Between Midnight and Dawn (9 page)

BOOK: Between Midnight and Dawn
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“It’s not your job to protect me.” Even as she said the words, she knew they were a lie. She felt safer having him in the cottage, and
count on him to keep her safe, even if she was loath to admit it. She’d been purposely quiet when she’d taken Charlie for walks late at night, not wanting to disturb Kyle’s sleep, since the cottage was so nearby.

But before she had a chance to take the words back and promise she’d be more careful, his mouth slammed down on hers and her mind short-circuited. His lips, soft and warm, ravaged hers.

Kyle threaded his fingers into her hair, his tongue sliding seductively along the seam of her mouth. When her lips parted on a sigh of pleasure, he thrust his tongue inside to tangle with hers. He tasted tangy, like spicy barbecue sauce and hot sexy male.

Nicole melted into him, encircling his waist as he tugged her closer and deepened the kiss, exploring the inside of her mouth like a conquering warrior, leaving no part of her untouched. She moaned, her legs trembling, her nipples taut and aching with need, her panties growing damper with each sensual touch of his tongue.

She entertained the thought of making love to Kyle right there on the ground, under the stars and moon, when he abruptly released her, tension flowing across his features. Charlie could still be heard barking. Nicole stilled. No. It was more like he was growling at something.

“What is it?” Her heart pounded out of her chest.

In the clearing a short distance away, she spotted Charlie in a crouch, staring into a thick wooded area with the hackles on his back standing up. Even from this distance, she could hear the warning growl rumbling in his throat.

“Rob,” Kyle yelled, loud enough to carry into her backyard, then gripped her upper arms again, but this time he was all business. “Don’t move from this spot.”


“Just do as I say, baby.”

Caught off guard by the endearment, she somehow managed a nod. Then she was staring at his back as he sprinted toward Charlie, retrieving a handgun from under his shirt at his waist. Suddenly the dog dashed toward the wooded area.

“Charlie, stop,” Kyle ordered, bringing the dog to a halt.

Charlie continued to whine, his unhappiness obvious at not being able to chase whatever had caught his attention.

What is going on?
Her heart raced as she tried not to let her imagination run wild. Kyle glanced back at her before disappearing into the brush, and a second later Charlie took off after him.

When someone grabbed her arm, she strangled back a cry. Relief made her knees weak when she recognized Rob peering at her with concern. “You okay?”

She nodded. Her earlier jubilance at her improved hearing faded at the knowledge she was still vulnerable, completely missing his approach. But Kyle must have seen him, or he wouldn’t have left her.

Sheryl ran up to them, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know—”

“Stay here.” Rob sprinted across the open field, stopping at the edge of the woods and calling Kyle’s name.

As Kyle pushed his way through the forested area, he heard a car engine turn over and the vehicle racing away. By the time he reached the road, all he saw were taillights disappearing around the curve, about a mile down the road.

“Goddammit,” he gritted out, dropping his hands at his side, still maintaining a tight grip on his weapon. Charlie ran up and nosed his gun-free hand, and Kyle patted his head. “Good dog.”

Kyle glared down the road, shoving the Glock back into his waistband. He raked one hand through his hair as fury rushed through him. It’d been Barber in the woods watching Nicole, trying to devise a plan to get to her. He was sure of it.

Isn’t that what I wanted?

Self-disgust roiled like a vat of acid in his gut, eating a hole right through him. He could hear Rob calling, and felt thankful he’d stayed with the women and not followed him into the woods.

“Come on, Charlie,” Kyle called out, slapping his hand against his thigh as he took off through the trees, needing to get back to Nicole. Charlie obediently followed. The dog deserved a special treat tonight, and Kyle felt a little calmer knowing Charlie would be at her place to at least bark, alerting him to any intruders.

Ducking under a low branch, he determined to step up his protection of Nicole.
First thing is to sleep lighter
, he thought grimly, even while he baited the trap for Barber. Kissing her one minute, then using her to trap a serial killer the next, made him a dick of great proportions. Seriously. One big huge dick.

He raked his hand down his face, not liking himself too much at the moment. Nicole’s flavor still lingering on his lips, his need to protect her waged a fierce battle with his determination to see his mother’s killer pay.

Hell. What he needed to do was keep his hands off her. And his lips, and any other part of his anatomy burning for her. Nothing could happen between them, not while he was lying to her.

When he stepped into the clearing, Rob charged over to meet him. Concern etched his partner’s face. The two women stood across the open space, where Kyle had left Nicole. Both appeared spooked.

