Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (108 page)

Read Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) Online

Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

BOOK: Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)
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Nick felt Keyonna come to stand behind him, felt her slip her arms around his waist as she rested her face against his back. He drew in a ragged breath, closing his eyes briefly before adding plainly, “I lied to you because I was scared. Yes, Keyonna…I’m not ashamed to say I was fucking scared to death that if you ever remembered what happened, it would change how you’d come to feel about me.”

,” Keyonna said feelingly, making him turn to face her as she grabbed his face in both hands.  “Do I really seem that fickle? Nick, just months ago you told me love wasn’t important in a marriage. I vowed to myself to prove you wrong. And now that we’ve found true love together, do you really think I would give that up? I care too much to want to lose you, ever. And nothing’s going to change that.”

Nick sighed. He took her hands, kissed them. He really wanted to believe her. But he’d felt her rejection before when she’d left so unexpectedly. He hadn’t cared so much about the embarrassment caused; he’d been more impacted by the shock and hurt that he’d been wrong about Keyonna. That she could never care for him the way he’d begun to care about her.

And now that he’d tasted these past many weeks of passionate love with Keyonna in his arms, no way he could take it if she left him again. Losing Keyonna was no longer an option…





Chapter Sixteen

Nick frowned slightly with impatience as he spoke to his secretary on the line. “Yes, Brenda?”

“Sir, Mrs. Vitale’s here to see you.”

“What?” he said. “Keyonna’s here? My wife?”

“Oh no, sir,” Brenda said on a laugh. “It’s your stepmother.”

The smile he’d unconsciously had on his face at the thought that Keyonna had come to see him vanished.

What did Lena want now?

And that was the exact same thing he asked her the moment after the door closed and she was standing in front of him.

As always she was dressed to kill; hair perfectly groomed and her svelte figure sheathed in some designer get-up that enhanced her undeniable beauty. There had been a time her breathtaking looks had moved him, but not anymore.

“Really, Nick,” she drawled, tut-tutting. “Is there anything wrong with my coming to see my adorable stepson at work?”

“Your so called stepson is a busy man, Lena. What is it?” he said coldly, drawing back when she bent over him to try and kiss his lips.

“Well, well, well,” Lena murmured as she straightened and then went to take one of the chairs in front of his desk. ”How your attitude has changed. Could it be due to the fact that your runaway wife is back?”

Nick’s look was chilly as he met her scornful gaze. “Maybe. I’m certainly glad I found her, safe and sound.”

“Oh, I’m sure you must be glad indeed. Because if she wasn’t – safe and sound that is,” Lena drawled sarcastically, “Then you’ll be without all this.” And she waved a dainty, heavily beringed hand to indicate the plush office.

Nick scowled darkly. “If you’re implying that I wanted Keyonna back to ensure that our marriage stayed valid, just so I could keep my fortune then you’ve got it all wrong. With the marriage certificate, I no longer had anything to worry about. I didn’t need Keyonna anymore. But I did want her. And thanks to Rachel, I found her.”

“How ironic,” Lena sneered. “Your ex-fiancée ends up helping you unearth your heartbroken, disillusioned bride.”

She was cut off by the suspicious look on Nick’s face. “Why would you think Keyonna was heartbroken and disillusioned?”

Lena’s eye widened innocently as she shrugged. “A mere assumption, darling. I mean, what if the poor girl found out about you and me.”

“There is no ‘you and me’ Lena as you very well know,” was Nick’s cold response. “Once upon a time, I believed myself in love with you. And I’ve always felt grateful for your eye-opening rejection, believe me. Just don’t kid yourself that just because Dad’s dead, we can start up something because it’s not going to happen. I love Keyonna and nothing in the world would make me do anything to jeopardize that.”

Lena’s face twisted into something bitter and angry and far from pretty. “You love her,” she gasped furiously. “And what about me?”

He gave her a deliberately blank look. “What about you?”

Lena smiled thinly, even as she rose to her feet with fluid grace and then began pacing the office in her high-heeled pumps. “I always regretted turning down your offer to run away with you. But I knew your father was a powerful and ruthless man and he would destroy me – and you as well, for making a fool of him if I dared follow my heart. My marriage to him was never about love but I respected him and he treated me like a princess. I lacked for nothing. And yet…all that never stopped me from pining for you. You were the one thing I really wanted, but could never have.”

