Beyond the Horizon (The Sons of Templar MC Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Horizon (The Sons of Templar MC Book 4)
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“This place, it isn’t you.”

“Who am I?” I half whispered to myself.

I asked that question, that pivotal question of my identity and was coming up blank. I didn’t know who I was without my mom to be loud to counteract my quiet. Without me to tamp down her eccentricity. I took care of her. Even before the cancer, I was the responsible one. She was a great mom, but her unique spirit meant she didn’t ride me about homework, curfews, or anything. It meant she didn’t think like other moms. I was responsible. I did homework. I made dinner for us when she’d locked herself away in her studio. We were a team. I was her partner. That’s who I was. Up until now. Now I was no one. So why couldn’t I be the girl who danced with her girlfriend at a strip club? Why couldn’t I let go of all of my inhibitions that had crippled me half my life? What’s the worst that could happen? I’d already had the worse—hit rock bottom.

“What was that, babe?” Adam’s voice made me jump and I met his dancing eyes.

“Nothing,” I said quickly, not needing the hot bartender to know I was talking to myself.

Adam knew me a little. Well, as well as someone as hot as him could know a girl like me. I barely spoke to him on the rare occasion I came here to hang out with Bex. More like she dragged me here when I’d been cooped up in my room for too long studying, or staring at hospital walls. Staring at strip club walls wasn’t much better, but it did serve to take my mind off things. The girls were nice, Adam was the only bartender that spoke to me, all the other males in the joint leered. Including her boss, who made me feel more than a little uncomfortable. Luckily I’d flown under their radar, thanks to the fact I near shrunk into myself every time they tried to talk to me. They quickly lost interest, in a mousy mute.

So, because Adam knew me, his eyes softened slightly. “Want me to call you a cab?” he asked, having to yell over the music.

I did want him to call a cab. I wanted to go home to our four walls with crumbling paint and pretty posters and fairy lights. Though the pictures that decorated those same walls hindered me, that and the promise of solitude. I usually loved it. Now being alone with my thoughts was the last thing I needed. I was worried the silence my own thoughts offered would swallow me up. Plus, Asher was coming. As much as I knew he would mess up my brain, how the attachment I felt to him was unhealthy, my drunken mind didn’t need to focus too hard on that. Only the promise of his touch, his presence. I’d been talking to him on the phone every single day. He’d patiently waited for me to be ready for more. I wanted it. Craved it. But something stopped me. Something that didn’t seem important right now.

“Nah, I’m good,” I grinned at him drunkenly.

He gave me a long look then scanned the room quickly. “You stay here during Becky’s routine, ‘kay darlin’?” he ordered. “Big crowd tonight, a lot of rowdy men lettin’ loose. You’re a sweet girl who’s had a drink too many, it’s like blood in the water to these sharks,” he told me seriously.

I giggled slightly. Adam was protecting my honor. It was sweet. “Don’t worry, men aren’t going to trouble themselves with little old me when there’s women taking off their clothes in front of them,” I said decisively.

Adam gave me a look with furrowed brows. “Just stay here,” he repeated.

I saluted him. “Yes, sir.”

He shook his head and gave a small laugh. His eyes turned slightly sad, and he looked like he was going to say something before someone called him. He gave me a stern look to stay put before he left.

I swirled on my stool, sucking the last of my drink, regarding the scene. Adam was right, the place was packed. Tables full of men crowded the room. Females were peppered throughout these groups, but they were few and far between. It wasn’t exactly the classiest strip club, not that I had much to compare it to. It was dimly lit and the décor and tables dated. Most of the men who worked here were paid extra to convince the waitresses to turn to stripping, and most tried aggressively to get into bed with them. Luckily, Bex didn’t let anyone pressure her into anything, but it didn’t mean I liked the way it was. But it was her choice. She worked here at first to support herself through medical school. Now she just worked here to support herself. Medical school was a distant memory.

“Lily, it’s so good to see you,” a familiar voice drawled.

I inwardly cringed, swiveling on my bar stool.

