Betrayed (8 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters

BOOK: Betrayed
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“They got what was coming to them,” Bran snapped. “Or are you forgetting that Coronis kidnapped my grandparents and tortured them for years.”

“This is a war we’re fighting, not stupid games. Both sides play dirty to win.” The strange voice was fil ed with malice. “You’re a fool to join the Guardians and go against us, Bran. The path you chose wil be your destruction because my, uh, Lord plans to win this battle. Once he finds that List, you’l have no choice but to join us.”

I realized where I heard the words,
the List.

From Valafar. He didn’t want Grampa searching for it. Bran’s laughter drew my attention.

“Never,” he snapped. “I’l find it before he does.”

“You real y think you can go against a nature-bender and win?” the voice asked. “He’l make you watch as he destroys your precious Guardians one by one, then turn your girlfriend into one of us. Al your sacrifice with be for nothing.” Her voice your sacrifice with be for nothing.” Her voice dropped down an octave. “Come back to our side, Bran. You and I could have what we once had.” Bran snarled something, but I’d stopped listening at ‘what we once had.’ The urge to push the door and see this woman—this Lazarus demoness

—washed over me, but I couldn’t move. Bran never said he had a girlfriend in the past.

The door swung open to reveal an unsmiling Bran.
I told you to finish downstairs then go home.

So I wouldn’t meet your ex-girlfriend?
I wanted to retort but bit the words back. I leaned sideways to peer into the room, but Bran moved and blocked my line of vision. Glaring, I thought of ways to force him to move. He was physical y stronger, so I couldn’t push him. Using my telekinetic powers against him was out. He had some psi abilities, but I was stronger and might hurt him.

He pushed his fingers through his hair and sighed, then stepped aside.

Lazari might turn into smoke to possess humans, but like the little demon-girl I met downstairs, they also took human forms. I entered, expecting to see a girl of great beauty. Instead, Gavyn sat in the middle of the floor trapped by six jadeite crystals. Light shot from each crystal and connected with the other five, forming a cage around him. His eyes, blacker than a moonless night, told me what I should have expected if I hadn’t been consumed by jealousy. Gavyn was possessed by a female demon and was growing weaker fast.

“Wel , wel , look at what the cat dragged in,” she said in the same disembodied voice, part the she-demon’s and part Gavyn’s, which explained the familiar lilt.

What did she look like when she was not in smoke form? I approached the cage, going on a hunch. “Does
my father
know what you’re up to, Solange?”

Possessed Gavyn blinked. “Who told you my name?”

“Who do you think?” I said with a smug smile.

“He wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t he? He and I spoke this morning.” I glanced at Bran. “What did my father say he was concerned about?”

“Your safety,” Bran answered, catching on fast.

I smiled smugly at the demon. “Yes, my safety. And that was after we discussed the presents he sent me. What do you think he’l say when he finds out that instead of looking for the List, you’re busy running your own little revenge on the Llyrs.”

“They’re traitors,” she snarled, “and deserve to suffer for their betrayal.”

“Get out of Gavyn right now.” My hand moved to the hilt of my dagger.

“Lil,” Bran warned.

“You wouldn’t dare,” the demon said, her weird voice rising. “You’l kil us both.” She was right. The Kris Dagger wouldn’t differentiate between Gavyn and the demoness. It searched for demonic energy and kil ed demons, regardless of whether they were friendly or not. I let go of the hilt and telepathed Bran.
Gavyn’s growing

So is she. I won’t let her take him.
Anguish thickened his inner voice.

Do you want me to try?
I asked.

Bran shook his head.
There’s nothing you
can do. She must come out of him soon or slip into
a coma with him.

A thought occurred to me.
Let me try
something Haziel taught me.

I waited until Bran nodded then raised my right hand toward possessed Gavyn. His eyes changed to gray and narrowed as though chal enging me. In that instant, I saw more of Gavyn than the demon and hesitated.

A grin crossed his lips. “What are you going to do, little sister?”

I trapped her psi energy and unleashed my power of persuasion.
Don’t move.
She attempted to defy me, but my hold was firm. A wave of my hand and the crystals scattered, breaking the cage. “I’m going to count to three. If you don’t get out of him, I wil use force. You won’t like it.”

