Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series (7 page)

BOOK: Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series
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“You’re leaving? I thought you were undecided?”

“I’m going to go see my mom, stay there for a while until I figure things out,” I smile.

His lop-sided grin disappears.

“If the manager at the motel fixes the air-con in our room, I might be tempted to stay,” I joke, trying to coax his smile back.

“I see,” he frowns, “Would I be able to tempt you to stay?” he asks, stepping a little closer.

I’m thinking hell yes, his body is definitely tempting enough.

“What would you tempt me with?” I flirt and it feels good.

His mouth lifts at the corner into a devilish grin and he closes the space between us and leans into me.

“Everything I have darlin’,” he whispers.

His hot breath hitting my bare neck sends a shiver down to my toes.

Before I can answer he is walking away. I am left standing in place waiting for my body to catch up with my brain and start functioning again. It’s not long before he is walking back with Alannah beside him.

“Hello Kristen,” she smiles.

I feel like a sweaty, hot mess in this heat but Alannah looks like she has stepped fresh out of the shower and cool as ice.

“Hey, I was wondering if you have the afternoon free.”

“Sure, do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?” she asks.

If I want to think straight let alone concentrate on a conversation than I think it will be best if I weren’t around Slade right now.

“Somewhere else. Zachery needs to get out and play.”

“I know just the place, hang on a minute and I’ll be right back.”

Slade doesn’t leave with her. I open the door and he walks around the car to my side.

I can’t be close to him and remain normal. I slide into my seat to wait for Alannah but it is no good, Slade kneels down next to me before I can close the door.

“If you’re not in any rush, you should stick around,” he says, seductively.

What the hell is happening to me? Everything this man is doing is making me hot and it has nothing to do with the sun.

“I’m in no rush,” I find myself saying in a hypnotised tone.

His dark brown eyes are like pools of melted chocolate, when the sun hits them you can see hints of gold in them.

“That’s real good.”

Alannah takes me by surprise when she climbs into the passenger seat. I thought she was going to take her own car.

“Are you ready?” I ask her.

“Yep, let’s go. See you later Slade,” she sings, shooing her hand across me.

He swats her hand away laughing.

“See you later,” he murmurs, but he isn’t speaking to Alannah. He is looking directly at me.

Having his stare solely upon me feels heavy and not entirely in a bad way.

When he stood and walked away I missed his presence.

When I heard Alannah’s breath catch I immediately knew I was about to hear what she thought.

“Don’t say anything,” I warned, “So, where are we going?”

“To my house, I have a huge back yard for Zachery to play in so we can talk while he is safe. If you haven’t noticed Willows Peak isn’t exactly kid friendly.”

“Tell me where to go.”


“Your place is gorgeous,” I compliment her, while full out gawking at her home and garden.

“Thank you. Cas brought it for me a couple of months ago,” she smiles, carrying out a tray of iced tea into the garden.

Zachery is happily off wondering around her garden so I take the opportunity to talk.

“So you’re with Cas?”

“Engaged actually.”


“Thank you. I know you want to know about Billy but there isn’t much to say,” she says, regretfully.

“To be honest, I don’t know what I want to know,” I blurt out, “Everything has gotten so confusing. I drove halfway across the country to tell someone I only knew a few months that he has a son and then I can’t because he’s dead. Now, it feels like I’m stuck in limbo not knowing what to do next.”

And just like that I am baring my soul to a stranger. All suspicions I previously had have disappeared. I didn’t know Billy so how could I know what was going on in his life at that time.

“I know we don’t know each other that well but if you stay around town then you have us to help out and you never know, you might even get to like some of us more than others?” she smirked playfully.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, already knowing what she’s implying.

“Oh come on, the heat between you and Slade back at the club was off the scale.” She laughs.

“Oh that, that was nothing. He was just being polite and friendly.”

“How long has it been since you had male company?”

I didn’t need any time to think about my answer.

“The last time was when I was with Billy.”

