Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind (3 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
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The master secret of the ages

What, in your opinion, is the master secret of the ages? The secret of atomic energy? The neutron bomb? Interplanetary travel? No—not any of these. Then, what is this master secret? Where can one find it, and how can it be contacted and brought into action? The answer
is extraordinarily simple. This secret is the marvelous, miracle-working power found in your own subconscious mind, the last place that most people would seek it.

The marvelous power of your subconscious

You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more happiness, and more joy by learning to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind.

You need not acquire this power; you already possess it. But you want to learn how to use it; you want to understand it so that you can apply it in all areas of your life.

As you follow the simple techniques and processes set forth in this book, you can gain the necessary knowledge and understanding. You can be inspired by a new light, and you can generate a new force enabling you to realize your hopes and make all your dreams come true. Decide now to make your life grander, greater, richer, and nobler than ever before.

Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and an infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development and expression. Begin now to recognize these potentialities of your deeper mind, and they will take form in the world without.

The infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of space provided you are open-minded and receptive. You can receive new thoughts and ideas enabling you to bring forth new inventions, make new discoveries, or write books and plays. Moreover, the infinite intelligence in your subconscious can impart to you wonderful kinds of knowledge of an original nature. It can reveal to you and open the way for its perfect expression and true place in your life.

Through the wisdom of your subconscious mind you can attract the ideal companion, as well as the right business associate or partner. It can find the right buyer for your home, and provide you with all the money you need, and the financial freedom to be, to do, and to go as your heart desires.

It is your right to discover this inner world of thought, feeling, and power, of light, love, and beauty. Though invisible, its forces are mighty. Within your subconscious mind you will find the solution for every problem, and the cause for every effect. Because you can draw out the hidden powers, you come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to move forward in abundance, security, joy, and dominion.

I have seen the power of the subconscious lift people up out of crippled states, making them whole, vital, and strong once more, and free to go out into the world to experience happiness, health, and joyous expression. There is a miraculous healing power in your subconscious that can heal the troubled mind and the broken heart. It can open the prison door of the mind and liberate you. It can free you from all kinds of material and physical bondage.

Necessity of a working basis

Substantial progress in any field of endeavor is impossible in the absence of a working basis which is universal in its application. You can become skilled in the operation of your subconscious mind. You can practice its powers with a certainty of results in exact proportion to your knowledge of its principles and to your application of them for definite specific purposes and goals you wish to achieve.

Your thoughts are answered because your subconscious mind is principle, and by principle I mean the way a thing works. For example, the principle of electricity is that it works from a higher to a lower potential. You do not change the principle of electricity when you use it, but by co-operating with nature, you can bring forth marvelous inventions and discoveries which bless humanity in countless ways.

All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts.
Remember, it is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind which brings about the result. Cease believing in the false beliefs, opinions, superstitions, and fears of mankind. Begin to believe in the eternal verities and truths of life which never change. Then, you will move onward and upward.

As Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., wrote in his remarkable book,
Spontaneous Evolution.


The subconscious mind controls 95 percent of our behavior and gene-regulating cognitive activity through programs obtained primarily from the field of beliefs. When we take command of our own subconscious beliefs and emotions, individually and collectively, we take back creative control over our lives.


Whoever reads this book and applies the principles of the subconscious mind herein set forth, will be able to think scientifically and effectively for himself and for others. Your thoughts are answered according to the universal law of action and reaction. Thought is incipient action. The reaction is the response from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the nature of your thought. Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and good will, and wonders will happen in your life.

The conscious and subconscious minds

An excellent way to get acquainted with the two functions of your mind is to look upon your own mind as a garden. You are a gardener, and you are planting seeds (thoughts) in your subconscious mind all day long, based on your habitual thinking. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.

When your mind thinks correctly, when you understand the truth, when the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive, harmonious, and peaceful, the magic working power of your subconscious will respond and bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the best of everything. When you begin to control your thought process, you can apply the powers of your subconscious to any problem or difficulty. In other words, you will actually be consciously co-operating with the infinite power and omnipotent law which governs all things.

A knowledge of the interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds will enable you to transform your whole life. In order to change external conditions, you must change the cause. Most people try to change conditions and circumstances by working with conditions and circumstances. To remove discord, confusion, lack, and limitation, you must remove the cause, and the cause is the way you are using your conscious mind. In other words, the way you are thinking and picturing in your mind.

It is fascinating and intensely interesting to observe how you can speak authoritatively and with conviction to the irrational movement of your deeper self bringing silence, harmony, and peace to your mind. The subconscious is subject to the conscious mind, and that is why it is called subconscious or subjective.

