Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!) (17 page)

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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I heard shouting from over near the cabin. Ryan was coming at me, waving his arms.

I hit the gas, revving the engine. Slowly, so slowly and gently, I let out the clutch. The bike went into first gear, bucked a bit, and jolted forward.

I flew down the dirt road, going way too fast. I quickly got myself under control, slowing down slightly. I made it all the way to the highway before I heard the sound of the other bike coming after me.

Once I was on paved road, I opened it up, driving fast. I flew forward as the other bike hit the road behind me and tried to catch up.

In that moment, I felt freer than I had in a long, long time.

I loved riding on the back of bikes. I was an awful driver, but there was just something about riding that made me feel good. But in that moment, in control, I realized that I had been born to ride.

I laughed loudly, driving faster and faster. Ryan kept pace behind me but didn’t move to cut me off at all, probably afraid to knock me off my bike.

Which was a good call, because a minute later I nearly smashed into the back of a Honda that was stopped at a light.

I grabbed the brakes, the tires screaming on the asphalt. The back of the bike fishtailed and I almost lost control, but I managed to keep my balance as the bike came to a stop.

I was breathing hard as I put my feet down on the ground. Ryan pulled up next to me. “Get off the bike,” he yelled.

“No,” I said. “I’m going to the clubhouse. You can follow me or not.”

He started to say something else, but traffic was already moving.

This time, I didn’t ride too fast. Ryan kept pace just behind me, but he didn’t try to stop me.

I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I couldn’t believe I had successfully escaped from them, let alone was riding a motorcycle. Sure, I was taking it easy, keeping to the right lane and riding slow, but still. I had control, and I was free.

I laughed the whole way into Austin. I knew the way to the clubhouse, fortunately, and had no trouble navigating the wide city streets. Austin was a newer city, so I didn’t have to worry about heavy pedestrian traffic or tiny alleyways.

I pulled up outside the clubhouse and killed the engine. Ryan pulled up next to me.

I grinned at him. “Shouldn’t have stopped me,” I said.

“Caralee, please.” He stood next to me, looking terrified. “You can get me in serious trouble. Please come back to the cabin.”

“Sorry, Ryan,” I said. “I don’t want you to get in trouble, but I’m not going to be your prisoner.”

He looked seriously troubled. “Listen to me. They might kill us over this. They don’t fuck around. Please, come back.”

I looked at him for a second, and the full weight of what I had done came crashing down.

I knew what kind of men I was dealing with. They were violent and serious men, not the sort of people who messed around. Ryan and Spill could get in some serious trouble, and who knew what that really meant with a motorcycle gang.

And this whole escape was childish. Truth was, I was angry and upset that Ford had ditched out on me the morning after we had gotten married and slept together for the first time. I was taking it out on Spill and Ryan, and it really wasn’t their fault.

“Okay,” I said. “Okay. We can go back.”

He looked so relieved, like a prisoner that had just been pardoned.

“Come on,” he said. “You ride pretty good.”

As he started his engine, the door to the clubhouse opened. I looked over.

Ford stared back at me. “Caralee?”

“Hi, Ford.”

He stared at Ryan. “What’s she doing here?”

Ryan killed his engine. “I’m sorry, Ford. She kicked Spill in the nuts and stole his bike.”

“What were you doing?”

“She said she saw guys around the place. I was checking it out.”

He stared at me for a second and then burst out laughing. “Did you really kick Spill in the nuts?” he asked me.

I grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, I did.”

“And you rode that here?”


“Holy shit, girl.” He walked over, laughing and shaking his head.

“You’re not mad?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, boss,” Ryan said.

“You’re a dumbass, but it’s not your fault. Caralee can be tough.” He grinned at me.

I smiled back, but inwardly I wanted to slap him. “Where have you been?” I asked.

“Club business.”

“So that’s the deal then? You’re just going to disappear whenever you feel like it.”

