry, I could just follow the chatter and laughter as well as the aroma of fried sausages which filled the house. Everyone was already seated and heaping forks full of Light Shine’s famous links, scrambled eggs, and buttermilk biscuits into their mouths. They all appeared thoroughly rested, and prepared to take on the grandest of parties. Thaddeus watched both Evan and I carefully, and then began talking.

“My apologies to the love birds, on behalf of everyone,” Thaddeus said, motioning to Evan and me, as we entered the brightly, sun lit room. “Honestly, we did try to wait, but had no choice, but to surrender to Light Shine’s succulent sausages. Somehow, we managed to save you both a few links.”

Thaddeus admitted laughing while almost choking with his mouthful.

“It all looks and smells yummy.” I said, sitting down in the chair Evan pulled out for me. He sat beside me, and started filling his plate immediately. I wasn't hungry but piled my plate as well. I guess for some unknown reason, I felt the need to prove that I was as excited about the sacred day as they were.

“You have quite an appetite this morning.” Alexandria remarked as she scrutinized my plate.

Evan's warm cheek brushed mine as he whispered into my ear. “You don't have to eat that much if you don't want to.” I followed his gaze to the heap of eggs on my plate.

“I know.” I whispered back, before quickly stuffing a forkful into my mouth.

“Delia, I've got dibs on your last piece of sausage!” Nikolas' usual deep and crisp voice was gruff due to a mouth full of food.

“It's yours Nikolas!” I squealed, not realizing that I had until it was too late. Everyone laughed while they all observed the lonely sausage link on my plate.

Nikolas got up, leaned across the table, and stabbed his fork into my sausage, causing it to explode its hot and savory juices into my face through the perforations in the sausage casing made by his fork. Everyone gasped and Nikolas looked deflated. Meanwhile, I laughed at all of their shocked expressions. Once they realized that I found the explosion to be amusing, they all relaxed and chuckled as well. Using my linen napkin, I dabbed at the warm juices, which had begun to stream my cheek.

The kids were beaming. They both ate rapidly as if they expected the banquet of food to disappear at any given moment. Christopher practically inhaled his food as Phoebe battled to show that she could keep up with her older brother. I giggled at my little brothers’ and sisters’ victorious finish. It was a tie!

Although they weren't allowed to attend the Masquerade Ball, they seemed in the highest of spirits. Maybe they were happy that they weren’t attending the ball – I should be so blessed. I knew for a fact that Christopher was ecstatic at the prospect of staying home. Tonight, while the adults will be out enjoying the divine festivities, all the children under the age of thirteen will be in their respective homes, guarded by Ischeros guards.

Everyone finished eating and retired for a quick nap. We would all be awakened later that afternoon, ultimately feeling rejuvenated and ready to begin dressing. I couldn't rest. My mind was whirling with all of the fears that I was consumed with at the moment. I was still worried about the threat of being killed by Victor of course. His vision was engraved in my psyche. Even though I’ll be surrounded by the entire empire of members, I was terrified. I didn't think that I'd ever feel totally safe until I knew for sure that he was... dead. Evan said that after tonight everything will be better. I dreaded the thought of Evan being wrong. Being wrong was not an option.

I'll be crowned the Empress of the Ischeros tonight. I was intimidated by the idea of meeting the members, which would be like meeting them for the first time since I couldn't remember them – more than likely, an awkward situation. Maybe I was afraid that I wouldn't live up to their standards of what they believed an empress should be. I really don't know what an empress does or what they expect. I definitely need a tutorial on that.

I had hoped that Winston would've tried to make contact with me by now. He had promised to tell me everything that he knew. I really didn't want to go into this party tonight feeling like I’d been blindfolded. He had made it seem like there was something imperative that I needed to know. Then he disappeared and I hadn't heard from him since. I knew that he wasn't confined to just haunting his house because I'd seen him on my veranda. I closed my eyes, and tried to take a nap, finally feeling tired.

“Cordelia... Cordelia... Cor –” I must be dreaming I thought, as I heard my name being called over and over again in a faint whisper. It had to be a dream if Gerald was kneeling at my bedside right now. He spoke in a whisper, “Are you awake?” I realized then that Gerald was indeed in my room, and that I had finally fallen asleep, and it was still the day of the Masquerade Ball.

“What... time... is it?” My words were caught in a yawn.

“A quarter past three,” Gerald answered. The house was quiet. Everyone must still be enjoying their afternoon naps. Then it dawned on me. What was Gerald doing in my room?

“Cordelia –” Gerald said, slightly above a whisper as he rubbed my shoulder.

“What are you –”

“Shhh,” Gerald placed his index finger gently against my lips. I crossed my eyes to look at his finger as he let it remain on my lips for a moment.

Then I pushed myself up against my head board. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here? Does anyone know that you're here?” I was louder than I had wanted to sound, still recovering from the shock of Gerald kneeling beside me. Gerald inched his face an inch or two closer to mine, and I could smell his sweet breath.

“I wanted and needed to speak with you. I didn't think you would visit me if I sent you an invitation. Therefore, I snuck in through the garden, and once I found the kitchen, I hid in the pantry until I knew it was safe to come out. I waited as everyone retreated to their rooms.” He placed his hand over mine. Impulsively, I yanked mine away a little too abruptly as if he had burned me to the touch.

“Ok so...” I lightly prodded. I could tell from his change of expression which went from eager puppy to shock and confusion that he was stressed out about something. I might as well let him get to it. Suddenly, the icy chill embraced me, and ignoring Winston was proving to be difficult since my teeth were already beginning to chatter from his frigid presence. I tried to focus on Gerald.

