Betrayed (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #pregnancy, #alpha male

BOOK: Betrayed
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I pulled her back closer to me and
wrapped my arms around her. "It's okay baby leave it for now." I
didn't want to taint what we'd just shared with that shit; I'll
wait to hear from Garrett and we'd go from there. I kissed the
crown of her head as my heart eased its erratic pace. My baby was
back in my arms, my mind wandered to my new suspicions again. If
they were right I'd helped fuck her over, I'll have to deal with
that at a later time. Right after I'd dealt with the fuckers that
had caused me to hurt her, that had put a stain on my

Chapter 9



I woke feeling at peace for the
first time in a long time; she was wrapped tightly in my arms her
sweet little ass snug against my groin. I had one arm under her
head and the other holding her tummy where my child slept. I rubbed
my thumb teasingly along her stomach enjoying the feeling of being
this close to her again.

When I thought of my anger and the
way I'd treated her my heart actually hurt. Pulling her even closer
I promised myself that I would make it up to her. Now with the fog
of blinding anger clearing I could see where I'd gone wrong. I knew
my wife, I knew she loved me and I should've known she would never
deceive me. Something had happened I'm sure but now in the clarity
of a new day coupled with that bitch's slip of the tongue I knew
that there was no way my Maddy would've willingly or knowingly
betrayed me. I had no doubt the old man had seen what he'd said he
witnessed but now I believed that there was more at play than I'd
first thought.

I felt shame and bile rise in my
throat as I looked down at her sleeping form, how could I have done
it? How could I have treated her so poorly? I wanted to kick my own
ass but not as much as I wanted to hurt the ones responsible. I
wanted to ask her about that night but thought it best to wait
until I heard from Garrett. Before when she'd tried explaining shit
to me I'd been too enraged to think rationally and her constantly
saying she was sorry only confirmed her guilt. Now I realize that
if she had indeed been drugged she might be under the impression
that she'd actually done what she'd been accused of. Because she
wasn't a heavy drinker she might've confused the effects of the
drug for alcohol.

She stirred in my arms as I nuzzled
her neck, my love for her so strong it was almost scary. I never
wanted anything to touch her, it was my job to protect her from
every danger, every threat. While I'd been off protecting others,
someone had harmed my wife; that pissed me the fuck off. No one was
allowed to touch what was mine, I thought they'd known that,
thought the people of the little town down the mountain took it as
a given that she was off limits, apparently someone didn't see it
that way. That someone was going to pay and pay dearly for fucking
with me.

I wanted to take her again but
thought better of it; I still had to read up on this pregnancy
shit. I didn't know how much was too much and if I could make her
sick again. With that thought in my head I eased my arms from
around her and slid out of bed my cock bouncing up and down in
front of me as I headed for the shower.



I woke up missing Dominic. At first
I thought it had all been a dream until I felt that sweet ache
between my thighs and the wetness from him running out of me onto
my legs. I had the biggest goofiest grin on my face as I headed for
the shower. I rushed through my bath my heart racing, how would he
act? Was it just a one-time thing? Was he regretting it already? My
heart was a dull ache in my chest as I threw on one of his button
downs with a pair of silky bikini panties and nothing

I made my way slowly down the short
stairs in our log home that my husband had built with his own
hands. The place was rustic with a wide-open floor plan, floor to
ceiling windows with a panoramic view of the mountains that was
breathtaking. Both Dominic and I were minimalist so there was just
the basic couch and side chairs with coffee table all made by him
in the same pine. Everything was varnished to a high shine that
added character and I'd bought some colorful throw pillows that
added a little zest.

All in all it was a comfy home, a
place where I'd always felt safe and loved until lately. No Maddy
you're not gonna think about that today, just put one foot in front
of the other. He’d made love to you hadn’t he? That has to mean
something. I walked through the living room past the fireplace that
was almost as tall as me and headed for the noise in the

The smell of food didn't make me run
in the opposite direction in fact my stomach growled in hunger and
my face heated up at the sound. He was standing at the stove his
naked back turned to me, his jeans riding low on his hips and I
felt that throbbing pressure between my thighs, the way I always
have when checking out my man. He was just so, so perfect it made
my heart twist. I stood in the doorway just taking him in as he
moved with grace from the stove to the fridge and back




I felt her the moment she came into
the room, I knew why she was just standing there saying nothing;
probably expecting me to lose my fucking mind again. Without
turning from the omelet I was making I lifted my left arm. "Come."
She hurried across the room to my side, her little body fitting
into my side as I lowered my arm around her. Kissing her hair I
gave her a soft squeeze.

"How'd you sleep baby girl?" She
seemed too choked up to speak so my answer was just a tight squeeze
around my waist. "Up." She lifted her head and I took her mouth
tongue and all, it was a kiss of rebirth I guess. Nothing to do
with sex though I'd like nothing better than to hustle her sweet
ass back to bed and stay there for the rest of the day. I had a lot
of build up to work off after all, but later. Right now I needed to
reconnect with her, to repair that bond that had been

I still won't share my suspicions
with her right now so I didn't say anything about why I'd had this
sudden turn around but I could at least show her.

"Go set the table baby breakfast is
almost ready." She stood on her toes her eyes wary and hopeful at
the same time as she held her lips up for my kiss. I pecked her
teasingly the way I used to, my hand going to her ass for a
squeeze. I felt the tension leave her as she turned away to get
plates and cutlery. When she headed for the coffee pot I waylaid

"Ah ah ah ah, down." I showed her
the little teapot I had steeping tea for her, at least I knew that

"No coffee babe I made you tea." She
pouted prettily at me but did as she was told after pouring me a
cup of coffee and bringing it to me. She hesitated after putting
the cup down and I braced myself for it. If she'd treated me the
way I had her and then got up one day acting like nothing happened
I'd be all in her ass. She had every right to feel the way she did,
to be angry; if someone had really drugged her then she'd been
doubly abused. First by them and then by her husband not trusting
her. Fuck.