“Oh God, no wonder you were about to combust earlier,” she laughed.

“I’ve been busy with Zachery. I haven’t had time for myself in a long time,” I admit.

“Then please stay, get to know me so I can babysit and you can have some freedom,” she continues, laughing.

I actually like the sound of that, not palming my son off on someone so I can go out but the thought of getting to know someone well enough to share my life with and finally having the time to have a friend.

“I like the sound of that,” I smile.

Before we know it, the time slips away and the day turns to evening. Alannah offers to cook us dinner and I accept. Zachery has been on his best behaviour today and fell asleep in my arms shortly after dinner. He stayed asleep in the car back to the motel and even as I got him out of his seat and into the room.

After I was showered and about to climb into bed, I noticed the air-conditioning was in good working order again.

Did the manager actually fix it after my earlier complaint or did Slade have something to do with it?


Chapter Seven




To say I was pissed last night that I didn’t get to see Kristen was a fucking understatement.

Her flirting banter yesterday had me harder than I have ever been before, it took hours to get her out of my head. It did occur to me I could relieve myself in one the club girls but the actual thought of doing that repulsed me. In a strange way I didn’t want to taint my fantasies about Kristen in that way.

If she wants me to tempt her to stay I have no problem doing that. I will tempt her so bad she’ll put down roots in this town and never leave.

“You okay brother?” Sparky asks, “You’re staring into space pretty hard.”

“Just thinking,” I tell him.

“About the girl?”

“She has a name you know, and I was thinking where the fuck is Linc and the guys? I’ve got shit to do and places to be,” I lie.

“We’re early brother, they won’t be long, what’s this really about? You haven’t been yourself in a while.”

“I appreciate your concern but I’m just fine.”

Most of the time I forget about Billy, but then he’s forefront in my mind and I remember she has his kid. Then I remember they weren’t an item but then she turns me on so fucking much I forget everything.

I feel his hand on my shoulder as the thunder of bikes pull up behind us.

There is no one around for miles and we can do business in peace.

About fucking time I think to myself swinging my leg over and off my bike. I don’t really do a lot at this point apart from act as backup in case any trouble occurs.

Everyone greets everyone from each club and then Linc’s boys get on with transferring the weapons to their bikes.

“Run into any trouble on the way down?” Cas asks Linc, lighting up a cigarette.

“None, the ride was pretty smooth.”

I can’t be bothered to listen in to their chit chat today or any other day to be honest. I don’t usually feel comfortable around them and today is no different. I don’t say anything to my brothers because it is only my personal opinion and they have never turned on us.

“Is that Kristen girl still about?” Linc asks.

My neck nearly cracks as it whips round so fast. Why the fuck would he want to know about her? More importantly, how the fuck does he even know about her?

“I wasn’t aware you met her old man?” Cas says, casually.

“She arrived as we were leaving last week, nice rack on her and her fierce mouth. Christ, I’d soon put that to good use,” he jeers.

It is my next movement that I will look back on as the moment my life changed forever.

Maybe it helps that I’m not as bonded with our supporting MC and maybe it wouldn’t matter because the thought of this asshole touching or even thinking about Kristen in anyway brings violence to my core like I have never experienced before.

I launch myself at Linc and grab him by his cut, shoving him towards his prospect’s van. I shove him so hard into the side door that I hope it leaves a dent.

“What’s your fuckin’ problem boy?” Linc chokes out, as I wrap my hand around his throat and squeeze maximum pressure.

“I know what you like to do with your women, you go near Kristen I will personally cut your fuckin’ balls off and feed them to your wife,” I yell in his face.

“Slade, get the fuck off of him now,” Cas orders.

I stare at him dead in the eye for longer than necessary just to make sure he knows I am being serious.

“And call me boy one more time and I won’t be listening to my Prez. I don’t give a shit how old you are, I’ll paint the floor with your blood.”

I squeeze his neck one last time before Sparky and Pope pull me off and lead me back to my bike.

