Between the Vines (21 page)

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Authors: Tricia Stringer

BOOK: Between the Vines
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“So you agree to a partnership?”



“I'll think about it.”

“We don't have long.”

“You've obviously been working on this deal for a while. I've only just found out about it. I need some time to think it over.”

“How much time?”

“A week.”

“Too long, Pete. I need to give Mr Zhu and the vineyard offer an answer sooner than that.”

“Till Wednesday then. You've got to give me some time to think it over properly. I want to see the vineyard and look at your figures.”

“Okay. You can come with me to the office now. I've got all the paperwork there.”

“It's late Ed, and I'm tired. I'll think on what you said. How about we take a drive to look at the vineyard tomorrow afternoon and then you can show me the paperwork. I'll still have a day to think on it before I give you my answer.”

“Okay.” Ed picked up the bottle. “We might as well finish the rest of this. It's not bad.”

Pete felt physically and emotionally drained but Ed was right. The wine was good. It would be a shame to leave it.


Edward parked near the quarters and got out of his four-wheel drive. The mid-morning sun was warm on his arms as he stopped to look at the vines stretched out beside him. He'd been going to send Taylor a text saying he wouldn't be there for this evening's meal then thought better of it. Perhaps the personal approach was still the best for now.

The screen was closed but the old wooden door was open. Music played and he could smell something savoury cooking as he approached. It was a shame to miss Taylor's cooking tonight but he had planned to touch base with the bloke over the Wrattonbully deal.

“That's the spot.”

He hesitated at the sound of Taylor's voice.

A male voice murmured a response. Edward couldn't hear what he said but he recognised Antoine's voice.

They both chuckled. It was gentle, almost intimate. He yanked the screen open and stepped into the room.

Taylor and Antoine were sitting at the table, the laptop between them. They looked up, surprise on their faces.

“Hello, Ed.” Taylor's face changed to a smile. “Have you come for morning tea? I was just showing Antoine some pictures I took of his home town when I was there a few years ago. They're on my blog.”


“It's an online–”

“I know what a blog is. Why would you bother to have one?”

“I…” Taylor looked back at the screen. Her cheeks turned pink.

“It's quite interesting,” Antoine said. “Other travellers or even those who can't travel enjoy reading this kind of thing.”

Taylor stood up. “I'd better check these pasties.”

“And I'd better get back to work.” Antoine got to his feet.

“Morning tea's usually in the winery with the others.”

Taylor straightened and gave him a sharp look. Perhaps he had been a little short with Antoine.

“It's Monday.” He forced a grin. “Felicity will have brought cake.”

“I know.” Antoine spread his arms wide. “I came back to change my shirt. The dregs from a hose ended up all over me this morning.”

“Does she always bring cake on Mondays?” Taylor asked.

She was studying Edward with a strange look. What was up with her?


“An office manager with many talents.” Taylor's voice carried a trace of sarcasm.

Antoine patted his stomach. “With your delicious meals and Felicity's cakes I'm going to put on weight again. You ladies look after us far too well.” He chuckled as he let himself out the door.

Edward and Taylor were left alone, the only sound the hum of the oven.

“I just called in to let you know I won't be here for dinner tonight.”

“Okay. Do you want me to put some aside for you?”

“What are we having?”

“Pastie slice.”

“Is that what smells so good?”

“I've never made it before. I hope it turns out.”

“Maybe I can have some for lunch tomorrow.”


“Sorry about tonight.” He felt he should give her a hug but she was staying put, the kitchen table between them.

“That's okay. I know it's a busy time.”

“See you tomorrow.”


He let himself out the door, feeling as if he'd been dismissed. So
much for the personal approach, he may as well have sent the text. He got back into his four-wheel drive. The tyres spun in the gravel as he backed away.

Taylor finished the baume testing and recorded the last of the figures in the book. She felt more comfortable in the lab now. At first she'd hardly dared to move in case she mucked something up, but after observing Pete she realised most of the clutter wasn't important. She picked up some jugs and tubes and rinsed them in the sink then took a cloth and wiped down the benches.

She left the lab, wandered out into the passage then opened the door that led to the winery offices. She'd come in that way but Felicity hadn't been at her post, though now she could hear her voice. Taylor stood in the big space that acted as a lunchroom. Set in the middle of the table were two containers. She'd noticed them on her way in. Both had the remains of cake in them. No doubt from Felicity.

There was a pause in the receptionist's speech. A male voice spoke, Ed's voice. Taylor had assumed Felicity had been on the phone. Ed's tone was jovial, almost flirty. Taylor crossed the room. Through the gap in the walkway between the lunchroom passage and the front office she could see Ed's back. He was standing, looking down at Felicity who was perched on the edge of her desk, her hands propped behind her. She was side-on to Taylor. Her low-cut shirt revealed the tops her ample breasts, aided by the way she leaned forward from the desk. Her eyelids fluttered. In fact they batted up and down so much it was a wonder Ed's hair didn't ruffle in the breeze she was creating.

“You've got something on your sleeve.” Felicity slid from her desk, reached up and plucked at his shirt. “Looks like a cobweb.” Now there was barely a gap between them. Taylor tensed. Felicity was openly flirting with her boss and what was he doing? Encouraging her by the sound of it.

“Hello.” Taylor plastered a broad smile on her face and stepped
around the partition wall.

Ed almost jumped away from Felicity, who didn't have the good grace to act the slightest bit repentant.

“Where did you come from?” Ed asked.

“I've been testing in the lab. I came through earlier but you weren't here, Felicity.”

“Oh, that must have been when Edward had me in the shed sorting through the inventory.” Felicity gave him a sweet smile.