She stopped in her pacing to turn to him. “I was so mad when you didn’t ask me to marry you once you could. First you chose Rachel, and then ended up with Keyonna. In a flash I sensed that with her, it was different. Part of me wanted to find a way to get back at you for all the times you rejected me. But another part of me longed to win back what I’d lost. So when I showed up at the reception, I realized that the best way to do that was to get rid of Keyonna.”

Nick went stock still, unable to believe his ears. What the hell was Lena saying? That she had something to do with Keyonna’s sudden disappearance?

He suddenly shot to his feet and moved swiftly to grab her shoulders, shaking her angrily.

“Just what did you do, Lena? Tell me!” he barked, his eyes dark with fury.

Lena merely laughed in his face. “Ah, I thought that would get your full attention.” She broke out of his grip, her own gaze stormy. “I did nothing devious, trust me. In fact, I’d say you had more of a hand in it yourself.”

“I’m losing my patience, Lena,” Nick warned, and heard her yelp in surprise when he took hold of her arm and twisted it round her back, not using enough force to really hurt but letting her know it could get really painful if she pushed him.

“Don’t be such a brute, Nick…ooh!” she cried, and at last agreed to tell him all.

“You haven’t changed, Nick,” Lena said sulkily, rubbing her bruised arm. “Still a bully – alright, alright!” she said quickly when he advanced again.

She sighed deeply. “Like I said, you did a lot to help. When I arrived at the reception and you came over to speak to me, I noticed Keyonna was watching us. I’m woman enough to tell that she was more than suspicious. I wasn’t sure how much you’d told her, but still I hatched this great plan to get you all to myself in some lonely spot. I was banking on the fact that Keyonna would follow and then maybe catch us doing something we shouldn’t.”

Lena paused, smiling thinly at the frozen look on Nick’s face. “You remember, don’t you? Our little head-to-head in the garden? It all went according to plan, as I recall. You came with me and Keyonna followed. She didn’t think I’d seen her, but I had. And you can imagine what she must have derived from our conversation that day.”

“You bitch!” Nick snarled, fuming as he smashed his fist down on his desk, sending files flying. How could he have been so stupid?

“You caused it all with your own words, Nick,” Lena went on triumphantly. “All those uncaring little things she must have heard you say about her. She looks like the sensitive type. Isn’t she?”

Lena chuckled with deep humor, not waiting for his reply. “I’ll just bet she is. Sensitive, silly, and obviously besotted with you. I worked that all out and used it in my favor. I mean who wouldn’t? I knew she’d feel hurt seeing us together like that. But I never expected her to do what she did – desert you completely, and at the reception! Now
was heartless.”

Nick just stood there, dazed with fury and dismay as Lena let out a hearty, grating laugh.

“Anyway,” Lena went on with a nonchalant shrug, “I soon realized it was a wasted effort. I mean, instead of forgetting all about her when she vanished, you went on a one-man search. I was furious!”

She laughed heartily once more, shaking her head at him. “I really shouldn’t have bothered. If anything, I only managed to have brought you two closer together. I don’t know what lie you must have told her, but it must have been foolproof.”

Nick buried his face in his hand for some moments. He went over the episode in the garden and knew with a sinking feeling how it must have seemed to Keyonna. He hadn’t been ready to admit his feelings for her then, certainly not to Lena. So he’d played tough, and said things he hadn’t really meant. The old Nick might have meant them, but not the same Nick who’d been twisted up in knots over her since that first reckless kiss they’d shared on that balcony.

Finally he looked up at the smirking Lena, his gaze dark slits of calm wrath. “I hope you’re happy now, Lena. Does it feel good to know you almost succeeded in destroying my chance at happiness?”

Lena pouted, tilting her head to the side as she had the grace to look sorry. And then she sighed. “Look, I’m not really proud of what I did. But you know what they say about a woman scorned. I just refused to believe you didn’t want me anymore. Hell, I was ready to settle for being your mistress; to have that affair with you I denied myself all those years ago when I was married to your father. I should have known you’d never want a part in something that would seem aversive. Especially now that you’re older and wiser. Your loss,” she said casually, adding, “And hey, it’s not like there was any harm done. You’ve got your precious Keyonna back, haven’t you?”

Yes, thought Nick bleakly, but for how long? Until her memory returned and she realized what a complete jerk he’d been on his wedding day? Just thinking about how hurt she’d been – hurt enough to up and leave him that first time – made Nick wary that she might still hold a grudge once she remembered what he’d done. No woman would like to feel like some mere object, or that her feelings didn’t count. But Nick could only hope that Keyonna would understand, and see that he’d changed. And that he’d absolutely fall apart if she ever decided to leave him again….

