Big Bad Bite (40 page)

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Authors: Jessie Lane

Tags: #werewolf romance, #shifters romance, #shifters, #paranormal romance, #demons, #adult paranormal romance, #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #urban fantasy

BOOK: Big Bad Bite
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In a flash, she found her upper body pinned
to the forest’s floor with one hand holding her down by a shoulder
as his other hand palmed the cheek of her ass. The tip of him
prodded her entrance and she was panting in anticipation.

“Say it,” The voice was slightly garbled as
if the beast was still lingering close to the surface.

What? She couldn’t think straight. What had
he said? “Please Adam, fill me. Take me. Make me yours, mate.”

“Say it,” He snarled.

She tried to push back and engulf him, but he
held her body immobile. Crying out in frustration, “What do you
want me to say?”

“You said it minutes ago with my teeth buried
in your neck. Say. It. Again.”

What had she said? Her mind was hazy with the
overwhelming need to feel him moving inside of her. It was hard to
think. She replayed the scene in her head. All that she could
remember saying was… oh.

That’s what he wanted to hear again. A smile
spread across her face as she spoke almost in a whisper, “I love
you, Adam.”

He plunged inside of her. She screamed in
pleasure. Holding himself still, he bent down to wrap his arms
above and below her breasts and pull her back up with him until
they were both on their knees, her back to his chest, still
connected by his pulsing length buried in her. His hips bucked
against her ass as he used the hand below her breasts to cup them,
pinching the nipples while never faltering in his steady movements
behind her.

His lips were skimming her ear, “Say it
again, Jenna.”

“I love you.”

“Yes! Mine! Always mine!” His arm across her
breast bone tightened, and he started hammering his cock into her.
His hips slapped against her cheeks with the force of his frenzied
possession. The hand cupping her breasts slid down until it was
pressing on her lower stomach, causing her to feel his length
shuttling inside of her like never before.


It was building. Synapses firing throughout
her body until she felt like she was going to explode from the
inside out from the pleasure he was giving her. His fingers found
her clit, but only gave her feather light strokes.

“Again, Jenna!”

“I LOVE YOU MATE!” Her scream echoed through
the forest.

His strokes became firmer; his thrusts bone
jarring, all of it taking her to the peak where she hovered on the
edge of a release with the promise of being so magnificent that it
was painful. Teeth nipped at the bite marks on her neck, and her
head snapped back to rest against his shoulder as she was shoved
into a blinding, fiery cataclysmic release.

“Ah God,” he groaned. His thrusts deepening
further than she thought was possible. “Thank you, love. Thank
you.” Adam groaned in blissful agony as he exploded inside her. His
body trembled in time with her, giving Jenna the sense that they
were two bodies and souls connected as one. It took them a few
moments before either of them had the strength to move. Eventually,
Adam laid her gently on her side, refusing to disconnect from her
in any way as he kept her cuddled in his arms against his chest.
Moving only to pepper her neck and shoulder where he’d bitten her
with kisses.

“Does it hurt, sweetheart?”


Jenna felt his body shaking from silent
laughter. “Was that an answer, love?”

“Mmm hmm.”

More light kisses, then, “I’d thought I’d
lost you, love. I woke up in that hospital, and they were all
crowded around your bed because your heart had stopped. When I
realized what was happening, and that it was you on that bed, it
felt like my heart had stopped right along with yours.” His voice
was low and agonized, “I don’t want to live without you,

Using her hands to pet the strong arms that
held her tightly, she said, “I’m here, Adam. I’m alive, and we have
each other. I am yours, and you are mine, mate.”

His arms tightened again around her “Always
yours, Jenna.”


Sitting in the back room of one of Adam’s
bars, because apparently her mate owned quite a few businesses, she
looked at the assembled group at the table and worried. It had been
three months since the incident in Germany, and they didn’t know
much more than they did to start with. Minna, the blond submissive
wolf they’d saved from the sadistic Corvus wolves that were about
to kill her, had told them what she could but it was only half of
what they needed to know.

