Biker Billionaire #3: Riding the Heir (3 page)

BOOK: Biker Billionaire #3: Riding the Heir
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He collapsed forward after one final thrust, his weight on my ass and lower back, his cock still pulsing inside me. He ran his hands along my sides to cup my breasts, then down along my back. I fell forward onto the bed, breathing hard and sweating. Shane lay next to me on his back, one hand flung out to rest on my ass.

"God...damn, Leo," he breathed. "
was intense."

intense," I said. "Now I need another shower."

"Yeah, we both do, now. We'd better get moving, though."

"Yeah, we should."

Shane laughed. "We're not moving."

"Yes we are. We're in the shower, right now. I'm washing my legs," I said, my voice distorted by the blanket in my face.

Shane forced himself to a sitting position and patted my backside. "Come on, Leo. We gotta go."

This time, the shower was all business, and we were at the front door waiting for Gerald to bring the limo around in less than twenty minutes.

*   *   *

Virginia entered the hospital room first, followed by Luke, Jon, and then Rob. Shane and I were last, and Shane pulled me to the side before we went in.

"Listen, the very fact that you're here will tell Dad everything he needs to know, at this point," Shane said. "I know there's a lot I haven't been exactly forthright about, and I'm sorry—"

I put a finger to his lips. "Not now, Shane. We're here to see your dad. Do you want me here?"

"Yes, of course, but—"

"Then that's all that matters. We can figure out the rest later, okay?" I pushed him through the door.

I took his hand as we crossed the private recovery room to stand next to Henry James Sorrenson. I'd seen his pictures in the news and in magazines, of course, but it didn't prepare me for the man himself.

His sons were all absurdly attractive men, rugged and masculine and dominant. They all had the same eyes, gray-green and intense, and as Mr. Sorrenson's eyes fixed on me, I saw where they got them. His eyes were like lasers, piercing and hypnotic, so bright and hard that it felt like he was looking through you and able to see your most private thoughts. Even lying down in a hospital bed after a heart attack, he was vibrant and dominated the room.

"And who is this lovely creature?" Mr. Sorrenson said, his voice low and rough.

Shane pulled me forward and presented me to his father. "Dad, this is Leona Larkin. Leo, this is my father, Henry James Sorrenson."

I shook his hand, squeezing firmly. "It's wonderful to meet you, sir."

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Larkin. I wish the circumstances were more pleasant. I fear you aren't seeing me at my best." He scooted up on the bed, restless. "These doctors should let me go. I hate lying around when there's work to be done."

I could see the strain in his face, in the lines around his eyes and the dark circles underneath. He was still a weak man, sick and in need of rest. But then, I was nurse, and trained to look for such things. I couldn't stop my instinct from taking over, checking his vitals in the monitor. I had to forcibly prevent myself from fussing with his lead contacts, which were coming loose.

"Nonsense. You need your rest," the word came out automatically, the habit of a nurse accustomed to arguing with recalcitrant patients. "A heart attack is no small thing. You'll be up and around faster if you listen to the doctors."

Mr. Sorrenson lifted his eyebrow at Shane.

"She's an ER nurse," Shane said, with an embarrassed shrug. I got the feeling no one talked to his father like I just had, not even the nurses.

"Sorry, sir," I said. "Habit."

"Call me Henry. And you're right, but it's hard. I haven't spent so long lying down since Vietnam." He looked from me to Shane and back. "So, you two are..."

"Still figuring things out," Shane answered, a bit roughly.

"But you brought her here, and you're here."

"Dad, not now."

"Then when? The press is clamoring for news. My heart attack was public, son. They're expecting a statement from me about who is replacing me, if I'm stepping down as acting CEO. We can't put this off any longer, son."

He shifted in the bed, scooting up higher. "Listen, son. I know this is hard for you. I've put it off as long as I could, but...I simply can't any longer. I'll work with you as much as I can and help you transition, and get the board used to your presence. I'm not going to dump everything on you and go golfing."

"It's not that I'm worried about, so much," Shane said. "It's everything else. I'm not afraid of the work, you know that. It's being a public figure, everybody watching me, watching everything I do."

"It's not as bad as you think. Just be responsible in what you do in public, and be careful of who's watching, even when you think you're alone."