He cleared his throat. “Would you do me the honor, and allow me to escort you to the Masquerade Ball this evening.” His eyes were opened wide and beckoned me to answer, but my throat shut down, I was unable to speak.

I didn't expect him here next to me and I sure didn’t expect an invite to the ball. I hadn't realized that Gerald would be attending the ball, until now. His question was bold but his demeanor didn't exude confidence. Instead his face looked timid, and his caramel toned eyes appeared unsure.

“I'm sorry, but I can't accept, I'm already going with Evan.” I blurted out. “I would have liked to… go with you but I already promised –”

“Of course, I understand. I’m an idiot for waiting until now to ask. Forgive me if I have bothered you in any way. I shouldn't have come here.”

It was too late to hope that he wasn't hurt. His eyes had saddened immediately once I mouthed the word ‘sorry’. I heard Winston snicker. When I looked passed Gerald to glare at him, Winston was grinning, obviously enjoying his brother's rejection. Gerald was already on his feet, and quickly heading toward the double doors anticipating a stealthy exit.

“I hope my answer won't prevent you from attending.” I said honestly. “I hope to see you there. I will save a dance for you.” I added.

“I wouldn't miss it.” His words didn't sound convincing. I watched Gerald leave my room, and quietly close the doors.

My eyes darted around the room until they fell upon Winston whom stood casually against the mantle of my fireplace in my sitting room. A wicked smile swept across his face displaying his barely hidden amusement. I hadn’t seen him since the night he took me into the mine. He had disappeared the moment Evan had made his unexpected appearance in my room, I guess for the obvious reason. Winston must be wondering if I was going to live up to my end of the bargain.

“Aren’t you going to thank me for last night?” Winston said. It was getting colder as he left the sitting room, entered my bedroom, and approached my bed.

“Last night?” I narrowed my eyes at Winston.

“They couldn’t detect me this time. I made sure it.” He said, triumphantly.

“Who couldn’t detect you? What are you talking about?” I asked, dumbfounded. Winston spoke in riddles, and I was in no mood for any more.

“Last night, at the Hayden twins’ home, behind the hill, with the others; don’t you recall?”

Now it was all coming together in my mind, what had taken place last night, had been seen through someone else’s eyes. Evan had been right; Winston was the voyeur which Evan had spoken of. I had witnessed the abduction vicariously through Winston’s eyes.

“How did you do it?” I was deeply intrigued with the power this ghost possessed. “How did you let me see it all through your eyes?”

“Me?” Winston pretended to appear shocked by slapping his chest with the palm of his hand. “I followed your lead, my dear. You showed me the way. I was a gentleman, and obliged.”

“What? Me? But how?” I was up and out of my bed now.

“I had been spending some quality time in one of my favorite locales, one of the town’s seediest brothels, Madame Clairy’s Secret. You’ve seen it, haven’t you?”

I remembered the place well. It was located next door to the Bucket o’ Blood saloon. I had no idea that it was a sleazy brothel. So that was Madame Clairy’s Secret. She wasn’t in the business of fortune telling after all; it seemed more like fortune taking.

“Yes, I think I might have noticed the place when I went into town.”

“Good, well I was observing some old friends of mine, no one you knew of course, squandering away their week’s stipend, and maybe their months’

worth, on cheap harlots when I felt you enter the brothel. You could imagine my surprise. All I was thinking at the time was, what was a divine goddess doing in such an undivine place as this?”

“You saw me at the brothel?”

“You made your presence known only to me.” Winston confirmed with an impish smile, as if my secret of brothel hopping was safe with him.

“That’s just crazy. I don’t remember being there.” And just like that, Madame Clairy’s secret was spilled in my mind. The scene of the brothel became very vivid. I could visualize the interiors of it, the dark wood paneled walls to the shoddy furnishings, in what I would expect to be the waiting room.

The place was barely lit with dimmed oil lamps. The front room was filled with the pungent odor of rank and copious cigar smoke, as if the cigars were never put out and burned infinitely. As I walked through the foul fog, Madame Clairy’s women came into view in various ages – there were girls who looked to be around my age. The women were of all walks of life, and scantily dressed in provocative attire – barely there lace negligees and fishnet stockings. The ladies of the night hung onto the clientele as if the men needed coaxing. Clearly, if a man was caught in a place as sordid as Madame Clairy’s, you could make the correct assumption that he wasn’t lost.

“I never said that I saw you. I felt your presence when you began communicating with me.”

“Go on.” I prodded anxiously with the notion of my out of body experience.

“Although you were asleep, here in your bed.”

“On the chaise.”

“Fine, you were asleep on the chaise. You were very persuasive, and before I knew it, you and I were at the Hayden’s mansion, overseeing the abduction.”

“How did we get there? Was it like when we travelled to the mines?”


“I – I can’t believe that I’m capable of doing something like that, especially while I’m asleep. I can’t even imagine doing it while I’m awake. How did I know what was taking place at the Hayden’s mansion last night?”

“Your subconscious seems to be aware of quite a bit. You’re just unable to tap into what you already know while you’re awake I suppose because your memory is on a hiatus.” Winston sat at the edge of my bed looking up at me.

“And no one knew you were there?”

“No one knew either of us was there. You blocked their senses. I was rather impressed, actually. It has been a while since I’d seen you at work.” Winston chuckled lightly.

“What did I do exactly? I mean, how did I communicate with you? What did I say?”

“Whoa – one question at a time. You spoke to me and said that you needed my eyes, and that you weren’t ready to do it on your own yet. I was more than pleased to accommodate although, I believe you chose me only because no one living could have crashed that party.”

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