Between Duty and Desire (15 page)

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Authors: Leanne Banks

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Man-woman relationships, #Fiction - Romance, #Romance - General, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance: Modern, #Adult, #Romance - Contemporary, #Romance - Adult, #Marines

BOOK: Between Duty and Desire
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She sighed in pleasure against his mouth. “Plus you let me kidnap you to the beach almost every weekend.” She paused a half beat. “My only complaint is that you won’t let me include my drawings of you in my show next month.”

Brock chuckled. He knew she was teasing. “I thought your nude drawings of me were supposed to be just for us.”

“The artist in me wants to share them. After all, they took so long for me to complete because you kept interrupting me while I was drawing.”

He skimmed his hand down her throat to her now-blooming cleavage. “I don’t recall you complaining too much at the time.”

“Well, you didn’t—”

He slid his finger underneath her halter top to touch her nipple. Her breasts had become delightfully sensitive to his touch due to her advancing pregnancy.

She closed her eyes and made a soft breathy sound.

He toyed with both stiff peaks, enjoying her sensual movements.

She opened her eyes. “You’re distracting me again.”

“It’s one of my favorite things to do.”

Sighing, she shifted slightly and lifted her lips to kiss him. “I am totally crazy for you, Brock Armstrong.”

His heart melted in his chest the same way it did every time she assured him how much she loved him. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe she was his.

“I love how you encourage me with my art. I love
how you take care of me and let me take care of you. I love how you helped me make the memory box for Rob and hung it on the wall in the den.”

“He’s a part of you. I’ll always be grateful to him, Callie. I’m sorry we lost him, but he gave me something more precious than I could have dreamed.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”

“Same for me, sunshine. I guess we’ll just have to keep showing each other.” He dropped a kiss on her soft, sweet mouth. Showing her how much he loved her would be his favorite mission for the rest of his life.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5410-1


Copyright © 2004 by Leanne Banks

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