Beyond Love Lies Deceit (4 page)

Read Beyond Love Lies Deceit Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #New Adult & College, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #you and i, #beyond love lies deceit, #Romantic Suspense, #bestseller, #melissa toppen, #Romance

BOOK: Beyond Love Lies Deceit
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“What do you mean you’ve never been to Little Tokyo?” Ryan acts playfully appalled by this revelation. “I must take you there for dinner one night. They have the best sushi restaurant you can find in L.A.”

“I’m actually not a fan of sushi.” She admits, her petite shoulders rising in a small shrug while Ryan looks at her with wide eyes, as if he can’t fathom that a person would not like sushi.

“How can you not like sushi?” He shakes his head in disbelief.

“Is it that hard to believe that someone would not like raw fish and seaweed?” She answers, clearly confused by Ryan’s reaction.

“Actually, yes.” He laughs.

“Alright stop hounding the poor girl over her choice in food.” My father finally steps in, clearly growing tired of Ryan’s need to hold Allie’s attention completely to himself. “We really should be getting back.” He says, pinning his eyes on my brother before turning to Allie. “Miss Reynolds, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope you like it at Sco-Tech and don’t hesitate to come to me if you ever need anything.”

“I appreciate that.” She smiles politely and then turns towards me, a small blush taking over her pale cheeks when she realizes I am watching her. Not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, I quickly look away, turning my attention to my father as he stands from the table.

“How long until the Neilson account is ready to close?” He turns his attention to me as he slides his suit jacket on.

“I should have everything drawn up and finalized this afternoon.” I confirm, trying to focus on my father and not on whatever Ryan seems to be saying to Allie as he crouches down next to her, his voice hushed.

“Good man.” My father says, pulling my gaze back to him just as he extends his hand to me. Giving it a quick shake, I turn my gaze back to my brother just as he straightens into a stand, my father stepping up next to him. “Ryan lets go.” He says.

My brother nods and then immediately follows my father, turning just as he reaches the door to hit me with a look I know all too well. Instantly my stomach goes sour.

“Good seeing you brother.” He gives me a cocky smile and then glances to Allie. “I’ll see you soon Miss Reynolds.” He winks and then spins on his heel, walking out of the room without another glance in my direction.




“So whenever you receive new client information it is your responsibility to pull each document and file it accordingly. All fund transfers go here.” Katherine moves the mouse and double clicks on yet another folder, further filling my already cluttered computer screen. “But always make sure that it’s the original transaction. Any transactions past the initial buy out are to be sorted separately here.” She clicks another file open, a spreadsheet taking the forefront among all the other applications and folders open.

“So how do I know the difference?” I ask, hoping my question doesn’t strike her as odd. I am not sure if this is information I should know going in or if my question is perfectly justified.

“By the code.” She points to a six digit number on the top left of the document lying in front of me on the desk. “They are all sorted by a sequence of numbers. I will draw you up a little cheat sheet to help you until you get a grasp on all of this. I know it can be a lot.” She leans back in her chair next to me and gives me a cheeky smile.

“It is.” I agree, pushing back slightly from my desk to swivel my chair towards her. “I was worried it was just me.” I let out a sigh.

“Good heavens no.” She shakes her head, the red bun on top not moving in the slightest as she does. “It took me ages to get all of this down. Of course, when I started here thirteen years ago things were a bit different.”

“How long have you been working directly for Luke?” I ask, feeling comfortable enough to ask Katherine without fearing she will balk at my attempts to make small talk.

It may only be my first day but already I can tell that Katherine is a very mothering type of woman and from my experience in my few short hours with her, she has no problem slowing down for idle chit chat.

“Four years now.” She smiles, the small wrinkles surrounding her blue eyes crinkling as she does. “He’s a good boy.” Her smile widens the more she speaks. “He’s like one of my own. I love him like a son but respect him as a boss. I think you’ll find he’s fair and kind and he cares very much for the people working with him.”

