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got out of his car and began walking toward them.
Jenay stood there in her winter white
pantsuit, with a red scarf thrown around her neck that matched her red high
heels, and just seeing her made his heart palpitate.
Even though her gray eyes against her dark
skin lit up any space, and her slender body with just the right combination of
big breasts and curves would cause any man’s penis to throb, gorgeous was never
the first word he thought whenever he laid eyes on her.
Because she was so much more to him than a
pretty face and a shapely frame.
was a subtle elegance about her, a kind of unfiltered naturalness, that made
her, not just beautiful, but exquisite to Charles.

her feet, for instance, he inwardly thought with a smile.
Her feet tended to veer out, as if she was on
the verge of slue-footedness, but she never tried to correct it.
No matter where she was.
She never tried to draw them in or turn them
closer together.
She let them veer-out
wherever they veered-out because that was what they did.

She had the baby’s big diaper bag
on her small shoulders, her hands in the pockets of her suit coat, and her
little feet’s position could almost match a penguin’s.
But that was his woman right there.
A mixture of strength, beauty,
slue-footedness and brains.
And with an
undeniable stubbornness, he thought sadly as he made his way toward her, that
sometimes shut him out.

and Robert had both started looking at Charles from the moment he got out of
the Jaguar, buttoned his tailored Valentino suit, and headed their way.
Although Jenay never viewed him as a man
given to flashiness of any kind, he did have impeccable taste and was always
well put together.
And his beauty, she
His strapping sons had nothing
on him.
From his jet-black wavy hair, to
his large, glimmering green eyes, his face was handsome in a way that bespoke
ruggedness, hardness, and yet incredible prettiness all mixed up into one great
looking guy.

his body.
From his thick chest and
biceps, to his muscular legs and thighs, he had the body of a linebacker more
so than the quarterback position he once played in high school.
A very big, well-endowed linebacker, Jenay
added fondly, as she stared at him.

Robert looked at his father approaching with
that same pride of association he always felt whenever Charles entered his
But what he didn’t like, and
hadn’t liked since his father’s marriage, was how Charles seemed singularly
focused on Jenay and the baby as he came toward them, and not at all on him.

brings you here, Dad?” he decided to ask to wrestle away some of that

brings you here?” Charles asked him back.
Jenay call you instead of me
But he
didn’t bother asking that, nor did he wait for an answer to his first
He, instead, was staring too
completely at Jenay, as he placed his hands on her arms.
“Are you alright?” he asked her.
“You and the baby?” he added, looking past
her at the baby in Robert’s arms.

was nodding her head.
“We’re fine, thank

God,” Charles said, and pulled her gently into his arms.
His heart had been pounding ever since Mary
told him the news, and all he could think about was getting to his wife.
He also knew Bonita was with her, and that
only heightened his alarm.
Now they
both appeared safe and sound.
And Robert
had been there so that they weren’t alone.
He was grateful.

loved the feel of her in his arms, and he held onto her tightly even though
they were on the side of a busy street.
When they stopped embracing, he reached over and took Bonita out of
Robert’s arms.
“Thanks for checking on
them,” he said to his son as he did.

problem,” Robert responded, feeling like a fifth wheel.
Before Charles married Jenay, he remembered
when he and his brothers were the center of their father’s universe, and how
they cherished that special place.
it seemed as if Jenay and Bonita were the spotlight on their father’s stage,
and the rest of them had to beg for the mike.
Brent and Tony were taking it just fine.
It was a good thing for their father to be in love and have someone, and
therefore a good thing for everybody, they felt.
Robert and Donald, the two youngest sons,
weren’t taking it well at all.

Bonita loved that specialness.
smiled a grand smile when Charles hoisted her into his big arms.
Charles smiled too, which wasn’t easy for a
stern man like him.
But just like his
four boys before her, she melted his heart too.
“Hey, sweetheart.
Hey, Daddy’s
little girl.”

did you find out?” Jenay asked him.

from you,” Charles said, and then looked at her.
She could see a glimmer of hurt in his eyes,
but because he was not a man given to sentimentality, it quickly faded.
“My secretary saw your car when she was
driving by.”

and Robert looked at each other and nodded their heads.
“Miss Mary,” Robert said.
“Dad’s pit bull.
We should have known.”

we should have,” Jenay agreed with a smile.

the damage?” Charles asked, bouncing his baby girl.

here,” Robert said, walking with him toward the back.