“I take it she’s off limits then?” Linc tries to joke, his voice coarse and grainy.

I don’t give him the satisfaction of a reply. Cas walks off with him, no doubt smoothing over my outburst.

“Cool it brother,” Pope offers.

I’m sure I’m in for it when we get back to the club but right now, there isn’t anything anyone can say I would listen to.

Once the weapons are in Linc’s possession it doesn’t take long before we are all mounting our bikes to leave.

Linc walks over to me as Sparky and Pope move closer. Whether it’s because they have got my back or they are looking out for Linc I don’t know and I don’t care.

“I didn’t know she was yours. When I’m next in Willows Peak I’ll keep my distance,” he offers.

I nod my head, accepting his word.

“She isn’t mine but she sure as shit isn’t anyone else’s,” I tell him, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“That little show you put on wasn’t even for a chick you’re fuckin’?” he laughs.

“You know nothin’ Linc. I would leave if I was you before your laughing really pisses him off,” Sparky warns him.

He eventually moves on and I am left facing my Presidents glare.

“A guy only defends a woman like that that they care about,” Pope declares.

“I’m just looking out for her, no one said anything about caring about her.”

“That definitely looked like caring to me,” Sparky chips in.

“Could have turned into a fuckin’ mess is what it looked like,” Cas growls.

I stay silent, I am not going to apologize for what I did, no way in Hell.

“Whatever the fuck that was, get a grip on it. If it happens again I might not be able to settle him down.”

I really couldn’t give a shit. He settled down pretty quickly today when Cas went off with him. Linc knows where his lifestyle comes from and he will do as he’s told always.

“I think he got the message,” Oak laughs, walking past to his bike.

“Would you really feed his wife his balls?” Sparky asks seriously but with a hint of amusement.

“I meant every word.”

“In that case, I hope she puts out for ya soon brother,” Sparky laughs, climbing on his bike ready for the ride back.

I don’t bother telling him it’s not like that because that’s exactly what it is like. I want to fuck her so bad.

One by one our engines roar to life and we follow Cas onto the main road.

We’re on the road no longer than twenty minutes before the sound of sirens are at our backs. In the mirrors I can see two patrol cars coming up beside us. Cas signals to carry on. He’s going to carry on as long as he can to give the Devils Bastards enough room to leave in the opposite direction.

This only works for a couple of minutes. Cas signals to pull over and as we do the cops get out of their cars.

It’s beginning to feel like I’m never going to make it back to Willows Peak at all.

For over an hour we are searched. Our bikes searched and every brother’s details called through their radios to see if any of us have any outstanding warrants. We don’t and eventually we are on our way again.

It isn’t uncommon to be pulled over whilst riding wearing our cuts and in numbers but usually there is only the odd patrol car passing, not two.

By late afternoon we ride into Willows Peak. Instead of riding to the club I steer left, signalling behind me I was leaving and headed towards the motel.



It wasn’t just yesterday’s chat with Alannah that had me thinking I didn’t know Billy at all. I have been thinking it since I first drove into their world.

Over the last week and a half I am already sick of thinking about it, maybe there isn’t anything to think about where he is concerned. He simply died before his life began and before I could tell him about Zachery. And now, I’m left with the decision of where to start our life and how to explain to Zachery about his father when he’s old enough.

I was disappointed last night when Slade was a no show. I should have known guys like him wouldn’t keep to what they say. I feel like slapping myself, nothing could have happened anyway. I am a mother in a one room motel. What did I expect to happen? This town is driving me crazy, a whole load of hormonal craziness.

I‘m latching onto the first guy I have noticed since I got pregnant and turning it into something it’s not. Get a grip Kristen.

“Come on baby, shall we go find a park to play at?” I ask Zachery, who once again only looks at me not answering.

“Can you say momma? Mom-ma?” I say, hoping this time he repeats it.

When he doesn’t I hear my mom’s voice telling me he will talk in his own time.

BOOK: Biker Bound: The Lost Souls MC Series
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