“What’s going on?” Rob asked softly, but the anger in his eyes indicated he’d already figured it out.

“Barber was here,” Kyle said, keeping his voice down so he didn’t upset the women any further.

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.” Watching Nicole, Kyle thought about the kiss they’d shared in the clearing, knowing Barber had witnessed it. How would the man react? “Let’s get the girls safely home, then you and I need to find a way to take Barber down . . . or out.”

it is Barber. We don’t know anything for sure.”

As they walked toward the women, the dog took off in a run toward Nicole. “You still have doubts?”

Rob nodded. “Until we have proof positive, we can’t discount any other suspects. Tomorrow, we should bring the local authorities up to speed on the case.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Kyle rolled his shoulders back, fighting the urge to hit something, take out the aggression coursing through him. If the women weren’t watching, he might have punched a tree, at least. “But, I’m telling you Barber’s our man.” He held up his hand when Rob opened his mouth to argue. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t consider other suspects, so relax.”

“Good,” Rob said. “After the women are safely tucked in for the evening, we’ll go over the information I’ve gathered.” He shot Kyle a look of amusement. “But this time, we’ll leave the sound down low to give the girls’ some privacy. When Sheryl’s ready to leave, I’ll make sure she gets home safe, then swing back if we still have shit to discuss.”

Kyle gave a curt nod of agreement. They’d already invaded the girls’ privacy enough, and he didn’t need Rob listening to any more of Nicole’s talk about
Mr. Happy

Chapter 9

Allan turned down the bitch’s road and flipped off his headlights. Not used to being thwarted, the need to snatch Nicole Chambers was getting harder to resist with each passing day, each hour, minute . . . second. Although the sweet piece in the trunk had helped beat back the worst of his demons for a short time, after seeing Nicole and Wade in the woods they could no longer be denied.

The compulsion to have Nicole Chambers ate away at his control, until need consumed him, and all he could think about was having her at his mercy.
She’s the one.
The one who would be able to silence his demons, finally give him the peace he’d been seeking.

The thought of Wade touching what belonged to him had rage bubbling hot inside him.
Maybe I should just kill the bastard and get him out of my way.

But killing a cop would bring down too much heat. And even though Wade’s badge had been yanked, he was still a cop. The boys in blue, above all else, took care of their own. It was too risky. If an investigation was opened up, and any real effort put into connecting him with the murders, he was toast. He’d be in prison faster than you could say, guilty as charged.

I need to think of a different way to get rid of this guy.

It’d been over four hours since her dog chased him off the property. For an instant, he thought about coming back to get rid of the mutt first. But then memories of his dog, Blue, the one bright spot in his dismal childhood, came to mind. Blue had been his best friend when he was a kid, but he’d been taken from him shortly after his mother’s death.

Easing up on the gas pedal, he coasted as quietly as possible, bringing the car to a stop near Nicole Chambers’ house, just shy of her front yard.

Rage filtered through him, remembering how his father had taken Blue to the dog pound, saying he didn’t have the time to take care of him anymore. Less than a week later, his dog had been put to sleep. The pain of his loss had torn a hole inside of Allan that had never healed.

So, he’d let the dog live,
for now
. Maybe he could find a way to incapacitate the animal without hurting it, so he could get to her. If not, he’d have no choice but to kill it.

Allan shoved the car into ‘park,’ but left it idling as he popped open the trunk before climbing out. He knew it was a risk coming back here but figured the mutt was now tucked away safe and sound inside, along with Nicole. And fortunately, it was a starless night, the moon hidden behind clouds, giving him the perfect cover he needed.

Still pissed at seeing her in Wade’s arms, his frustration eased a bit as he stared at the bound woman tucked inside. Since he’d confirmed Nicole’s cell number, he’d at first contemplated sending her photos of the woman as she died, but decided leaving her a bigger message was in order.

Satisfaction slid through him, remembering the heady sound of the woman’s whimpers as he’d vented his lust and fury on her body and mind.

Even now, the thought of it made him hard again, and the urge to take another woman pounded an increasingly loud drumbeat against his better judgment. Too soon. He should lie low for a good long while, or at least hunt in a different area.

Reaching inside, he lifted the woman from the trunk and quietly walked down the road, until he was near the mailbox. He carefully placed her in the ditch, arranging her in just the right position.

Grinning, his gaze moved to Nicole’s house, knowing exactly where all the cameras were hidden, having scoped the place out already. Did Wade really think it’d be that easy? Allan had been a cop for over twenty years before his career-ending injury, and knew all the tricks. He was too smart to get caught so easily.