Gage had shifted through all of the incoming
intel from the mercenary type group he was contracted through and
had found mostly rumors, with little evidence on anything. Alec had
kept an active role fighting in the Black Rings in the hopes of
over hearing more information, but had yet to get anything
substantial for them to use. Uncle Owen and Logan had traveled the
country on the usual rounds a Pack Master makes through his
territories, but he couldn’t outright ask about the problems with
the Corvus Pack because it might draw the wrong attention. And
surprisingly, Vera Ivanov, the crazy Russian grandmother had stayed
close to her Uncle. An unusual couple, but if it made her Uncle
happy, then she was happy for him. Gage and Alec weren’t on the
same page as her. They often bared their teeth at the Pack Master
since they thought their sexpot of a grandmother could do better
than him.

Jenna had managed to talk her Mama into
staying out of it all with the promise that if they needed her
house throwing super telekinetic abilities they’d give her a ring.
Kent refused to budge though. Her partner had pointed out that he
had a vested interest in the situation since he’d been there for
the hostage situation too, and reminded her that she had no idea
how strong his powers were. He could be an asset to a mission if
needed. She kind of hated when that pain in the ass man whore was

Some of the answers they’d obtained from
little Minna and the intel that had been scraped together had
caused more questions than answers. Were the Corvus Pack members
behind the hostage situation that had happened in Wilmington with
three United States Senators? Yes. They were also behind a number
of other high profile crimes these past few months from around the
world. Crimes that reporters occasionally gave commentary on the
impossible odds of survival, or strange feats of strength and speed
from the criminals. The problem was that Minna didn’t know why they
were doing it. She could confirm that usually money was demanded,
and besides the incident here in Wilmington, some amount of money
had been collected at every crime. The thing was, she could also
confirm that the Corvus Pack was in no way, shape or form, hurting
for money. They were flush with cash and investments. So that
begged the question, why were they even asking for money?

The big bomb Minna had dropped on them,
however, was that the Corvus Alpha, Marcus Corvus, was in no way
connected to, or even aware of, these events. The reason for that
being that he was being held hostage by his own Beta Lars, who had
managed to keep the Alpha in a medicated coma so that he could
unofficially take over the Pack. That was what she’d been arguing
with the brunette about. Minna was a nurse, and when Lars found
that out, he forced her to tend to the unconscious man so that he
stayed out. The poor woman had literally made herself sick over
being forced to hurt her Alpha in such a way, but had no way to
fight the other dominant members of her Pack.

Since bringing her here to North Carolina,
they’d had to fight her every step of the way so that she would
start taking better care of herself by eating regular meals so that
she didn’t waste away. She’d agreed to that only because they
promised to go in and rescue Corvus from his prison. Three months
later, she was getting angry and impatient in their fact finding
missions, and was demanding they go in and rescue Corvus, or she
would go back to Germany herself to do it. The idea of little Minna
trying to rescue anyone was a joke, but Jenna respected her
tenacity in trying to protect the man. Minna was just terrified
about what would happen to Corvus since she was no longer taking
care of him, and Lars was such an evil asshole that he wouldn’t
care if the man suffered in his medicated prison.

When they asked Minna why she thought Lars
was evil, she was practically tripping over herself to explain the
sick Beta’s twisted mind. Lars was fanatically prejudiced against
humans. There were constant lectures about how human were cattle,
and that Shifters, as superior beings, should be treating the
humans as the slaves and food they were meant to be. Apparently
Lars got his jollies off by organizing ‘hunts’, where kidnapped
humans were let loose on some of their land, and then run down as
if they were nothing better than deer. Of course, deer weren’t
usually tortured and raped before they were murdered, so it was
safe to say that the deer had it a bit better than these poor
victims. It made Jenna’s stomach roll just thinking about it.

Minna informed them that he’d managed to
brain wash the majority of the pack into believing his hate, like
some kind of ridiculous cult. Those left in the Pack who didn’t
believe and tried to protest Lars’ teachings were executed. The
rest were like herself, too frightened to say anything. Lars was
also recruiting other like-minded wolves into the Pack to help
support his master plan. Minna was just too low in Pack society to
know what the master plan was.