Bex’s sleazy boss stood in front of me, shamelessly leering. He was wearing black slacks, terrible snakeskin shoes, and a shirt with too many buttons undone. His huge belly protruded over his belt buckle. A tacky gold chain around his neck completed the

“Tony, so good to see you,” I greeted him with a straight face.

Carlos looked momentarily confused. He wasn’t used to me being so articulate, let alone flippant. His face then turned into a sly grin.

“I’m sure you know by now that it’s Carlos, though, by the looks of it, you’ve indulged in a lot of cocktails, name mix-ups are inevitable,” he nodded to my now empty glass.

I didn’t say anything, merely shrugged my shoulders. I was hoping he’d get bored of me like he normally did.

“When are you going to decide to come and work here?” he asked, stepping into my personal bubble. “You could make a lot more money than you do at that bar. Men like the schoolgirl thing,” he gave me another once over, “the sex kitten thing you’ve got going tonight could make you a lot of money also.” His chubby finger trailed on my bare thigh. “Enough to put you through college and pay any pesky medical bills left over,” he continued, his voice sending shivers down my spine. Not the good ones.

I screwed up my nose, trying not to gag. My insecurities came creeping back in. Vodka only gave me so much bravado, and the fact the creep was touching me when I had no one to back me up, had me retreating back into my shell.

“You wanna keep that hand, I suggest you take it off my woman,” a tight voice cut in.

Both Carlos and my head whipped around. I sagged in relief to see Asher standing close to Carlos, glowering at him his arms crossed. His jaw was hard, and he looked unlike the man who had treated me with tenderness almost two weeks ago, three years ago. He looked dangerous. A man I didn’t recognize stood behind him, face tight. His cut told me he was in the Sons, as did the fact he was huge, muscled, and attractive. I was starting to think it was an entry requirement. Lucky stood beside him. He didn’t look as mad as the rest of them, but his usually carefree face was dangerously blank.

Carlos scowled at them, then his eyes found their cuts and he moved his hands off me quickly, stepping back.

“My apologies, gentlemen. I didn’t know this one was claimed by the Sons of Templar,” Carlos’s tone was pleasant, but his weasel eyes were narrowed on the attractive men like they were insects on his shoe. The way he said the club’s name held something behind it like the words were unpleasant on his forked tongue.

I didn’t think this was an appropriate moment to educate all of them that I wasn’t claimed. I would never be like Gwen and Amy, who could throw sass at their scary bikers and turn them to puppy dogs. I didn’t have enough confidence in myself to throw attitude, to voice my irritation in front of people I didn’t know. Silence was the lesser of two evils right now. Not that being
by Asher was evil, it was a dream. That was the problem. Dreams were fleeting. Nightmares were more likely to be the reality.

Asher advanced as soon as Carlos retreated, moving to step beside me and put his hand on the back of my neck.

“Now you do,” he murmured dangerously, giving my neck a gentle squeeze.

I relaxed against his simple touch. I hadn’t been near him for almost two weeks, the voice at the other end of the phone had me craving this every day. Now I had it, I didn’t know how I’d live without it. I knew I’d have to, eventually. My drunken mind was all about instant gratification.

“I suggest you take better care of her, considering how dangerous it is to have a girl like that,” he nodded to me, “in places where ... unsavory things could happen to her. You’ve got your own club in Amber, you want her to hang out in strip clubs, may I suggest your own?” he suggested pleasantly, though even I wasn’t oblivious to the threat beneath his words.

The tall one stepped forward, danger seeping off him and Asher’s body went tight beside me, he yanked me closer to his body protectively.

“Now I know you’re a stupid son of a bitch, but I didn’t realize you were suicidal, threatening my brother’s Old Lady right in front of him,” the tall one bit out, face dangerous.

