Big Girls Don't Cry (6 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

BOOK: Big Girls Don't Cry
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She wanted to tell him that she would never be ready to talk to him. But the words stuck in her throat. When he handed her the keys, she gave a grateful sigh and quickly unlocked the door.

He stepped back, but as she moved forward to get in her car, he gave a low whistle.

Reaching around her, he stroked the custom leather seat. He gave her an appreciative glance then stepped closer to run his hand over the solid wood dashboard. He peered inside, his large body filling the doorway.

When he stood up and turned to face her, a wide grin split his face.

“Damn, girl, this is one tricked up ride. Did you buy it like this? Or, don’t tell me you did this? Tell me you did and I’m a goner. I’m an admirer for life. Hell, more than that, I think I’m in love.”

Lexie stifled a laugh. He seemed genuinely bowled over. If he was putting her on, he had found her soft spot. She loved this car. She’d bought it with the money she earned her first year teaching in the dojo. It was barely drivable when she bought it. It cost almost as much to restore as it cost to buy. She’d spent months outfitting it, pouring over catalogues and searching the internet for genuine parts.

“First generation?” Jake asked, his eyes gleaming.
When she nodded, he persisted, “1967 or ’68?”
He shook his head with a low admiring whistle when she responded. “1968.”

She watched him circle the Camaro, touching the door handles then reached down to run his hands over the rims. He looked up at her with a question, “Alloy?”

When she nodded yes, he gave a gleeful shout.

He rounded the car and ended up in front of her, his bright blue eyes twinkling.

“That does it. Now you’re having dinner with me for sure. Hell, I’m gonna bring a tape recorder. I want to know how a beautiful woman like you decided to buy a “68 Camaro and restore it like this.”

She stiffened, immediately her guard rose. “I…I didn’t say I would have dinner with you.”

He grinned. “You didn’t? Hmm, something must be wrong with my hearing. I could have sworn you agreed to let me take you to the finest, most authentic Mexican restaurant this side of the border. In fact, I’m sure I heard you say that you’d be ready at six.”

She felt her face heat. She shook her head clenching her fists at her sides. “No…no…I can’t.”

Jake’s eyes narrowed. His voice was soft. Once again, he reached out and grasped her chin in his big hand and gazed down at her.

“There’s a big difference between ‘can’t’ and ’won’t,’ Alexis.” He smiled at her and reached in his pocket and took out a business card.

“Tell you what. My cell number is on this card. Let’s make a deal. If you decide that you don’t want to have dinner with me just call and let me know. Okay?”

When she nodded, he winked at her. “Here’s the rest of the deal. You can only decline for one of three reasons. One, because the last time you ate Mexican food you ended up in the hospital with hives. Two, because you’re prejudiced and don’t eat with southerners, or three--because you’re chicken.”

She gasped, too startled to respond.
He reached out and stroked her cheek.
“See you at 6 p.m. Wear something casual. It’s a family place.”

When he turned to walk away, she struggled to speak, to tell him no, to give him back his card. To her shock, the only thing that came out of her mouth, in a squeak at that, was, “But, you don’t know where I’m living.”

He looked back over his shoulder and shook his head. “You forget, Alexis. I’m an investigator.” He faced her, walking backwards across the lot. “Come prepared to talk, Alexis. About that hot car.” He winked at her again. She could hear his chuckle as he walked away.




Chapter 5


Lexie stood in front of the mirror glaring at her reflection. She was surprised her lips weren’t bleeding she’d bitten them so much. What could she have been thinking? Agreeing to go out to dinner with Jake? She reminded herself with a frown, she hadn’t agreed. He’d tricked her into it. The thought raised her hackles even more. First of all, she didn’t want to go out with him; second, she didn’t want to go out with anyone, and, most important at the moment, she had nothing to wear. She looked in disgust at the pile of clothes on the bed, all of which she’d tried on twice.