He expression hardened. “Not when I feel like it. When the club calls me, I answer. Come on,” he said. “Let’s get you back.” He moved toward the bike.

“I’m riding,” I said.

He stopped and frowned. “You sure?”

“She did good getting over here,” Ryan said. Ford silenced him with a look.

“I’m sure,” I said.

“Fine. Stay with me.” He walked over to his own bike and got on, kicking it started.

We rode out in formation, heading back toward the cabin. My stomach was a knot of worry, both for Ryan and Spill and for myself. I didn’t know how Ford would punish them.

And I didn’t know how I felt about Ford. I was already on edge about him abandoning me once. I didn’t think I could take it again.

The feeling of joy and freedom was completely gone as we headed back toward Ford’s place. Instead, I felt only confused, worried, and angry.

And I sure hoped that I hadn’t broken Spill’s balls.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Ford


e tore back toward my cabin, and I couldn’t help but laugh the whole way back.

Caralee had broken free of those two idiot pledges. I didn’t blame them, though they should have been on her better. But the girl was clearly tough as nails and resourceful to boot. I had to admit, I was pretty damn impressed.

Plus, she was awful at riding. Just uncomfortable and awkward. I was half afraid she was going to fall over the whole way back, though she managed to remain upright. We pulled down the dirt road that led to my cabin and parked our bikes.

Spill was sitting on the front porch, looking pained.

“You okay?” Ryan called out to him.

“Fine,” he said. “Balls have descended.”

I looked at Caralee. “What did you do?” I asked, wanting to hear it from her perspective.

She shrugged. “I might have kicked him.”

I cracked up laughing and Spill limped over, frowning. “I might never have kids, you know,” he grunted.

“Sorry,” Caralee said.

“Nobody wants to fuck your ugly ass anyway, Spill,” I said. “Now get the fuck out of here, both of you.”

Spill reluctantly climbed onto his bike, and the two of them headed back toward the clubhouse.

“Come on,” I said to Caralee. “Let’s get inside.”

“Tell me what’s going on first,” she said.

“Inside.” I moved into the house, went to the refrigerator, and grabbed a beer.

She sat down at the kitchen table. “I’m getting sick of these games, Ford,” she said.

“Nobody’s playing games. Those two were here for your protection.”

“Yeah, maybe, but you can’t keep me locked up in here.”

I stood and looked at her. “Why not?”

“Because I’m a person?” she said, exasperated.

“You’re my wife now,” I said, grinning. “I can do whatever I want.”

“Watch it, asshole.”

“Or what?”

“I can kick you like I kicked Spill.”

I laughed. “You wouldn’t dare injure my balls. You’re too fond of them.”

“Not at all.”

“You seemed pretty fond of them last night,” I said, sitting down across from her.

“I don’t know what I was thinking last night,” she said, “but that might have been a mistake.”

“Didn’t feel like a mistake,” I said, grunting. Frankly, the night before was what had kept me moving all day.

“Where did you go?”

I stared at her. “I’ll tell you this once. But if you’re going to stick around, you’re going to have to understand what ‘club business’ means.”

“Which is?”

“It means you don’t ask questions.”

“I never said I wanted to stick around.”

I shrugged. “Whatever you say. Ready to listen?”

“All ears.”

“We ambushed some of the Snakes up north of the city. Ended up capturing one of them.”

“Do you know if they’re after me?”

I nodded. “They are. And I know why.”


I grinned hugely at her. “Come sit on my lap and I’ll tell you.”

She stared at me. “No, Ford. Tell me.”

I moved my chair back. “Come on. Sit in my lap here and I’ll tell you.”

She stood up. “I’m tired of your games. This is my life, you know?”

She went to storm out of the room, but I quickly got up and caught her wrist. “Wait,” I said.

“What?” she snapped.

“I know this isn’t a damn game.”

“Then act like it.”

“You want me to act all fuckin’ depressed all the time? Well, I won’t.”

