Big Girls Don't Cry (18 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

BOOK: Big Girls Don't Cry
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Brady took a slug of his beer. Dangling the bottle between his fingers, he turned to Jake.
“Ah, yeah, big guy. You two did make a bit of a scene last night.”
Jake felt his cheeks heat, matching the flush on Lexie’s face.
He frowned at Brady, then gave Lexie a hard glare.

“Yeah, we did. But we’re going to turn it to our advantage. I am going to act like the jealous outraged boyfriend. You can make it clear to the girls that you and I are on the outs. That I am too possessive, too demanding. That will allow me to hang around, but also not be with you. Think you can pull that off, darlin’?”

Brady guffawed.

“I don’t know, big guy. That’ll be a tough one. But don’t overdo it. If you can keep from growling when any guy comes within three feet of her, maybe they won’t throw you out.”

Jake pinned him with a combative stare.
“Make that maybe they won’t TRY to throw me out.”
Brady nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right about that.”

Lexie scoffed and rolled her eyes at the macho interplay. But Jake leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees, and she found she couldn’t look away. He was so serious, so intent. She shivered, wondering for a short minute if she’d been crazy to think she could do this on her own. His eyes narrowed, and the slight smile on his lips didn’t reach his eyes.

Jake continued, his gaze never leaving hers.

“When your shift is over, Lexie, go to your car. At least two men will be in the parking lot. Get in and drive straight home. One of our guys will be behind you to make sure no one follows you. Park in the garage. Again, we have the house staked out. And one of us will be waiting inside for you.”

Gasping at the extent of their preparations, she had an insight into Jake, the commander, hard, detailed, and relentless. But she reminded herself before she shrunk into mindless acquiescence, she’d been taking care of herself for years now. For God’s sake, she was a world class martial artist. She raised her chin, determined not to be cowed.

“Can I assume that you’ve had it staked out since you moved me here?”
His smile broadened.
“Yeah, darlin’, that’s a safe assumption.”
Lexie shook her head disgust at his over protectiveness. She broadened her glare to include Brady.

Et tu

Brady’s guilty shrug said it all.


Jake and Brady stood on the porch watching her pull out of the garage without a backward glance. At the entrance to the cul de sac, she came to a brief stop, then gunned the Camaro and sped away, dust from the dry road wafting behind her.

Jake took a deep sigh and shook his head.

“Damn, Brady. This is killing me. I pray to God that Anthony would understand. Using Lexie as bait is the last thing I want to do. But even I accept the fact that if we don’t bring her in, she’ll be out there on her own.”

Brady punched him in the arm.

“Couple things, big guy. There’s no way you can control that little spitfire if she is on the team or not. She’s gonna do what she damn well pleases and you know that in your gut. I got a feeling the sooner you accept that reality, the better off you’ll be. Christ, you might even stop frowning seventy five percent of the time and get that lady killer grin of yours back on that Hollywood face.”

He faced Jake and for once, the insolent smile was gone. “And, yeah, she’ll be a hell of a lot safer with all of us watching her than she would be on her own. Finally, Jake, Lexie is a trained fighter. I pity the guy that tries to stop her. But you and I both know she’s playing in the big leagues now and doesn’t know it. So, rest your conscience. Anthony would probably kill us both if he knew what we are doing with his precious sister. But if he was here making the decisions we’re making, you can be damned sure he’d do the same thing. He knows her even better than we do.”

Jake nodded.

“Thanks, buddy. You’re right. I…I know all of that. And you know how rare it is for me to question my judgment. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Brady. She’s got me tied in knots. I’ve never been this way with a woman in my life.”

Brady grinned. “Hell, Jake, the only experience I’ve had in this arena was with a love sick spaniel puppy. Sorry to tell you, but we eventually had to put him down. When the poodle he was lusting after ran off with the Airedale in the big house on the corner, he was too miserable to make it on his own.”

Jake managed a grin.

