Between Darkness and Light (88 page)

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Authors: Lisanne Norman

BOOK: Between Darkness and Light
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Kusac sat up with a sigh. “Kezule's expanding the deadline by two weeks. From what I hear, you've gotten through to an ammo dump. M'kou was saying he has enough pressure suits ready to enable thirty more of the newcomers to join you tomorrow. Help yourself to coffee.”
Flicking his ears in thanks, Banner headed for the coffee jug and began to pour. “Yes, so I heard. We're not being allowed near the ammo though, we're still working in the main engine room and the maintenance bay by the dorsal hangar. Doesn't Kezule's interest in the weapons and ammo concern you at all, Kusac?” asked Banner, spooning some sweetener into his drink.
“Not really,” he replied. “You know as well as I do, Banner, that there is no way he could put what he has to use as an offensive fighting machine. For a start, he doesn't have the necessary pilots. His Prime civilians are no use for that, and as for the Ch'almuthians, that remains to be seen since they haven't been that keen on mixing with the rest of us yet.”
“I'll admit that he's only got his sixteen commandos,” began Banner, bringing his mug with him over to the easy chair, “but that's a reasonable number to be effective.”
“He doesn't possess a ship capable of carrying them, Banner,” he said patiently. “Not even the
and the
combined could carry sixteen fighters, they could only manage three between them.”
“Three fighters on a covert mission can do a hell of a lot of damage, Kusac,” said Banner.
“I appreciate that. Don't worry, I am considering a way for them to be protected without putting our allies at risk. I'm open to any suggestions you might have. I know what's bothering you,” he said, glancing up at Banner as he leaned forward on his knees. “You want me to talk to Kezule about leaving when we're finished with the
, don't you? Well, I can't. We've only done just over five weeks—we still have at least another six to do, and I'm not going to squabble over six weeks.”
“If he sticks to the agreement,” said Banner, sipping his coffee. “Another two on the
only leaves us four more weeks to integrate the Ch'almuthians,”
“No, I've been working with them since they arrived,” he said. “Lirtosh and Kzellish have been allocating several of the young adults to appropriate departments on Kij'ik. I'm not involved with the salvage, and I've transcribed all I can for now. The program I used is on their mainframe and has been updated by Zhalmo with what I've learned. They can now automate most of the file recovery process—the rest I can do as and if needed.”
“Has Kezule said when he'll have Shaidan deprogrammed?” asked Banner, changing topics abruptly.
“During the last week,” he replied. “You've seen for yourself he's a lot better now. He's breaking through his programming.”
“To a degree,” agreed his Second reluctantly. “He's still not behaving like a normal kitling of his age, though.”
“How can he when he's mainly surrounded by adults? He does spend more time now with the Prime children, and we've been playing with him.”
“Thank Vartra Kezule's stopped having the cub trailing round after him,” said Banner. “Using him to cause you stress was pushing things too far.”
“Agreed, but as you said, that has stopped. Now, is there anything else you want to discuss because I have had a hard day and need to relax,” he said, hoping he didn't sound as irritated as he felt.
“No more business,” said Banner. “Unless you found anything interesting in your translations?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Yesterday and today all I was working on were inventories from various departments on the ship. Interesting only in that it adds another element to the biopic I'm building of their culture. Oh,” he said, remembering. “When Kezule's finished with the
, he's going to get his commandos to train the Ch'almuthians. He'd like you to help, and in a week or two, observe them and their trainees and assess how both are doing. He wants to make sure his people are capable of taking over from us when we leave.”
“So he really intends to stick to his bargain?”
Kusac frowned. “Of course.”
“Just good to hear him anticipating our departure after all his changes of plans. Are you intending to go to the rec tonight?” asked Banner.
“In an hour or two, yes,” he said. “I want to shower first as I may head up to the pool later on, when I know it's going to be quiet.”
Banner grinned. “Gets crowded now, doesn't it, despite Kezule's schedules.”
He shrugged. He was meeting Zayshul and Ghidd'ah there later. Meeting her had become a little easier now that Ghidd' ah was around to keep watch and make it look less obvious that they were trying to be alone. “That's why I go later.”
Banner got to his feet. “I'll let you get on, then,” he said. “Mind if I take my coffee with me?”
“Help yourself,” he said.
“Ah, Zhalmo,” said Kezule, getting up as his daughter entered. He gestured to the informal area. “Please, take a seat, and be at ease,” he added.
Zhalmo relaxed her military posture and walked over to sit on the sofa, wondering what this was about. She was on bridge duty right now, and with the
right outside their landing bay lit up as if for a festival, the General depended on their long-range scanners to give them advance warning if anyone was in the vicinity. Granted her shift was almost over, but it was most unlike him to take anyone off essential duties like this, even for an interview.
She noticed the jug of maush and the two glass drinking vessels sitting on the low table, and became even more intrigued. This wasn't like him at all.
Kezule took the easy chair opposite her and picking up the jug, poured drinks for them. Lifting one dish, he handed it to her.
“I thought it was time we had a chat,” he said, obviously uneasy in this social role he'd imposed on himself. “Are you getting on well here? Making friends?”
Even more perplexed, she accepted the bowl and took a sip of the drink. “Yes,” she said, wondering what was expected of her. “Life here is good. The training facilities are far better than at the City of Light, and I've enjoyed learning from Captain Aldatan and his crew.”
“Good,” he said. “That's good. How do you get on with our visitors?”