Outstanding differences and modes of operation

You will perceive the main differences by the following illustrations: The conscious mind is like the navigator or captain at the bridge of a ship. He directs the ship and signals orders to men in the engine room, who in turn control all the boilers, instruments, gauges, etc. The men in the engine room do not know where they are going; they follow orders. They would go on the rocks if the man on the bridge issued faulty or wrong instructions based on his findings with the compass, sextant, or other instruments. The men in the engine room obey him because he is in charge and issues orders which are automatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk back to the captain; they simply carry out orders.

The captain is the master of his ship, and his decrees are carried out. Likewise, your conscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship, which represents your body, environment, and all your affairs. Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon what your conscious mind believes and accepts as true.


Let’s examine this more closely. This is a very powerful metaphor. Our conscious mind is like the captain on a ship barking out commands to the crew, or subconscious mind. In this example, the crew (subconscious) is in the hold of the ship below the water line. The crew can’t see nor do they care where the ship is going. They simply carry out the orders of the captain not minding whether the ship runs into another ship, hits an iceberg, or gets the ship safely to its final destination. The crew (subconscious) is completely nonjudgmental. It doesn’t question the captain (orders from the conscious mind) or make alternative suggestions, it simply carries out the orders (instructions) precisely. Our
subconscious is a servo- mechanism (i.e., servant) whose purpose is to be of service to the conscious mind. Therefore, if we constantly tell our self, and others, “I can never remember names,” for example, the subconscious mind responds similarly, and as you are scanning your memory bank to recall a specific name you want to remember, your subconscious will
block out that name so you “can’t remember” it, because those are the instructions it has received repeatedly from the conscious mind, i.e., “I can never remember names.”

The subconscious is such a powerful tool and as we learn more fully how to deliberately engage it, we can consciously direct it to serve us consistently to achieve the quality of life we truly desire.

I remember teaching a seminar years ago and a married couple shared with the participants how every June all members of their family got a common cold. This had been a “family tradition” for over 20 years. They shared how this had become part of their individual and family “self talk” for years. “I (we) always get a cold in June.” And, sure enough, the subconscious carried out its orders and a cold was manifested by all, every year, every family member. If one didn’t want to break this pattern they could simply chalk it up to their “genes” and keep affirming the intended result. The fun thing about this story is through the techniques taught in this book, the family changed the instructions to the subconscious through a revision in their self talk, or affirmations (see Chapter 8). I received a letter two years later informing me that this old pattern had been eliminated and all members of the family had not had a cold in over two years. The family lived in the same house, in the same city, with the same weather patterns, but with a revised health “picture” that simply did not allow or include common colds every June ,or any other month for that matter.


When you repeatedly say to people, “I can’t afford it,” then your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you will not be in a position to purchase what you want. As long as you persist in saying, “I can’t afford that car, that trip to Europe, that new home, etc.,” you can rest assured that your subconscious mind will follow your orders, and you will go through life experiencing the lack of all these things.

Another simple illustration is this: When you say, “I do not like mushrooms,” and the occasion subsequently comes that you are served mushrooms in sauces or salads, you will get indigestion because your subconscious mind says to you, “The boss (your conscious mind) does not like mushrooms.” This is an amusing example of the outstanding differences and modes of operation of your conscious and subconscious minds.

A woman may say, “I wake up at three o’clock, if I drink coffee at night.” Whenever she drinks coffee, her subconscious mind nudges her, as if to say, “The boss wants you to stay awake tonight.”

Your subconscious mind works twenty-four hours a day and makes provisions for your benefit, pouring all the fruit of your habitual thinking into your lap.

Brief summary of ideas worth remembering

1. The treasure house is within you. Look within for the answer to your heart’s desire.

2. The great secret possessed by the great people of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same.

3. Your subconscious has the answer to all problems. If you suggest to your subconscious prior to sleep, “I want to get up at 6 a.m.,” it will awaken you at that exact time.

4. Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious , being your faithful servant, will obey you.

5. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.

6. If you want to write a book, write a wonderful play, give a better talk to your audience, convey the idea lovingly and feelingly to your subconscious mind, and it will respond accordingly.

7. You are like a captain navigating a ship. He must give the right orders, and likewise, you must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to your subconscious mind which controls and governs all your experiences.

8. Never use the terms, “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t do this.” Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, “I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”

9. The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you.

10. Change your thoughts, and you change your destiny.


Let me introduce you to “self talk.” Self talk is that little voice in your head that is talking all the time. If you are asking, “What little voice?” that is the one we are talking about. As you are reading these words you are simultaneously talking to yourself. You may be agreeing or disagreeing with what you are reading, you may be thinking about an email you need to respond to, or what you are having for dinner. That little voice asks questions and the same little voice answers the question. It’s all rather bizarre and at times it gets quite busy “in there.”

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