Beyond 5/3/1: Simple Training for Extraordinary Results (24 page)

BOOK: Beyond 5/3/1: Simple Training for Extraordinary Results
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Bench Press – 3 sets of 3 reps, 70% x RP Press – 3 sets of 3 reps, 70% x RP


Chins – 1-2 warm-up set, 1 set RP

Kroc Row – 1-2 warm-up sets, 1 all




Barbell Triceps Extensions – 1-2 warm-

Barbell Curls – 1-2 warm-up set, 1 set

up sets, 1 set RP



Ab Work

Ab Work


Week Three




Squat – 5/3/1, 75% x max reps

Deadlift– 5/3/1, 75% x max reps


Bench Press – 5/3/1, 75% x RP

Press – 5/3/1, 75% x RP


Chins – 1 warm-up set, 1 set RP

Kroc Row – 1 warm-up sets, 1 all out



Barbell Triceps Extensions – 1-2 warm-

Barbell Curls - 1 warm-up sets, 1 set

up sets, 1 set RP



Ab Work

Ab Work


Note: Weeks 4, 5, 6: Repeat first 3 weeks. Be sure to increase your Training Max by


or 10 pounds, depending on the lift. Try to beat your previous rest pause

records by

weight, reps or by estimated max.




Program Notes

Those of you who are familiar with DC Training know that Dante advocates

extreme stretching between sets. I have never done it so I cannot comment

on it. If you do the research and believe it works, then give it a shot.


The exercises above are non-negotiable. If you want to switch out an

exercise then DO IT! I cannot recommend any change to the program. This

is what I believe and know works. I am 100% for everyone to find their own

way and develop their own training; if you know something else with the

program needs to be tweaked for your own benefit or goals, I want YOU to

make that decision and go for it.


Diet is simple: eat 1.5 to 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Base your

carbs on

how fat you are or how paranoid you are.


You can use bodyweight or weighted chins. That’s up to you and

dependent on your

strength level. If you don’t know which one to use, then use your bodyweight.


I believe “easy” cardio (Air Dyne bike, for example) needs to be done on the off


30 minutes on all non-training days. If you personally want to do

something different as it fits your goals, I recommend you do it. You know

your body better than I do – I can only recommend the things that I



I don’t recommend going to failure on your last 5/3/1 sets; push these for PR’s


never go to failure.


Log all of your exercises, weights and reps. For your RP sets, record the total

amount of reps you achieve.


After the 6th week, take a deload week and attack again or try another template.


Example Workout

Squat (TM = 500)


Bench press (TM = 300)


• Squat – warm- up sets, 350x3, 400x3, 450x7, 350x17

• Bench Press – warm-up sets, 210x3, 240x3, 270x5

• Bench Press (RP) - 210x15, 210x5, 210x3

• Chins (RP) – 1x18, 1x6, 1x2

• Barbell Triceps Extensions (RP) – 115x20, 115x 12, 115x8

• Hanging Leg Raise – 3 sets




Good luck to all of you that try this challenge. Of all the challenges I’ve

written, this is the one that I am most excited about. This combines two

programs that have the part of training that I most enjoy – breaking records.


5/3/1 Frequency Project

I wrote the Frequency Project a couple years ago and had it as a free

download on my website in 2012. This was a huge hit and I think people

really enjoyed the more frequent training. Please remember that the more

you train doesn’t always mean the better you will be. In some cases, it can be.

I’d rather have quality training sessions that quantity training sessions.


It’s no secret that the younger and weaker you are, the more you can train. It

is easy to bench or squat 225 every day. The problem is this: too much time

lifting, not enough time running, jumping and throwing. There is more to

training than just lifting weights. If you want to be fast, strong and

explosive it wouldn’t kill you to actually train like an athlete. An athlete

sprints, jumps and throws.


So the next time you ponder weak points, floor presses vs. incline presses or


such nonsense, go do something fast. Go jump. Sprint.


Program Overview

• Two 5/3/1 Training Cycles per month (no deload)

• 24 workouts per month

• Final sets are done for minimal reps only; never go for max reps

• You have 3 options for every squat, press and bench press workout:

• Do minimum reps

• Do minimum reps and a single at your training max.

• Do minimum reps, a single at your training max and keep working up.

• The three options will be entirely based on how you feel each workout.

None of the options are programmed so you must use your body, mind

and best judgment.

