Betrayed (8 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Oh.My.God.” Layla stammers.

He laughs. “Thanks for the compliments.”


She turns and hurries out. I laugh and shake my head at Jax.

“That was mean.”

“So is telling her I have a big…”

I blush. “It...I…was joking!”

He winks. “No you weren't.”

“Was so.”

“And I don’t recall you ever riding me all night, maybe we can go over our memories. It seems I missed that.”

I stammer and splutter, trying to defend myself. He throws his head back and roars with laughter.

“God you are cute when you’re blushing. Where’s your beers?”

“I-In the fridge.”

He walks over and cracks one, then purposely steps far too close to me.

“Jax, stop it.”

“I like that you talk about me like that, makes me hard.”

He thrusts his hips just to show me he is not telling a lie. I start stammering again. I am about to shove him away when Mack, Jack and Rusty step into the kitchen. Al
l their eyes widen at our
position. Crap. I step back.

“We were um, just…”

All three men look down at Jax’s half naked body and very impressive erection. To which Jax grins and shrugs. I flush. I am not exactly in a decent position either, wearing next to nothing.

“Are we interrupting something?” Mack asks, shaking his head.

, no. Stay for dinner. We are having pizza.”

“Sounds good.”

Rusty walks into the kitchen shoving Jax as he does. Jax laughs and saunters out. What an arrogant…he isn’t even slightly embarrassed.

“Beer lass?”

“In the fridge Rust.”

When the pizza arrives, we all sit around chatting and laughing. As the night goes on, we are all very under the weather and joking like a bunch of school kids.

“Jade, do you remember when you kicked Bill in the nuds?” Rusty roars with laughter as we tell tales of the past.

“Do I? That was the best moment of my life!”

“I will never forget the look on his face.” Jax laughs.

“You all sounded like you had some adventures.” Mack grins.

“We did.” I whisper. Part of me misses the past so heavily.

Jax catches my gaze, and I look away. Don’t show him your hurt Jade.

“Well, we are going to call it a night,” Mack says standing. “Can we crash in one of your rooms?”

The thought of my father touching Sam in my house makes me angry, but I don’t show it.

“Sure daddy, spare room upstairs. First on the left.”

When everybody is settled in, I am left with just Jax and I.

“Are you staying?” I ask him.

“Well, I am a bit pissed to drive.”

“All the rooms are gone. I have…um…a mattress in my room.”

His eyes meet mine. “Sounds good. You got a shower?”

“Um, yeah.”

He follows me up the stairs and into my room. I show him the shower and begin pulling out the spare mattress. I make it up and then sit on my bed. When Jax comes out with only a towel on, I look away. God, this is a bad idea. I can feel it.

“You blushing?”


He sits next to me. “Don’t look away from me.”

His voice is luring me in, winding me up like a fishing reel. I clench my eyes shut as he turns my face towards him.

“Don’t do that.”


“Don’t deny it, you can feel what I feel can’t you?”



“We can’t Jax, it

s stupid.”

“Is it?”



“You are taken?”

“And I told you how my relationship is.”


“So that means…”

“Jax please, I don’t have the strength to say no to you.”

“Then don’t.” He murmurs.

I shove at his chest. “Don’t please.”

“Fine, have it your way.” He snaps, laying on the ground.

I flick off the light and lay in bed, so aware that the man I want so desperately is laying only a meter away. I fall into a restless sleep, and for the first time in years, I have a night mare. I can feel his hands on me, as I desperately try to push away. Nobody will help me. He is raping me, and I can’t get away. I scream for Jax, calling out his name, begging for him to save me.

“Jesus, wake up.”

I feel my shoulders being shaken. I bolt upright, and my hands desperately search the bed. I feel a hot, hard chest. Jax, oh Jax. I whimper as he pulls me into his arms. I am needy, past the point of sanity.

“Shhh, it was a dream.”



I grip Jax and pull him close, blending his lips with mine. He doesn’t say no. His body falls over mine, easing the pain in my chest. I crumble into his arms and deepen the kiss. I don’t want to wait, don’t want him to make love to me or slowly torture my body. I want to fuck, hard, fast and desperate. I reach down and grip his erection in my hands. He hisses.

“Steady on mate. Hey, don’t do something you will regret.”

“I want you Jax,” I mewl. “Now.”

He looks shocked. “Now?”


I squeeze my hand tighter, and he growls.

“Don’t un-man me mate.”

“Then take me Jax, I have needed you for so long. Make all the pain go away.” I plead.



He sits up and slides my body over his lap, then slowly presses me down, when his erection hits me I moan. God, I need this. I am clenching, desperate, throbbing. He pulls me down onto him and thrusts his hips upwards. I cry out, biting his shoulder. He digs his fingers into my hips and drives me up and down on his lap. I grip his shoulder and kiss him with fierce intent.

“God Dammit,” He rasps. “Fuck.”

“Jax…”I pant. “Against the wall.”

He stands, shoving my back against the wall. He drives into me hard and fast, pumping his hips with a desperate need. His mouth is on mine, hot, wet and hungry. He is slamming me so hard my body is thumping against the wall. He is growling, hissing, moaning and I am whimpering with need. My body tightens around him, oh God finally.

