Betrayed (Undercover #3) (13 page)

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Authors: Helena Newbury

BOOK: Betrayed (Undercover #3)
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He stared at me for a long time and then sort of grunted. “Good.”


He rolled over onto his side. His hand traced down the length of my body. “Because I like you as Arianna. I was worried I might have to get used to a new name.”

I stared into his eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I lied to you.”

“Lying was your job.”

“I don’t think I want a job where I have to lie, anymore.”

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. “I think you can do anything you want to, Arianna.”

I shook my head. “They’ve disavowed me. My passport’s been invalidated. Even if I could get home, there’s nothing for me there, now. If they want to, they could try me as a traitor.”

“Where is home?” he asked.

“Virginia. But I’m from Wisconsin, originally.”

“What’s Wisconsin like?” It was almost like we were on our first date.

I had to think about it. It had been a long time since I’d been back there. I’d told myself, ever since I’d started working for the CIA, that Virginia was now my home. It was only now that I realized I’d been lying to myself. “Wisconsin’s beautiful,” I said. “Lakes. Cows. Do you like the country?”

He blinked. “I don’t know,” he said, quite serious. “I’ve never really been there.”

My heart went out to him. All he’d ever known was the city, his world of crime feeding off the population.

His fingers knitted with mine. “If we get out of this,” he said, “I’ll take you there. I swear to you, Arianna. Even if we have to smuggle you back into America. No one should have to be separated from their home.”

I knew it wasn’t going to happen. I knew he was just trying to make me feel better, offering me a slender straw to clutch at. But I loved him for trying. “We could go swimming, in the lakes.”

“We could go thin-dipping.”


“Without clothes.”

dipping.” I laughed, but there were tears in my eyes. It sounded so good. And so impossible.

He brushed the tears from my eyes with the back of his hand. “Will you tell me, now?” he asked. “Tell me what happened to you? Do you trust me enough?”

I stared at him. “Is that what you thought? That I didn’t—God, Luka, of course I trust you. I just can’t—” I caught myself and shook my head. “I
But now, I think, I can.”

And, gripping his hand for strength, I told him.

When I reached the part about being trapped in the car, he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me with his warmth. And even though the memories were so sharp and clear they felt like they could cut me, I didn’t feel in the same danger from them. I had a shield between them and me, now, and he was strong enough to protect me from anything.

Afterwards, as we sat there in the near-darkness, I felt...not healed, but more cemented in the present. As if the past had loosened its grip on me just a little. And it felt as if, the longer I stayed with Luka, the easier it would get.

I could feel the tension in him, the anger at how I’d been hurt and the frustration at not being able to change the past. “What can I do?” he said at last.

“Will you just hold me?” I whispered.

He tightened his grip and nestled my head into his shoulder, and it felt so good that I was asleep in minutes.









The next morning, the cracked ceiling made me frown for a second until I remembered where we were. Then it all came back to me like cold lead dropping from above, pounding me down into the depths.

We’d bought some toiletries from the department store so we could scrape a wash. Breakfast came from a battered vending machine, normally only used by the hotel’s prostitutes between clients. I noticed all the gum was gone.

Luka passed me a scalding cup of instant coffee and offered me the choice of the last two chocolate bars. “That one has raisins,” he said, deciphering the unfamiliar brands for me. “That one is sickly, but I used to like it when I was a child.”

I took the raisin one and we sat on the end of the bed. It was an odd sight, watching a huge, tattooed arms dealer eating a candy bar. I wondered what Olaf was doing, at that moment.

“Do you think Olaf’s still at your dad’s house?”

Luka nodded bitterly. I imagined Olaf sitting at the huge dining table, tucking into an extravagant breakfast like a conquering king.

“It’s the staff I worry about,” muttered Luka. “I don’t care about the place, but the people….”

“The staff?” I asked.

He looked at me, pain in his eyes. His hands were tightening into fists. “The maids.”

I remembered what Olaf and his gang liked to do to women and my stomach turned over.

“Do you think he’ll move in?” I asked.

He nodded. “My father’s house is nicer than his place. That’s how it works. You take over and you take what you want. Trophies.”

“Like you with the German’s yacht.”

He nodded and then kicked a chair. “He’ll take the jet. Everything. Then he’ll build a fucking empire in the US based on
gun deal. First guns, then drugs. Then, when he owns the local police, his fucking rape clubs. We paved the road for him!”

Guilt knotted in my chest. This was all my fault: I’d sleepwalked into the middle of a war and helped the wrong side to win. I’d been so hot for Luka, I’d not seen the way I was being manipulated. I fell onto the bed on my back and stared at the ceiling. “There’s nothing we can do, is there?”

He shook his head sadly. “What I want to do is kill that bastard.”