"That's exactly what I don't want to have to do," Shane said. "But I guess it is what it is."

The nurse came in then and shooed us out. The limo ride back to the estate was long and silent.

*   *   *

When we got back to the estate, Shane and I ended up in his suite of rooms rather than mine. A cut crystal decanter filled with amber liquid, a pair of glasses arranged upside down around it, sat on a table between two leather chairs. Shane filled one with an inch of the liquid, drained it, and filled it again. I flipped a glass upright and held it out to him to fill.

Sitting in the chairs, we toasted in silence, and drank. I waited for Shane to speak.

Eventually he did. "Are you sure you want to be here, Leo?" He watched me over the top of the glass. "We're getting to the point of no return."

"Yes," I said. "No. I don't know. I mean, am I one hundred percent sure this is the right decision? No. It's crazy and impulsive. But I like spending time with you. It's more than the sex, which is mind-blowing. It's you. You have this way of making me feel both safe and excited at the same time. I like that. I like not knowing what's coming, what's going to happen next. That's why I went to Sudan with you. I want to do this with you."

Shane sighed and set his glass down. "Leo, listen. This is serious. If you're with me when we announce my assumption of Dad's role as CEO of Sorrenson Enterprises, then it's as good as declaring us as married. Appearing with me in public is a big deal. You'll be the subject of a lot of attention, a lot of scrutiny. They'll look into your background, and they'll want interviews. Dad's company is involved in the media, backing film and TV studios and such, and as the CEO, especially a young one like myself, we'll be invited to grand openings of shows, opening nights of blockbuster films, red carpet events...the whole high society nine yards. If you decide you want out, at some point, you'll still be watched, and tagged forever as Shane Sorrenson's ex.

"On top of all that, there's familial expectations. I can date whomever I want, as far as the public's concerned. I could be a playboy, a womanizer, or whatever. The business will go on. The expectations of my family are different. My dad has never stepped out on my mom, in over thirty years. My uncles and aunts, the same. My brothers and sister are all single, never married, like me. And when they do, it's expected that they'll be faithful. Our family goes back a long, long way, and we have a reputation to uphold. In my family, you don't just get married to whoever you want. It doesn't work that way."

"So it's like aristocracy, basically?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"So do I fit the expectations?" I asked. "I mean, I can't imagine I do. I'm not from your socioeconomic class, Shane. I'm middle class, blue collar. You all are...high society. I'm not."

"You have my mother's approval. That'll be good enough for everyone else. They won't be able to help liking you, once they meet you." He smiled ruefully. "Besides. I'm not exactly high society either, am I? I mean, look at me. I've got tattoos and piercings and I ride a Harley. I'm more comfortable with a gun or a wrench or a scalpel than I am with a pen or a computer. I'm a Marine and a medic, not a CEO."

I moved to sit on his lap. "The real question is, Shane Sorrenson, do you want me here with you?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have brought you if I didn't. You fit in with us, Leo. You may not come from money or whatever, but we're not the kind of people that care about that stuff. My brothers like you, my mom likes you, and I'm pretty sure you impressed the hell out of my dad, which isn't easy to do." He reached up and smoothed a lock of hair behind my ear.

I bent down and nibbled his ear, then planted a kiss on his jaw. "So...what's next, then?"

He leaned back in the chair and rubbed my thighs with his palms. "Well, the press conference will be on Monday, most likely. We'll announce that Dad is stepping down and I'm taking over. You'll be sitting next to me, with Mom on the other side of Dad. The press will want to know who you are, and we'll give them a statement. Something innocuous that doesn't really say much other than we're together."

"And then?" I kissed his throat, then down between the collar of his button-down shirt, popping buttons as I went.

"And then...I guess we figure things out, one step at a time. I'll probably sell my condo in Royal Oak and get one in New York, near the headquarters. You can stay here, in the meantime."

"When you say
get a condo..."

"I mean
, if that's what you want. Isn't this all a little fast, though?"

I had his shirt open, now, and slipped off his lap to the floor, unbuttoning his pants to free his burgeoning erection. I pulled his pants and boxers off and tossed them aside. His cock filled my hands, huge and hard and leaking from the tip as I caressed his length.

