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Authors: AJ Downey

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Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance (38 page)

BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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A smile pulls at my lips when I repeat those pure yet deadly words. “I love you too. Baby.” I try my hand at using my own term of endearment toward Ranger. I think he likes it because his own gorgeous smile shows.

With a slap to my ass he pulls back, but spins me around so my back is to his chest. His arm leaves my waist but wraps around my shoulders. Just then I hear Chancy say, “What do you mean you’re leaving for the night?”

I feel all eyes on me. “LeLe?” Ranger questions in my ear and I try giving him my best innocent face, but I don’t think it’s working by the scowl he is giving back.

“Well I want to go on a ride, and I wanna spend some time with my best friend. There’s nothing wrong with it, so quit lookin’ at me like that.”

I can see Ranger is working something out in his head before he replies, “I knew it would be coming, I just didn’t think it would be so soon. What are you girls planning on doing?”

“Camping out and going swimming,” I answer. Ranger looks over at Chancy and it seems like they are having some kind of silent conversation between them.

They both give a nod before turning their attention back to us. “Alright, you can do that,” Ranger tells me, like I was asking for permission.

“Thanks, Ranger,” I say sarcastically because I was in no way asking for permission. “I gotta go to my parents’ house to grab some clothes and shit.”

“You do that and while you’re there, grab the rest of your shit and tell your parents about us.”

I huff out a breath. “I can tell them, but how do you expect me to get all of my shit on my bike, Ranger?”

“True. I’ll take care of it, but I want you to know that after this, you ain’t leaving again, Babe.”

Chapter Six


Returning to the clubhouse with fifteen minutes to spare, I walk in, finding Ranger first. After a very heated kiss I let him know, “My parents are good with everything, they just want me to be happy and safe. They are expecting you over there tonight to get my shit and Bobby says he will be in this week to talk with you about prospecting. I guess he’s finally made his decision.”

Holding me against him, Ranger says, “Good deal, Babe. And I hope you know I’m gonna do everything in my power to keep you safe, happy, satisfied and so much more.”

“I know that,” I state, with no hesitation because it’s true.

“Are you sure you wanna leave?” Ranger questions while nuzzling into my neck, then adds: “I don’t wanna let you go. I just got you. I missed you like crazy just while you were at your parents’ house.”

“I’ll miss you too,” I say as I tilt my head, giving Ranger better access. One of his hands slip under my shirt and his fingertips skim across my belly, causing goosebumps to raise on my overly heated skin. A moan falls from my lips, crushing the confidence I once had about us leaving.

Ranger peppers kisses along my shoulder, neck, and when he hits my ear he says, “Are you sure you wanna leave?” Right when I am second guessing this decision, Bubbles appears with her bag in tow. Thank God for her perfect timing because he might have gotten me to change my mind if he kept that shit up.

“You ready, Chick?” she asks me while giving Ranger the stink eye and telling him, “Don’t you dare try and change her mind, Ranger.”

He breaks away from me with a chuckle and a slap on my ass. Chancy walks up behind Bubbles, looking like he was trying to change her mind also. “I’m ready, B.” Her shining eyes and bright smile have me smiling back.

The guys walk us out, but stay behind, talking amongst themselves. “Is it just me or are they making this real easy?” I ask quietly, Bubbles is the only one to hear me.

She whispers back, “Not just you. They got somethin’ up their sleeves.”

Chapter Seven


We’ve been on the road for a couple of hours now, just feeling the wind slapping against our bodies and the vibration between our legs. It feels so fucking good to be free and be able to go wherever I want, whenever I want again. We are coming up onto the campsites now so we take a left. We pay for our spot for the night and ride around until we find the perfect one. Shutting our bikes off, we walk down a little ways, seeing the water is right there for us to go swimming. We find the perfect place to set up the small tent, and after about ten minutes of trying, we hear something in the distance. My eyes narrow as I look at Bubbles. “Do you hear that?”

“I sure in the fuck do! Those assholes followed us! I knew they were up to something.”

Sure enough, they pull up and park next to our bikes. At the look of us both with our hands on our hips and angry expressions, they bust out laughing.

“Aww c’mere, Babe.” Ranger tells me with his outstretched arms. I shake my head ‘no’ and try to keep my angry face on. “Did you really think I would let you outta my sight after only one day? Plus, you know Bubbles has Chancy’s balls, so she can’t get too far from him.” I suck in my lips, biting down on them to keep from laughing because that is so true.

I cross my arms over my chest. “I just wanted some time with my best friend, Ranger. I haven’t been around her for two years.”

“I know, Babe.” He bends down, coming face to face with me and cupping my cheeks with his hands. “We won’t get in y’alls way unless you ask us to. But listen to me, LeLe, I love you and only getting to be with you last night after not laying eyes on you for two years isn’t enough for me. I’m not ready to let you get away from me yet. Understand?”

