Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle) (92 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Tawny Taylor,Ava Lore,Terry Towers,Anna Antonia,Amy Aday,Nelle L'Amour,Dez Burke,Marian Tee

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I would be completely, totally dependent upon Tevin and his family. Oh God.

Tevin’s thumb stroked my jaw and his eyes searched mine. “Daryl, what are you feeling?”


“Scared of what? What are you afraid of?”

“Of…taking a chance and…”

“And what?”

“And being let down again. I’m scared, Tevin. The day my parents were yanked away from me, I learned a hard lesson. I learned it’s dangerous to believe someone will always be there for me. I learned I can only count on one person in my life. That person is me. If I go to some foreign country where I don’t belong, how would I take care of myself? How?”

“You won’t have to,” he stated.

“But I might. You can’t promise me anything. You can’t tell me I’ll be safe for the rest of my life. You can’t tell me you won’t change your mind, or meet someone else you like better, or decide we don’t work, because you don’t know me that well yet.”

“I understand.” Much to my surprise, he didn’t move. He held me close, one hand resting on my head, the other softly stroking my shoulder. “You wouldn’t believe me if I did tell you what you want to hear. I’m going to have to show you. I’m going to have to prove it to you. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every year.”

“You say that now—“

“And I’ll say the same thing at the first anniversary of this day, and every year after until I draw my last breath. Daryl, I told you to think of this trip as a vacation. I said that so you wouldn’t feel pressured. But I think you need to hear the truth. I think you need to understand exactly where I’m coming from. I’m introducing you to my parents as my intended
. Not a friend. Not a girlfriend. Wife.”

“But Tevin, we’ve only been on a few dates. How can you be so sure?”

“Because I am. That’s all. I am.”

He sounded sure, but all my doubts weren’t eradicated so easily. I asked, “What if your parents don’t like me?”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll be living in a castle with more than one thousand rooms. We don’t have to see them very often.”

“And what about my parents? Will your people allow their future king to contemplate marrying a woman whose parents are convicted killers?”

“My people will trust my judgment.”

“You make it sound so simple. Things are never that simple.”

“Sometimes they are. Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be.” He sat up and, holding my hands in his, pulled me upright. “I get that you’re terrified, that you can’t trust me yet. All I’m asking is for you to give me the chance to prove to you that I am trustworthy. Allow me the chance to show you the good life has to offer. After the struggle you’ve been through, you deserve that. You have experienced a lifetime’s worth of sorrow. Let me balance that out with a lifetime’s worth of happiness.”

All of this sounded like a dream. Happiness. How I longed for some happiness that wasn’t overshadowed by worry or desperation or frustration.

“Be brave. You don’t know what wonders you might miss if you aren’t.”

He’d said that to me before. On the plane. On our first date. He’d proven then that he was trustworthy. And that day had been one of the best of my life, now that I thought about it. There were far too many regrets to face if I didn’t go for it.

I heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Okay.”

“Does this mean you will come to my homeland?”

I made him suffer a little, schooling my face into a mask of indecision. The truth was, no matter whether Tevin was Tevin or Viktor, a ditch digger or a king, we seemed to fit. He was the one who had the patience to show me that I had been hiding from love but craving it at the same time. I was letting my fear of taking risks rule my life.

Some things were worth taking risks for.

Finally, when he had wilted a little, I nodded. “Yes. Yes, I’ll go…anywhere in the world with you.”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. And I giggled as I kissed him back. When the kiss ended, he gazed into my eyes and asked, “Why are you laughing?”

Because when I met you that first night, I’d told myself I would spend the rest of my life looking for men for other women. And my first big contract, my first really great client, I ended up taking for myself. I’ll have to spend the rest of my life making this up to Marguerite. And Katarina. And Alexis. And Josephine.” I crazy idea popped into my head, and before I could stop myself, I blurted, “Say, maybe I could open a new branch of Premier in Mordova?”

“Now, that’s an excellent idea.”

“I’ll need to find some rich bachelors. You don’t happen to have any younger brothers…?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

“You do?”

“There are twelve of us. All brothers.”

I’d hit the jackpot. Marguerite would be losing one amazing client, but gaining eleven. And, if everything went the way I hoped, I would have my real life prince, a new career, my parent’s freedom, and a happy boss. My life would be perfect. And, for the first time ever, I wasn’t afraid to let myself believe it might be.

There was only one other person I needed to take care of…

I asked, “Would one of those brothers, by any chance, be that friend from the bar, what was his name?”