“He definitely seems nicer than I expected a Scott to be.” I voice aloud, my heart immediately picking up speed as I realize what I have said.

“He’s not like the other men in his family, that’s for sure.” She nods her head in agreement, clearly thinking nothing of my comment.

I immediately relax back into my chair, trying not to show the alarm that just rang through my body.

“What do you mean?” I ask curiously, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“Let’s just say that he’s a bit of a black sheep. I don’t want to be quoted speaking negatively of my new bosses.” She gives a light chuckle, leaning forward to tap my knee with her small hand. “Just rest assured you are in good hands Miss Reynolds. Luke Scott is one of the good ones.” She gives me a wink before pushing out of the chair next to me.

“Anyways, I think that just about does it for the day.” She rolls the chair she was just occupying around the front of the desk to where it belongs. “I don’t think Mr. Scott would think kindly to me keeping you here well past leaving time on your first day. He might accuse me of trying to scare you off.” She laughs again, the genuine sound almost melodic.

“As if that would be possible.” I laugh, returning her smile. “Thank you so much for all your help. Truly, I don’t know how I would figure all this out without you.”

“My pleasure dear. I will feel better leaving knowing that you are prepared and ready to do the job. It will make the transition much easier on all of us.” She grabs the box full of her personal belongings that she packed up earlier today, resting it on her hip as she supports it with one arm.

“Can I help you with any of that?” I ask as she reaches for her purse.

“Oh no need.” She shakes her head, draping the leather bag over her forearm. “I’m just going up a floor to drop these things off in my new office. I will see you tomorrow Allie.” She nods and then spins on her heel, disappearing through the office door before I have a chance to speak again.

Looking to the empty doorway and then back down at my cluttered computer screen, I can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by everything that has happened today, the amount of work I am expected to do just a small piece of that.

My mind immediately flashes back to earlier today; to the moment when Nicholas and Ryan were sitting within arm’s length of me, so close I could have reached out and touched them. So long I have wondered what that would feel like and even now I am not sure I have fully processed the array of emotions that seem to be flooding through me.

Looking back to my computer, I rest my hand on top of the mouse and begin moving files into their appropriate folders. I know Katherine said I could go but honestly, going home when you have nothing to go home to is not really all that inviting. I have stared at the same four walls for weeks; I am in no rush to go back there right now.

Before long I am in lost to my work, organizing and moving files into a system that better suits me. I know this job is a front, my means to get close to the Scott’s, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a façade to uphold. I need my work to at least be satisfactory enough that I can pretty well fly under the radar and draw as little attention to myself as possible.

The minutes slip by the further I delve into my work. I don’t bother to look at the time; time really holds no value when all you have is time. When I finally do glance at the clock above my office door I jump slightly, not expecting to see Luke leaning in the doorway watching me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He gives me a smile, revealing a mouth full of perfectly straight white teeth.

It’s the kind of smile that makes you melt a little. I find myself once again momentarily distracted by how incredibly attractive Luke is.

“I said your name but you didn’t answer.” He adds.

“Oh.” I shake my head, not realizing how focused I must have been until just now. “Sorry about that.” I laugh lightly at myself.

“What are you still doing here?” He asks, reminding me that I didn’t actually check the time, distracted by his unexpected appearance.

Flicking my eyes to the clock above Luke, I see that it is already after eight in the evening.

“Sorry, I was trying to get some of these organized.” I shake my head again, quickly trying to bring some sense to the files strewn out across my desk.

“You do realize that you have plenty of time to get settled? I don’t expect you to work all day and night trying to play catch up.” He lets out a light chuckle.

“Of course, I apologize. I just had a few things I wanted to finish up and I guess I lost track of time.” I reach for my mouse, closing down the files I am done with before minimizing the others.

“No need to apologize.” He makes no attempt to move from the doorway. “I just want to make sure you understand that it is not expected.”

