Biker Taken (The Lost Souls MC Series Book 6) (15 page)

BOOK: Biker Taken (The Lost Souls MC Series Book 6)
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Chapter Twenty-Six



“Where’s your brother?”  

“They’re all around me,” Mark shrugs, not rising to Blow’s provocation. 

“I don’t see Michael?” 

The guy isn’t leaving it alone. I step closer to Mark and brace myself in case this is situation takes a dangerous turn. It’s already tense and one too many comments will tip Mark over. He already feels bad about leaving Michael behind because of this ass-face and it won’t take much to vent it.  

“He has other business today. I’ll tell him you send your love though.” 

Mark seems to be the only one who can talk to Blow without actually punching him in the face.  

“Let’s get this done, I haven’t got time to stand around talking.” 

We oversee the exchange and Blow hands over the package of cash, which is what we do this for. Mark doesn’t want us hanging around and orders us to ride as soon as our van has been unloaded.  

Half the ride is mind numbing, in a good way, always in a good way. Shellie and I are in a good place again and after our chat the other day, I believe we’re finally moving forward.  

As Michael isn’t with us, I ride behind Mark and slow down as he signals to pull into the gas station coming up.  

It’s getting late and we’re already three quarters of the way home, we topped up the gas at the last gas station we passed, I don’t know why we’re stopping now.  

No one apart from Mark climbs off their bike and he jogs over to the payphone while we wait. I should’ve known he would check in on Rayna. It becomes clear quickly something is wrong. Jumping off my bike, I walk over and the closer I get I hear him losing his mind.  

He slams the phone back on the receiver and punches the side of the phone booth.  

“Hey, what’s goin’ on, Mark?”  

“It’s Rayna, she’s having the baby. Micky said she was bleeding and it was bad. Michael’s taken her to the hospital.” 

“Don’t worry about this, Mark, you know Michael will look after her and he’s got her to the hospital, she’s in the best place. Michael ain’t gonna let anything happen to her.” 

“Fuck,” he roars, “She knew this was going to happen, I should’ve listened and stayed home. I swear, if anything happens to her, I don’t know what I’ll do.” 

“Let’s go then. We’ll ride straight to the hospital and she won’t be alone.” 

Jogging over to our bikes, neither of us waste a second. Loyal more than ever, the others ride hard and fast with us and without knowing the final destination.  

For as fast as we’re riding and with little traffic on the roads, we should be at the hospital by now. Yet, it feels like forever and the road never seems to end. Mark’s shoulders are tense and as I ride up alongside him, he barely takes his eyes away from the road ahead.  

He thrashes his throttle and he roars back in front and I pull back and get back in line. Even though the bikes are loud, especially altogether, there is an eerie quietness surrounding us. Only Mark and I know what’s happening, but one man shuts down, all men shut down.  

The hospital finally comes into view and if possible, Mark rides harder. Outside, Micky and Flo are waiting and while Flo’s eyes are red and puffy, Micky looks like he’s seen death.  

Flying off his bike, Mark passes straight past Micky and Flo and runs into the hospital, in turn, Pope and I run in after him, everyone else staying with the bikes. No doubt, the hospital will kick up a fuss with the mass of metal outside their doors but until we know how Rayna is doing, none of us give a shit.  

“Where is she?” Mark calls, not stopping to ask anyone, just running through the halls.  

Trying to keep up with him, he takes the last corner and Michael is standing shirtless and covered in blood. Mark comes to a stop and takes in the sight of his brother.  

“Where is she? Micky said to get here as soon as I could.” 

Anger radiates from Michael and my heart beats a little too hard waiting for his reply.  

“And where’s your shirt?” Mark demands.  

“She had the baby on the side of the road and was bleeding out quite bad. By the time I got her here the baby wasn’t breathing and I had to wrap her in my shirt to keep warm.” 

Pope throws him his hoodie as Mark steps closer to him and he smiles, “She? I have a daughter?” 

“Yeah, man,” Michael grins.  

“What about Ray? Where is she?” 

Everything happens fast and I know without a shadow of doubt, this moment will stay with me for as long as I live.  

The doors open behind Michael before he can fill Mark in and a bunch of doctors walk off, but one stays behind and seeks Mark out of the forming crowd. 

“Mr Blake?” he ends up asking. 

