Between Two Tiron (29 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Between Two Tiron
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She looked past them and saw the pieces of the vase scattered across one of the tables.

Her mouth dropped open in horrified amazement. “You didn‟t have to break it. There was a way

to get it out without destroying a piece of history.” Her hands slammed onto her hips and she

frowned at them.

Shard smiled. She was so appalled by the destruction of the vase that she had forgotten to

worry about their anger. “We would have smashed it much sooner if we‟d known what it was.

Why didn‟t you tell us?”

“You were looking for your symbol. I wanted you to find it,” Lina explained earnestly. It

was that simple.

“Why?” Shard tapped his hand on the leg of his brown pants. “I want a full explanation,

not the simple version.”

“I wanted you to have the satisfaction of solving the puzzle on your own. I wasn‟t going

to take the thrill of discovering a piece of your own history from you. You‟d been hunting it for

years.” She looked first at Shard and then at Kaleb.

“Come here,
.” Kaleb held out his hand.

The mask fell away from their eyes and faces. She saw the happiness, the amusement in

their eyes. Stepping forward, she slid her palm into his large hand. His fingers curled around hers

and he pulled her against his chest. He stroked his hand down the length of her back. She relaxed

against him, her eyes closing in contentment.

“Open your eyes, Lina.” Shard brushed his finger down the bridge of her nose.

She opened her eyes and blinked in confusion. The camp was gone. Her eyes widened as

she recognized the haven they had created for her. Her eyes locked with Shard‟s dark gaze. A

frisson of apprehension coursed through her. Surely they weren‟t going to punish her for trying

to give them what they wanted.

“I didn‟t intend to make you angry. I thought you‟d be happy when you found it.” She

reached out and ran her hand over the strong lines of Shard‟s dark face.

A smile kicked up the corner of Kaleb‟s lips as he stepped away from her. “We‟re not

angry. There was a moment…but then we remembered the way you made sure that it didn‟t

leave the camp, the way you challenged us to solve the puzzle.”

“It never mattered to us who found it as long as it came to Karach Thent as it should.”

Shard hugged her against him.

“We weren‟t interested in the hunt, you see,
.” Kaleb pressed against her back. “The

only thing that mattered was getting it, the end result.”

Lina felt his cock pressing against her. She pressed her face against the material covering

Shard‟s broad chest, inhaling his heady, masculine scent.

Rao nari
,” Shard trailed his hands up the side of her ribs. She wriggled against him,

raising her head. Her eyes flashed with suppressed laughter. “You were right about one thing. It

did feel good to solve the puzzle.”

“Now I think it‟s time for a lesson in just what we mean.” Kaleb curled his fingers

beneath the edges of the blanket, tugging it from her loose grasp and letting it fall to the ground.

Chapter Twenty

Shard smiled and stepped back.

Lina had no idea what they intended to do now. She looked from one dark, grinning face

to the other. A predatory anticipation glittered in their eyes.

. Hide if you can.” Shard‟s eyes ran over her golden body as he took off his

brown shirt and tossed it away from him.

Her eyes ran hungrily over the rippling muscles of his chest as she took a step back. She

wanted just a little more information before she ran. “In any form or just my human shape?”

“Take any form you want. We‟ll show you exactly what we mean about the hunt.”

Kaleb‟s fingers went to his belt, unfastening it and letting it fall to the ground.

A slow heat burned within her. She turned and dashed for the trees, shifting into

form as she ran. Springing into a tree, she raced along the branches with speed and grace.

She‟d had plenty of time to explore this haven and she knew exactly where she wanted to

go. She sprinted straight for a rock escarpment within the forest. She had no idea how much time

they were going to give her, but she was certain that she could make it to the narrow passage

before they caught up to her. They wouldn‟t be able to fit into that narrow passage, even in

She leapt out of a tree and cried out in disorientation as her body was caught and spun in

some invisible hold. The unseen net wrapped around her, tightening until she changed forms.