It wasn’t a huge leap for their little group
to figure out that Lars was power hungry. If he was willing to do
something so cruel to Marcus Corvus as to hold a dominant wolf in a
state of weakness and exploit it to his benefit, then the man was
desperate for power. The question was, why hadn’t Lars just killed
Corvus? There had to be a reason to keep him alive.

So, here they sat around a table strategizing
the best way to go in and save Marcus Corvus with the little bit of
information Minna had given on the Corvus stronghold. It looked
like an impossible mission, but they weren’t left with much choice.
They needed the man for information so that they could shut down
whatever it was that his Beta Lars was up to. Too bad they couldn’t
seem to agree on the way the rescue should be carried out.

Uncle Owen wanted to find a way to infiltrate
the Corvus Pack stronghold so that they could learn the inner works
before pulling the Alpha out. Gage wanted to go in under the cover
of night, sneak in the place, grab the Alpha, and get the fuck out
of there. A clean in and out, as he liked to call it. They’d been
arguing about it for two hours without a budge on either side.

Rolling her eyes at the stubborn men, she
felt the hand resting on her mid-thigh slowly start to slide up.
The side of her mouth twitched as she tried to repress her smile.
Her mate was insatiable, and a trouble maker. Looking out of the
side of her eyes, she found him watching her again, but it wasn’t
her face he studied so intensely. It was the Mark he’d given her
the night she’d gone into the woods to bring him home. Those
savages bites he’d inflicted on her, when she’d stupidly thought he
was about to kill her, was actually her half mad mate giving her
his Mark.

Though, she’d learned once they’d joined
their loved ones for breakfast the next morning, they were some of
the most savage mate Marks that her Uncle had ever seen. Adam had
stood there with a guilty flush to his cheeks as his Pack Master
had dressed him down for damn near killing his niece since she
couldn’t heal as their kind normally does. Jenna had promptly shut
her Uncle up by telling him that she wore Adam’s Mark with pride,
and she’d take it a thousand times over to save her mate from a
fate of feral rage.

Everyone shut up after that.

And she’d meant what she’d said. She wore her
scars with pride. As far as she was concerned the whole world could
see her love for her mate right there on her skin. It didn’t hurt
that she’d quickly discovered that anytime Adam saw his Mark he
became incredibly aroused and would pin her to the closest flat
surface if he could get away with it. Since she enjoyed that
benefit, she wore tank tops or wide neck shirts as often as
possible. As Adam’s hand was now less than an inch from her mound
underneath their table, she knew what that beautiful man was
thinking about as he stared at her neck with his eyes glowing, and
she couldn’t wait till this meeting took a break.

When Gage suddenly stood up and stared at the
closed door to their room, Jenna thought he’d lost his temper, and
her wishful thinking of a break had won out. But looking at the
man’s stern concentration, combined with confusion, and how seconds
later those morphed into anger as he threw the door open so hard it
left a hole in the wall it hit, it didn’t take a rocket scientist
to figure out that something was up. Quickly following the agitated
tiger out into the bar’s open area, she watched fascinated as he
stormed up to four gorgeous women sitting at the bar.

It was easy to tell that all four women were
related because of their similar facial features. Of the four, one
was older, so she was more than likely their mother or Aunt, and
giving the confident posture, calculating and intelligent gleam in
her eye, and general ‘fuck off’ attitude, Jenna had her pegged as
military or a cop. The other three women she was pretty sure were
sisters because if you took away the fact that they all had
slightly different coloring in hair or eye color, their faces were
identical. If the red head with the thick black streak in her hair
sporting emoattire wasn’t so much obviously younger than the
caramelized blond with the playgirl body and the wardrobe to match,
then she would have even thrown the guess out there that they were

Those three women were not the target of the
pissy tiger though. No, that distinction went to the sister sitting
in the middle who had thick dark brunette hair, bright blue green
eyes and bee sting lips. Her outfit was understated compared to her
sisters since all she wore was a simple ribbed tank top and jeans,
but they suited her lean muscled frame. She carried a lot of the
same attitude that the older woman did, and Jenna was guessing that
she was also either a cop or in the military. The woman was
particularly striking in Jenna’s opinion since she reminded her a
lot of, well herself. Just taller, less curvy, and with possibly a
giant stinking chip on her shoulder.

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