“Andy. His real name is Andrei. Yes, he is one of my brothers. But he’s wanted to get in touch with your friend…”

“I’m sure Marguerite will be okay with only ten brothers. Sasha deserves to have a prince too. Oh, and she has a passport.”

“Perfect.” He kissed me until I was dizzy and breathless. “You can call her later. Now, let’s take you home so you can pack. And so I can make love to you again. And again. And again.”

“The packing doesn’t sound so exciting, but that at last part sounds wonderful. You know, I need to focus on right now, so I don’t start thinking about things too much, wondering what-if.” I slanted a come hither look at him.

Responding exactly as I hoped, he pushed me onto my back and took me again. This living in the moment thing with my prince was going to work out just fine.

Yes, it was.


The End




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About Tawny Taylor

An Amazon Top 20 "Most Popular Author" and USA Today Bestseller

Tawny Taylor has been writing romance for ten years. Her first novel, Tempting Fate, was published in 2004 and was an RT Reviewer's Choice nominee and highly reviewed book. To date, Tawny has over 50 published books by 5 publishers, including Pocket, Kensington, Ellora's Cave, Samhain and Changeling Press. They include several subgenres of romance including paranormal, contemporary, New Adult and romantic suspense. Among her best selling books are Dark Master, Decadent Master, and My Alpha Billionaire.

Tawny is grateful to her readers for allowing her dream of writing and publishing to come true. Her hope is to continue to write hot, sassy, sexy fiction for women for many years to come.


Tawny loves hearing from readers! Drop her a note anytime:[email protected].


Twitter: @tawnytauthor



Did you know Tawny also writes romance as Sydney Allan, New Adult romance as Tamryn Ward, and Urban Fantasy as Tami Dane?

Sydney's Books

Rescue Me (contemporary romance)

Tamryn's Books

Hopelessly Broken

This Crazy Little Thing


Tami's Books

The Real Werewives of Vampire County

Blood of Eden

Blood of Dawn

Blood of Innocence



Books by Tawny Taylor


Wild Knights

Wicked Knights

Wanton Knights

Wild, Wicked & Wanton

Dark Master

Decadent Master

Dangerous Master

Darkest Fire

Darkest Desire

Claim Me

Wicked Beast

Prince of Fire

Girl Enslaved

Dirty Little Lies

Triple Stud

Enslaved by Sin

Double Take

Behind the Mask

Plays Well with Others

Lust’s Temptation

Wrath’s Embrace

Burning Hunger

Torrid Hunger

Everlasting Hunger

Slave of Duty

Flesh to Flesh

Compromising Positions


Pleasing Him

At His Mercy

Ties That Bind

Heart Throb

Burn For You

Her Lesson in Sin

Touch of Fire

His Dark Kiss

Playing for Keeps

Your Wicked Game

Make Me Burn

Make Me Shiver

What He Wants (My Alpha Billionaire, 1)

What He Demands (My Alpha Billionaire, 2)

What He Craves (My Alpha Billionaire, 3)

What He Needs (My Alpha Billionaire, 4)

My Alpha Billionaire (What He Wants, Books 1-4)

Yes, Master

Make You Mine

BEARed to You

Surrender (Coming in 2014)

Darkest Ecstasy (Coming in 2014)




Trapped into Marriage by Dez Burke




Chapter One


Keyonna laid down the receiver, a dismayed look on her face thanks to the phone conversation she’d just had.

Only minutes ago, she’d answered the ringing phone with enthusiasm, hoping it was a call she’d been expecting from an important, prospective client. But then the eagerness dissipated at the sound of the voice of her long-absent boyfriend.

“Keyonna, it’s me
,” said the warm, familiar baritone.

!” Keyonna breathed, half-dazed. And then, recovering her composure, she continued lamely, “Umm…hello.”

?” he mimicked drily, his deep voice warm and humorous. “We haven’t seen or heard from each other in two years and all you can say is hello?”

Keyonna found herself smiling, noting that Mark was still the light-hearted, easygoing
dude she’d known since she’d been in high school. They’d been best friends first and then, when they got older, things got heavier and they fell in love. Or so she’d thought.

However, Keyonna
reminded herself that right now she should be angry, not amused with him. Heaving a sobering sigh, she allowed the silence to stretch for a few moments as they both struggled for something to say.

“Are you…”

“How’s the…”

They both spoke simultaneously, and then shared a nervous laughter which seemed to ease the uncomfortable tension hovering since she’d picked up the call.

