Beyond (12 page)

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Authors: Mary Ting

BOOK: Beyond
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Davin step
ped in front of Austin , and Austin roll ed his eyes. Even if he had a clear view, he would ’
ve turned away. He knew better than to fall in love with someone who was spoken for, if love was what he was truly feeling .
It didn’t matter, as h is mother would forbid it anyway . Being Claudia’s guardian angel was hard enough, but living with her was torture. He had to find a way not to care. Seeing them together was a wakeup call. She did not belong to him. She was not his to take.

Claudia t
ook a dramatic deep breath .

I seeee…starrrsss.

She point ed aimlessly above her head, lean ed back , and f ell fast asleep.

Wow! That must have been one hell of a boring kiss. It put her to sleep, ”
Austin snickered.

choked, clearly fighting laughter, and ma de a coughing sound instead ; he was obviously amused, but trying to contain himself for Michael’s sake.

You were inside too, weren ’
t you?

Austin ask ed Davin.

Well…someone has to look after you two. What were you thinking , coming here again?

Davin sa id , scowling.

I don ’
t need to explain. And what were you doing inside?

Dancing , I ’
m sure, ”
Michael interrupt ed , giving him the evil eye again.

Hey, when a pretty girl asks you to dance, you don ’
t say no. Don ’
t you know the rules?

Davin says.

What rules?

Michael arche d his brows in confusion.

What ?
There are no rules, ”
Austin blurt ed, irritated.

It ’
s Davin ’
s rules.

Davin crosse d his arms.

Whatever. Just don ’
t spy on me again, ”
Austin huff ed .

I ’
m just doing what I ’
m told.

Who told you to spy on me?

Davin pointed his finger toward Michael.

That ungrateful guy.

I told you to look after Claudia, not spy on Austin. Get your words straight.

Same thing. Don ’
t get mad at me , I ’
m just the middle person. I ’
m leaving.

Davin turn ed his back and sho t up to the roof.

You should take her home.

Michael embrace d Claudia one last time, memorizing the feel of her fragile , small , feminine frame in his arms, her silky hair that was so soothing to touch , and her mere presence that brought him to life . As he place d her in Austin ’
s arms, his heart contracted and the pain ripped through his entire being, not knowing when he would see her again.

Don ’
t do anything foolish. Even if she wants to, ”
Michael t old Austin.

I ’
m asking you. Not demanding. For her safety…please.

I ’
ll do what I can. She has changed. I don ’
t know if it ’
s for better or for worse.

I know, ”
Michael replie d .

We ’
re all changing…for the better , I hope.

With Michael

s last word s , Austin envelope d his wings to close and disappear ed .
Michael stood for a moment, staring forlornly at the now empty space, then silently vanished.

Davin was still lurking around, waiting for Michael to apologize , when he realize d Michael was gone .
Davin wasn ’
t happy with Michael. He ’d g iven Davin the evil eye, twice.
How dare he ?
He was looking after Claudia since Michael had other things to take care of. How was he supposed to know Claudia would act that way ?

He jumped down from the roof.
Out of anger, he kick ed an empty bottle near the trash bin. It flew across the alley, shattering into pieces.
Oops! He didn ’
t mean to do that. Someone could have gotten hurt. But who in the ir right mind would walk in the dark alley in the first place ?

It ’
s nice to see you too, ”
Davin frowned. “
And I ’
m not helping you with the plan.

, Michael call ed him telepathically.

Davin jumped.
Michael was nearby …h e just couldn ’
t see him.

Angrily he sa
id , “
Oh , no you don ’
t. Get out of my head.

, Michael sa id again.

Davin cover
ed both of his ears with the palm s of his hands.

I don ’
t hear you. Lalalalalalalalala…


m sorry. It was great to see you , my friend .

Unable to stop Michael, he let out a defeated sigh. He didn ’
t want to be mad at the perso n he missed the most. At least he ’d c o me back to apologize. Davin place d a big smile on his face without a word as he wait ed to hear what Michael had to say.

Thanks for looking after her. I felt your concern . It led me straight here.

I promised you I would. And I always look after her when you ’
re not around.

I know. Thank you for keeping your word.

Now you keep your word and be careful. Have you met Caspian yet?

Yes. He

s alright.

Whatever happens, don ’
t let them bit e you. Carry h oly water at all times…and garlic…and a cross. That ’
s what I learned when watching movies. Don ’
t know how accurate the information is. Oh…don ’
t be quick to trust. Don ’
t look them in the eyes , because they can compel you.

I know. Don

t worry about me. Keep your energy for Claudia.

I have enough energy for the both of you.

I bet you do

Are you working on the plan?

Davin asked excitedly.

Yes…when I have time. Just remember your part .

You know , I didn ’
t mean it when I said I wouldn ’
t help just a minute ago. I was just…upset.

I know. I’m sorry I got mad at you…it’s just that…sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision regarding Claudia. I…I miss her so much that it hurts.
Michael sighed deeply . I don’t know how long I can do this .

I know…
Davin closed his eyes and opened them, taking in Michael ’
s pain and wish ing he could make it go away.

It ’
s too late to think about what ’
s already been done. Just concentrate on what needs to get done. You know we are on your side , no matter what it takes.

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