“I've never had a problem with them,” she said. “Except for the one called Dzaou,” she added. “But then even his own people have problems with him. He's more than just disagreeable, it goes deeper than that.”
Kezule nodded, obviously ill at ease. He hadn't touched his drink and he sat with his hands held restlessly in his lap.
“The Captain is containing him, though.”
“Yes,” she agreed, wondering where this was going. “Is there something wrong, General?” she asked. She could sense he was building up to something but had no idea what it was.
“How do you get on with the Captain?” he asked finally, his eyes catching hers briefly for the first time.
“Well enough,” she said, feeling a sudden chill of premonition. “Not what I'd call friends because he doesn't give much away about himself to anyone.”
“You like him, though.”
“I've nothing against him, if that's what you mean,” she said cautiously.
“M'kou said you will seek out his company in the rec.”
She put her drinking bowl down on the table. “If you're asking me am I attracted to him, then yes,” she said. “What female wouldn't be, even without that marker on him? He holds himself back and slightly aloof from everyone, yet when he is with you, he's charming. What is it you want to know, General?” she asked, tired of beating about the bush.
Kezule looked at her again. “Has he shown any interest in you?”
“Some,” she admitted, thinking back to the night Zayshul had got so mad at her when Kusac had walked her back to her room after the rec session. “Why?”
Again he looked away. “You know about the scent marker,” he said. “And the fact it wasn't my wife who put it there.”
“We've said nothing,” she said almost defensively, appalled that he could think any of them would disobey his direct orders. “If he's found out, then it wasn't one of us. If you want to keep him from finding out, the Ch'almuthians must be considered a security risk.” Privately every one of them was sure the Doctor had marked the Sholan Captain, but if their father decided to believe otherwise, it was not their job to question him.
“No one's accusing you of anything,” he reassured her hurriedly. “And I spoke to our new settlers myself.” He hesitated. “Your brother, M'kou ... his female has scent-marked him. You know this?”
She nodded. “Yes. She's a good match for him.”
“I know. Like me, you've all inherited the ability to know your natural mates so you can breed true.”
She cocked her head on one side, a slightly puzzled look on her face. Was that what this was about? “How can we breed true?” she asked. “Surely we're half-breed Primes?”
“No. Certain Prime females still carry the extra glands that the Warrior caste carry. You do, as do all your sisters. In fact, you can utilize them as well as your brothers.”
Zhalmo stirred. This was unexpected. “How?” she asked.
“Biofeedback,” he said, waving his hand as if this was an irrelevancy. “I intend to show you all shortly. They chose your mothers because they carried these traits, as does Zayshul.”
“So what are we?” she asked. “Primes, or what?”
“Valtegans,” he said. “As we once were, not like those of my time, or even those of today. You'll know instinctively those who are compatible with you.”
“Then at least our brothers have some choice,” she said dryly. “There are no such males among the Primes.”
“I know,” he said, finally reaching for his drink. “That's one of the main reasons why we needed the Ch'almuthians. But none of this is why I wanted to talk to you.”
“Then what?”
“The Sholan Captain. I'm sure that because of your brother, you're well aware of the effects of a marker on the other females.”
Again, as he took a sip from his drink, she could see he was becoming acutely uneasy. “Yes,” she said, the feeling of dread returning.
“Then you can appreciate the situation my wife is in,” he said, concentrating on his drink.
This time she said nothing, waiting for him to continue.
“I'd hoped our resident TeLaxaudin could have found some way to turn this marker off, but that's not been the case.”
“As I understand it,” she said carefully, concentrating on picking up her bowl and taking a small drink from it. “It can only be removed by the female who put it there. Besides, it's only an attraction—it can be ignored.”
“Maybe our species can,” he said sharply, looking up. “but the Sholan can't! With him it's created an obsession! Don't tell me you haven't noticed. I want it stopped now, before it becomes a greater embarrassment, and before it goes any further!” He banged the bowl down on the table, making the contents slop over the rim.
She had noticed, which was why she'd backed off from Kusac—that and because as far as she could see, the Doctor was equally affected by it. “Why are you telling me all this?” she asked, replacing the bowl. “What has it to do with me?”
“You said you're attracted to the Captain,” he said. “I just wanted you to know that I'm in favor of your interest. If I can make your ... pursuit of him any easier, by giving you a posting working with him, for instance, let me know.” He hesitated for a moment, then began to speak rapidly. “There are certain common medications that will make him more relaxed if necessary. All I'm asking is that when you do ... achieve your objective, you scent-mark him.”
She stared at him, hardly able to believe what she was hearing. “Are you asking me to seduce and scent-mark the Sholan Captain—against his will if necessary?” she asked, hearing the disbelief in her own voice.
Kezule winced but didn't look away this time. “Yes. I'm only asking you to do something you want to do anyway. It's Zayshul I'm thinking of here, as well as the Captain,” he said. “Hopefully, your scent marker will replace the one that's on him now, ending what's become an untenable situation for all three of us. Then, the next time you're together, or even the same night, you turn it off.”
“Absolutely not,” she said, trying to keep the anger from her voice. “I may be attracted to him, but I have no intention of forcing myself on him, with or without his consent! You taught us that a Warrior should be as ethical as possible in his dealings with friends and allies—this is neither, and will turn Captain Aldatan from a friend into an enemy when he finds out! Besides, it won't work. You can't replace one marker with another, otherwise what would be the point of us being able to mark males at all?”

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