“It’s a great story, even if it isn’t true. And I get your point. But I’m not miniature spaniel, Brady.”

“No, Jake, you’re not, far from it. And not to stroke your ego, but the way that firecracker of a girl looks at you, I don’t think you have to worry about the neighborhood Airedales making off with your woman.”

Jake started to contest Brady’s description of Lexie as his woman. He chuckled to himself. May as well admit it. He was closer to that lovesick spaniel pup than he wanted to admit. And, yes, dammit. Lexie was his woman. Now he just needed to convince her of that.





Chapter 18


Senora Travieste’s
exclusive section anchored by the nightly strip show was hopping when Lexie hit the floor. Unlike the open area in the front that catered to the younger, less well-off crowd where Lexie had performed her outrageous bar top dance, the private area sought the well-heeled. The exorbitant cover charge was only the first indication that money (and lots of it) was the distinction between the two areas of the club. Lexie had spent a good bit of time in seedy nightclubs before Anthony rescued her, but the memories were never far away. The big surprise was how classy this club was. You could almost forget that the place was a strip club and more than likely a front for a thriving prostitution ring, not to mention a drug consortium. The drinks were expensive, the food was tasteful, and the décor understated.

Lexie decided there must be a pulchritude standard to be a waitress. She had never seen more gorgeous women in her life. Whoever hired the girls must also have designed the costumes they wore. She noted with a secret flush of pride that she could hold her own among the beautiful young women. While all the girls filled out the risqué costume admirably, no one had her particular combination of long athletic legs and very generous breasts.

Compared to the front section she’d been in the night before, the crowd was definitely older and didn’t blink at either the cover charge or the outrageous prices for the watered down booze. Rings of tables surrounded the stage. According to Isabella, her trainer, the cost of a seat escalated, depending on proximity to the stage. Chairs close enough to touch the stage had a cover charge of $150. Lexie was startled. The money flowing in this understated desert town was surprising. And it wasn’t just the gangs who had money to burn. The only thing more plentiful than money was testosterone. The hard eyed men surrounding the stage and sprinkled throughout the audience had that “touch me and you will die” vibe that she’d seen in Jake and his buddies. These were men accustomed to danger, inside and outside of their role as fighters. They were adrenalin junkies. She should know. She was one of them.

Isabella was one of the most striking women she had seen. Her long black hair swung in a graceful shiny curtain when she walked. Easily four inches shorter that Lexie, her soft curvy body begged to be touched. Her dusky skin, a gift of her Mexican heritage, glowed. The expertly applied makeup highlighted her wide brown eyes and full pouty lips. She had an air of seductive innocence that made every head turn when she walked by. But Lexie had seen too many Isabellas in her work. She recognized the implacable gleam in the young woman’s eyes that revealed a lifetime of experience, much of it bad.

Lexie liked her immediately. Isabella was the kind of woman she resonated with. They didn’t have to explain themselves to each other. Both recognized a kindred spirit and relaxed in the instant familiarity.

“Call me Bella. That’s what my friends call me.” Isabella added with a pert grin, “It’s better than Izzy.”

Her chime like laughter attracted the attention of the men next to them. Lexie shook her head, knowing how easily both she and Bella attracted attention. Jake had sure been right about that. In the last three hours, she’d had over a dozen outright offers for sex and close to a hundred hands grabbing at her ass. It was a good thing she was a practiced flirt. She knew how to duck out of an outrageous grasp without crushing the sensitive ego of the perpetrator.

The two girls rested in the back of the room seeking momentary relief from the needs of the patrons. The show stopping stripper on the stage was good enough that even the jaded audience was watching with rapt attention.

Lexie took the moment to press Bella for information. She hoped their mutual attraction and comfort level would make her forthcoming.

“Looks like there’s a lot of money flowing in this place. Do we ever get any of it? Besides tips?”
Bella’s eyes narrowed as if considering her answer.
“You’re right. This little old town is flowing with money. But then for the savvy buyer, there’s lots to spend it on.”