Possessed Gavyn smirked. “You’re not strong enough. You’re stil a trainee—”
Out of him.

His face contorted, eyes turning black.

Pressure increased inside my head, but I didn’t let go. I tugged harder. I
command you. Get. Out. Of.



I ordered. Heaves racked his body,
I ordered. Heaves racked his body, mouth opening. The demon came out slowly, fighting to stay inside Gavyn. Body twisted, chest lifting and sinking, he dropped to his knees, coughing out the monster. Sweat covered my skin and my head threatened to split. She was strong and stubborn, and the battle seemed endless. With a final heave, she came out of him and flowed onto the floor.

Gavyn’s body dropped to the floor like a wet rug. I curled my fingers and kept the demon down, reached for my dagger to finish her off.

Bran grabbed my wrist. “Let her go….this time. Someone needs to report back to Valafar.” I hesitated, briefly questioned why he didn’t want me to vanquish the demoness. Immediately, I felt horrible for doubting his motives and dropped my hand.

The shapeless, gray mass rose from the floor.

“You caught me when I was weak, little sister,” the words bubbled from her core, her voice low and throaty. “Next time, you wil lose.”

She jetted out of the room, a little slower than the others had. I was tempted to zap her for cal ing m e
little sister.
I wasn’t one of them. My thoughts were cut short when Bran grabbed me and planted a quick kiss on my lips. When he leaned back, he wore his gorgeous smile.

“That was amazing. Are you okay? No weakness?”

My jealousy of Solange disappeared. “A little woozy, but the dagger wil fix that. She was strong.”

“That’s because she’s an experienced fighter.” He bent down and lifted Gavyn in his arms. “I need to find him a healer quick.”

I was dying to know about him and Solange, and what she meant by once Valafar found the List, Bran would have no choice but to join them. “Who?” Bran scowled as though not liking his thoughts. “The Brotherhood might help.”

“With what?” Remy asked from the doorway as he and Sykes entered the room.

“Gavyn’s energy was drained by a demon. If Bran doesn’t take him to Darius and the Brotherhood, he might not make it,” I explained.

make it.” Bran’s gaze connected with mine. “Thank you. I’l be back in the val ey later today.”

I saw love and gratitude in his eyes, but I wanted answers. Every time he left, something always stopped him from coming back.

“Why can’t we go with you?” I asked.

“We have to take care of the people downstairs, Lil,” Remy reminded me. “Kim and Izzy are almost done with them.”

I’ll be back. Love you.
Bran’s gaze didn’t leave mine as he cradled his brother closer and teleported.

Silence fol owed. There was real y nothing to say. There was no love lost between Gavyn and the Guardians. He despised us and our work. Gavyn, like other demons, believed humans should serve them, not the other way round. The only reason he stopped working for a dark lord was because of Celeste. Whether that was temporary or permanent was another story.

“Why did Bran thank you like that?” Sykes asked.

“Like what?” I got to my feet and started for the door.

“Kind of hard to explain. What did you do?” I shrugged. “I expel ed the demon possessing Gavyn.”

“You should have seen him tear through the room downstairs earlier. We heard you scream and the next second he was there. Where were you?” Remy asked as we headed downstairs.

“Battling a three-hundred pound possessed man. The demons’ obsession with my dagger is ridiculous.” I rol ed my eyes trying to lighten the situation.

Remy chuckled. “Considering its powers, I hardly think so.”

“Especial y if it can force a demon out of another demon without frying them both,” Sykes added.

Too exhausted to correct him that the dagger hadn’t expel ed the demon, I stayed silent. My mind replayed the conversation between Bran and Solange. With the identity of the medium hanging over my head, the last thing I needed was to worry about Bran or doubt his feelings for me. How were the List and Bran connected?


English lit was halfway over when I walked into Mrs. D’s class. It was hard to believe an hour ago she used her position as Security Chief of North ago she used her position as Security Chief of North America High Council to send us after smoke demons. Now she was back to being Cache High’s beloved Mrs. Deveraux, English lit teacher extraordinaire.

How did it go?
she smiled and telepathed.

