BILLIONAIRE BIKERS: 3 MC Romance Books (47 page)

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"Mewling?" she scoffs as I ease up her neck. My lips linger near the edge of her mouth as she turns her head toward me, but I don't kiss her outright. Not yet.

"Never heard yourself having sex with me, I take it?" I tease her.

"There's no way in hell that I 'mewl', Wolf Larson," she argues.

"You do. You also moan, beg, plead, curse, and try every trick in that utility belt of yours to get me to fuck you harder." I move my mouth sideways, speaking low and sultry against hers. I feel her plump lips quiver beneath my own, wanting so badly to give themselves over to my kiss even as the woman beneath me still refuses the whims of her body. "You like it hard, huh, Laney? I bet the boys at the precinct don't even know. I guarantee you every one of them, on either side of the bars, has thought about you naked and pinned beneath them. Can't say I blame them, but can't say I want to share you, either. I'm living out the darkest fantasies they pleasure themselves to, and they're as good as eating my dust. As usual."

"Somehow, it always comes back to how
you are. Why am I not surprised?" She gasps a laugh, and my lips claim hers in a slow, dominating pressure, until I'm certain I've swallowed any further jokes or protest. Lane's tongue, thin and sharp and tasting tartly of the champagne we've both just spent the majority of the evening sipping, darts past the line of my lips to seek mine out. I groan and press myself closer, my hand coming up to cup the curvature of her skull, my fingers losing themselves in the tangle of her golden hair. If expensive champagne were a woman, it would be the intoxicating creature pinned beneath me…although I'm not even sure
has a price.

"I promise I'll go slowly this time," I murmur. Before she can ask any further questions about what I might mean, I act: I withdraw my cock, as hard as a marble column, from the velvet-soft spot below her navel I've been pleasuring myself against. My next thrust is precise and well-aimed, and the thin slit of her womanhood isn't enough to guard against my assault; my thick head works its way past her outer lips, her inner folds, finding and penetrating the tight entry hidden within. There's nothing sweeter in this world than coming home to
sensation: the small opening, the feeling that it won't give beneath you, then finding out just how well you are received. Lane is slick with the evidence of her wanting, and I take a split second to reflect on just what an effect my mouth must have on her, before I'm groaning and sinking down against her. Her breasts flatten beneath me, cushioning my weight as much as the pillow beneath her back cushions her. My cock slides deeper into her, so slow and effortless that I swear I must have added extra inches when I wasn't looking.

she moans in whispered appreciation as I fill her.

"That what you need?" I manage to tease through teeth clenched in blissful agony. Warmth encases me, and my belly tingles. "You're so tight all the time. You need to be fucked every day if you want to loosen up. How about I come visit you on your lunch breaks?" I ease out and slip my length in again, all of it. She lifts her hips up to meet me, to take me back inside her. "How about I take you in the back of your squad car? We'll fog the windows up and no one will see. That's how hard I'll fuck you, right there in the parking lot."

The handcuff chain jingles, either from the exertion of our physical activity, or from a failed attempt on Lane's part to grab hold of me. I hear them pull tight with a loud 'chink!', and guess that it's probably the latter. "You don't want me to loosen up," she accuses. I hear the sexy vixen in her voice, the pleasured husk, too late to anticipate what she intends: she raises her hips even higher off the pillow, practically climbing my right leg as she takes the entire length of my cock like it's nothing.

"Oh fuck."
Now it's my turn to relent with the dirty talk, the roleplaying, as Lane's body brings it all back to this moment.

I thrust into her, forcing her back down onto the bed, my hands finding and clenching the sheets as I fuck her back down into the mattress. Can't have her moving like that beneath me; otherwise it will be over way, way too soon, and then all her snide comments about my 'speed' will be used against me.

She has no comments when it comes to the sheer girth she has to contend with, however, and she sure as hell has no complaints. The chain pulls tight again, and Lane cries out as I begin to hump her, dictating a steady rhythm between her spread legs. The more I push, the more she gives, until she's practically performing the splits beneath me.
God fucking damn it, she's flexible
. I've been with a lot of partners, but this is one woman to make me forget all the others.

I clench my ass in response to her admission, trying to keep myself restrained, even as I continue to drive myself slowly into her. My hips buck up and down, pushing her lithe body ever closer to a collision with the headboard. She grabs hold of one of the bedposts with both of her restrained hands, and I watch her arms clench and lock with the effort of keeping her position beneath me on the bed. Seems like the last thing my captive wants to do is get too far away from the intensity of the illicit pleasure only I can bring her.