She blinked trying to clear her spinning vision. Between one blink and the next, Shard and Kaleb

stood before her. Both were naked, aroused and smiling with carnal intent.

“This is cheating,” she accused laughingly as she was lifted by that unseen net and

brought to hang in front of them, suspended standing, hovering just above the ground,

immobilized and captive to their whims.

Kaleb chuckled as he circled her. “You still don‟t understand. Do you, love?”

“We have you.” Shard‟s hand cupped her breast and his lips brushed over her cheek.

Kaleb‟s hand slid around her, stroked over her hip and slipped down to the silky folds

between her legs. His fingers smoothed down, sliding between the swollen lips of her labia,

briefly stroking her clit. They probed back, gliding through her creamy juices and into the hot

clasp of her pussy.

“Fair, not fair, that‟s irrelevant.” Shard dipped his head and nipped her lips. “All that

matters is that you‟re here in our arms.”

“The chase, the hunt, they‟re merely obstacles to be overcome to get you here. Your body

between ours, that‟s what‟s important.
is all that matters.” Kaleb stroked his hands up her body, leaving a slick trail to her breasts. His hands flicked at the hard tips. “The chase is thrilling, but it‟s the kill, or in this case, the fucking that brings real satisfaction.”

“Would you rather be running through the forest?” Shard licked at her lips as his hands

replaced Kaleb‟s. He plucked at her nipples, rolling them between his fingers.

“No.” Lina wriggled closer, pressing her body against his hard muscled length. “I want

you now.”

“And you shall have us, but not here.” Kaleb turned her in his arms. “Hold on to me.”

She wrapped her arms around him. She closed her eyes and snuggled against the warm

strength of his chest. A moment later, she felt movement, a tugging in her stomach and then felt

soft cloth beneath her feet. She leaned back to see where they had taken her. The vines of the

bower allowed dappled light to shine on the green and black silky coverings.

Kaleb drew Lina down to the bed. His hand slipped between her thighs and stroked over

the glistening flesh. “You‟re so wet, and your scent…” He inhaled deeply. “It‟s driving me


She rubbed against him and felt the thick ridge of his cock pressing against her thigh.

“You‟re hungry.” A sultry purr rolled from the back of her throat.

“He‟s not the only one.” Shard loomed over her and pressed his cock against her

buttocks. His tongue lapped at her neck and his teeth nipped at her shoulder.

Not the mark…
She gasped and arched as heat streaked through her and her juices

dripped onto Kaleb‟s cock. Shard moved back, giving Kaleb room. Kaleb urged her legs wider as

she straddled him. He reached between their bodies and guided his cock into her pussy. Her hot

sheath contracted around his shaft, pulling him deeper into her heat.

“So tight and hot,” Kaleb groaned and pushed deep, pulling her more tightly to him, his

hands parting her butt cheeks.

Shard traced a finger over the pink rosette. Lina‟s hips undulated and a shiver coursed

through her body. Shard pressed the dark oiled head of his cock to the tight pucker.

“Push back for me,
.” Shard pressed into that tight muscular channel. A fiery

pleasure burned him as he slowly pressed into her.

Lina pushed back, a purr rolling through her at the tight, full feeling when they were both

hard and deep inside her.

“Fuck me,” Lina growled when they remained completely still. Her eyes locked with

Kaleb‟s amused gaze. She sank her nails into Kaleb‟s arms. “I need…”

,” Kaleb growled as his hips punched up against hers.

“Gods.” Lina arched as Kaleb‟s driving cock sent a dagger of sharp sensation slicing

through her.

Shard withdrew until only the rounded head of his cock remained in the clenching grip.

Kaleb urged Lina to raise her hips and they began to rock her between them. She burned them

with her response. She writhed between them, wild cries falling from her lips. Nipping kisses fell

on Kaleb‟s chest.

, move like that.” Kaleb growled, his hands dragging her hips down to his. Her

inner muscles clenched around his cock.