Bran is okay, but his brother got hurt,
I answered and went to my seat.
Bran took him to
Darius and the Brotherhood.


She’s not doing so well.
Bran’s sister was crying when I left, and I’d be doing exactly the same if I stayed. My empathic abilities would have made sure I felt her every emotion.

You didn’t have to come to class,
Mrs. D

added, cutting into my thoughts.
I could have told
the attendance office that you’re ill.

I’m fine.
Mrs. D often faked doctor visits to explain our absences. When she couldn’t, Cardinal Hsia, the part-time student counselor and Cardinal Time Guardian, took care of things. On a different day, I would have accepted her offer. This afternoon, I needed to be distracted. I didn’t want to think about Bran and the List. Bran and that demoness. Even her name, Solange, sounded sexy and exotic.

Unfortunately, the heart wasn’t so smart. I spent the next two classes dissecting everything about Bran’s past. His mother was a Lazarus demon. Maybe that was how he and Solange met.

Maybe they used to hang out when they were little and she thought they had something special. No, Bran did say she was an experienced fighter. Maybe she was much older than he, like a big sister or a baby sitter who developed feelings for him. The way her voice changed when she mentioned the past, I doubted it.

I hated feeling uncertain about Bran’s feelings for me. Worse, I couldn’t discuss it with Kylie until I ruled her out as Valafar’s medium. At least Grampa wasn’t in the val ey. He was such a powerful psi and an empath he’d know something was bugging me as soon as I walked through the door. Then I’d have to confess everything.

When school ended, the snow had stopped fal ing and the city’s snowplows droned past, clearing the streets. A boy rol ed up a bal and pelted his friend, starting a snowbal fight. Snippets of conversations from other students reached my ears

—upcoming sporting events. Reality T.V. shows.

Parties. Funny, I used to envy humans their simple and uncomplicated lives. Now, I couldn’t imagine not knowing that demons walked amongst us or that my destiny as a Guardian was to hunt them down.

Remy and Sykes were talking to two seniors, Merilee Ferguson and Hailey somebody. I waved and continued toward Remy’s car. I didn’t need to worry about being the fifth wheel. The girls often fol owed us in their own ride. Hooking up with Merilee and Hailey or some other stupid girls after a hunt was normal for Remy and Sykes. I guess I should feel sorry for the girls, but they never seem to mind, and the guys did buy them some cool stuff.

I pressed my hand against Remy’s car door and unlocked it. Settling in the front passenger seat, I sat back and faced the one thing I’d avoided thinking about since our little trip to Seattle. Valafar was up to something and it involved a List, Bran, and destroying the Guardians. If he cal ed again, I should ask him what he wanted, maybe reason with him.

Reaching inside my pocket for my cel , I groaned. My banged up phone was stil in the pocket of my coat. I peered through the window and debated my next move. Students poured out of the school building and hurried to the buses and their cars. The thought of hunting down my friends to see which one of them took my stuff from the cafeteria was beyond impossible. Sinking back into my seat, I smothered a curse.

“What’s wrong?”

I blinked at Remy. The guy moved so quietly he hardly ever made a sound. “Can I borrow your cel ?”

“Sure.” He pul ed it from his pocket and handed it to me.

I punched in Kylie’s number and brought the phone to my ear. She answered after a few rings. “I forgot my coat in the cafeteria when I left with Celeste. Did you—?”

“Got it.”

Relief coursed through me. “Where are you?”

“We just left. Cade’s taking me home, then to the bookstore for some comics, lattes and Wi-fi. I’l drop it off later.”

I groaned. “When later? Remember, I have practice today.”

“I’l cal first…oh my God, you won’t believe

“I’l cal first…oh my God, you won’t believe this,” she screeched. “Your phone kept ringing while we were in the cafeteria and when I answered it, it was broken up and wet and the battery was missing.

It was so weird. Cade wants to know if it’s the latest…just a sec, Lil.” Cade’s deeper voice filtered through from the background though I didn’t catch his words. Then Kylie returned to the phone. “Latest thing and whether it has an extra battery or power source.”

Why me? Why was everything that could possibly screw up my life happening to me today?

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