"Take it," I murmur hoarsely into her neck. I can't help it when we start going like this, the commands and dirty talk that start pouring past my lips. I'm an amicable guy most of the time, but having a woman like this at my mercy brings out the beast in me. "Take it all."

she moans into her lip as she bites down on it, like a woman savoring exactly as much as she can take.
she comes again with more urgency as I thrill her with a downward thrust, achieving a new and startling angle that makes little white sparks flare behind my tightly-shut eyes. Beads of sweat spring out on my back and trickle into the crevice between my arduously working muscles. Though I've taken charge of the proceedings, I gasp with every thrust to echo the teaming moans she emits beneath me.

I lean in and draw her bottom lip between my ravening teeth, taking over working it for her. I can already see her lips reddening with the rush of blood, but I'm careful never to break skin, even as the absolute fever of our lovemaking consumes me whole.

The bed creaks ominously beneath us; the chains that bind Lane go
chink, chink, chink
in rhythm with each jerking movement. Lane's breathing is coming more ragged now, and so is mine. I know we're close, and it's my intention that, for once, we finish the race together. I reach down between us to give her swollen clit a rough stroke. The way she cries out is music to my ears. I press again, push again, as I continue to bury my slick cock between her legs. Soon I am timing my thrusts with each heavy pet of my hand, until Lane is practically screaming with how high she's climbing. A last drag of my fingers, and I send her soaring. The fire in my belly erupts at the sight of her body spasming beneath me, rocked with orgasm, and I can't hold back any longer. I come with a forceful jerk of my hips, grabbing hold of her wrists as she moans and shoves her head back into the pillow, stretching her neck in pure ecstatic bliss.

When I withdraw, I sit up quickly, grabbing a tissue from the bedside table to clean up after myself like a gentleman. Lane watches me through lidded eyes, looking so completely sated I wouldn't be surprised if she was on the verge of unconsciousness. That's the great thing about tumbling around with a gal who hasn't been laid in a long time: you've got years and years of dry spell to work with. She would never admit it out loud, but I bet that, to her, I'm a total sex god.

"Whatever thoughts you're having, don't," she says, the exhaustion evident in her voice. I toss the soiled tissue across the room into the wastebasket, turning to see if I've earned her approval yet. She bites her lip, rolls her beautiful blue eyes, and looks away. I crawl back up the length of the bed to join her.

"I'm not having any thoughts." I prop my chin in my hand, my elbow resting on the pillow beside her. This induces a bright, genuine laugh from her. She tries to roll toward me, but her restraints lock and keep her firmly on her back. I trail a finger down the slope between her ribs, watching them rise and fall in a huff of frustration.

"Well? Are you going to uncuff me?" she prompts. I shrug, pulling my hand back to push an unruly curl of hair from my eyes.

"I don't know," I reply evasively. "I kind of like you just where you are."

"You're a bastard, Wolf Larson," Lane laughs as I lean in for a kiss.

I correct her. "You know what that makes you? Royalty."

"The Queen of the King of Roads," Lane muses as my lips hover against hers. "I could get used to that."

I kiss her. She's been my queen for a long time, and I intend to spend every waking minute of our complicated, perilous life together reminding her.


~ END ~





Audra stared out the window of the airplane as it sat on the tarmac waiting to taxi. She had cried all she could cry for her ruined life. It was a high price to pay at 20 for such a trivial act; however, she had now moved beyond sadness.

Three months ago her life had been perfect. She had just graduated from community college with an Associate of Arts in Graphic Design degree. Just before graduation, she had received a letter from
Tucson Magazine
offering her a coveted summer internship. She had also gotten a couple of offers in Phoenix, but she had turned them down because she wasn’t ready to be so far from home, and especially not ready to leave her friends.

so far from home
—that was a laugh considering where she was going now. She had been looking forward to getting her own apartment in Tucson near the university where she was supposed to start classes in the Fall. Oh, why was she enumerating it all for the millionth time? It was gone—over almost in the blink of an eye.

She didn’t really know how to deal with the emotions that welled up inside her now. She didn’t even recognize them. She had always been a happy, even-keeled person; but, now she felt anxious and angry all the time, like she wanted to jump out of her skin.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the flight attendant, her voice too loud over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen, in a few moments we will depart Tucson, en route to San Francisco…”

Audra tuned the announcement out, made sure her seat back and tray table were in their upright position, and tried to lose herself in her Kindle.