For the first time, the idea of killing didn’t disgust me. Maybe that meant I’d finally been corrupted. Olaf Ralavich deserved to die.

“But he’s too well guarded,” said Luka. “And there’s only two of us. We’d have to get him alone.”

“So we just sit here and do nothing?” I asked bitterly.

He turned slightly and looked at me, then down at my legs. Flopping down on my back had made the short hem of my dress ride up. “We don’t have to do
he growled.

I had to love him for that, for still being his brutish, horny self even when everything was lost. And God knows I’d happily tear his clothes off and make enough noise to piss off the couple next door again, but—

Something was scratching at the back of my mind. Two things he’d said that, in combination....

He leaned down to kiss me, but I put a hand on his chest to stop him. His eyes clouded with lust. “Are we still playing that game?” he asked. “Want me to interrogate you?”

Just those five words, combined with his accent, were enough to turn my insides to liquid heat. But I shook my head and sat up. “Wait,” I said. I was sifting through my mind like a gold panner, trying to find the few tiny gold flakes and crush them together. “He’ll take the jet?” I asked slowly.

Luka nodded. “It’s my prize possession. Everybody knows that.”

I thought of the jet and its luxurious leather seats. The smiling pilot—

was it. That was the other thing that had sparked something when I’d heard it—when Luka had said he worried about Vasiliy’s staff. He cared about the people under him. I remembered how the jet’s crew had responded to him. “They’re loyal to you, aren’t they? The pilot and co-pilot?”

He looked puzzled. “Yes. But once Olaf arrives and tells them he’s taken over, they’ll have no choice.”

“But if you contacted them...maybe they could help us?” I grabbed Luka’s arm. “Maybe they could help us get Olaf alone?”

He blinked at me twice. Then he suddenly kissed me, wrapping me up in his arms and pulling me against his chest. “I love you, Arianna Scott,” he said.

And then we just stared at each other. It was the first time he’d said it. My eyes searched his and the flame within those clear blue pools of ice was burning bright, now. I knew he meant it.

I kissed him, slow and deep. We explored each other as if it was our first time. If we’d met without all the baggage, in some other universe,
is the point we would have reached—all sins forgiven, all defenses down. His warmth was soaking into me through every place we touched, from my lips to my groin, and I felt the ice inside me shudder and finally explode. Underneath, the parts of me I’d thought were lost forever started to glow and swell, alive again. It felt like we’d found our way onto the path we were always meant to be on. And it was the best feeling in the world.

When we finally broke the kiss, he held my head between his hands and just looked at me, letting me know that this was
that we’d be together forever, now. If we survived.

He pulled out his cell phone and started the app that located the jet. “Good. They haven’t disabled my account, yet. I can still check—Yes.” He smiled. “There’s a trip scheduled. From my usual airfield to New York.” He showed me the screen. Six passengers were listed. Four of the names I didn’t recognize—bodyguards, presumably. But two of them I did. Olaf and Adam.

“If we could get Adam,” I said, “And some evidence, maybe his laptop...I might be able to prove to my people that he was a traitor.”

“Everything we need will be on that plane,” said Luka. “They’re leaving in two hours. Let’s go.”









The airfield was just outside Moscow. That meant going through a roadblock staffed by a mixture of police and Ralavich’s men. I grabbed Luka’s hand as our taxi drew close. I was pretty sure I wasn’t recognizable in the wig and make-up, but Luka still looked pretty much like himself.

“It’ll be fine,” said Luka, not very convincingly. He fingered the handgun under his jacket. I counted four armed men at the roadblock. If it came to a shootout, I knew we’d last a few seconds, at most.

As we neared the roadblock, I suddenly threw myself on top of Luka, straddling him. His knees pushed the hem of my dress up a little.

“What—” he started

“Shut up and kiss me,” I said. And kissed him hard and deep, trying to keep my head between his face and the window.

His hands came up to grab my ass, then slid up to my waist. His tongue danced with mine, my own desperate, scared pants mixing with his.

The cab driver muttered something about us paying extra.

We stopped again. I kept my eyes tight closed, but I knew we must be at the roadblock. Right outside the window, they’d be watching us, comparing us to the descriptions they’d been given. I kissed Luka frantically, grinding on his lap, praying it would be enough to distract them.

There was a knock on the window.
I could feel the eyes of the men outside.

I broke the kiss for a second. “Pull my dress down,” I panted frantically into his ear, keeping my eyes closed.

Luka hesitated. He could feel them staring at us, too.

“Do it right now,” I panted, “Or we’re both dead.”

He yanked the shoulder straps of my dress down, taking my bra with it. My breasts spilled out, throbbing in the freezing air. I bucked and ground against him, feeling the men’s eyes on my naked chest—

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