Betrayal (Blood Haze: Book Three) A Paranormal Romance (15 page)

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Authors: Tara Shuler

Tags: #vampires, #vampire, #paranormal romance, #betrayal, #young adult, #shelter, #vampire romance, #vampire love, #storm, #vampire series, #pnr, #tara shuler, #blood haze, #vampire love story

BOOK: Betrayal (Blood Haze: Book Three) A Paranormal Romance
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“You most certainly do!” he shouted. “Dmitri
could come in and take you away in a split second! You cannot ever
be left alone!”

“Oh, get a grip, Alexi. I’m fine.”

“I will have a word with Kai, later. But
first, I want to know what it was you and Liam were

“Can’t you just read my mind and find out?” I

“You know I do not do that if I do not have
to, Alice. It is draining, and it is intrusive. I would rather not
use it on you, especially. You deserve your privacy.”

“Or maybe you are afraid of what you might
find out!” I snapped.

“Please do not say things like that,” Alexi

“I’m sorry,” I said gently. “I didn’t mean

“Just tell me what you and Liam were talking
about. Please.”

“Fine. I begged him not to go, because he’s
my best friend. And I told him about what Father Jacobs told

“You mean the thing you chose not to discuss
with me?”


“Do you wish to tell me now?”

“Not really, but I suppose you deserve to
know. Father Jacobs told me I have an ability I didn’t know

“And that ability is what?”

“I apparently have the ability to charm
people – to make them fall in love with me – without even knowing
I’m doing it. He even said I was using it on him while we were
talking. Man, was
embarrassing! A priest!”

“And you believe Liam is under the effect of
your charm ability?”

“Yes, of course. He has to be.”

“I see. And what about Kai? And Max?”

“Yes, them, too. Obviously.”

“What about me?”

“I don’t know, honestly.”

“I was in love with you before I even met
you, Alice. Remember? I could not possibly have been influenced by
your ability.”

“I know, I thought about that. Liam mentioned
it, and I’d already thought about it briefly.”

“Then you realize what I feel for you is

“I don’t know, Alexi. I really don’t know
anything, anymore.”

“Have you told Kai? Or Max?”

“No. I only told Liam because I thought it
might get him to stay. I figured if he knew it wasn’t real, maybe
he’d just snap out of it. I didn’t intend to tell
. At
least, not right away.”

“You really should be honest with us. We will
not be able to help you if we do not know what you are going

“I know, but this was… it affected so many

“You need to tell Kai and Max.”

“I will. Just not right now. Alexi, I really
need help. I have to learn to control this thing. It’s tearing my
life apart, not to mention everyone else’s.”

“We will figure this out. I promise you that.
For now, we have other matters to attend to.”

“Oh, right. I was coming to find you when I
nearly ran into you. Have you heard anything from Dmitri?”

“No, nothing. I do not think we will right
now. He is probably waiting in order to gain the element of

“That’s what I was afraid of. I was wondering
if maybe we should attack him. I mean, he wouldn’t be expecting
that, right? He probably thinks we’re going to just sit around and
wait for him.”

“I would not be so sure of that. Dmitri is
very astute. He probably plans for, and expects, more than you
might think.”

“Maybe so, but I think it’s better to take
the fight to him than to just sit around and wait for him.”

“I think we should discuss this with the

“Alright, let’s do that,” I agreed.

Chapter Ten
– A New Plan


We gathered in the dining hall. Alexi invited
Father Jacobs to join us, as he was eager to get his opinion about
what we should do, especially since he was risking so much to help

“Thank you all for coming,” Alexi began.
“Alice has expressed a desire to go to Dmitri, rather than waiting
around for him to come to us. I told her we should get all of your
opinions before making a decision.”

“I think we should go kick his ass,” Kai said

“I think we need more time to prepare,” Liam

“Fair enough,” Alexi said. “Father Jacobs?
What is your opinion?”

“I don’t really know if it’s my place to have
a say, but I believe you should do everything in your power to
solve this peacefully,” Father Jacobs stated.