Branson and his partner, seeing Charles, hurried toward him like the
butt-kissers they were, and attempted to explain exactly what had
Just as they did, the Triple A
tow truck arrived and stopped, in the road, beside Jenay’s car. Charles saw the
truck, and headed back toward his wife.

do you need a wrecker for?
It’s barely

hated to admit it, but she knew she had to.
“It wasn’t badly damaged, but it still won’t start,” she said.



shook his head.

probably a minor matter,” Jenay tried to reason with him.

Charles gave her that chilling look he could turn on like a faucet.
“Bullshit,” he said to her, and he said it in
a voice so quiet it shook her.

Jenay knew that said it all.
He’d given
her chance after chance to prove him wrong about that car of hers, the last
thing she ever purchased with her own, rather than her husband’s money.
He didn’t understand the significance of
Because just by saying that one
word, she knew her chances were up.
was not a man of many words, and he was not about to argue with her.
The gig was up.
She was no longer just his girlfriend, but
was now his wife, and was transporting his child.
She could kiss her old car, and perhaps a
significant portion of her independence, goodbye.


Sinatra lifted her shades on top of her thick, blonde hair and stared at the
handsome man in the photograph.
investigator, Ed Anderson, sat on the side of the lounge chair next to her
chair as the pool man cleaned out her pool.
Ed had more photos in his hand, tons more, but Arianna was still stuck
on the first one.
He was being paid by
the hour, so he didn’t complain.
allowed her to take all the time she wanted.

who is this person exactly?” she asked him.


was married to him?”

several years, yes.
Her parents
disapproved of the marriage, they thought she was marrying beneath herself, but
she went ahead with it anyway.”

looked at Ed.
“Why would he be beneath
I thought you said he was an
attorney, no?”

when they first got married, he wasn’t.
He was an unemployed single father with two little girls who was looking
for a meal ticket, by all accounts.

you dare call her that!” Arianna snapped bitterly.
“I’m Mrs. Sinatra.
The first, the last, and the only.
She’s a wannabe.
She’s a pretender.
She’ll be nothing more than his temporary
fling when I’m done with her!
I have my
own money now.
Richard died, left me a
handsome settlement.
I can do things
I can get rid of her, and regain my
rightful place.”

ma’am,” Ed said quickly.
“What I meant
to say is that
was working at a
the Pick and Pay---”

Pick and what?
What on earth is that?”

grocery store.
She was a cashier.”

shook her head.
“A cashier.
This is the woman Charles replaces me
A cashier.

went on to graduate from some hospitality institute in Boston,” Ed pointed out,
“which is how she met your husband.
was a part of the crew that catered Donald’s wedding.”

wedding I wasn’t invited to,” Arianna said bitterly.
“That was Charles’s doing also.
He turned all four of my sons against
And Donald’s marriage didn’t last a
What father would allow his
eighteen year old son to marry anyway?
An irresponsible one, that’s what kind!
But I digress.
So this Quincy
married a meal ticket.”

Ed said with a nod.
“And she was a good
one too.
She worked, took care of his
girls, and paid all the bills while he went to school.
As soon as he was about to get his degree,
he divorced her and married a different kind of meal ticket.”

looked at him.
How different?
You mean white?”

she’s black.
But unlike Jenay, she was a
well-established corporate attorney at the time.
She could help him go places.”

he married a corporate attorney?”


you still feel he can be bought?”

Everything has changed for the
little come-upper.
He’s still practicing
law, but he tried to steal from his bosses and was kicked out on his rear.
He’s still practicing law, but he’s not real
good at it and it’s barely paying the bills.
His wife divorced him after his thievery and kicked him out of the big
He’s renting some three-bedroom
cookie cutter, but it’s not the same.
can be bought alright. He can be bought with no money down.”

smiled her bright white smile.
“My kind
of guy,” she said.




