Big Love in a Small Town (Contemporary Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Big Love in a Small Town (Contemporary Romance)
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“Everything is so...pristine,” Tessa said when the word finally came to her. The house was huge and the complete opposite of her cramped, cozy apartment.


“I can’t really take the credit for that – I have a cleaning service. Do you want something to drink?” he asked.


“Water would be nice.”


Nate took two bottles of water from the fridge, handed one to Tessa and motioned for her to follow him. “Let me show you around before I have to leave,” he said as he stepped into the living room.


A marble fireplace and built-ins flanked one wall of the spacious room that housed two large leather sofas and a sheepskin rug that looked so soft Tessa thought she could curl up and take a nap on it.


Nate took her around the house before finishing up the tour back in the living room.


“You have a nice home, Nate. Thanks for inviting me here,” Tessa said with her hands clasped in front of her.


“Well, I sort of just brought you here without even telling you this was where we were going, so thank you for trusting me. I’m glad you’re here in my home, and that you’re staying.”


Tessa smiled. There was so much to say, but it would have to wait until he returned. She took the two steps to cover the space between them, and put her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Me, too. I know you have to go, but I’m already counting the minutes until you get back.”


Nate wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “I am, too.”


She looked up and he softly kissed her lips. The kiss was short and sweet, but it awakened a fire that had been simmering within her for months. She’d forgotten how intense their physical connection was.


“Hurry back,” she whispered, moving from his embrace.


Nate looked at her longingly, but knowing that she was right, he did need to go, said goodbye and hurried to leave before he changed his mind.




Tessa’s eyes looked over the top of the book she was reading when she heard Nate unlocking the door. Curled up in a chair wearing Nate’s sweatshirt and a pair of his boxers that she’d found, she’d been trying to stay awake after he’d left for the studio to shoot scenes.


Nate told her that she had free rein of his home, but her heart was still soaring from the too short, but blissful, moments they’d spent together, and she had far too much on her mind to sleep. So, she’d found an interesting book and settled into a big, cozy chair to wait for Nate’s return.


When he rounded the corner and she caught her first glimpse of him in the darkened doorway, the huge smile on her face vanished.


“What’s wrong?” she asked, alarmed.


Nate shook his head and ran his hands through his hair as he entered the room. “We have a problem. I’m so sorry, Tessa.”


Tessa’s mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion, as it had a tendency to do in most matters as of late, but she took a deep breath to steady herself before her emotions went into overdrive without knowing the reason. “What’s going on?”


Nate flopped onto the sofa. “The press situation is about a thousand times worse than I’d anticipated. Instead of the story spinning that I might be seeing someone unknown, which would have put us in the spotlight for a bit, but it would’ve been manageable, the press has rumors swirling that I’ve cheated on Ansley, left her brokenhearted and taken up with a mystery girl.”


Tessa sat in stunned silence as Nate put his head in his hands.


“So the whole world will see me as a mistress and you as a cheater?”


“It’s so frustrating, Tessa! Ansley and I are good friends – we always have been. But, to sell movies and make our publicists happy, we’ve let the press make their own assumptions about us and never disputed anything, and now it has come back to bite me. Hard.”


“Do you think it will affect your career?” Tessa asked. This whole thing was surreal, and she couldn’t yet grasp that her face would be plastered on tabloids and magazines, painted in a negative light, for weeks to come. Right now, she just felt the need to calm Nate down.


“I don’t know. My agent says not to worry, that bad publicity is still publicity, and since I’m so quiet about my private life, this may end up being a good thing. I don’t so much care about all of that as much as I care about how this will affect you. You’re going to be hounded. When you get back home, the paparazzi will be waiting and watching your every move.”


“There isn’t all that much to see. I’m sure they will get bored pretty fast.”


“I wish that were true. You have no idea what these people are capable of. I’m going to worry nonstop about you. I know we haven’t had a chance to have a conversation about this, but if we’re going to pursue a relationship, would you ever consider moving here to LA?”


Tessa’s jaw dropped. What was it with men asking her to pick up and move lately? “Nate, it’s not that I wouldn’t consider moving here, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this work, but I don’t have a job or a place to live and I don’t know anyone other than you. Would you ever consider moving to Clearhill?”


She had turned the tables and put the pressure back on Nate. They hadn’t even had a chance to discuss their relationship yet, and he was already asking her to move. Not that she would totally be opposed, but she needed to know where things stood first.


“I would absolutely consider moving there – just like you, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. As far as a job goes, you are a fantastic writer, and I have plenty of contacts – publishing companies, screenwriters, magazine editors, so if that’s your hang-up, it could easily be solved.”


Tessa hadn’t heard much after Nate had said he was willing to move to Clearhill for her without batting an eye. If she had had any doubts about Nate’s feelings, they were now obliterated.


“I think we have some things that need discussing before we jump into either of us moving across the country,” Tessa said.


“I agree. We need to talk.”


Now that the moment of truth was here, Tessa felt at a loss for words. Where should she start? There was so much to say. They both sat in silence for a moment, neither exactly sure where to start.


“I want to tell you again how happy I am that you came here, Tessa,” Nate said, breaking the silence.


“I’m glad I did, too. I know I’ve apologized for jumping to conclusions back when everything happened, but there is so much more for me to explain.”


“You can tell me anything.”