“Maybe.” Ed shifted from one foot to the other.

Taylor put her hand on his arm. He looked from Felicity to Taylor. Amusement twinkled in his eyes. He gave her hand a pat.

“I'd better get going,” he said. “Sorry about tonight, Taylor.”

He bent to brush her cheek with his lips but she turned and pushed back, kissing him firmly.

He looked at her with mild surprise.

Taylor winked back at him. Felicity's flirting had stirred something inside her. She wasn't going to sit back and let the little madam have the upper hand.

“I'd better be off,” he said.

“I'll walk with you.” Taylor gave a little wave to Felicity who had sat back at her desk, her lips pursed. Now there was another name for her, Flirty Felicity.

Once they were outside Ed rounded on her.

“What are you playing at?”

“What are you talking about?”

“One minute you're almost too hot to touch and the next you're cool as a cucumber. I never know where I stand with you.”

“You never will if you flirt with other women while we're supposed to be getting to know each other.”

“Other women?” He looked back at the office door. “Felicity?”

“She's besotted with you.”

“She's not.”

“Ed.” Taylor put her hands to her hips. “If she had batted her eyelids any faster you'd have been blown over.”

“Are you jealous of the hired help?”

Taylor glared at him. She wasn't keen on Felicity but neither did she like the way Ed belittled his secretary. “You should make the line clear between you.”

“Like you have with me?” He crunched one hand inside the other. There was a sharp
as his knuckles cracked.

Taylor had felt a pang of jealousy at Felicity's flirting but now that jealousy had turned to anger. She hated to think Cass had been right but ever since her friend had left Taylor had been unsettled. She'd been mulling over her feelings for Ed and was coming to the conclusion they'd lost the spark that had ignited between them. She had been annoyed by the flirtatious behaviour she'd witnessed but now she realised she had no right to be.

“Felicity's been with us for a while.” Ed held his hands wide. “It's just the way we work together. It doesn't mean anything.”

Taylor's stomach churned. She was no longer concerned about Felicity. Taylor knew her relationship with Ed was over before it had even begun. “Ed, I'm sorry, but I don't think this is working. Do you?”

He dropped his hands and stared at her. The blue of his eyes deepened and his brow creased in a frown.

“By ‘this' you mean us?”


“I've tried.”

“So have I.”

“Have you?”

Taylor met his gaze. The anger in his eyes was frightening.

He snorted. “You were the one to jump in your car and come here without any idea what might happen.”

“There was an instant spark between us. I thought you and I would be good together, but I've had a couple of bad experiences. I didn't want to rush into anything in case…”

“I knew Antoine would beguile you.”

“Antoine? What's he got to do with anything?”

“He's very smooth with his French accent and his charming smile.”

Taylor shook her head. “Ed, this isn't about Antoine or anyone else. It's about you and me but I'm not ready to commit to anything and you obviously want more from the relationship.”

“You were hot for it.”

Taylor's anger rose to the surface again. She was not going to be made a fool of because she hadn't gone to bed with him.

He pushed his face closer, his lips turned up in an ugly sneer. “You were the one who came looking for me.”

She held her ground. “I seem to remember you asking me to come back. We both tried but it's just not working out.”

He glared at her a moment longer then he stepped back, shrugged his shoulders. “You came here of your own free will, Taylor. You can leave whenever you want.”

The churning in her stomach rose higher in her chest. She didn't want angry words between them.

“I'm sorry, Ed.”

“My name's Edward.” The name came out in a growl. He turned on his heel and strode away.

Taylor watched him go. Even though her insides were mush she felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She'd done the right thing but now what? Without Ed there was no reason to stay.


Pete gave one last look around before he closed the shed door on the wine tanks. The early evening air was cool on his bare arms after the warmth inside the shed. The last of their red was being despatched tomorrow. The new season's whites were in except for the chardonnay which would be harvested soon, and with the warm weather they'd been having the reds would need to be picked earlier than expected.

The last rays of the setting sun left just enough light for him to make his way along the track that led to his cottage. He was looking forward to putting his feet up. He trudged along between the sheds casting a look over doors and machinery. Everything was shut up for the night. Ahead the walls of the cottage glowed white against the backdrop of the green vines beyond. Tiredness seeped into his core and yet he wouldn't give this life up for anything.

He'd driven out to the property on the edge of the Wrattonbully region with Ed. He could see why his brother was so keen to buy but Pete was still not happy to take on a partner. He was reluctant to change their family-owned business when they were so close to producing a special new wine with the NS18 grapes.

Pete scratched his head. He should have taken on another hand. Everything was happening at once and between the three of them there was too much to do. Ed was always worrying about the money but had his head in another place at the moment. He was so set on this partnership idea and buying more land that he wasn't concentrating fully on the current vintage.

Ed's plans threatened to change so much about the way they did things and Pete didn't know how to deal with that. More pressing was how would they manage the next few weeks? Ben's dad had
injured his leg and Ben couldn't give them as much of his time as he would normally. As Pete searched for ideas he had an image of Taylor working in the lab. She could be the answer to his problem. Maybe they could take her on for the rest of vintage. He'd feel better if they could at least pay her a proper wage for her work.

Ahead of him in the failing light he could see Antoine making for his back door.

“Looking for me?”

Antoine turned and Pete could see he was carrying a plate.

“Taylor saved some pastie slice for you. I said I'd put it in your kitchen. I thought you'd be home soon.”

“Just did a final check of the red that's going out tomorrow.”

“What did you think of the Wrattonbully vineyard?”

“Just like Ed said. It's a good opportunity.”

“But you don't want to commit?”

“We're a family business, Antoine. I'm reluctant to share with a partner we don't know.”

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