I wrap my arms around Ranger because I can’t be mad at him for the way he feels. Nor can I fault him for it because I feel the same way, and really, it was kinda cute, sweet even, that they showed up. I lean up as he leans down, infusing our lips together in a beautiful kiss. Ranger runs his tongue along my bottom lip, seeking entrance into my mouth and I give it to him. Our tongues dance together in a perfect rhythm like we were made to do this, made for each other.

Breaking away from the kiss Ranger says, “Go have fun. I’ll be sitting over there.” He throws his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of our picnic table before walking that way.


Later into the night, as we sit around the campfire the guys made, I soak in not only the warmth, but what’s to come in the future. I’m wrapped in Ranger’s arms, sitting across from my best friend with the love of her life and we are happy. All of us. As we relive memories and tell stories, I realize this is the first time in a long time that I am truly happy. Well, probably since I patched in with the Blood Makers M.C. I have no resentment, hate, or anger inside of me as they tell me shit that happened when I was gone. I am content with my life, and now with Ranger, I feel complete.



I live in a small town in Kansas with my husband and son. I work in a nursing facility, but when I am not doing that I am at home either writing or reading. I was an avid reader before I started working on my first book and I still like to sit down with a good book when I'm not working on my next project. I had the support of family and friends to start writing, in March of 2015 I released
City Lights

Wild Ride (Part 1)

K. Renee


Chapter One


The very first time I rode on my brother’s Harley, I was hooked. He’s been in a motorcycle club for as long as I can remember. Hell, I grew up in that club. He has shown me everything I know about bikes and I love that it’s something we share.

He wasn’t exactly excited when I started my own MC with my best friend and a few of our closest girlfriends. He thinks that something bad is going to happen to me, but I just ignore his concerns. I am a big girl and I can take care of myself. Who do you think I learned to fight from? Big brother was always teaching my friends and me how to defend ourselves since we were teens.

I’m sure he only taught us so he could feel my friends up though. Even his brothers got in on the training when they saw what my friends and I looked like. Typical men.

When I turned sixteen, my brother told my friends and me we weren’t allowed at the clubhouse anymore because we would become a distraction. I laughed at that and kept on going anyway behind his back just to piss him off. Trust me; he flipped the fuck out when he found out.

Over the last five years, I have been hit on by every one of his brothers and hell, I’ve even slept with a few. He may or may not know that, but I don’t give a fuck.

At twenty three, I am only looking for a good time, and if I can find a man who loves to ride just as much as me, then I will be set for life. There is nothing fucking hotter than a man who can handle me with the same precision as he handles his bike.

Tonight I plan on getting laid, but first I just have to find a man who is up for the job.

Showering and finding something to wear, I settle on a pair of black leather pants and a tight dark gray tee shirt. Yeah, I know. I’m not exactly a fashionista or whatever, but I like to be comfortable and since I’m riding it works. Drying my hair and curling it, I grab a clip to hold it up so the wind doesn’t make it too crazy.

Grabbing my black boots, I walk over to my bed and set them on the floor. Pulling on my clothes, I then pull my boots on and lace them up.

Grabbing my jacket, I head out the door and make my way to the clubhouse. I want to see what my big brother is up to tonight and see who’s all at their clubhouse. Maybe I’ll be able to get off without going to a shitty bar.


Pulling up to the Black Jackals clubhouse, I see my brother getting ready to take off. He stops next to me and cuts his engine.

Sitting on his bike, he eyes me with a warning look. It’s like he always knows what I’m up to. Smirking at him, I park and shut off my bike.

Making my way over to where I left him, I ask, “Where you off to?”

“What the fuck are you doing here Shay?” He grinds out. He hates when I come here unannounced.

“Why else would I be here jackass? I came by to hang out with you,” I say batting my eyes.

Grabbing the clip out of my hair, I shake my hair loose and let the curls fall down my back.

“Fuck,” he mutters. “You are not going in there alone,” he growls.

“Then it looks like you should park and come back inside,” I wink, walking off toward the clubhouse.

“Fucking Shaylyn! I’m serious. Don’t!” Before I can make it to the doors, he grabs me around the waist and pulls me back.

Turning around, I look him in the eye. “Why, Hunter?”

He sighs and pulls me back towardtoward our bikes. “Sis, we have shit going down and we have a few bikes from another charter here. They don’t need to add you into the mix in there. We are trying to get shit handled.”

What the fuck? Shit is going down and he didn’t even bother to tell me?

“Why didn’t you let us know?” I ask with a deadly stare. Our club is under their protection and we deserve to know if there is a threat against us as well.

“Because Shay, we are fucking dealing with it!” He yells at me.

Not backing down, I get in his face. “You should still give us a fucking heads up so we know to protect ourselves,” I scream at him.

The door of the clubhouse opens and Roper comes out and walks directly toward us.

BOOK: Biker Chicks: An Anthology of Hot MC Romance
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