Billionaire Baby Bump: Pregnancy Romance (A Billionaire BWWM Romance HAH Book 9) (7 page)

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back, honey. We have…I have the day fully planned out for
you,” Andy said as he threw his arms around her.

and I was just stepping out, but I wanted to say hello before I
left,” Dana said stepping in after Andy pulled away. Julie
smiled and shook her head.

don’t you guys just say it and get it over and done with, huh?”
she said as she began walking down the hallway.

are you talking about?” Andy asked as he and Dana walked after

party…small thing you have planned?” Julie asked as she
stopped in her tracks and looked at Dana and Andy who were now
looking at each other nervously. “You are both terrible with
secrets,” she added with a smile before she went on walking
down the hall. The minute she turned the corner to go to her office,
she came face to face with the entire company cheering and clapping.
She smiled and then turned to look at Dana and Andy.

saw right through us, didn’t you?” Dana said with a
smile. Julie shrugged and nodded.

let’s get on with it. I’m starved. I hope you got a red
velvet cake,” she said in a whisper as she walked towards the
crowd. “Hey guys,” she said with a smile as she shook
hands and hugged almost every person there. She looked at the
beautiful white cake with strawberry and grape garnish and felt her
tummy grumble.

go ahead,” Rory, one of Julie’s workmates said excitedly.
Julie smiled and stepped forward. She grabbed the knife and slowly
began cutting the cake.

Chapter 6

her office party and meeting, Julie decided to drive to her father’s
place before she went back home. It had been a while since she’d
been home and the only time she had seen her father and her Nan in
the last four months was when they had come over to visit and even
then, their visits were not worth much. At least that was what she
felt. She was always in bed when they visited and thanks to her first
trimester blues, most of the time, she spent sleeping or throwing up.
It was almost midday when she drove up in front of her father’s
house. She got out of the car and slowly made her way into the house.

Anybody home?” She called out when she opened the front door.

here!” she heard her Nan call from the kitchen. She threw her
bag on the couch and kicked her shoes off before she made her way to
the kitchen.

you making sweet potato pie?” she asked as she walked towards
her Nan who turned around and smiled before she threw her arms around

yeah. We have a bake sale tomorrow,” she said. “But I can
give you a slice right now,” she added as she served a slice of
pie onto a plate. Julie took a seat at the counter as her Nan pushed
the plate to her.

it,” Julie said under her breath when she realized that she had
taken a seat without washing her hands first.

your language, lady,” her Nan said in a stern tone.

sorry. I just feel a little lazy today,” she sighed.

do you need?” Nan smiled at her.

wet wipes? Hand sanitizer maybe?” she asked. Her Nan handed her
a hand sanitizer before she went to take another pie out of the oven.
“Oh my God, this is heavenly,” Julie said as she took a

milk to go with that?” her Nan called. Julie looked up and
frowned before she shook her head. “Still getting nauseated?”
Nan asked.

with milk. Flavored or otherwise,” she rolled her eyes before
taking another bite. Her Nan walked over to where she was and looked
at her.

told me you have taken a liking to that weird Indian milkshake.”

it was just the one time. Maybe that was what made me dislike milk,”
she said before taking another bite as her Nan sat next to her.

how are you feeling? Is everything alright?”

far so good,” she said in between bites. “I went back to
work today,” she added smiling gleefully.

smiled and nodded.

Steven had told me of your intention to go back to work but,”
she paused and touched Julie’s chin and turned her face to look
at her. “Are you sure you’re up to it? I mean what did
the doctor say?”

Solloway told me that I was out of the woods so I have nothing to
worry about really and in case of anything I still have Chloe,”
Julie said.

frowned and she shook her head. “Chloe?”

home nurse,” Julie said before she took one last bite. “But
I really don’t want to talk about me. I’ve had four
months of that…how are you? And where’s dad?” she

father had to rush out. Some work lunch or something,” Nan

I was really looking forward to seeing him today,” Julie said

are still coming for Sunday dinner, right? You can see him then,”
her Nan said.

raised an eyebrow. “Nan, I think this week’s Sunday
dinner is at our house.”

you sure?” Her Nan frowned. Julie wished she had her phone with
her so she could check out her calendar.

I’m pretty sure,” she said.

we were at your place last week, honey,” her Nan said looking
into Julie’s eyes.

but I was still under house arrest and I hated having to eat in bed,”
Julie said. She made puppy eyes at her grandmother and smiled
sweetly. “Please Nan. I’m cooking. You know you love it
when I make that chicken and mashed potato,” she said as she
looked into her Nan’s eyes. There was a long silence before her
Nan finally sighed.