“Do you really think that might be an
option?” Alexi asked.

“I think a peaceful solution can always be
found when you try hard enough,” he answered.

“I am not entirely convinced that is the case
where Dmitri is concerned,” Alexi stated.

“You might be surprised,” Father Jacobs said.
“I’ve mediated some very tough situations. I could try in this
case, if you like.”

“Do you really think Dmitri would listen?” I

“Do you really want to know what I think?”
Father Jacobs asked me directly.

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

“I think if you and I go see him together, we
just might be able to come to an understanding with him.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Alexi, forgive me for what I am about to
suggest,” Father Jacobs said. “Alice, if you and I go together, and
you use your charm on him, I might be able to convince him it is in
his best interest not to harm you.”

“With all due respect, Father,” Alexi said.
“I do not believe Dmitri wishes any harm to come to Alice. He has
already said he wants her for her abilities. He cannot make use of
them if she is… if he kills her.”

“That may be true,” Father Jacobs said. “But
he has also endangered her life on more than one occasion simply by
sending wraiths after her. They are dangerous, and unpredictable.
You also mentioned your father might have had something he wanted
more than he wants Alice?”

“At one point, he offered to trade Alice for
something he said my father had of his,” Alexi explained. “We are
not entirely certain what it is, but we believe we may know.”

“Do you think he would still make the trade?”
Father Jacobs asked Alexi.

“I do not know. It is possible, I suppose.
But we do not know where the item might be, nor do we really want
it to fall into his hands. Father took it from him because he was
dangerous with it.”

“What is this item?”

“It’s a talisman used in dark magic.”

Father Jacobs inhaled sharply and clicked his

“Well, then,” Father Jacobs said. “Then I
don’t know what to say. Giving such a powerful being a greater
source of power might not be in

“Yes, Father,” Alexi agreed. “That is what we
have been worried about. Even if we could locate this talisman, our
father took it away from him for a reason. To give it back to him
could be very dangerous.”

“And, of course, you want to protect Alice,”
Father Jacobs added.

“Admittedly, Alice is my first priority,”
Alexi said. “Her safety is more important to me than anything

“I understand,” Father Jacobs told Alexi. “I
think perhaps my plan would be worth trying. Alice’s charm,
combined with my mediation, might be enough to settle the

“What do you all think?” Alexi asked.

“I think it couldn’t hurt,” Liam said.

“I guess it’s worth a shot,” Kai agreed.

“Alright, then we shall prepare to leave at
once,” Alexi said.

“Wait,” Father Jacobs said. “You’re not
going. Only Alice and I are going.”

“What? No! I cannot allow that. It is too
dangerous,” Alexi argued.

“Alexi, the only way this will work is if
Dmitri doesn’t feel threatened. If any of you come along, the plan
won’t work. He will feel as though we are there to provoke him,
Alice’s charm might not work, and he won’t be receptive to peaceful

“What you are asking is far outside the realm
of what I am comfortable with, Father,” Alexi admitted. “I do not
think I can allow this.”

“I really believe it will work,” Father
Jacobs told Alexi. “I wouldn’t put Alice at risk if I didn’t think
it was our best shot.”

“But you are asking me to put her life in
your hands,” Alexi said. “I do not know if I am capable of doing

“I don’t know what to tell you, Alexi. That’s
a choice you will have to make. I believe this is safer for her
than trying to attack, or waiting for him to do so.”

“Alexi, please consider this,” I implored,
putting my hand on Alexi’s arm for emphasis. “I think this is our
best chance.”

For the first time, I knowingly tried to use
my charm ability. I concentrated on charming Alexi as thoroughly as
I could.

“Please do not do that to me,” Alexi told me

“Do what?” I asked innocently.

“Alice, that won’t work on me,” he said. “I
can feel the difference.”

I could feel my cheeks getting hot with
embarrassment and annoyance.

“What’s he talking about, Alice?” Kai

“I have no idea,” I lied.

“Do not do that again,” Alexi ordered. “I do
not invade your mind, so don’t invade mine.”