Carlos didn’t appear rattled. “No threat. Just a friendly observation from one business owner to another,” he replied calmly. “You boys want to stay, have a drink, enjoy the show, you’re most welcome.” His eyes flickered to Adam, who’d been standing silently watching the exchange. “First round’s on me. Though, if you’re thinking about swinging any fists, I’d advise against it.” He nodded his head to a corner where someone who looked like he abused steroids stepped out of, hand on his hip like there was something dangerous underneath it. Something dangerous that shot people full of bullets. Carlos’s head moved to another corner where meathead’s long lost brother did the same thing. My stomach dropped with concern. Not for the men beside me, they could take care of themselves, but for Bex. I may have had too much vodka to think with complete clarity, but I realized that a strip club that required this kind of security, a man who was prepared to give veiled threats to the club, it was dangerous. It was more than it seemed.

Carlos treated me to a look that made my skin crawl then gave the men a patronizing smile. “Enjoy the show, boys,” he said, before turning on his tasteless heel and disappearing into the crowd.

“Wow,” I exclaimed before any of the men could say a thing. “I knew he was an asshat, but Bex’s boss is officially a massive dick,” I declared with drunken certainty.

There was silence, the big guy turned slowly, Lucky stared at me, and Asher gave me a look, then they all burst out laughing. Well, Lucky and the big guy did, Asher’s mouth turned up slightly hinting at amusement.

“Wanna educate me as to what the fuck you’re doing at a strip club, alone?” Asher asked lightly, though his jaw was hard. The big man and Lucky leaned on the bar on either side of me, people dispersing with a look from each of the men.

“Man, I wish I could do that, give someone a withering look and get them out of my bubble,” I observed with amazement.

Lucky smirked again. The big man shook his head.

Three beers were set on the bar. Adam’s was focused on me. “Everything okay here, Lily?” he asked me with concern, his focus on Asher’s cut.

I gave him a grin. “Everything’s fine,” I declared. “Asher’s not a shark,” I winked.

Adam didn’t look convinced. “You need me to call you that cab, just give me a holler, darlin’,” he responded firmly.

“She doesn’t need a cab, I’ve got her. My thanks for looking out for her,” Asher answered for me.

Adam gave him a weary gaze. He nodded, looked at me a second more then moved down the bar.

Asher raised a brow. “Sharks?” he questioned.

“The men who frequent such establishments.” I held my hands out to the room.

Lucky choked on the beer he was taking a tug of. “That’s one thing to call them,” he said dryly.

Asher gave him a hard look, then moved his gaze to me. “Such establishments are not somewhere you need to be spending your nights, flower,” he informed me. “Especially not alone.

“I’m not alone, I was with Bex,” I explained.

Asher didn’t seem happy about my answer. “Was. I don’t see her anywhere, and this is not a place you should sucking down drinks. We’re leavin’,” he declared.

I smiled. “Wow, I think you may be the only man to say he wants to leave a strip club,” I teased, not knowing where my cheerfulness was coming from. I had a niggling feeling it was coming from the man whose body was claiming mine.

Lucky let out another strangled chuckle, his eyes roving around the room.

Asher’s face changed at my words, I didn’t get time to think too hard on it as the music came on and the lights dimmed slightly.

“Plus, we can’t leave, Bex is about to come on,” I threw my hand out toward the stage where music had just started blaring. Three sets of male eyes focused on the place where Bex emerged, strutting her stuff. Her eyes found mine as she rounded the poll, bugging out slightly at the men I was with, though her step didn’t falter. She recovered quickly and winked at me.

“Jesus Christ,” Asher muttered under his breath, his eyes darting away from my scantily clad best friend the moment he realized it was her.

“Holy shit,” Lucky exclaimed, his eyes glued to the stage. “I think I’m in love,” he proclaimed dramatically.

The tall guy didn’t say a thing, his eyes were glued on Bex and stayed there, his jaw hard.

Asher pulled me lightly out of my seat. “We’re leaving,” he said, or more aptly, ordered, his eyes on me.

I frowned at him. “We’re not. Bex has only just started,” I protested.

Asher gave me a hard look. “I’m not sitting here watching your friend strip, and more importantly, I’m not sitting in a strip club with you wearing those shorts,” he bit out, his eyes moving over the length of me. He leaned into me, so his mouth tickled my ear. “Seeing you in those shorts means I’m going to have to fuck you in the next twenty minutes, and I’d rather not do it in a strip club bathroom,” he added, making my stomach drop.

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