“I just want you to stop playing around.”

“I’ll do what I like, because I like teasing you. I like making that pussy wet. I like seeing you bite your lip when you’re picturing my big cock between your legs.”

“I don’t do that,” she said, and bit her lip.

It was almost too much. The girl was so damn fucking sexy and she didn’t even realize it.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her against me. “You make me fucking harder than I’ve ever been.”

“Yeah, well,” she mumbled, “that doesn’t seem too difficult.”

“Might not be for you,” I whispered. “That pussy drives me crazy. I keep thinking about making you come over and over, the way you suck my cock, how tight your cunt is. You’re fucking sexy and you barely realize it.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” she whispered.

“You just don’t get it,” I said.

And then I kissed her hard, pressing my mouth against hers, pulling her body tight against mine.

At first I thought she might resist. But quickly she melted into my embrace, kissing me back passionately. Our tongues touched as my hands began to roam her body.

I pulled off her shirt, pressing her back toward the couch. I tossed the shirt away and then unhooked her bra. She let it slip off and I tossed it aside. She began to work at my belt, but I pushed her over onto the couch.

She landed and laughed as I knelt down in front of her, kissing her neck, her breasts. She moaned as I began to slide her shorts off.

Black panties. Soaked through, of course. I pressed my fingers down the front of them, kissing her body, and began to tease her clit. She was willing and ready as always, her cunt fucking soaked. She pretended like she didn’t want it, but her body couldn’t lie.

I saw right through her. I saw the truth. She wanted my cock as much as I wanted to give it to her. But right now, I wanted to soften her up. I quickly tugged her panties down off her body and pressed my mouth against her swollen clit.

“Oh fuck, Ford,” she said. “God, you’re good at that.”

“Only the best for you,” I said as I began to tongue her clit, soft in circles. She wiggled her hips, and I pressed a finger deep inside her pussy, teasing her with it while I licked at her clit.

She pressed her hands against my head as I kept working her, sucking her clit, eating her pussy. I wanted to drive her crazy, to make her come, to make her scream my name. I was starving for her body and had been thinking about it since the second I’d left.

I continued to suck and lick at her clit, my finger fucking her pussy. I reached up with my free hand and teased her nipples as I kept working her.

She began to move her hips faster, and I knew I had her close. I pumped my fingers deeper, pressing more inside her, and continued to lap and suck and lick at her clit, working her pussy. She pressed my head down harder, moaning loudly, completely lost in the moment.

I wanted to make her come, wanted to taste her cum. I kept working her harder, faster, and soon I could feel her beginning to build toward it.

I fucked her faster with my fingers, working her pussy mercilessly.

“Oh my god, Ford,” she moaned. “Ford, keep going. I’m so close.”

I worked her, moving my tongue in circles, sucking and fucking her soaked cunt, my cock hard as fuck in my pants.

“Oh Ford, Ford, Ford,” she said over and over as she came.

I kept working her through the orgasm, tipping her over and pushing her through. Her whole body twitched as she came.

There was nothing I liked more than seeing her come. It was beyond sexy, and I loved the taste of her. Finally, she slowly finished, and I moved back, grinning at her.

“Still got complaints?” I asked.

She shook her head, panting.

“Come here.” I stood up, stepping back. “Kneel.”

She got down on the rug in front of me and unbuckled my belt. She pulled my jeans and my boxer briefs down, not bothering with any foreplay.

She started sucking my cock with wild abandon, her hands on my ass. She wasn’t waiting around. She clearly wanted to get right to it.

“That’s right,” I grunted. “Suck that cock. I want you to swallow my cum.”

She pulled back, jerking me off, not afraid to get it nice and messy. “I want you to come in my mouth, Ford,” she said.

“Fuck girl.” I pushed her head back down, sliding my cock between her lips. “You drive me fucking wild.”

BOOK: Biker's Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Demons MC) (Includes bonus novel Kinged!)
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