He knelt near the top of the woman’s head, leaning over so he could see her face. The scent of wildflowers drifted over him as he softly slapped her cheeks, first one, then the other, to rouse her. The drugs he’d given her would be wearing off and he needed her full attention now.

A soft murmur sounded around the ball gag in her mouth as she shook her head, as if trying to clear it. Her eyes popped open, staring up at him in a daze. He loved this part, when remembering their predicament caused panicked eyes to fill with resignation.

“Hey, doll,” he said softly. “Are you with me now?”

She stared at him as those huge brown eyes filled with tears.

Allan lifted his Bowie knife and pressed the razor sharp blade to her throat. “I asked you a question, sweetheart.”

Managing a quick nod, she blinked, tears cascading down bruised cheeks.

He placed his free hand on her forehead, holding her steady as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her cheek. She whimpered but didn’t struggle.

“Good girl,” he said, leaning back to watch as he slid the knife through her carotid artery as easily as slicing into butter. Her eyes widened as a stream of blood shot out, splattering her nude body with streaks of red as she convulsed for only a minute or so, before going slack with death. Blood pooled on the ground underneath the area of the wound.

As he viewed his handiwork, Allan leaned his head to one side, cracking his neck to relieve the pressure he was feeling, then repeated the action to the other side. The thrill of the kill already beginning to fade. Rage bounced around inside his brain, knowing it was already too late. He wouldn’t be able to stop until he had Nicole.

But first, he needed to get Wade off his back so he could get to her. Chuckling, he knelt down and placed his rubber-gloved finger into the sticky substance, lifting it to the woman’s forehead, and began to write.

Nicole Chambers would be his, one way or the other.

Either in life, or in death.

Kyle paused, the fork of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth, glaring at the monitor as Nicole exited the house and onto her back porch with Charlie on a leash. He’d spent much of the night awake, sitting in his living room so he could keep an eye on her house in case Barber came back. Though he didn’t think the man was that stupid, but better safe than sorry.

Shoulders tight, he watched to make sure she didn’t head into the woods with the dog. After last night, he thought she’d have more sense than that.

With a clatter, he dropped the fork back onto his plate, shoving away from the kitchen table to stand. Every molecule in his body on alert, his eyes narrowed, ready to go paddle her shapely bottom if she took a single step toward the woods. Hell if that image didn’t have his dick jumping to attention again. Kyle clenched his jaw and forced his focus back on Nicole.

. He’d gotten her the dog for protection, not to make her more of a target. It was too dangerous in the woods, too many trees for Barber to hide behind, and a risk she didn’t need to take. When she headed toward the front yard instead, his muscles relaxed.

Making his way over to the security camera controls, he brought up a full sized image of the front of Nicole’s house. Spotting her, his gaze skimmed in appreciation over the short skirt she wore. The way it exposed those shapely legs of hers he so admired. She’d paired the skirt with a sleeveless, powder-blue gauzy top, tied at her middle, giving him a tantalizing peek of her firm, flat stomach.

He raked his fingers through his hair, feeling every bit like a pervert. But that didn’t stop him from noticing how nice she looked this morning.

She glanced back at the cottage, and he froze. Even though he knew she couldn’t see him, guilt for spying on her hit him like a sucker punch. Regret filled him, knowing their blossoming friendship, along with any intimacy growing between them, would die a quick death when she discovered his lies.

He’d finally admitted to himself that he wanted to see if the sexual tension that ignited between them whenever they were together could turn into something more. Something deeper.
Maybe a relationship
. Something he’d never wanted with any other woman.

After going over the evidence with Rob the night before, it was clear Barber was starting to lose it. From what they could determine, the guy’s attacks were escalating, becoming bolder, but also sloppy. There could be new evidence out there that could convict him. They just needed to put together all the pieces before anyone else was hurt.

Rob was right. It was time to bring in the local authorities, especially given the sheriff was an old friend of Nicole’s. The risk being he’d become territorial and try to shut them out of the case.

Like hell he’d let that happen. Having met Dean the night of Nicole’s attack, he was inclined to trust the guy, figuring he’d do whatever it took to protect her. As badly as Kyle wanted to take Barber down, he wasn’t willing to risk Nicole’s life in the process.

Now he just had to figure out when to tell her, and hope she understood.