“Come Jade, come around me.” He snarls, shoving himself hard inside me.

“God. JAX.”

I scream his name over and over as my orgasm rocks me. I see white, it has been so long. He follows close behind with a roar and a curse. We fall back onto the bed, panting and sweating. Oh god. What did we just do?


“Oh…” I whisper.


“Are you angry?”


“I guess it had to happen.”



He rolls towards me. “You haven't come for five years, have you?”

“I told you that already.” I blush.

“Why with me?”

“I…don’t know.”

“Are you in love with me Jade?”


“I am asking you a simple, simple question. Do you love me?”

I suck in a breath. “N-n-n-no.”

“Don’t you lie to me.”

I look away, and he takes my chin in his hand. “It’s a simple answer.”

“No it's not Jax. It

s not a simple answer. It

s complicated, just like the situation we just put ourselves in.”

“We didn’t put ourselves in anything…”

“Didn’t we? Let's face it, there has always been heated sexual tension between us, we both know that was not a once of.”


“So you have a girlfriend. I am not one to be on the side Jax.”

He sighs. “I…can’t be with you again.”


“Then we can’t do that again.”

“Fine.” He snaps.


“The nightmare,” He says gently. “Was it a first?”

“Yes, the first in a while.”

“Are you ok?”

I nod, weakly. “Thank you, yes.
I would really like to get some sleep now.

He stands and lays down on the floor. I flick the light off and crawl into my bed. I listen to his breathing become shallow, and I want so badly to crawl onto the ground and into his arms. I fall into a restless sleep, tossing and turning. I wake to Jax’s pained roars. I sit up and flick the lamp on; he is twisting in the bed. Well isn’t it just a night for it? He is gripping the sheet and panting.

I get off the bed and slide over to him. I am not thinking, if I was I wouldn’t have done it; I put my hands on his shoulders. He grips my wrists and flips me over. His hands go around my throat, squeezing tightly. He hits me, one hard punch to the face. I scream and twist; he is going to kill me. His hands tighten around my throat; he is too heavy to move. The more I fight, the more he tries to hurt me.


“You fucking prick, I will kill you. Fucking kill you.”



His grip tightens and he drives another punch into my face. I scream, as loud as I can. Suddenly, Jax is being reefed off me and flung into a nearby wall. The light is flicked on, and I hear a voice, Mack…Jack…both? I blink, trying to focus my eyes. I can’t breathe. God it hurts.

“Mother fucker.”

That is Mack. He never swears. He is by my side, then he turns on Jax.

“I am going to kill you, fucking dirty…”

“Daddy,” I rasp. “Daddy…dreaming…he is dreaming.”


Mack stops and looks over at Jax who is waking up and looking around frantically. His eyes fall on me, and he grows pale.


“What the hell happened?” Mack roars.

“He…he….was dreaming,” I whisper. “I tried to wake him, it was not his fault.”

“I…fuck…Jade.” Jax croaks from the corner. Jack tosses a towel over his naked body.

“You need to leave Jax.”

I whimper. “He didn’t…mean to.”

My face is throbbing. How hard did he hit me?

“Jade, you look like somebody has beaten the living crap out of you. He should go.” Mack says calmly.

“He didn’t mean it!” I cry.

“They are right,” Jax whispers, standing. “Call Sammy.”

“Jax…” I croak.

“I want Sammy. Not you. Call her.”

Those words hurt more than his punches did. I feel tears slide down my cheeks.

“Jax, I know you didn’t mean it.”

“Call Sammy,” He roars. “Call my girl. CALL HER!”

Jack picks up Jax’s phone and calls Sammy. I stand on wobbly legs, holding my sheet up.

“Jax, don’t…”

“I don’t want you Jade, get away from me.” He hisses.


He storms out of the room. My father cleans my face and helps me downstairs. Sammy has just arrived and is holding Jax, rocking him as though he is a child. My chest clenches.

“Jax, please.”


He doesn’t look at me. “Sammy get me away from her.”

Sammy looks at me and winces. “I’m sorry Jade. He hasn’t had a nightmare for years.”


s her fault, get me the fuck away from her. She is bad…bad news. GET ME OUT OF HERE.”

I am crushed. Truly crushed.

“Jax, it’s not her fault.”

“It is her fault. I fucked her tonight, and I had a nightmare. She is…she is bad for me. Get me out.”

Sammy doesn’t look hurt, but the room falls silent at his words. She gives me a weak smile and pulls him out of the house. I fall to my knees. What the hell just happened?


I wake in the morning, feeling good. I am fully healed. Well, my wounds are anyway. My heart is throbbing. I want to talk with Jax, to make this better, but I don’t know how or what to say. I pick up my phone and go to text him, when I see he has already text me this morning.

Are you ok this morning?

You said it was my fault. Do you think I am ok?

I haven't had a nightmare in four years Jade.

And that’s my fault?

I fucked you and…

Good, then if its all my fault stay away Jax. Just stay the hell away. Better yet, go back out to sea and NEVER COME BACK.

Mate, I said things I didn’t mean.

Like I am bad, that you don’t want to be around me. How dare you blame your nightmare on me? You nearly killed me you piece of shit and yet I am the one who got abused!


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