"I missed you Dominic."

Shit, even worse: no recriminations,
no screaming, just a softly spoken admission. I plated the omelet
and turned off the stove before turning to her.

"Come 'ere." I folded her into my
arms inhaling her warm scent, strawberries and cream with a heavy
dose of just Maddy.

"I missed you too baby

"Don't leave me again

"Never." I rocked her in my arms, my
chin resting atop her head as my heart finally settled into place
for the first time in a long time.



Chapter 10



For the next few days I was on pins
and needles as I waited for Garrett to get back to me with the
results. I never discussed my suspicions with Madelyn instead we
worked on patching our lives back together to some semblance of
what it used to be. In some ways it seemed even better now than it
had been, we were closer somehow and I'd always thought we couldn't
get any closer than we were. I guess one of the reasons for that
was the baby we were both very excited about him or her. I'd
already started on a crib out in my workshop, which she oohed and
aahed over when I showed it to her.

I didn't go too far from her those
first few days and she couldn't stand to have me out of her sight.
We were like two shell-shocked victims of trauma and the
dissolution of our union very well might've been traumatic for us
both. Whenever I thought that someone had purposely set out to harm
her, to tear us apart I wanted to go into battle, it was hell
keeping a tight rein on my emotions. We spent a lot of time
fucking, it’s as though we were trying to fit all the missed sex
into each day as it came. As soon as she was over her morning
sickness in the morning it was on. Like now!

I’d just finished cleaning her up
after yet another bout of retching. I’ve become am expert at this
shit. I wake up a little before her and get her ginger ale and
crackers set up next to the bed. Then I wait for her to roll over
and scrunch up her face before running for the john. My cock is
usually hard as a pike at this point but I don’t touch her, not
yet, there’s a routine to this thing. While my kid makes her ill I
hold her hair and then clean her up.

Today I’ve decided to kill two birds
with one stone. “Come on babe in the shower with you.” I helped her
in after setting the water temperature and got in behind her.
Taking the soap in my hands I lathered them well before running my
hands over her body starting at her feet. She stood still while I
smoothed the sweet smelling suds up her thighs to her pussy.
“Open.” She spread her legs so I could wash her clean for my

When I had had my fun I rinsed her
off, and kneeling at her feet pulled her forward so I could impale
her on my tongue. She grabbed my hair as I sucked her hard
swallowing her juices as they released onto my tongue. I had to
stroke my own cock for some much needed relief as she made fuck me
noises and begged me in her sweet voice to take her.

“Please Dom, don’t make me wait.” I
nipped her thigh to get her to behave. I wanted to take my time,
last night I’d fucked her hard and deep, this morning I wanted to
take my time with her, enjoy her to the fullest. I guess she had
other ideas because she pushed my head away from her pussy and
toppled me off balance. Before I could right myself she straddled
me and impaled herself on my jutting cock right there on the shower

“Shit Maddy, careful.”

“You be careful, I’m horny. Now

“Yes ma’am.” I dug my hands into her
hips as I helped her on and off my cock at a rapid speed since she
seemed to be in a race to the finish. Her pussy was hot and tight
and fuck, if she kept squeezing my dick I wasn’t going to last
long. She was slamming herself down hard on my meat and I was
worried that she might hurt herself. She seemed to be in a sort of
frenzy as she nipped into my flesh with her teeth.

“Maddy stop.” I tried curtailing her
wild movements with my hands on her waist but she wasn’t even
paying me any mind. When she started keening and crying I knew she
was in trouble, fuck she was in heat. I lifted her off my cock and
almost took my life in my hands as she started scratching at me.
“Hush.” I put her on her knees tight there under the warm flow of
water and kneeling behind her drove into her hard and deep. She
bucked and came but still her body cried out for more.

I fucked her like I hadn’t in way
too long as she pushed back against me taking me all the way in as
I fingered her ass to help her get off. I’ve never seen her this
wild before and we’ve been plenty wild in the past. The more she
came the hungrier she seemed to get. My knees were starting to give
out after thirty minutes of hard pounding so I lifted her in my
arms still locked around my cock and headed for the bed. I didn’t
stop to dry us off she couldn’t wait. Dropping her on the bed I
pulled her hips back into me as I plowed into her even harder than
before. I guess that was the answer because she shredded the sheets
and howled as her body shook and shuddered.

When she was coming down I pulled
out I turned her onto her back driving back into her. I wanted to
take her this way so I could see her face when I emptied my nuts in
her. “I love you sweet Madelyn.” Her eyes crossed and just like
that she was coming again. When she bit into my neck and hugged me
tight I went over the edge, spewing what felt like a gallon of
sperm inside her.




When the call finally came through
confirming my suspicions I had to take a minute to find my control.
For some strange reason I ran out of my office after hanging up the
phone and ran through the house in search of her. Realistically I
knew she was no longer in danger but in that moment I needed to see
her, to touch her and reassure myself that she was safe and

She was understandably surprised
when I grabbed her up from the desk where she'd been sitting
writing away at her computer.

"Dominic what?"

"Don't talk baby just let me hold
you; fuck baby."

Knowing that I held my whole world
in my arms, that they were both fine, is the only thing that helped
me hold onto my sanity then. I beat back the rage that was trying
to climb up from my gut. I knew when it was unleashed it would
destroy everything in its path but not yet. First I had to right a
wrong, no matter what they had done I'd done worse. I'd doubted
her, scorned her, put her away. Fuck fuck fuck. It was my most
humbling experience to date.

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