“I do, thank you.” I push away from the desk, draping my purse over my shoulder. “I guess I should head out then.” I finally look up, meeting his crystal gaze. The intensity behind his incredible eyes immediately makes me feel squeamish as I cross the office towards him.

“Do you have plans for dinner?” He asks, causing my movements to stall just feet from the door.

“Tonight?” The words come out riddled with surprise.

“Tonight.” He confirms. “I mean, considering you worked such a long day the least I can do is feed you.”

“Yeah, um, well I...” I have trouble finding a response which immediately frustrates me.

What is it about this man that throws me so far off my game? I have never met anyone that makes me as nervous as Luke Scott does.

“You’re busy?” He phrases it like a question, rescuing me from my sudden inability to talk.

“Yeah. Busy.” I confirm, not really sure what to think of his invitation.

“Maybe another time.” He steps back from the doorway, allowing me to pass by him.

I try to ignore the way my breath catches as I squeeze past him into the hallway, or the way my heart accelerates as his incredible smell engulfs me. Everything about this man has me desperate to know more, see more, experience more.

Everything except for one crippling detail... He’s a Scott.

“Goodnight Miss Reynolds.” I can hear the smile in his voice as I pass by him without so much as a backwards glance.

“Goodnight Mr. Scott.” I reply, quickly pushing my way out of the reception area and into the dimly lit hallway that leads to the elevators. I no more than reach the doors before his voice once again halts my movements.

“Miss Reynolds.”

I slowly turn to find him walking towards me, yet another jaw dropping smile lighting up his handsome face. My mind is racing, using every ounce of its energy to determine what he is doing, how I should react, and most importantly, what the hell is wrong with me.

“You forgot your jacket.” He gestures to the material draped over his forearm before holding it out to me.

“Oh, right.” I can’t keep the heat from rushing to my cheeks as I take it from him, praying the entire time that he won’t see the blush that I am sure is masking my entire face.

“Goodnight.” He says again, lingering in front of me for what feels like an eternity before finally turning and walking away, leaving me standing in the hallway unable to comprehend why such an innocent encounter would have the ability to shake me to my very core.




“Don’t tell me that brother of mine already has you working late on your second week?” I turn from my place in front of the copy machine to find Ryan standing just a couple of feet behind me, a stack of files in his arms.

“Not to worry, I actually think he has an adversity to how late I want to stay.” I laugh lightly. “What do you have there?” I gesture to the files he’s holding, just trying to make conversation.

While I was hoping to hear from Ryan much sooner than this, especially given how interested he seemed in me at lunch last week, I can’t deny the thrill that runs through me that he’s here now. I knew going in that worming my way into Ryan’s world wouldn’t be easy but I had hoped it would be a little faster moving then it has been thus far.

“New acquisitions.” He shrugs. “Luke just finished these. Though I am starting to wonder if having an assistant that works all hours of the day and night didn’t help him close these in record time.” He gives me a cocky smile.

“I’m afraid that’s all Luke.” I return his smile, wishing he could feel the hatred flowing from every pore in my body.

, I remind myself, widening my smile.

“I’ve been meaning to stop by and see you.” He continues without acknowledging my words.

“You have?” I question, playing like I have no idea why.

“I believe you agreed to have dinner with me.” He reminds me, not the least bit offended by my pretending that I forgot.

“I did do that didn’t I?” I smile playfully.

“Well since we are both here, how about now?”

“Like right now?” I ask, confused and completely unprepared.

“Right now.” He confirms with a smile. “I just need to drop these off at my father’s office. What do you say; meet me in the lobby in about fifteen?” He asks.

“I’ll do you one better. How about I walk up with you?” I say, having been dying for an excuse to go upstairs where Ryan and Nicholas’s offices are since I started here.

“Works for me.” His smile widens.

“Let me just put these on my desk.” I pull the copies from the machine before turning back towards him.

“After you.” He smiles, gesturing for me to go first.

Nodding, I slip past him, not sure if I am more excited or sick to my stomach at the thought of spending the evening in this man’s company.

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