“You first,” Mark offered.

“So where are you calling from?” she asked.

“From right here in Boston. I’m at my aunt’s home. Didn’t you know I got back?”

Keyonna lowered herself into the nearest chair in her spacious office, feeling even more dazed as she pressed fingers to her now throbbing temples. “Of course I didn’t. How would I? When did you return to the country?”

“About two days ago. I figured you’d hear I was coming home. So Trisha never called to tell you?”

Keyonna’s lips twisted wryly. Trisha was Mark’s cousin, and a few years younger than Keyonna’s twenty-six. Both girls had never got along that well.

“No,” Keyonna murmured, and then sighed deeply. “Wow, Mark. It's such a surprise to hear from you. And believe me, I’m glad you’re back but…”

Shaking off the urge to ask him what the hell he wanted after staying out of touch for two years, she added, “So I take it your duty tour is done?”

“I’m basically redeployed back to the States so it looks like I’m home to stay,” Mark told her, his tone full of that charming warmth. “Lord, Keyonna. I missed you. My aunt has organized this dinner in honor of my homecoming though I begged her not to. You have to come, baby. It’s tomorrow.”

“Well, I…”

“I know, I know; a party is hardly the place for us to reunite after two years. I planned for us to meet somewhere secluded and romantic where we could catch up on old times but…” Mark paused and Keyonna could almost hear him shrug. “I didn’t even have time to call you since I returned - until now. So you’ve got to come. I need to see you again.”

Keyonna’s head was reeling.
Well, fine; it was understandable that a man like Mark would think he could simply show up after two years and she’d drop everything just to see him again. He definitely had the looks, money and social status to make any sane girl do just that.

But Keyonna knew that if she needed to be brutally straight with herself, she
wasn't enthusiastic to see Mark again.

Not a
s much as she should be, anyway. Yeah, sure, there had been a time she’d been susceptible to his undeniable appeal. She may have even believed herself in love with him once. He’d been her dream guy ever since they’d started dating when she was twenty-one. But then he decided to sign up with the Navy and then a year or so later, was deployed to Afghanistan.

The relationship had endured for another year and part of Keyonna had felt proud that Mark had a role in ensuring their nation’s freedom and security
. She'd been more than willing to make whatever sacrifice required, while still keeping their romance alive.

But then things started to change as Mark was away more and more often and for longer periods of time. She
'd known his job was very dangerous and she’d tried to understand the reasons why he couldn’t always be there when she needed him.

And yet even she couldn’t blind herself to the signs that Mark didn’t seem ready to maintain the relationship with the kind of dedication
was willing to put into it.

The bottom line was
: Mark chose to focus solely on his military career, giving Keyonna the chance to slowly overcome the girlish infatuation she’d felt for him in her younger adult years. The starry-eyed Keyonna whom Mark had known was long gone, replaced with someone tougher who’d seen a bit of life’s ups and downs and was wiser for it. She was through with their sweet little fantasy love but apparently, Mark hadn’t gotten the memo.

“Keyonna?” she heard Mark say with a hint of worry in his voice. “Are you still there?”

“Uh…yeah,” Keyonna replied, her tone hesitant. “About the party – I really don’t think I…”

“It’s going to be a special night for me,” Mark told her quietly. “In more ways than one. Sure, it’s going to be a formal affair but it’s also going to be about family, and friends. People who’ve meant something to me at points in my life. For a long time I’ve been away from home, and some days I never even dreamed I’d make it back in one piece. I’ve got a lot to be thankful for and I really wish you’d be there to share it with me.”

Keyonna pushed her fingers back through her hair and let out another deep-seated sigh. “Okay. I’ll be there. What time does it start?”

“It starts at seven,” Mark said, and then added in a deeper, husky tone, “I really, really missed you, Keyonna.”

“I missed you too,” Keyonna said, biting her lip and despising herself for lying. After all, for most of the last two years, it had been a classic case of out of sight, out of mind for her. Just like she believed it had been for him.

Keyonna barely even remembered much about his appearance, come to think of it. His image was a faded photo in her memory and she couldn’t help feeling a pang of guilt.

She did recall though that Mark had a look that most of the girls found irresistible. She’d always felt proud having him as her boyfriend especially since she’d been the envy of her pals for getting the hottest guy in their circle of friends back then.