• Deadlift workouts will be done for minimum reps only. There will be no


singles done.

• Deadlift workouts will never do more than 3 reps per set. On the “3x5”

days, you will do 3 sets of 3 reps, with the same percentages as the

“3x5” days. Only the reps change. On the “5/3/1” day, you will do

“3/3/1” – only the reps change; percentages stay the same.

• There will be no conditioning done during the 5/3/1 Frequency Project.


your goals are conditioning based, do not choose this workout.




• Recovery is paramount. Take proper steps to ensure that your body and

mind are ready for each workout.

• Nutrition: eat 1.5- 2g of protein/pound of bodyweight per day.

Majority of protein must come from food sources such as chicken, fish,

beef and eggs. I highly recommend dark meat chicken, beef and

whole eggs.

• Not recommend for anyone who is unable to commit to a training


mentally weak, complains about having a bad workout or is unsure

about assistant work. No questions about assistant work will be

answered in regards to this program. This program is also not

recommended for those who just “want to progress faster.” That is

not the point of this program.

• Start at 90% of your max and progress as normal between cycles.

• You will have 24 workouts to do each month – off days are based on

your own schedule. Choose them wisely. If you are sore, you are

doing the program wrong as your body is not ready for this

training and your recovery protocols are not well established. You

must learn to walk before you run.

• The program will take a 3/5/1 approach to the weeks; this is similar to


5/3/1 for Powerlifting program.

• Lat /Upper Back exercises recommended: dumbbell rows, chest supported

rows, chin-ups/pull-ups, any machine row, lat pulldown, band pull-aparts,

rear raises and face pulls. Choose 1 exercise per workout for 3-5 sets. Do

not do barbell rows due to stress on lower back; this is non-negotiable.

• Rotator and biceps work – all based on rehab protocols.

• Only lower back work recommended is back raises and Reverse

Hyperextensions – these are done for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.


exercises and sets/reps based on your preference.


Workout 1

Workout 2

Workout 3

Workout 4

Workout 5

Press – 3 sets Squat – 3 sets Bench Press – Squat – 3 sets of Press – 3 sets

of 3 reps,

of 3 reps


3 reps, singles if of 5 reps,

singles if

(using 3x5

3 sets of 3


singles if


percentages) reps, singles if





Lat, Upper

Deadlift – 3


Lat, Upper

Back Raises or Lat, Upper

Back, Biceps,

sets of 3 reps Back, Biceps,


Back, Biceps,




Hyperextensions Rotator





– as needed.

– as needed. – 3 sets

– as needed.


Back Raise/Ab

Ab Work – 3


Work – 3 sets





Workout 6

Workout 7
Workout 8

Workout 9
Workout 10

Squat – 3 sets of Bench Press Squat – 3 sets of Press –

Squat – 3 sets

3 reps (using

5 reps, singles if 5/3/1,

of 3 reps


3 sets of 5


singles if

(using 3x5


reps, singles





if desired.


Deadlift – 3 sets

Lat, Upper

Back Raises or Lat, Upper

Deadlift –

of 3 reps

Back, Biceps,


Back, Biceps,

3/3/1 (using



Hyperextensions Rotator








– as needed. – 3 sets

– as needed.


Back Raises or


Ab Work – 3


Back Raises



or Reverse





i ons – 3 sets

– 3 sets


Ab Work – 3


Ab Work – 3




Workout 11

Workout 12

Press – 5/3/1, singles if desired.

Squat – 5/3/1, singles if desired.


Lat, Upper Back, Biceps, Rotator Work – Back Raises or Reverse



as needed.

– 3 sets


Ab Work – 3 sets


After Workout 12, increase training maxes for each lift accordingly.




Workout 13
Workout 14

Workout 15
Workout 16

Workout 17

Bench Press Squat – 3 sets of Press – 3 sets Squat – 3 sets of Bench Press –

3 reps (using

of 3 reps, 3 reps, singles if

3 sets of 3


singles if


3 sets of 5

reps, singles




reps, singles

if desired.


if desired.


Lat, Upper

Deadlift – 3 sets Lat, Upper

Back Raises or

Lat, Upper

Back, Biceps,

of 3 reps

Back, Biceps,


Back, Biceps,




Hyperextensions Rotator

BOOK: Beyond 5/3/1: Simple Training for Extraordinary Results
4.47Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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