# # #

Lucas steepled his fingers under his chin as he thought. He had just returned from an extended leave for mental health purposes, but he had a clean bill of health now. Still, they were going easy on him this first time out, allowing him to choose the place of exile. That’s what it always felt like at first because he had to be away from home—usually for an extended period of time.

But where the hell was home anymore? With his parents? Not really although that’s where he had lived for two years after Ethan’s death. Nogales? Hardly. Even though he had been there for six months, it was for a stake out. They had pulled him off the duty when he’d been made in a raid and his cover blown. During the debriefing he had said too much, and they fingered him for a psych eval.

A U.S. Marshal under psychological evaluation was tantamount to the kiss of death. He had no idea how he had managed to return to duty after a year without losing his status. All he knew was that when they had pronounced him
, somebody had pulled some strings somewhere, big time.

could anybody truly be under his circumstances? Only his underlying wrath and his tremendous ego allowed him to keep it together. As long as he stayed angry, he wouldn’t falter again.

Lucas let himself relax back into the seat for a little bit. He couldn’t help but think about the brunette that he had brushed up against twice in the terminal, once at the baggage check, and again as they were jostling to check in at the ticket desk. She was strikingly beautiful. He loved it when he noticed a woman’s face, not just her boobs immediately. Of course, he loved boobs, too; but, a striking face with intelligence behind it always captured him. And then her blue eyes--ah, god. He felt himself getting stiff just thinking about her.

He suddenly realized she was probably somewhere behind him in coach. He wanted to see her again since a woman hadn’t affected him like this since Elena. Even if he only took a look to cement her face in his mind—not that he could forget it—he had to see where she was sitting.

He got up and made his way to the bathroom in the back of the plane.

She was hunched into her seat, her face toward the window, looking down, reading. He cleared his throat hoping she would look up, but it didn’t work. He would just walk slowly to the back, and then stroll up again after a while, hoping she would change her position.

# # #

As soon as they were in the air and the passengers were able to move about, she had to pee. She hated her tiny bladder, especially since that’s what had gotten her into this mess in the first place. She stood and squeezed past the other person in the seat beside her. Had she been able to make her own arrangements, she would never have reserved a window seat.

She made her way back to the bathroom, irritated at the crowded plane, at the way she was dressed, at everything. Just everything. That’s the way she felt all the time these days, but when she became aware of it, sometimes she could calm herself. This wasn’t one of those times.

To top it off, when she got to the back by the bathrooms, both were in use, and she was practically crossing her legs.

“That’s a pretty face for such a frown,” a voice from beside her said. She was tempted to ignore it, but she had never been one to be rude. Although, these days, she’d probably be better off if she were.

She looked up with a fake smile into that same devastatingly handsome face that caught her eye in the terminal. She didn’t know which jumped harder, her heart or her stomach.

Just then, the door to the lavatory opened. She looked up at the handsome man because he had obviously been there before her, but he waved her on in.

“You look like you’re more desperate than I,” he said.

She glanced over her shoulder with a cursory thanks and another fake smile before diving into the tiny closet of a bathroom.

, he thought. He hadn’t hoped to see her up close again. He closed his eyes for a second to seal that face in his memory.

# # #

When she finished, she took a second to look at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands. He was right about the frown, and her eyebrows—her glorious, high-arched eyebrows—seemed constantly furrowed these days.

She took a deep breath, which was hard to do considering the chemical smell of the lavatory, but she was trying to compose herself. She couldn’t. She felt wild—like she wanted to do something risky or crazy. She wasn’t the type to drink or party. She wasn’t an extreme sports kind of gal, and she didn’t like fast cars or anything with high stakes, but some unnamed desire in her kept her keyed up all the time. Sometimes she felt like pricking herself with a needle or walking on a bed of coals or just doing something painful, even though she had no idea why she wanted to punish herself.

In the mirror, she noticed her nipples standing up under her sweater because of the chilled air. Who was she kidding? It might be because of the chilled air, but it also had to do with that gorgeous guy standing outside the restroom. Tall, dark blonde hair, and dimples that gave him a million-dollar-smile. And had she caught a hint of a Texas accent?

Suddenly, she had the wickedest thought she had ever had in her life. She had no idea what would happen, or how she would handle it, or…
Shut up, brain,
she thought,
just for one minute, let me have some peace.

She turned and unlocked the lavatory door and waited. The seconds ticked by. Her face, as well as her body, were burning with her thoughts. She had no idea whether he was even out there. He had probably used the other lavatory and was back in his seat by now. Five seconds and she was out of here. What the hell was she doing, anyway?
Shut UP, brain.