stepped out of the master bedroom’s en-suite shower and grabbed a towel off the
towel rack.
She stared at the
floor-length mirror facing her as she dried her wet body.
Sometimes she could look at herself and
understand easily why Charles was so attracted to her.
But other times, like right now, she was
She viewed herself as nice
looking and she had a nice body even after Bonita’s birth, but where was the
wow factor?
And it had to be one.
Charles wasn’t about to give up all of those
gorgeous girls he had been fooling around with unless there was something
seriously different about her.

it wasn’t because of her race, as some of the wealthy old biddies around town
tried to insinuate.
They had to blame
something for this remarkable turn of event where Charles married, not their
local beauty queens, but an African queen.
But what they didn’t realize was that Charles had been with numerous
black women in his past.
But just like
the white women of his past, he took a pass on them too.
Until he met her.
Which caused her to smile.
She already knew she had much more going for
herself than good looks and a nice body.
Charles, unlike her ex and any other man she’d ever been with, bothered
to look deep enough to see it.

wrapped the towel around her body and headed into the master bedroom.
She looked at the TV monitor inside the room
and saw Bonita fast asleep inside her crib in the Nursery, and Tess, her Nanny,
wide awake and reading a book.
Jenay looked at the bed.
To say Charles
was not a morning person would be an understatement.
Whenever he got up early, he became so grumpy
he might as well had stayed in bed.
that wasn’t going to be the case this morning.
He was dead to the world he was sleeping so hard.
And, Jenay noticed, he had slept so hard that
part of his naked body was exposed, and his dangling penis was revealed.

smiled, shook her head, and went over to the bed to cover him back up.
But as soon as her hand touched the sheet,
Charles hand reached out and touched her wrist and immediately pulled her down
on top of him.

thought you were asleep,” she said with a grin as he held her.

“I am
asleep,” Charles responded, as he slung her towel off her and began sucking her
bare breasts.
“Pay no attention to this
man sucking your breasts.”

how could she not when he was sucking her so wonderfully?
He was so masterful with his mouth that she
went from grinning to complete relaxation.
He was moaning too, as if he’d been waiting for this opportunity for a
His tongue overtook every inch
of her senses. Until he uttered those words.

on me,” he said.

knew exactly what he meant.
She slid her
naked body up the length of his broad body until her freshly scrubbed pussy was
right in his face.
He held her by the
catch of her butt cheeks as his tongue began licking her with slow, prodding
strokes from end to end.
She held onto
the headboard as he licked her until her folds were bright red and hanging
Then he began eating her.

could feel his penis expanding into a hard thickness the longer he ate
It was that wonderful smell, that
wonderful taste, that wonderful joy in holding the woman he loved by the catch
of his hands, squeezing her tight ass and eating her tight pussy, and nearing
ejaculation just from the thought of doing her.

the way her body responded.
That topped
it all for him.
He ate her harder and
harder the more positively she responded, as if her very reaction to the
intensity made him want to do her even more intensely.

it became too intense even for Charles.
And he had to slide her body back down until she was, once again, lying
prone on top of him.
And then he guided
and then pushed his thick penis into her already inflamed vagina.
As soon as he began sliding along her ridges
within her wet tightness, she laid her head on his chest and sighed a long,
enchanting exhale.

loved it.
Morning fucks were the best to
her and Charles was making it feel like the best she’d ever had.
She was amazed that every single time he knew
how to do her, and do her just right for the occasion.
When she needed it rough, he knew how to
pound her.
When she needed it slow and
easy, like this morning, he made his dick caress her.
He held her in his arms and made the kind of
long, slow love to her that relaxed every fiber in her being.

the longer he fucked her, the less it became about the sex, and the more it
became about him.
She wasn’t just naked,
but she was naked on top of her husband.
And not just any dick, but
dick was inside of her.
His arms were
around her.
His hand was rubbing her
hair, and then lifting her chin, and then kissing her without breaking a second
of his sexual stride.
She melted in his

Charles couldn’t stop kissing her.
was his wife now, the mother of his only daughter, and he wanted to give her
the best of himself.
But every time he tried,
like now, she always trumped him.
Because he was getting even better than he was giving.
She was fucking him.
He might have been hitting her G-spot, but
she was hitting his sweet spot.
tightness, her ridges, the fact that he had to fight through the friction to
get to her deepest pocket, made him near ejaculation the entire time he fucked
And he fucked her.
It was morning, and they both had jobs to get
to, but he fucked her as if there was nothing else in the world to do.

