Beyond Temptation (26 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Beyond Temptation
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Straightening her clothes, she went to the bedroom door and reached for the handle. As soon as she stepped onto the landing, she was aware of something different. She felt a presence close to her before she saw the person, then she realised there was more than one of them.

Amelia’s voice, commanding and excited, screamed shrilly in her ear.

‘Quickly, now. Grab the bitch.’

Before Robyn could protest hands grabbed at her body, arms and legs. There was no room for escape. Her kidnappers held her tight. A wave of panic swept over Robyn and she wondered why they were holding her and where they were going to take her. As she was pulled towards Yale’s makeshift studio she saw the answer to one of her questions and struggled harder. A groan fell from her lips and she shook her head in protest.

Not again, she thought unhappily. How much more torment do I have to endure before I end up defying Harold’s instructions?

As her captors dragged her into the room, she doubted she would be given the opportunity to refuse this time. The thought made her ill with dread and disappointment.

In the bright light of Yale’s studio, she saw that the bed had been shifted to an unusual position. Someone had obviously been using it as a step so that they could attach chains and manacles to the centre beam that ran across the ceiling. Staring at the threatening clasps, Robyn felt a nervous blade pierce her stomach. She tried to back away but her captors held her tight and she knew escape was not an option.

‘Stop struggling,’ Amelia insisted. ‘We only want you for a painting.’

The malicious laughter in Amelia’s voice told Robyn the woman wanted her for a lot more than a mere painting. She moaned with despair and tried to resist as they led her to the dangling manacles.

If not for her mounting panic, Robyn would have seen it was a futile struggle.

Chapter Nine

Robyn held tight onto the chains, cursing and swearing angrily.

‘It’ll only take an hour,’ Yale assured her. ‘Two at the most.’

Robyn pulled harder at the chains but there was no give in them. She was held with her arms apart over her head, the wrists punished by merciless steel manacles. Her ankles were in the grip of a similar contraption, the attached chains spreading her legs wide open. Bernice and Christian had already stripped her of her clothes and she was presented to the room naked. She felt excruciatingly vulnerable and tried to hide the emotion behind a mask of rage, but she suspected everyone could see this reaction was a façade as clearly as they could see her bare breasts and exposed pussy lips.

‘I don’t want to do this.’ Robyn spat the words from between clenched teeth. ‘I’m uncomfortable. I’m unhappy. And you have no right to tie me up and hang me naked.’

Yale ignored her protests. He smiled glibly. ‘Three hours at the top.’

As though that vague assurance would be sufficient he went back to his easel and stripped his shirt off. He took a moment to inhale deeply, looking like a man clearing his mind of all distractions. His chest expanded and the well-honed muscles rippled. His biceps tensed, adding to the brawny girth of his physique. He reached for his brush and began to paint.

Robyn watched him, wishing she didn’t find the sight of his near nudity arousing. It was both frightening and irritating to find herself a kidnap victim, naked and manacled in front of four comparative strangers. It was even more unnerving to find herself enjoying the experience.

Amelia summoned Christian and Bernice with a nod of her head. Robyn watched as the pair rushed to do her bidding.

They acted as though they had already been instructed as to what would be expected from them. She strongly suspected the woman had given them their orders before she set up the kidnapping and her dislike for Amelia grew steadily stronger and more intense.

‘What are they doing?’ Yale asked.

Robyn didn’t think he had actually seen the couple move. His attention seemed devoted to the blank canvas beneath his paintbrush. But he was obviously aware of everything happening around him.

‘I thought they could help,’ Amelia said. She stared at Robyn as she talked to Yale. ‘You said she was a torment of unfulfilled needs and unsatisfied repression. I thought they could help to bring that out for your picture.’

He put his paintbrush down and stared at her with a broad smile on his lips. ‘How would I manage without you?’

Amelia beamed.

‘It’s no wonder I love you so deeply, is it?’

Robyn could see a flicker of hope in Amelia’s eye and wondered if Yale knew how much those three words meant to the ruthless dominatrix at his side. Watching him turn back to his canvas and reach for his brush, she doubted he realised at all.