Mark moves in front and jerks his chin.  

“That’s me. How’s my wife?” 

The doc looks over the crowd and the man actually pales. 

“I’m afraid your wife passed away.” 

Time stops.  

No one moves.  

No one says a word.  

The doctor is talking but I guarantee no one is soaking in what he is saying. He leads Mark through the doors and Michael and I follow him in.  

My mouth dries and I can’t swallow for shit when I see Rayna’s lifeless body lying on the hospital bed. It looks like her, but it doesn’t. She’s always been full of life and easy going, now, she looks empty and haunting.  

Mark slowly steps towards her and my heart breaks for my friend and he leans over and kisses his wife for the last time.  

They were worried he would miss the birth, none of them thought he would miss his wife’s last moments.  

I just spoke to her yesterday and now we’ll never hear her voice again.  

“Take me to my daughter,” Mark orders, squeezing her hand for the final time.  

I completely forgot about the baby for the last few minutes. The baby is here but Rayna is not. This is fucked up, and it’s too much.  




The night shift is ending and the day staff are beginning to make their rounds when Mark leaves the baby for the first time.  

His eyes are dry but they aren’t far from pain. Bloodshot and tired, they find me waiting and Big Ron asleep in the waiting room.  

“How is she?” I ask, standing up.  

“She’s perfect, she looks just like…” he stops himself before he says her name and a fresh wave of grief falls upon him.  

Pulling him into my arms, I hold him tight and try to take some of his pain away. I feel useless.  

“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, brother,” I whisper to him.  

Mark is never one to show affection in public, he and Rayna were quite conservative with their love for one another and when he’s grieving, you wouldn’t know it. When his parents died, he went quiet and subdued. Now, he holds onto me like he needs me to keep him on his feet and I do what he needs. I keep strong for him and keep a hold of him until he’s ready to pull away.  

His chest heaves and I can feel the building release he will unleash soon.  

“Tell me this isn’t happening, Oak. Please,” he begs.  

“I wish I could, but I can’t.” 

I can’t hear him crying, but I feel the shudders ripple through him and I’m glad no one is here to witness his breakdown. He wouldn’t like it and while he isn’t thinking straight, I’ll think for him.  

I push him away and hold onto his shoulders, “Listen to me, brother, whatever you need you tell me and I’ll make sure you get it. Don’t think about anything but yourself and that baby girl. We’re all here for you, I fuckin’ promise you that.” 

He looks back at me but he isn’t seeing me and I don’t blame him. Micky and Flo walk into the room and I don’t think Mark needs to see Flo’s pain.  

“Go back to your baby and be with her, she’s goin’ to need you now more than ever. I’ll go back and get you everything you need and Micky will be here in the meantime.” 

He nods slightly and his walk has turned in a shuffle as he heads out of the door.  

“He doesn’t look good,” Micky murmurs and Flo bursts into tears.  

“No shit, his fuckin’ wife has just died,” I snap, reaching down to pick up my cut, “I’ll be back soon, don’t leave this room and don’t leave Mark. Wake him up,” I say, nodding to Big Ron in the corner seat, “and make sure he doesn’t let anyone near Mark who he doesn’t want to speak to.” 

I know Micky is hurting as much but right now, it’s like everyone is out for themselves with Mark and the baby being a priority.  

Stepping out of the hospital I fill my lungs with the early morning breeze and feel a monument change. Nothing is ever going to be the same again.  




I make a brief pit stop at home and Shellie sleeps peacefully in our bed. Creeping around her side of the bed, she stirs and wakes as I sit beside her.  

“You’re home,” she smiles.  

I go to speak but nothing comes out. A lump is blocking my throat and nothing is getting past it.  

She leans up on her elbow and her free arm comes up and holds the side of my face.  

“What’s wrong? You look green.” 

Now I’m home and my woman is still here and breathing, it’s guilt that Mark no longer has his that I cry for him. I cry for their baby and I cry for Rayna as my friend and a decent woman I had much respect. Not only could she hold down one Blake, she held down them both. Without her now, Michael will only be controlled by Mark and even then, there are limits.  

“John, you’re scaring me, what’s going on?” she asks, hugging me.  

“Rayna’s gone,” I manage to tell her.  

“Gone where? Has she left Mark?” 