"I suppose it is. I'm trying not to think about that. It's really fast, but it doesn't scare me. Maybe it should, but it doesn't."

I wrapped my lips around him and drew his cock to the back of my throat, moving my fist near his root. Before I could repeat the action, he lifted me up and carried me to the bed. Shane peeled my shirt over my head, tugged off my pants, and then pressed his lips to my belly as he unhooked my bra. My hands threaded into his hair as he suckled one of my nipples, his fingers nimbly stripping me of my panties. I arched my back as he slipped two fingers inside me, moaned when he moved down between my legs to lap at my heat-soaked folds. He had me writhing on the bed with a few strokes of his tongue, pushed me to the edge of climax with a few more, and then I was tugging him up to me as I came, gripping his cock in my hands to guide him in, pulling on his buttocks to get him deeper, wrapping my legs around his waist to keep him deep.

He pushed into me a few times, then rolled so I was on top of him and sat up with me, impaled deep, facing him, our eyes locked, arms tangled around each other, bodies moving in harmony. He rocked his hips up into mine, and I lifted up, using my arms around his neck for leverage, and sank down onto him. Sweat began to bead on our flesh and our breathing came in ever more ragged panting gasps, and then desperation set in. We clung to each other and moved with impassioned frenzy, mouths biting shoulders.

"Oh god, Leo, I love this so much, don't ever stop," Shane whispered in my ear.

"Never, never," I said.

My breasts bounced against his chest, scraping against the light dusting of hair. His thighs bunched beneath my ass as he moved, the cords in his back and arms flexing with every thrust into me.

He lay on his back again, taking me with him so I was collapsed on his chest, only our hips moving now, his cock barely pulling back before plunging in, filling me, stretching me, sending spasms of electric pleasure through me. I rested my head on his chest and arched my back up, sank down, pawed at his shoulders and face and hair, searching for purchase as my second orgasm rose within me, a lightning wash of intensity. His shaft grew harder and thicker within me as he neared release, but I wasn't ready for that yet, leaned back on him until he was stretched taut, as far as he could go, tightened so he couldn't release. I braced myself with my palms flat on his hipbones and rolled my pussy in small gyrations. I drew him higher, past climax without release, the chemical rush of orgasm blasting through him and I both but he couldn't spend his seed until I let him, until I let myself fall forward.

Shane dug his fingers into my thighs, his thumbs in the crease of my hips, tugging me forward in a silent plea, his breathing labored, every muscle straining and tense. Still I fluttered, drawing him further into desperation.

I was coming still, a slow wave of muscular contraction throughout my body. I held myself rigid through it, riding it out, whimpering past clenched teeth and squeezed-shut eyes.

"Leo, please..." Shane whispered. His hands ran up my belly to my breasts, took their weight in his trembling hands, cupping them gently, then pinched my stiffened nipples in his fingers and pulled them, drawing me downward. I resisted his pull, tried to ignore the thrilling pulse of pleasure shooting through me from my nipples through the rest of my body, driving the slow roll of orgasm to new heights. He pulled, I resisted, and my nipples stretched, and then I couldn't hold back any longer. I fell forward, rode upward to slide his shaft almost out of me, waiting, waiting...

," Shane said, gasping and clutching me against himself, "I'm coming, right now,
so hard

I sank down on him and he growled, thrashing into me, suddenly frenzied and furious, and I was coming with him, hard, hot, a wildfire spreading through my body, every muscle quivering, my breath shrill whimpers in his ear, nails clawing at his shoulders.

We moved together, then, unable to even breathe as our climax merged into a single rush of united ecstasy, clinging to each other, breathing matched, heartbeats matched, eyes locked.

When the shudders faded and we were limp in each other's arms, Shane gazed at me with emotion wavering in his eyes. He seemed on the verge of speaking, but then he clutched me tighter and we both drifted to sleep.

*   *   *

"Ready?" Shane asked me.

I took a breath, then nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

He twined our fingers together and pushed through the door, leading me out in front of dozens of reporters with flashing cameras and blinding lights from shoulder-held video cameras. As soon as Shane appeared with me next to him, questions came at us in a barrage, too many to comprehend. Henry and Virginia came in behind us, and the wave of flashing photographs and the inundation of questions redoubled.

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