She’d left San Francisco so quickly that she’d thrown the most available clothes in her suitcase without any thought to what she’d need in Yuma. Stripping hangers thoughtlessly, she’d ended up with a mish mash of cropped tops, jeans, biker shorts and four or five short swirly skirts. And, of course, the red suit that she had consciously added to her jumbled wardrobe. Thank God, Madame Juen had helped. Remembering the sobbing woman daintily folding Lexie’s outrageous scraps of lacy underwear, Lexie’s chest tightened. They had barely spoken. There were no words to say. When Madam Juen brought out her collection of strappy platform sandals, ankle boots, and her special knee high lizard skin boots with a questioning look, Lexie had scooped them up and thrown them all in the suitcase.

Staring at the one sundress she’d tossed in at the last minute, remembering how blisteringly hot Yuma was, she decided it was her best bet. He said be casual. Damn, only a man would say that. Casual as in her biker shorts and an exercise bra, or casual like jeans and a t-shirt? The sundress had the swirly skirt she preferred, although it came to inches above her knees looking almost modest in comparison to her usual short skirts that rode up her thighs. Granted, the stretchy bodice didn’t do much to contain her full breasts, but she‘d grown accustomed over the years to men ogling her. She’d given up any pretense of hiding them.

Glancing at her array of boots and shoes, she tossed her head and yanked out her four inch high heeled patent leather red shoes. They matched her dress, so why the hell not! She stood back to assess the results. She was mildly pleased with the woman in the mirror. She’d already wrestled with the never-ending question of what to do with her long blond hair. She eschewed the usual ponytail or casual twist, deciding to let it hang free. She was done fussing. Annoyed with the time and trouble she’d taken to look good, she reminded herself with a scowl, she’d been tricked into this evening.

Glancing at the pile of papers that she’d spent the afternoon memorizing, she acknowledged she could use a break. Her grumbling stomach reminded her she hadn’t eaten since the banana she had after a long intense practice on the miniscule balcony. Damn, she’d meant to find a grocery store to stock up on water and fruit, but the cockroaches she’d chased down with the heel of her boot made the idea of eating in the grungy room untenable. Tossing a sweater in her shoulder bag, she hurried out the door, intending to wait for Jake in the parking lot. She didn’t try to analyze why she didn’t want him to see the dilapidated place she was living in. She could barely stand it herself.


As she fumbled with the useless lock, she heard a low whistle and turned to see Jake looking up at her from the bottom of the three flights of cement stairs. The look on his face made her self-consciously press the flared skirt of her dress next to her thighs, certain he could see up her dress. When he gave her a knowing grin that made her gut clench, she almost reconsidered. She still could say no. Go back in her room and lock the door. But that was before she allowed herself to focus on the man ambling up the steps toward her.

Gone was the ACU camouflage. In its place he wore tight black jeans and a grey t-shirt. His tan combat boots with the rubber soles had been replaced by black ankle boots with enough chains and metal studs to put hers to shame. She couldn’t contain her gasp. She’d known he was an impressive man, handsome, overwhelming. But the casual jeans and t shirt showed off a body she’d only guessed at in his regulation dress. His t-shirt revealed impossibly broad shoulders and bulging biceps. Tucked in his belted jeans the shirt emphasized his tapered waistline and hard abs. His muscular thighs tightened as he took the steps three at a time.

When he turned the corner at the second landing, she managed to speak.
“No, wait. You don’t have to come up. I…I’m ready.”
He stopped at the landing and leaned back against the railing.
Grinning that disarming grin that made her stomach clench, he whistled again.
“Yeah, darlin’, you sure as hell are.”

She refused his hand and walked by him with her head in the air. His low chuckle raised the hairs on the back of her neck and she clutched the railing for support. In seconds, he was beside her, his big hand circling her arm. The skin on the place he stroked flamed at his touch.

His voice was a low rumble.

“Steady, now, darlin’. We don’t want you to break your neck or your ankles in those shoes.” He huffed. “I never have figured out how women wear those high heels.” He added with a chuckle, “I’m just glad they do.”

Lexie forced herself to take a deep breath and then another, but it didn’t do any good. She was a bundle of shrieking nerves. Furious at herself for agreeing to go out with this man, she whirled to face him. The tirade bubbling up in her chest hovered in her throat at the look in his eyes. His stormy blue eyes were dark with concern.