He resumed eating his breakfast, keeping a steady eye on Nicole. She led Charlie over to a row of shrubs bordering her yard so the dog could pee. Then, at a leisurely pace, she made her way down the long driveway toward the mailbox. The sexy sway of her hips in that short skirt holding his attention. In the next instant, she disappeared out of camera range, and he jumped to his feet, heading over to the window so he could see her.

He was totally unprepared for the terrified scream that filled the air, ricocheting through him like an armor-piercing bullet. Veering away from the window, he grabbed his gun off the coffee table before rushing outside. Losing sight of her for the few seconds it took him to clear the back of her house seemed like an eternity as her panicked screams continued.

His heart in his throat, the first thing he saw when he rounded the corner was Nicole stumbling back near the edge of the road, tripping over the dog leash, and ending up on her butt. He scanned the area. Charlie’s barks and growls mixed with Nicole’s screams indicated something serious was going down. But he didn’t see Barber, or any signs of danger.

What the hell happened?

Charlie raced up to him, dragging his leash and barking furiously, before darting back to Nicole who was frantically crab-walking backward. She flipped onto her hands and knees and scrambled to her feet as he drew near, running straight into his arms.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, he held her trembling body close to his, her screams muffled by his shoulder as she clung to him.

“Shh.” Kyle scanned the area, keeping a firm grip on his weapon, but he didn’t see any danger. “What is it? Tell me.”

“Ohmygod, ohmygod,” she wailed. It almost seemed like she was trying to crawl up his chest as her body continued to shake, her hands clutching his shirt.

He released her. Bringing his hand up to cup her face, he leaned in until they were practically nose-to-nose. “Baby, what is it?”

Nicole sucked in a big gulp of air, her lower lip trembling, her gaze shock-filled. “Oh my God, Kyle.” Her grip on his shirt tightened. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she blurted out, “Across the street . . . the ditch. In the ditch. A woman—”

Unable to finish the sentence, Nicole began sobbing, burying her face back into his chest. Kyle strained his eyes, trying to see in the ditch, but wasn’t close enough. But given the anguished tremors wracking Nicole’s slender frame, he suspected what he’d find. The ache in his clenched jaw grew, fury riding him hard at the thought of another young woman abused and murdered by that psychopath. The implications of the body being dumped at Nicole’s place weren’t lost on him either.

He’s sending me a message.
Barber must have gone into a rage at being thwarted again. So, instead of taking Nicole, he’d gone out and snatched a different woman, or already had one, and decided to kill her and dump her where Nicole would find her.

Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her brow, breathing in her sweet flowery scent.
Knowing she was the original target but someone else was killed is going to hurt her.

Kyle tried to get his rising anger under control. There was no way for Nicole to go back and un-see the evil. The knowledge he’d failed her tore him up inside. Maybe if he’d come clean with her and the sheriff that first night, it never would have escalated to this point, and she wouldn’t have to live with the horror of what she’d seen for the rest of her life.

He peered down at her, clearly reading shock and misery in her eyes. “Stay here.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “Sh-Should I call the police?”

Kyle didn’t want her out of his sight, but she didn’t need to see whatever was in the ditch again. “No. Stay put.”

She nodded as a soft sob shook her chest.

He cupped her face and pressed a tender kiss to one tear dampened cheek. She appeared extremely fragile at the moment, near the breaking point. Unlike the strong woman he’d come to know who’d fought off two attackers and was fighting her way back to full health.

He wanted to scoop her up and take her away, keep her safe. But that would leave Barber out there, hunting. That thought strengthened his resolve to continue down the path he’d started on. “I’ll be right back.”

Kyle made his way across the road, keeping Nicole in his view. He decided Barber was long gone, having killed the woman in a fit of rage and left her where Nicole would see her. Nearing the ditch, he looked down and swallowed hard against the bile crawling up his throat. At first glance, the woman could have been Nicole, or at least her twin. Same body shape, facial features, and hair coloring. The similarities were too strong to deny.

Steeling himself, he forced his rioting emotions down deep and knelt next to the ravaged body, checking for a pulse, but not expecting to find one. She was positioned on her back, bound with rope and a ball gag in her mouth. Numerous cuts and bruises indicated she’d suffered before her death. And like C.H.K.’s prior victims, she had a vicious slash across her throat and blood soaked the ground around her.

Anger thundered through him. This guy had come too close to getting his hands on Nicole. It could as easily have been her lying in this ditch if he hadn’t followed her home that day, if he hadn’t been here last night when Barber came looking for her again. He broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of what could have happened.

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