But you twisted my arm there,” she said as she climbed off the
stool and walked round the counter. Her Nan was packing up the pies
just as she heard the front door open. “Maybe that is your
father right now,” Nan said without looking up. Julie was
debating whether to get off the stool and walk to the living room or
just stay where she was when she heard the unmistakable voice of Anna
Rizzoli, one of her father’s new neighbors and the loudest
person she knew. “Anna is that you?” Julie’s Nan
called out.

I came for the pies. Hope you are done,” Anna yelled.

ma! Anna’s here,” Julie heard her father call out.

Michael, Julie’s here,” Nan called from the kitchen.

this yelling is going to make me go crazy,”
thought trying to sit still.
This is too much,”
thought as she climbed off the stool and walked to the living room.
She could not wait to see her dad and just catch up. Also, she wanted
to be away from Anna Rizzoli’s loud mouth. She almost cringed
when she saw Anna walking towards her.

my God, Julie! You are glowing,” Anna said when she saw Julie.

you, Anna. I was just going to the…um…living room,”
Julie said trying hard to get away from Anna.

you’d ask me I would say that pregnancy is agreeing with you,”
Anna said. Julie forced a smile. She wanted to say ‘no one’s
asking you’ but she didn’t want to seem rude even though
Anna was talking to her like she was on the other side of the world.

Anna. Always nice seeing you,” she said as she pulled away from

seeing you too!” Anna called out. Julie wanted to put her hands
over her ears as she finally walked into the living room. Michael
smiled when he saw her.

Anna has quite a mouth on her doesn’t she?” he asked.

rolled her eyes and nodded.

has vocal chords of steel, that one,” she said before she gave
her father a long hug. “I’ve missed you,” she said
in a low voice.

you too, angel,” he said as he pulled away. “Let me look
at you,” he said holding her hands in his. He looked at her
from head to toe and smiled. “You look more beautiful than

I feel like a whale,” she frowned as she sat down.

still in your first trimester. You have no idea what a whale looks or
feels like,” Michael said.

shook her head. “Actually, I’m already in my second

looked at her questioningly.

what?” he asked as he sat down next to her.

I found out I was expecting one month in and I have just come out of
a three month strict bed rest,” she said with a smile. “I
will be ready to pop in four and a half short months,” she

my little girl is about to make me a grandfather,” he said.

frowned and raised an eyebrow. “I always thought you would like
grandpa more,” she said.

looked at her and nodded.

I guess that does sound better. Or pop,” he said but Julie
shook her head. “Yeah it sounds like I’m a million years
old. I guess grandpa it is,” he said with a smile.

would have raised a glass to that if it were any other day,”
Julie said as she leaned back against the couch.

remember when your mother was expecting…it was hell,” he
said laughing. Julie rolled her head to the side and looked at him.
“She hated anything with onions, garlic, pepper…basically
any kind of condiment. I think we had boiled vegetables for the
better part of her pregnancy,” he said still laughing.

frowned. “I’m sure that must have been terrible. I know
how much you love your meat and deep fried chicken.”

yeah,” he said. “But it was worth it,” he added in
a low voice as he squeezed her hand. She smiled and put a hand on her
tummy. “So, I know that you don’t like talking about it
but I have to ask. Have you talked to Monique of late?” he
asked. She looked at him and sighed. She hated talking about her
mother. She looked at her father and shook her head.

don’t really want to talk to her about anything right now.”

really think she would want to be involved in her grandchild’s

looked at her father and shrugged.

never wanted to be involved in her child’s life. Why would a
grandchild be special?” she asked in a low voice. Michael
nodded as he loosened his tie. “I have tried giving her chances
dad and every time I think things are going well, she disappears on
me. I cannot…will not do that to my child.”

father leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

just wanted to make sure you had given it some thought,” he
said. She looked at him and smiled.

did give it some thought. A lot of thought actually but when she is
ready, she can meet my child,” she said as she looked down at
her tummy. “Until then, I think it is better to make sure my
baby stays away from her,” she added as she looked at her
father. She knew that her words were hard for her father to hear but
like so many people had told her before, she was no longer looking
out for her interests alone. She had an innocent life to protect and
it was all on her shoulders. She looked at her father and held his
hand. “I’m sorry daddy. I know this is really hard for
you to hear,” she said.

smiled and squeezed her hand.

I’m just glad you made that decision all on your own. I don’t
know if I can still call you my little girl anymore,” he said.
Julie leaned over and kissed his cheek.

always be your little girl.”

Nan called from the kitchen.

to deal with Anna Rizzoli once more?” Michael asked.

took a long deep breath.

there any way I can have my lunch to go?” she asked.

laughed and stood up.

I have to endure her voice, then so do you,” he said as he
helped her up.

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