He reached out and stroked her cheek, the way you would an overwrought child poised on the edge of a tantrum. She was horrified that he read her so easily.

“Alexis, relax.”

His voice was quiet, authoritative. He squinted down at her. His expression was almost stern.

“Listen up. You and I are going to go out and have a nice dinner. You’re going to tell me all about that beast of a car you drive. I’m going to smother you with my southern charm. And if that was a tell-tale growl that I just heard from your stomach, you’re going to eat the first food you’ve had today or maybe in a couple of days. You got that?”

She hesitated, then mumbled, “I had a banana this morning.”

He shook his head with a dismissive nod.

“Good, then you’ll have lots of room for the food I intend to tempt you with. Hell, I might even force you to drink one of the best margaritas you’ve ever tasted just to see if I can loosen you up a bit.”

She tipped up her chin. “I…I don’t drink much.”

His eyes twinkled. “Good. A girl after my own heart.” He added, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Just what I like, a cheap drunk.”

Ignoring her startled frown, he smiled at her and bowed low. He swept his arm toward the dusty gravel parking lot.

“My lady, your chariot awaits.”

Lexie looked up in surprise at the gleaming black and silver motorcycle discreetly parked under the only tree in the pock-marked lot. She didn’t know much about motorcycles, but given what she did know, this was one impressive bike. It screamed power and money. Damn, she wouldn’t be surprised if Jake had dropped as much on this baby as she had in three years restoring her Camaro.

He laughed. “My one indulgence.”

She sniffed. “I’ll bet. But just so you know, I’m not much of a motorcycle person. How about we take my car instead?”

Jake stumbled back in mock horror. “And not travel down the open road with the wind in your hair and the sun in your eyes, driving every guy in his Buick sedan green with envy?”

Lexie hesitated, then blurted out. “They scare me. And…and I’ve never ridden on the back of one before. I don’t know how.”

Jake regarded her solemnly for a moment, then took hold of her arm and inched toward the machine glinting in the dappled sunlight shining through the
palo verde

“Somehow I find that hard to believe from a girl whose car is every guy’s wet dream. But I’ll take you at your word. That’s why your first ride needs to be with a guy who knows how to handle a girl on the back of a bike.”

Lexie felt her cheeks heat at the double entendre, but shook off her embarrassment, determined not to let him see that she was afraid.

He reached for the helmet strapped to the back of the bike and put it on her head, twisting her soft curls in his hand when he snapped the strap.

“Up you go,” He said lifting her up and over the padded seat.

Lexie was shocked at how easily he lifted her. Before she could stop him, he hiked her dress above her knees and with a wink tucked it up against the seat.

“These aren’t the most modest rides you’ll ever take but I promise you it will be one of the most exciting.” Seeming to see her fear, he added, “Alexis, all you have to do is hang on tight. I’ve been riding these crotch rockets since I was fourteen years old and have never had so much as a scrape on me or on the bike.’

With that, he swung his leg up over the seat and parked his tight ass about four inches in front of her. She mentally groaned as he unhooked his helmet and strapped it on his head. He hitched up in his seat and twisted toward her. With a quick snap, he lowered the protective visor over her eyes, then glanced at her fingers clutching the leather armrests.

He studied her for a moment, then gave one of those knowing nods that she knew would be followed by some down home wisdom. He didn’t disappoint.

“Alexis, riding on the back of a motorcycle is a lesson in cooperation. Now, yes, you can sit back in this comfortable seat stiff as a board and let the wind and the dirt pummel you as we tear down the road at sixty miles an hour. Or you can lean forward and hang on to me. Hell, you can even rest against me and let me take the worst of the wind. And then… then if you are as daring as I think you are, you’ll give into the joy of the ride.”

He chucked her under her chin. “Cooperate with me, sugar, or go it alone. It’s your choice, darlin’.”

Not waiting for her answer, he snapped down his visor and kicked the bike into gear. Turning in a tight circle, he headed out of the lot to the open road ahead. At the break in the traffic, he throttled down and with an impressive roar they sped onto the highway.

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