Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (112 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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When he was finished, I cried. My emotions had been almost at a boil since he had set me down on the bed, and finally they overflowed. I cried from exhaustion, from the confusion, for my parents, for my past, and for the pain my decision would bring upon Charles and Justin. Mostly, I cried tears of release, release from the anxiety I had felt from not knowing what Victor’s feelings were for me, not knowing what our relationship was, whether it would continue forever, and now I cried tears of joy, knowing that this man in front of me was in love with me and that I most certainly loved him more than anything or anyone I had ever loved in my life, or ever would love.

“Oh Victor,” I said, and for a moment I could not form any words to describe how happy I was feeling. I started laughing through my crying eyes. “I love you too. I can’t stand another moment without you.” I propped myself up on my elbow and leaned forward as he did the same so I could kiss him, my free hand pulling him toward me. He crawled into my bed, wet clothes and all, and continued to kiss me, thick and lush on my mouth.

Finally, he laid on his stomach while I was on my back, his hand cradling my cheek. We stared into each other’s eyes in silence. After some time, I spoke. “Hey,” I whispered, “you’re wearing entirely too many clothes.”

He groaned and closed his eyes before turning on his back and taking off his pants. When he was done, he flopped his head over and looked back at me, clearly exhausted.

“The shirt too.”

He went to unbutton the shirt but grimaced as his right hand tried to undo the first button.

“Roll over and let me.” After another attempt, he rolled to his side and presented his chest to me. I reached out from my warm blanket and undid the buttons of his shirt. When I got to the bottom button, I brushed my hands against his cock, still hidden in a bulge under his black cotton boxer briefs. “These too,” I said, running my hand down his impressive shaft. I felt myself getting wet immediately.

“Dove, no. You’re hurt. We’ll have plenty of time to have sex tomorrow or whenever you feel better.”

“Please. I’m ready for you now.” I felt him getting harder. “I know just how much I can take. I want you inside me.”

“Dove, I’m exhausted. Tomorrow, I promise.”

“I’ll ride you then. I want you inside me,” I repeated.

As his hand travelled inside my blanket I opened my legs to show him my arousal. His fingers travelled up my thighs, sliding slick as they got closer to my warm pussy. When they got there, he stuck one and then two fingers in and out, curling them up to touch my sweet spot each time, before pulling out and curling slow tight circles around my clit.

“My god, you are ready, aren’t you? Well, I’m not going to let you hurt yourself anymore than you already are.” His fingers left me as he quickly pulled his briefs down, his cock springing ready. He opened up my blanket. “I’ll be gentle.”

He turned and brought himself over me, curling the blanket around him so it was draped over both of us as he spread my legs wider. I ached to reach out to him and pull him close and kiss him as he positioned himself over my throbbing pussy. The huge head of his cock dragged over my clit several times before pulling away. When he entered me, I moaned and finally pulled him close for a deep kiss.

“I love you.”

I smiled as he kissed me, my smile widening against his lips. “I love you too, Dove.”

He moved in and out of me slowly and deeply, building up an easy rhythm. Kisses poured down all over my face and down on my neck, light and heavy, long and quick. His breath began coming hard even though he wasn’t exerting himself too heavily, being as gentle as he was. The intensity of each controlled movement he made drove me insane with arousal and a new mist erupted around my body. An orgasm was ready to break through.

Reaching up and grabbing a fist full of his still wet hair, I pulled his ear close to me. “We’re going to come together, aren’t we?”

He looked at me in surprise and said nothing, but began pumping in and out of me faster. My entire core was on fire and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. “I love you,” I moaned.

Rather than respond with words, he closed his eyes, and I watched him as he began to come with a low groan. As I felt the first of his seed inside me, I was pushed over the edge myself, and tightened around him in an eruption of pleasure. Bolt after new bolt of electricity pulsed from my center, radiating out from head to toe.

Soon, we were kissing again, gliding our tongues together in slow, deep kisses. “I love you, too,” he whispered in my ear. “And I will forever.”

He pulled on my side carefully as he turned to his back. My head found a familiar spot on his chest. At some point as he was stroking my hair away from my face, I fell into a deep slumber, happier than I had ever been in my entire life.


Paris was exactly as I remembered it, beautiful and bustling with the hum of its residents. Victor took me by the elbow and navigated us through the congested streets, seemingly more anxious about my art show than I was. It was a warm June evening; people were gathered by the Seine River throwing shreds of bread at the flocking birds while others watched the street artists perform their tricks. Strolling along the river with my husband, I couldn’t help but feel that this was as close to perfect as life could get.

The show was taking place in the prestigious Wolf Gallery in the heart of Paris. I had been invited by Marissa to showcase a few pieces at the Lotus Gallery, and it was there that the curator from Wolf noticed my work and invited me to participate in their exhibit the following summer. The intervening ten months had felt like an eternity, but finally my moment had arrived.

As we walked, I thought briefly of Justin. I had seen him again to tell him that despite having regained my memory I wasn’t the same girl he had loved before the accident. I remembered us, I remembered having loved him back, but I also remembered everything that came after us, the homelessness and how I grew with Victor, and I just couldn’t go back to the way things were. He didn’t take it well. A few months later, he left for South Asia to do graduate research.

Charles was doing better. He had met a guy he finally clicked with and that he could make time for, and the two of them had actually flown overseas to see my exhibit. I was very excited for my brother and nervous to meet his new boyfriend. While things hadn’t gone quite as Charles envisioned when he first realized I was alive, we were forming a new bond, and it was very important to me to strengthen that bond.