“When we first started seeing each other, I fell for you – there is no doubt about it. And to be honest, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we first met. But, I’d just come out of a relationship that had ended with me getting my heart broken. When what was happening between us escalated so quickly, it scared me, and I took the first opportunity I had to stupidly end it. I didn’t want to get hurt again, and I just assumed that was what would happen when you left after your movie was finished shooting.


“Plus, I was afraid that since one man had already told me that long-distance relationships never worked, I figured there was no point in dragging out what would eventually end. I was falling so hard for you...”


“Tessa, I fell in love with you. I said it months ago, and my feelings haven’t changed. I haven’t stopped thinking about you, trying to figure out how much space I needed to give you – when it would be best to contact you. Did you get the flowers I sent you?”


Tessa smiled. “Yes, I did, and they were beautiful. To be honest, at first I thought that they were from Davis, since he
had come back
into town and had asked me to move to Nashville with him, but, don’t worry, that wasn’t going to happen. I figured out pretty quick that my heart belonged to someone other than him. That’s why I’m here.”


Nate stood up and took Tessa’s hands in his, pulling her up into his arms. “You are it for me, girl. There is no doubt about it,” he whispered with his forehead against hers. His words were straightforward. He wasn’t messing around.


She gazed up into Nate’s eyes, looking into love and adoration that made her feel warm and content. She returned his gaze, hoping he felt the intensity of her love for him, as well. After locking eyes, sharing intimate feelings that couldn’t be conveyed with words, he kissed her. This second kiss was full of hope and promises.


This was it. She’d never felt this way before, and Tessa knew she would never feel this way about anyone else. It didn’t matter where they lived, what they did, who they were – as long as she was with Nate, everything would be alright. She rested her head against his shoulder as they held each other, swaying back and forth to the symphony of love that permeated the air. It was impossible to keep still when their hearts were singing with the joy of reuniting and discovering that they both knew they were meant for each other.

Chapter 7

Still locked in the embrace of reunited love, Tessa wanted the moment to never end. She was in Nate’s arms where she belonged, and she didn’t plan on ever leaving. Nate leaned down and rested his cheek against hers. Even in this joyous moment, she could tell something was still bothering him.


“Is the rumor thing still on your mind?” she asked.


He sighed. “Yes, I’m sorry, but it is. I don’t want it to ruin this moment with you – I’m just worried. Not about me, but about you. I wanted to protect you from all of that, and it ended up being a problem right off of the bat.”


“I’m not going to sweat it, Nate. Who cares what people that we don’t even know think about us? We know the truth, and I’m sure Ansley will back your story up. There isn’t a need to hide away. I’m not ashamed of loving you, and this mess won’t make me stop. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you,” she said with intensity.


Nate brushed his fingertips against her cheek, admiring her courage and fierce devotion. “I’m glad to hear that’s how you feel, but some of these people are relentless. A good portion of the press are kind and respectful, but there are quite a few bad apples that spoil the bunch. They will follow you everywhere, asking questions, getting in your business and driving you crazy.”


“Whatever comes, I think I can handle it. Don’t worry so much, Nate. I know you’re famous – I’ve always known that. The gossip and tabloids are just part of the package, and I’m willing to deal with it.” She winked at him. “I guess you’re worth it.”


Nate laughed, and the hearty sound was music to Tessa’s ears. She didn’t want him stressing out any more than necessary about the press. It wasn’t worth wasting extra energy worrying about something neither of them could change.


Smiling up at his much happier face, Tessa said, “I love you, Nate, and everything will be fine.”


He pulled her close. “I love you, too, and the way that you’re taking this all in stride makes me feel much better.”


“Good. I’m glad. So why don’t we go to bed and take some time to just...not think anymore?” Tessa asked.


“I’d love to...not think anymore. I’ve wanted to not think anymore with you all night,” Nate said in jest, but his eyes smoldered with serious want.


When their lips met in a searing kiss, all thoughts and worries vanished. Nothing but the taste of Nate’s lips on hers and his fingertips tracing lightly down her back mattered. Nate and Tessa managed to make it to his bedroom, shedding clothes and bumping into walls in the frenzy that had overtaken them.


Slipping into the sheets, Tessa broke away from Nate’s kiss to study him. She took her time appraising his piercing blue eyes, his dark brows, and the five o’clock shadow that covered his strong jawline. She caressed his face in her hands. “Let’s savor each second – every kiss, every touch. I don’t ever want to forget this night,” she whispered.


Nate seemed to study her, as well, nodding his agreement before he leaned down to claim her lips once more. He spent the rest of the dark morning hours making love to Tessa in his bed, adoring every inch of her to the point that he even planted kisses behind her knees and in the crooks of her elbows.


They couldn’t get enough of one another, and made sure to draw out every moment, lingering as long as possible with every single touch and caress.


Love drunk and finally sated, with the sound of Nate’s heart pounding beneath her ear, Tessa glimpsed out the large windows. The view from Nate’s bedroom showed the sky turning from a soft, faded pink to a fiery, golden orange as the sun rose. As she watched the glorious sunrise, the only sounds she could hear were the two of them still trying to catch their breath. Still lying on top of Nate’s chest, her body was languid and her limbs felt like jelly. When she finally mustered enough energy to move, she repositioned herself, curling up against Nate as he pulled the bedcovers over them.


The last thing she remembered before her eyes could no longer stay open and she drifted off into a dreamless sleep was Nate whispering, “I love you, Tessa. I knew even from the moment we met that I would love you.”


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