Remembering the way he had noticed Bernice and Christian without looking, she supposed that there was always hope for Amelia. The thought would have been more comforting if it could have unfastened her wrists, she decided. But she took a small measure of solace from the fact that her kidnappers had human wants, needs, desires and emotions. It was just a shame that they thought it acceptable to keep her naked and chained against her wishes.

‘How are they going to be helping?’ Yale asked. He was staring at the canvas while his brush darted to and fro.

Amelia kept her gaze fixed on Robyn. ‘They’ll torment her desires.’

Robyn braced herself tightly against the chains. She despised the sound of Amelia’s soft laughter. Bernice and Christian had moved close to her. They were both naked and seemingly untroubled by having to work in the nude. Robyn kept her gaze fixed on Christian, aware that his long cock was hard and thrusting towards her. She didn’t know what he intended doing to her but she was willing to struggle if he came too close.

With her gaze fixed on the man, she didn’t notice Bernice move next to her.

The woman caressed her bare breast with delicate fingers. Her feather-like touch inspired a shiver of excitement. Robyn’s entire breast was suddenly alive with a need for more than that gentle caress. She tried to ignore the arousal and turned to face Bernice with an angry scowl.

The woman was oblivious to her antipathy. Lowering her head, Bernice placed her mouth over Robyn’s breast and sucked the nipple.

It was an infuriating sensation. Robyn’s body responded to the subtle stimulus of the woman’s teasing. She had spent the last forty-eight hours in a state of piqued arousal. Now that she had to endure someone’s intimate attention her body rejoiced even while her mind rebelled. The intensity of Bernice’s warm kisses left Robyn hot and panting.

‘Take me down from here and stop doing this to me,’ Robyn hissed.

Her voice was ragged with desire and she knew that was working against her. Her body broiled with an unfulfilled need. Every pore dripped with a perspiration born from longing.

‘If you let me down now, I won’t involve the police,’ she gasped.

Yale continued to stab his paintbrush at the canvas.

Amelia’s smile was as dark and nasty as anything Robyn had ever seen. The brunette nodded stiffly and Robyn wondered exactly what the gesture was meant to imply. It was only when Christian touched her that she realised Amelia had been giving him an instruction.

His mouth enveloped her breast. His tongue teased the rigid nub of her nipple before he gently gnawed on her.

Robyn gasped.

Both Christian and Bernice tormented her breasts, alternating their attacks between tender suckling and sharp, forceful nips. Because they were working on her independently, she had no idea what to anticipate next. If only one of them had been teasing her Robyn believed she could have worked out that person’s rhythm and possibly steeled herself against the pleasure. But because they were both exciting her, she had no hope of resistance.

The wave of euphoria struck her like a fist. She shivered and bit her lip for fear of crying out with gratitude.

Not content with simply suckling on her breasts, Bernice and Christian stroked her body, their hands setting off electric thrills of excitement. Bernice’s fingers touched Robyn’s back and buttocks. She massaged her shoulder blades before moving her hands down to the swell of Robyn’s backside. Christian was more determined with his caresses. His hands worked on her thighs, and over her flat stomach, before delving through the thatch of hairs that covered her sex. His fingertips combed over the light golden mound before reaching the forbidden flesh of her sex.

A sigh caught in her throat. She refused to let it out into the room.

‘Perfect,’ Yale whispered. ‘That’s bloody perfect.’

She glanced at him and met his piercing gaze. He turned his face away the moment they found themselves looking at each other but the ferocity of his eyes remained with her.

Behind her, Bernice’s hand traced a path between Robyn’s buttocks. Still sucking on her breast, the woman pushed a sweat-moistened finger against the sensitive rim of Robyn’s anus.

The threat of such unspoken intimacy was too fantastic. Robyn released a jagged sigh and tried to shriek a refusal. She couldn’t hear the words escape her mouth but she felt sure she had said them.

Christian teased his finger against her pussy for a second time. The rigid length of his cock pressed against her leg but she sensed he had no intention of using it on her.

Not from this position, at least.

Her excitement mounted as she dared to picture Christian sliding his cock deep inside her hole. With her eyes closed she was suddenly lost in a world of depraved pleasure. The dewy lips of her sex were warm and acutely sensitive. She could feel Christian’s touch slipping over the hood of her clitoris before rubbing along the length of her labia.