* * * *

Hours before, Keyonna was ringing the doorbell to the house where Trisha lived with Mark and his aunt.

Keyonna recalled promising herself after the party that she’d never set foot on these grounds again. But ever since her conversation with Natasha all those days ago, Keyonna knew that she just had to see Trisha and maybe some of those missing pieces could start to make sense.

Keyonna hated herself for what she was doing. She shouldn’t have come here. She’d assured Nick so many times that it didn’t matter. Her memory would return in due course. And if not, then whatever. Her life was perfect now, why worry about a closed chapter when a new one was already being written? She had a wonderful marriage to a gorgeous, sexy and adoring man. Her career was at its heights, and she had nothing holding her back from true happiness.

Well, except for the niggling sensation she kept having every waking moment. She couldn’t keep her mind on work, and at night when Nick lay asleep next to her, she couldn’t shake off the flashing images that somehow, made her flinch as they tried to pierce through.

So she swallowed any notion of dread and waited on that doorstep, not sure who was going to show up. If it was Mark, well she had nothing to say to him, or his snobbish aunt. As for Trisha, Keyonna just wanted them to talk. She just hoped the other girl wouldn’t be in one of those snarky moods of hers…

Moments later the door flew open and Keyonna found herself looking into the narrowed, spiteful gaze that met hers. And in that moment, Keyonna
. Like she’d just been smacked in the face, it hit her. Everything came flooding back in a rush of sights and sounds.

Dazed, Keyonna staggered back.

“Keyonna?” Trisha said, her stony expression turning alarmed.

Keyonna shook off the weakening feeling that wanted to overtake her. She grabbed the door ledge for support, and looked hard at Trisha. “I remember everything now. About how you tried to poison my mind against Nick – you spiteful witch.”

Trisha was staring at her. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You can quit pretending,” Keyonna bit out. “It was you who came to me with some bullshit about Nick and his stepmother, so I followed them and caught them.”

Keyonna found she couldn’t continue, not with the horrible images swimming before her eyes.

“You caught them,” Trisha sneered. “Caught them doing what? Is that why you’re here, to pick someone to blame for your husband’s indiscretions? Girl, you’re tripping. Look, it ain’t my fault if your man’s a player. I only laid out the facts as I knew them; just so you wouldn’t go thinking Nick was marrying you for any romantic reasons.”

“You’re a liar! Nick loves me,” Keyonna cried out, as if to reassure herself. “And I love him.”

“Just like you loved Mark?” mocked Trisha. “When Mark came to me, broken up about how you turned him down, I wanted to kill you. Who the hell did you think you were, turning down a good man like that after he kept himself all those years to get back to you? I hated you for the shoddy way you treated him just so you could marry your fancy billionaire. When I found out it was Nick Vitale you were hooking up with, I saw a chance of bursting your bubble, especially since I was sure you didn’t know about him and his dad’s trophy wife. So what happened? You caught them both red-handed, huh, and at your own wedding for that matter. That must have sucked! What a perfect revenge.”

Trisha eyed Keyonna, her smile derisive. “Now you know how it is to be on the sideline. But if you’re here to blame me for the collapse of your marriage, then…”

“My marriage hasn’t collapsed!” Yet, Keyonna added silently. “And I only came because I needed to find out what it was we discussed at the reception. Because crazy as it may sound, I had a recent accident which made me lose part of my memory, especially to do with what happened at the wedding reception. But now, seeing you, it all came back in a flash. I’m sure you must have heard of my disappearance.”

“Yeah, I heard. I wasn’t surprised,” Trisha said scornfully. “Nick and his people tried to act like it was something planned, but I could read between the lines. I knew you’d upped and run for some reason. And I thought, how typical of you. I guess hurting people is your stock in trade.”

“Oh? I thought it was
,” Keyonna retorted. “Let me clear the air about one thing at least. About Mark; if you must know, I really liked him. Loved him even. But not in the way he wanted. And now, all I can do is pity him if it’s someone like you he ever ends up saddled with.”

“Save your pity for yourself,” Trisha spat, but Keyonna was already turning and walking back down to where her car was parked, legs shaky but heart feeling strangely light. Now all she had to worry about was the next move to take…

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