# # #

She was taking her time. What was she doing in there? He was glad he didn’t really have to pee. He opened his eyes and noticed that the door indicator was green and read,

Wha…? He couldn’t have missed her. He would have heard her open the door. No, she still had to be in there. He stood stock-still for a minute, waiting for her to throw open the door. The seconds ticked by—and still nothing.

The possibility that she might be
for him popped in his head. He licked his lips, and his throat went dry. Jesus, he had fantasized about something like this, but never in his wildest imaginings…

No. Yes. Yes!
I have to be right.
Either that or something was wrong, and whichever way, I am opening that door.

# # #

Five…four…three…two….The door handle turned and opened the slightest crack.

“Are you okay in there, miss?” It was the same voice.

She didn’t respond.

He opened the door to find her facing him with the most enigmatic look he had ever seen on a woman’s face.

“Do…do you need some help?” he asked, barely able to get the words out.

“I really, really do,” she said.

He stepped in and locked the door behind him. They stood gazing at each other for a few seconds and then, crashing together, fell on each other’s mouths. He pulled her sweater off and kissed her deeply, reaching inside her bra and squeezing her nipple.

“Wait,” she said, coming up for air. “What’s your name?”


“Mine’s Audra.”

“Lucas,” he said. His expression didn’t change, but his eyes darkened as he cupped his hand around her breast.

She pressed back against the wall between the sink and the toilet, and he leaned into her, fully erect. Surging up and down, they continued to kiss. Turning this way and that, hungrily and wildly, she bit his lip and ground back into him.

She was fumbling with his belt when someone knocked at the door. She froze.

“Fuck them,” he said, locking his arms around her. “They can wait.”

It was almost as though she came out of a fog, feeling embarrassed, imagining the two of them emerging from the bathroom together with someone standing there waiting. She pulled back from him and pulled down her sweater.

“That’s it?” he asked.

She nodded. “I think we had better vacate. If we make them wait, they may go find somebody to open the door.”

“Let them,” he said.

She shook her head. “No, I can’t.”

“Wow. You’re just going to leave me like this?” he said, indicating his quite visible hard-on.

“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t…”

“The hell you shouldn’t. Jesus. You had me so excited for the first time in, well, never mind.

She looked up at him with pleading eyes, and he released her.

“You go on,” he said. “I’ll wait a few minutes before I come out.”

She nodded. She quickly replaced her lipstick and glanced at herself to make sure she was pulled together. He slapped her ass as she turned away from him, propelling her through the door.

The person waiting outside the door looked relieved when she walked out; but, she heard the lock slip back into place as soon as she was out.

“Hey, what the…?” the waiting man said.

She hurried back to her seat as quickly as she could, burying herself in her Kindle and praying she didn’t smell like that bathroom chemical.

An hour later, her seatmate got up, and in the space of a second, Lucas sat down.

“So,” he said, “are you in the Mile High Club or something?”

“No,” she said.

“Oh,” he mused. “I just wanted to know what number I was in the lineup or if that counted at all.”

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. “I…I’ve never done that before.”

“Uh-huhhhh. What haven’t you done before? Lured someone into your web in an airplane or left them standing there with their dick in their hand?”

“Look, I’m sorry…I can’t explain…it’s just….” She was floundering terribly, but she looked up to see a slightly amused look in his eye. He wasn’t smiling, but she knew he wasn’t entirely serious, either.

“By the way, it was worth the fantasy, though, and I got off quick. Of course, I’d have had that fantasy even without our encounter.”

She looked at him sharply.

“You just have an unforgettable kind of face. That will keep me going for many nights to come. Literally.”

She didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted. Flattered wouldn’t be the right word, but she wasn’t exactly insulted, either.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the flight attendant, “please return to your seats at this time. We will begin our approach into San Francisco International.”

“So will you…?”

“I have somebody picking me up at the terminal,” she said.

“And we couldn’t dodge them for a few?”

“No. I’m sure they’ll be right up front looking for me.”

“Why? Are you wanted or something?”

“Why would you say that?” she asked, startled.

“Apparently, you haven’t flown for a long time. Nobody gets met at the gate anymore unless it’s law enforcement picking them up.”

“Oh, well…”

“It’s okay. You’re sure I can’t talk you into a quickie? We could use one of those family bathrooms. I can swear that it would be hottest you’ve ever had.”

She couldn’t believe this was happening. What had she expected? What had she been thinking? That they would just float off into oblivion without a word afterwards?

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