Her pussy
was so soft, and his dick was so red that by the time he put it on her one time
too many, and they both came, it felt almost anticlimactic.
The greatest feeling for them wasn’t in their
final cum, but in the process of cumming all along.
They came hard.
They both were straining the fullness of
their beings as he poured into her and she accepted that creamy milk to
But it was the accumulation
All of it was just as important
as part of it, and the beginning and the middle were just as intense as the end
of it.

they finally stopped the madness and were able to breathe again, they both
immediately turned toward the TV monitor.
Their baby, their precious child, was still fast asleep, and Tess was
still taking peeps at the baby, and then getting back to her book.

going to miss you and Nita,” Charles said.

looked at him.
“Where do you have to go
this time?”

got to be in Baltimore this afternoon.
My partners and I did a land grab a few years back that some Chinese
businessmen want to take off our hands.”

know what they’re saying now?
They seem
to think that China’s trying to take over the entire country, land parcel by
land parcel.”


don’t agree?”

don’t know if I do or not,” Charles said.
“They certainly want the piece of land I have to give.”

if the price is right, they’re going to get that piece right?”

looked into Jenay’s gray eyes.
see,” he said.

“Don’t tell me you’ll turn down

no!” Charles said and Jenay laughed.
“But they’d better come to me correct, or I’ll turn down
I do business with foreign investors, but
only if they pay with a hefty mark-up.
Otherwise screw’em.
I wait for an
American to come through.”

time do you think you’ll be back?”

Probably around eight-ish.”

Come to the club.
I’m taking Norm and Denise there for dinner
I want you to finally have a
nice sit down with them since you were gracious enough to let me bring them
both here and give them jobs in the Inn’s restaurant in the first place.”

I knew they were your closest friends and they’ve been having some tough times
here lately.”

isn’t the word,” Jenay said.
“Norm is a
trained chef but the only gig he could get was to cook on a cruise ship, and
then he got laid off from that.
Jenay shook her head.

in love with that loser?”

claims she’s not, especially after he left her high and dry, but who knows with
She’s young and a free
Sometimes Norm and I feel like
her parents rather than her best friends.
We feel like we have to look out for Denise.”

needs to grow up, that’s the remedy,” Charles said.
Then he looked at Jenay.
“Speaking of growing up, how’s that baby boy
of mine working out for you?”

“He’s . . . not so great.”

looked concerned.
“His ass isn’t
disrespectful to you anymore?”

no. I think he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re kick his ass if he
disrespects me.”


I don’t know.
Donald is really friendly
with the guests and he’s a smart young man, and I think, if he puts his mind to
it, he can really excel in hotel management.
But it’s as if he wants to go straight to the top rather than work his
way up there.
Because you’re his father,
it’s as if he feels a sense of entitlement, Charles, that’s very off-putting.”

exhaled and held her tighter.
“It’s my
fault,” he said.
“When I divorced his
mother and he tried to live with her and she send him back to me, he took it
extremely hard.
I’ve been
overcompensating for his loss ever since.”

you made him pay the price when he beat up his wife that time,” Jenay reminded
“You would have thought that year
in jail would have at least given him some perspective on all of that.”

Donald,” Charles said. “He and Robert still keep me up nights.
But in any event, keep me posted.
You’re his last chance.
He’s blown every other job I’ve tried to put
him on.
But I’ve already told him that
if he blows this job with you, he’s enrolling his ass in somebody’s college
whether he likes it or not.”


yes,” Charles said, “I’ll drop by the country club tomorrow night and greet
your friends.
I would say meet, only
I’ve met them before.”

briefly when all three of us were graduating from BHI.
But thank-you for agreeing.
They’ve been in town for nearly a week now
and it feels awkward that they haven’t had a proper sit down and meal with the
most important man in my life.”

loved the way she said that.
He stared
into her eyes, and then kissed her.
when he moved to kiss her again, and to undoubtedly do her again, she knew
she’d better move before she was enticed into having sex with him again.

she said, moving to get out of his tight embrace, “I’m a working woman, not a
I’d better get up.”

Charles held her tighter in his arms, and wouldn’t let her go.

on, Charlie!
I’m already late.”

can you be late? You own the joint!”

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