“Seriously,” Kai said. “What are you talking
about, dude?”

“It’s nothing, Kai!” I snapped.

“It doesn’t sound like nothing,” Kai

“Okay, fine! I’m not in the mood to deal with
this right now, so I’ll just tell you! Father Jacobs found out I
have an ability I didn’t know I had. Apparently, I can charm people
into falling in love with me without even knowing I’m doing it.
Okay, there, are you happy?” I shouted frantically.

Kai appeared to be dumbfounded. His jaw hung
slack, and his eyes bugged out. I knew what he was thinking,
because I’d been thinking it ever since Father Jacobs told me.

“Say something,” I said to Kai.

“What do you want me to say?” he asked.

“Something. Anything! Just say whatever
you’re thinking,” I demanded.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he wanted to

“I don’t know. I just wasn’t ready to.”

“I see. But you told Alexi.”

“And me,” Liam interjected.

“Shut up, Liam!” I snapped.

“You told Alexi
Liam, but not me?”
Kai growled.

“I had to tell Liam, and Alexi dragged it out
of me,” I tried to explain.

I could tell Kai was fuming. I hadn’t seen
him look that angry in a very long time. His face was red, and his
breathing was heavy and ragged. If he’d been a cartoon character,
steam would have been pouring out his ears.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kai asked

“Because I was afraid you might realize you
didn’t really love me,” I finally managed to spit out.

Kai exhaled sharply, apparently relieved.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yeah… why? What did you think was the

“I thought it was because you loved Alexi,
and not me.”

“What? What would give you that idea?”

“A lot of stuff, Alice. Just… never

“I appreciate the gravity of your situation,
but may I redirect the conversation to that which we were having
prior to Alice’s revelation?” Alexi interjected.

“Oh, yeah. Fine,” Kai muttered.

“As I was saying before, Alice,” Alexi said.
“You do not need to use your charm ability on me. I can feel the
difference. My love for you is real, and when you try to use it, I
can sense it. I will allow you and Father Jacobs to try to reason
with Dmitri, but only on one condition.”

“And that is?” I asked.

“That you marry me before you go.”

“What? No! No way, Alexi!” I shouted.

“Is it really that horrible to think of
marrying me?” Alexi asked, sounding more amused than hurt.

“It’s not that. I just won’t me manipulated
into something like that. I already told you all, I’m not even
about relationships right now, and even if I were,
I’m not even
ready to get married!”

“It is my condition. You may accept it, or
not,” Alexi stated firmly.

“Not!” I shouted. “Why is that your
condition, anyway?”

“For one thing,” Alexi said. “My father saw
us get married, and he saw us happy together. I do not believe
anything could happen to you if we were on that course. Once we are
married, the course will continue as he saw it. For another thing,
Dmitri would be less likely to harm you if we were married, because
he knows how strict vampire law is regarding marriage, especially
where Council Elders are concerned.”

“What does that mean?”

“Vampires, for the most part, respect the
Council and hold it in very high esteem. If Dmitri harmed a Council
Elder, especially if she were the wife of another Council Elder, he
would become the most hunted vampire in existence,” Alexi

“Well… can’t we just
him we’re
married?” I asked.

“No, because word travels very quickly where
the Council is concerned. We would have to make it a real wedding,
and it would have to be a very big production.”

“We don’t have
for a big
production! We have to do this
!” I argued.

“If you cannot accept my condition, then I
cannot allow you to go.”

I narrowed my eyes and learned toward Alexi.
My face was almost touching his. In the deep black shadows of his
cloak, I could almost see his eyes glinting.

“Listen to me,” I said, my voice low, but
serious. “And listen to me well. I
going. You cannot stop
me. If you try to stop me, I will fight you with everything I have.
I am doing this with, or without your permission.”

Alexi stared at me for a moment, and then
sighed deeply.

“You are very stubborn,” he stated.

“You have no idea,” I returned.

Alexi sighed again. I could tell he was very
close to relenting, but he needed a little more convincing. He
wanted to know I would be safe.

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