Lexie recognized the overt come on. Bella was testing her. To see how street smart she was. She decided to play dumb. She had to be careful. Bella could be a goldmine of information. Lexie saw how skillfully she’d managed the outrageous overtures from drunken men. She was a pro, cleverly conveying the promise of more to come without acting on it. Lexie was impressed. From the things Bella said and the many patrons that she called by name, it was clear that she was a regular, and a knowledgeable one at that.

Lexie responded to Bella’s assertion with a wistful sigh. “Sure wish I could tap into some of that. It seems no matter what I do, I’m always scraping for my next dollar.”

Bella looked surprised. “Really? You seem like you’ve got it coming and going, girl.”

Lexie grinned, but let a little uncertainty color her voice.

“Yeah, I do. And I know how to put on a good act. I’ve been doing it most of my life. I’m not complaining, but let’s face it. Waitress wages and generous tips can go in a hurry.”

Bella’s gaze sharpened.
“Damn, girl, I hear you’re living with that hot guy, the colonel stud moving through. He must keep you in pretty good style.”
Lexie shook her head with a derisive snort.

“Hell, no! And I’m not exactly living with him. Besides, I’m done with him. He’s too possessive, too demanding. If I even look at another guy, he goes nuts. He’s getting to be a real pain in the ass.”

Lexie laughed to herself. At least some of what she said was true.
Bella regarded her cautiously.
“Hmm. Well if its money you need to get away from him, there’s lots of it floating around this joint.”
“Do you have to put out for it?”
Bella shrugged.

“You don’t have to unless you want to. But I can tell you, honey, some of the guys that hang around here are an eleven on a one to ten heat scale. Not as hot as that blue-eyed hottie you’re hanging out with, but some studly men pass through this club.”

Lexie frowned as if considering her suggestion.
“Do you get a lot more money if you do it?”
“No, not necessarily. The big money is in the …” Bella stopped short, clearly not intending to reveal any more information.
Lexie knew this was her moment. She could only play dumb so long.

“Huh? Oh, I get it. If it’s not sex, it must be drugs.” She added with a smile, “I could use a little of that myself right about now. That possessive bastard chasing me doesn’t do them, says he has to keep his perfect body pure.”

Bella cocked an interested brow.

“You use?”

Lexie tossed her head. “Yeah. Who doesn’t? Sometimes I can use a little lift. Just if I’m feeling down, that is. I’ve found half a ruffie doesn’t hurt. I’ve learned how to moderate it. Get the dose right so that it doesn’t take me down too far or get me too wild.”

A knowing smile crossed Bella’s face.

“Damn, girl. You may be just what we are looking for. Why don’t you come in early tomorrow, around seven? I’ll fill you in. Hell, girl, with your looks and experience, you could make a killing here.” She added with a satisfied smile. “If you play your cards right, you might be able to do what I’ve done.”

The harsh lines around Bella’s eyes tightened more. She looked fierce.

“I’m determined I’ll never be poor again, never knowing where my next dollar is coming from. I even have a savings account now. Someday I’m going to buy myself a house of my own. And when I do, I’m going to move my momma out of that rat-infested hovel we grew up in and show her how the rest of the world lives.”

Lexie agreed to come in early. As she walked away, her heart clenched with a familiar pain. Like so many women in her circumstances, Bella thought turning tricks and dealing drugs was the only way she could change her life. Unfortunately, Lexie acknowledged, for most of the women she’d tried to help that was true. It was the precious few that succeeded in climbing out of the hole that kept her going. Maybe with a hell of a lot of luck, her new friend Bella could be one of the lucky ones.


Later that night, Jake got up to leave. He’d spent the better part of an hour debriefing Lexie, adding in Brady and Clint’s insights along the way. After Brady and Clint left, Jake scooped up the armload of empty beer bottles from the coffee table and dumped them in the recycle bin by the back door.

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