Lina‟s head went back and she bared her teeth as Shard drove into her while Kaleb

withdrew. It felt so good. The feel of their bodies, the solid wall of muscle behind and in front of

her, sent a thrill of heat through her. When she was in their arms, she felt so loved. Kaleb‟s hands

left her hips and slid up to her breasts. With squeezing kneading motions, he lavished attention

on the swollen, aching mounds.

“Harder,” she demanded, driving her hips down.

A low rumble rolled through Kaleb‟s chest as he lost control, his hips grinding against

hers. “So perfect…hot, tight…like a wet fist…yes,
, take me like that, squeeze me.”

Her hips rose. Shard‟s shaft thrust into her. She hissed at the piercing pleasure. The

feeling where their cocks moved past one another was incredible.

“You‟re so responsive,
…so beautiful.” Shard‟s hot breath fanned over her ear.

On the descending stroke, Kaleb‟s hands left her breasts and grasped her hips, his fingers

digging into the flesh. He controlled the motion of her hips. She moaned as their strokes drove

her close to her peak.

“Faster.” Her voice broke as Shard‟s thrust drove her down into Kaleb‟s lunging hips.

The feel of them moving against her, the sound of their joining, the wet slurp and slap of

their skin as well as the groans and purrs of her lovers enflamed her. Their scent surrounded her.

Every inhalation pushed her desire higher, hotter. The world exploded around her. Racking

shudders tore through her body as a deluge of pleasure crashed over her. Light exploded behind

her lids. Shard and Kaleb continued driving into her. Each powerful thrust sent another bolt of

sensation rocketing through her arching body.

Shard surged into her, slamming his hips against her buttocks as she cried out. He

clamped his teeth lightly over her shoulder as he stroked into her. He came, a harsh purring

growl ripping through his body as his seed sprayed into her.

Kaleb‟s hips punched up against hers. Her hips moved, accepting every thrust. He drove

into her hard, blind to all but the need to come. He arched, his head fell back, his hips surging.

He stiffened and came, spurting his semen deep into her pussy.

She lay between them, exhausted. She didn‟t move, merely lay there, relaxed against

Kaleb‟s chest as Shard withdrew. He pulled her off Kaleb‟s warm body and she roused enough

to frown at him for disturbing her. Shard laughed at her disgruntled expression and grumbling as

he settled her between them.

After a few moments, some of her energy returned. She sat up and moved down the bed

so that she could see both of them and was not within easy reach. She was curious about a few

things and now seemed to be a perfect time to ask. They were usually relaxed and indulgent after


“You were really angry with me when you found the Seal?” She leaned forward and drew

her hand across Shard‟s chest.

Shard captured her hand, drawing it up to his mouth to kiss the tips of her fingers. “If you

had been in camp, you would definitely have felt the sting. It was a good thing that you were out

of camp and we had time to think.” He nipped her fingers.

Lina tore her fingers away from his loose grip and frowned at him. “Now that you‟ve

found your symbol, what are you going to do?”

Kaleb‟s fingers trailed across her hip. “That‟s easy to answer. We‟re going to take you

home. The basic housing in the new
on the other side of the planet is almost completed.

We‟ll leave a small group here to continue cataloging and surveying the ruins. It‟s time for us to

see to the future and strengthen our relationship and love.”

Outrage vied with a strong sense of longing. If the Gods blessed them with children,

she‟d rejoice, but she really couldn‟t let them get away with such presumption. She frowned in a

mimic of anger. “Fill it?” She raised a brow. “Maybe we could when I have time, but I‟m very

busy right now. I have two launches which will require my presence in Common Space as well

as a new series that has been waiting for design to begin, and I really need some new underwear.

Someone keeps tearing the ones I have. Maybe in the next decade.”

“Now this is why having a
and the support and guidance of wise experienced Ardin

is a wonderful thing, my beautiful Lina.” Shard reached over and took her hand and stroked it as

if to soothe her. “You have nothing to worry you. Everything will be taken care of.”

“Nothing needs to be taken care of. I‟ll just go to the two launches and while I‟m there,

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