Keyonna hung up from the unexpected call with a lingering feeling of dread. She was not looking forward to coming face to face with an ex she’d all but forgotten even existed. At age twenty-six, Keyonna Hayes was now one of the youngest and fastest rising interior decorators in the city. Her eclectic, cutting-edge designs had caught the eye of many top industry players ever since she was in college. She’d had a dream job waiting for her when she graduated, interning for the hottest name in the business and building up her own considerable portfolio in less than three years.

Keyonna knew she had a lot to be proud of though when it came to her personal life, she couldn’t say she’d been in much of a winning mode. Wrong choices in men had burned her more times than she cared to admit. She’d dusted herself off again and again and now, she wasn’t up for romance or love. All she cared about was her career and for the next couple of years to come, intended on rising to the very pinnacle of her chosen field before even thinking of finally settling down for the family she’d always dreamed of.

Keyonna had always been idealistic – well, before she’d ended up kissing too many frogs to make her lose her taste for finding her prince.

Now she couldn’t help but cringe as she thought of one of the conversations she’d had the last time she’d been with Mark before he had to be deployed back to Afghanistan, almost a lifetime ago.

They’d sat on a beach, staring at the ocean with Mark’s big arms around her shoulders as she leaned her back against his chest.

“I’ll be back, baby,” Mark had said softly as she’d sniffled into her knuckled fists, devastated he was off on yet another assignment. “Right now there’s a war going on and we’re the only ones ready to fight it. But soon, I’ll make the time and we can work on our plans to get married, have kids and a home.”

Keyonna had lifted misty eyes to his. “Let’s get married now, Mark. This week – tomorrow. Right now. Let’s just elope somewhere and make it official. I’m scared I’ll lose you and we’ll never get this chance to make our dreams of forever after come true. So let’s not wait a moment more. You love me, don’t you?” 

Mark had kissed the top of her head warmly, tightening his hold around her. “You know I do. But my life is not mine to organize the way I want and it would be unwise to jump into marriage so soon. You’re barely twenty-three and I’m just two years older. We need to make sure we know what we’re doing and I need to give us time to find our feet. My family may be rich but I feel I need to at least try to make something of myself. And so do you, my love. It would definitely be a mistake to jump into marriage right now.”

Keyonna had turned round to spear him with a scowl in the moonlight. “Cut the crap, Mark. We both love each other and we’re full grown adults. Marriage would be the right step for us. I’m old enough to start having babies and you know how much I love them and can’t wait to be a mother. Just tell me if you aren’t ready for the commitment.”

He’d frowned at her accusing tone. “That’s not it, Keyonna.” His firm, reassuring tone calmed her as his hands which patted gently through her hair. “If you really think about it, you’ll know I’m suggesting the right thing. You’ll just have to wait for me, sweetheart. You will, won’t you? Promise,” he’d said with a half-teasing frown as he plucked on the tip of her nose.

Besotted, Keyonna had gazed up at him and said softly yet fervently, “Yes, I’ll wait for you. For as long as it takes.”

Now, just a few years later, Keyonna felt grateful that Mark had been so level-headed. She knew without a doubt that if they’d married then like she’d tried to convince him, it would all be a shambles by now. Because now she knew she had no clue about what love was, or passion that could be between a man and woman. She’d had glimpses of it with men she’d met over the last couple of years though she’d never really let herself get too deeply involved. There’d always been that one vital ingredient missing but so far it had been enough to just know that there was a part of her that was vibrantly feminine and needed the right spark to bring her inner flame to life.

And that spark couldn’t come from Mark, of that she was sure. One thing was for certain, she’d never really loved him or else why had it been so easy to let things go? Sure, they’d kept in touch for some months and she’d been hungry for his calls and letters letting her know how he was doing though she never knew exactly where he was or what mission he was on. But then the communications thinned until it got to a point that she didn’t even notice because she was so busy chasing her career and living her life.

And now this.


Keyonna chewed on her bottom lip and then exhaled deeply. Just when she felt so focused, accomplished – unfettered. She was living the good life, with great friends, top connections and a healthy, vibrant state of mind and body. She couldn’t help but wonder what in the world Mark had planned for them now. Not that there was a ‘them’ – but she couldn’t help going over his words again, about them catching up on old times. She sure hoped he wasn’t going to hold her to her silly promise of those years ago.

Suddenly, Keyonna felt a laugh break through her throat at the very thought that she might be taking things all wrong. She was certain Mark had moved on just like she had. He must have figured out for himself that their cute little romance had just been that, nothing more.

And it was history. He had to know that, right?



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