“She’s dead, Shell. She had the baby last night and it killed her.” 

“Oh my God…” 

Her arms loosen around me and her shock sends her back on her ass. Scrubbing both hands on my face, I dry the tears and it doesn’t make me feel better for crying.  


Her stuttering is how we all feel and I collect her in my arms and we both sit there, soaking it in, hoping it will feel real enough to believe. 

Chapter Twenty-Seven



The club is holding it together and when Mark gets back from the hospital, it will be one less problem he won’t have to worry about. Michael called before they left and they should be back any minute now.  

Rayna’s death has rocked everyone but the last few days, I’ve been holding it together so Mark doesn’t feel the brunt of it when he gets back.  

The sun is shining bright on us and Micky paces the gate whilst I sit watching him beat himself up about something. I don’t know the full story of four nights ago but Michael looks like he wants to kill Micky every time they’re in the same room and Micky hasn’t looked anyone in the eye since we all got back.  

Michael’s truck drives through the gate and every one stops what they’re doing.  

Michael pulls up close to the house and when Mark climbs out the back with the baby, it’s the first glimpse of the girl for everyone.  

He hands her over to Kitty and heads for the bar. Slowly everyone follows him in and I stay close by him when we’re all inside. Micky doesn’t stand by us and sits by the bar on his own. Out of everyone, the three of us have always been the strongest together. 

“As you know, Rayna passed away four days ago. During the birth she haemorrhaged.” 

Condolences are called out but from the look on Mark’s face, he isn’t taking them in. He goes to say something else but one look at Micky and he stops. 

“I need a minute with Michael, Micky and Oak,” he calls out instead.  

Nobody lingers about and within seconds it’s only the four of us left. 

“What’s going on? You won’t look me in the eye,” Mark snaps at Micky, “And you Michael, you’ve been throwing daggers at Micky since we came in.” 

Michael leaps off the table he was sitting on and flies towards Micky. I move quickly and step between the two of them and Michael backs off.  

“It’s his fault Rayna is dead. He stopped when he shouldn’t have,” Michael roars.  

“She was screaming the truck down, what was I supposed to do when she was scared out of her mind?” 

“Get her to the fuckin’ hospital.” 

“I couldn’t drive with her like that, I panicked myself, okay.” 

No one is backing down and Mark stands watching with interest and disgust. 

“Shut up, the both of you,” he yells, getting in between them.  

He pushes Michael back further and I stay close to Micky. 

“This is my fault and no one else’s,” he yells at the both of them.  

“No, Mark, it’s not,” Michael says, adamantly.  

“Yes, it is. I should have been there with her. She’s my wife and it is my job to protect her. I didn’t and now she isn’t here anymore. This is on me, so back off.” 

Michael’s grief is laced with anger and he struggles to keep it in, Mark sees his brothers pain and it sets him off.  

Roaring from the bottom of his gut, he reaches for the closest stick of furniture and throws a chair across bar, quickly followed by smashing another chair against the wall.  

Picking up the third chair, he swings it across the back of the bar and all the bottles smash to the floor. Liquor spills everywhere and the stench fills my nose.  

“Calm down, Mark,” I coax, wrapping my arms around him to restrain him before he hurts himself.  

He falls to the floor in my hold and I follow him down as he sobs and tries to claw at his chest. 

“Come on brother. Let’s get you to the house,” I murmur.  

When he can’t use his legs, I nod to Micky and together, taking an arm each, we lift him to his feet and half carry him across to the house.  

No one says a word as they see their president crippled with pain and the moment is sobering for us all.  

He reacts when he sees the baby in Flo’s arms and finds his legs to stand on his own.  

“I want to be alone with Alannah,” he says.  

Flo looks to Micky, silently asking if she should and Mark doesn’t miss it.  

“What are you looking at him for? Pass me my daughter.” 


She carefully exchanges her arms for Mark’s and makes sure he is holding the kid’s head properly when she says, “You shouldn’t be alone right now, Mark.” 

“I’m not alone, I’m with my daughter,” he retorts sharply.  

I wait for everyone to leave first and with one last glance at my best friend, being with his kid is the best thing for him.  

Following everyone outside, I can’t bear to go home and leave the club. I haul my ass back to the bar and call Shellie. I want her here with me.  

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