Her heart raced.

When she opened her eyes Robyn saw that Amelia stood directly in front of her. The naked woman looked annoyingly confident and Robyn supposed she had every right to feel that way. Her breasts were large and inviting. Her stomach was enviably flat and her legs were long and enticing. With the mane of brunette curls cascading over her shoulders she looked like the ideal nude goddess to feature in Yale’s paintings. The only thing that spoilt the image was the sneer of contempt that twisted her lips.

A butterfly of fear fluttered its wings in the pit of Robyn’s stomach.

‘I’m going to make you beg for someone to fuck you,’ Amelia whispered. The statement was delivered with such absolute confidence that Robyn felt no doubt about the woman’s sincerity. Despite her sweat-swathed body, she shivered.

‘I can’t see her,’ Yale complained from behind the woman. ‘Get your fat head out of the way, Amelia. You’re blocking my view.’

Amelia stared at Robyn as she spoke. Her eyes were hard as flint and sparkled with malevolent glee.

‘That was my intention, Yale,’ she said calmly. Slowly, she fell to her knees.

The fluttering butterfly in Robyn’s stomach turned into a tight knot of fear. The dread wasn’t helped as Christian and Bernice continued to touch and tease her responsive flesh.

‘Please don’t,’ Robyn begged. ‘I don’t want you to …’

She didn’t finish the sentence.

Amelia traced a long, manicured fingernail against Robyn’s bare chest. The pressure she applied wasn’t hard. But it was enough to fuel the raging flames of Robyn’s arousal.

‘Hold her pussy lips open,’ Amelia commanded.

Robyn sucked air, despising the woman’s cold authoritarian voice. She hated every beautiful moment of this torment. Her body was suddenly desperate for the climactic release she knew she couldn’t allow herself. Bernice’s fingers went to her sex and the delicate lips of her labia were splayed wide open. When Amelia pressed her mouth against Robyn’s boiling pussy, the prospect of climax inched ever closer.

She writhed from side to side, struggling against the unrelenting chains that held her in position. There was no give in any of them and she sobbed miserably as she realised it was her fate to endure the intrusion of Bernice’s fingers and Amelia’s delicate tongue. Christian’s mouth remained at her breast while his fingers stroked exploratory paths over her hips and against her stomach.

Robyn’s cry came out as a pathetic and impotent gasp. To her own ears it sounded like she was giving encouragement to her tormentors.

Between her legs, Amelia lapped gently at her hole. The tongue moved slowly at first, as though the woman savoured every droplet of wetness. When it began to slide faster against the sodden flesh, Robyn gasped repeatedly. Her body ached for the blistering release she knew she shouldn’t have. Beneath her cries of protest she prayed that Amelia would continue to lick her until the first wave of orgasm struck.

‘You’ll have to move your big head again,’ Yale said sharply. ‘You’re still getting in the way. The same goes for you two,’ he added, glancing first at Bernice and then Christian.

Instantaneously the trio stopped touching her.

Robyn could have screamed at Yale if she had thought it would make him allow at least Amelia to stay where she was. She glanced down and saw the brunette grin wickedly up at her. If she hadn’t known it was impossible, Robyn would have sworn the woman had stage-managed Yale’s instruction for that particular point in her arousal. But, instead of glaring vehemently at her nemesis, Robyn tried to beseech Amelia with a plaintive look.

It didn’t help.

Amelia seemed entirely composed. She moved slowly forward and placed a kiss against Robyn’s mouth. The scent of her own musk filled Robyn’s nostrils. The taste touched her lips and then entered her mouth when Amelia plunged her tongue intimately into the kiss. When Amelia finally stepped back, wrenching her lips from Robyn’s, they were both panting and excited.

‘Before the last stroke is on that painting, I’ll have you begging for cock.’

Robyn didn’t dare disagree. She felt certain Amelia would manage that much before the night was over. Her body was already on the point of explosion and she knew that all she needed was the intimacy of a male lover.

Christian would do.

Yale would be even better.

She was desperate to feel a man’s hands caressing her body and parting the lips of her pussy; she yearned for the sensation of a thick cock being thrust into her wetness; and she didn’t doubt she would beg for that sensation before the night was over.

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