Although our two year anniversary had been months before the show, Victor wanted to celebrate in the city where we first began to fall in love with one another, booking a room at the same hotel, making reservations at the same restaurant. He said he would have proposed to me there, but that he couldn’t wait for the next trip. Instead, he got down on one knee during an exhibit at the Lotus Gallery and practically demanded that I marry him. I didn’t think twice.

We’d spent the week of the Wolf Gallery show seeing the usual attractions, visiting the Louvre, climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and walking through the Notre Dame de Paris. Our nights were spent making love. I’d almost forgotten we were there for me until Victor walked out of the bathroom in a tuxedo that hugged his lean and muscled frame, but once we were at the gallery I couldn’t imagine we’d come here for anything else.

“Here we are again in Paris, admiring your art,” Victor said as we approached the gallery, a small limestone building illuminated by the glow of floodlights.

My mind went back to my brief stint as a Parisian street artist during my first visit. So much had happened since that day. “This might be a slightly bigger stage.” I laughed. “Honestly, it’s hard to believe I’m back here at all.”

“With your husband and your brother at that.”

I laughed. A few years ago I could never have imagined having either of them in my life, and now I had both.

“Let’s go find Charles.”

With that, Victor took my hand and we made our way through the crowded gallery—my life with Victor and my life before the accident had fit together and I finally felt like I was where I belonged.

The End


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The Surrender Series Excerpt #2

An excerpt from Priscilla West’s highly anticipated Surrender Series!


“Here we are, you can go inside. Vincent’s ready for you.” The receptionist stopped in front of a frosted glass door. The same glass formed a wall that stretched to either side of the entry.

I nodded thanks to her before pushing open the door and walking inside. Silence greeted me. Whatever the glass was made of, it completely blocked the noise from outside. In the corner was a black leather couch with a small coffee table in front of it. A large desk was set squarely in the center of the room, a metal and glass tribute to modernity. It was a stark contrast to his desk in Cape Town.

Vincent stood by the window, one arm behind his back, looking out. He was wearing a navy suit matched with a grey tie and white shirt. His long locks were slicked neatly back. Unwillingly preoccupied with wild fantasies, I nearly tripped on the rug in front of his desk as I walked closer. My pulse danced in my veins and a flush coursed through my cheeks. If I had fallen on him twice, I would’ve died from embarrassment.

Blue skies and skyscrapers along Central Park silhouetted his figure. He looked equally comfortable in a suit as he had in shorts and flip-flops.

He turned around, his dark eyes shimmering. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

I looked at his chin, chiseled with perfect angles, as if carved from a slab of marble. My eyes moved up to his mouth, his lips full and soft.

I cleared my throat. “Yes, it is. I’ve never quite gotten used to the view. Good to see you again, Mr. Sorenson.”

“Please Kristen, have a seat.” I stumbled to the guest chair in front of his desk while Vincent remained by the window.

I took it as my cue to continue. I set my bag down and reached inside for the glossy documents Richard and I prepared for a follow-up meeting.

Vincent studied me for a moment, his head tilted slightly to one side, as if examining a piece of art. Or his prey. Not knowing what else to do, I unleashed my rehearsed speech. “Thank you for meeting with me again. Waterbridge-Howser will be an excellent choice for your wealth management needs. We offer personal attention as well as products that larger—”

He held his hand up to stop me. “I’ve decided to go with Waterbridge-Howser.” He glided from the window to me, occupying the small space between my seat and his enormous desk. He leaned back and sat on the edge, his crotch inches away from my heated face.

For a moment I forgot where I was or what I was even trying to accomplish. Wait, did he just say he wanted to work with Waterbridge-Howser? I realized my mouth had been hanging open, and I closed it with a snap. Adrenaline surged through my body. I had just closed a big account—this was massive.

“Sir?” I said, ignoring his position so as not to draw attention.

“Please, Kristen, it’s Vincent. I let it slide when you called me Mr. Sorenson earlier, but if you’re going to call me ‘sir’ then I’m going to address you as ‘madam’. Now let’s get back to business.”

Vincent Sorenson, eager to get back to business. The irony wasn’t lost on me, even in my dazed state.

“I can sign the paperwork today, but there’s one condition.” He paused. “You must be my point of contact. I’ll need a number to reach you at any point in the day.”

His dark pupils drew my gaze and I found myself unable to look away. I knew there’d be a catch. “Richard’s usually the one who works directly with clients and I’m not sure I have the authority to—”

His expression implacable, he waved his hand to swat away my excuses. “Get the authority. Your partner is insulting and unacceptable. You’re smart, ambitious, and not afraid to take risks. It’s either you or I walk away.”

I blushed at his compliments, although I wasn’t sure why he thought I wasn’t afraid of taking risks, but I had bigger issues to deal with. Even though this would be an enormous boost to my career, Richard would be offended if I agreed to Vincent’s condition. Not to mention the obvious: I’d be spending much more time alone with Vincent. I doubted his true motives, but there was no way I could turn down this opportunity. I’d just have to figure out how to handle the complications.

I released a deep breath. “You’re certainly very demanding, Vincent.”

“You have no idea how demanding I can be.” His eyes traveled up the exposed skin of my legs as if possessing me with his gaze. I crossed my legs to quell the uncomfortable sensation growing between them.

And there it is again, he can turn it on and off at will.
Despite the edgy feeling of being this close to Vincent, I had to admire his ability to make anything sound sexual. If he was willing to sign with Waterbridge-Howser based on the misguided belief he’d get into my pants, I wasn’t about to stop him. I’d just have to keep him at arm’s length.

“Fine, I’ll be your point of contact,” I said, pulling out a business card from my satchel and handing it to him. “My information is on the card, you can reach me at the office during the day. My Blackberry number is available for
as well.” I hoped the emphasis was taken.

“Good,” he said, pausing as though there was something else he wanted to add before gesturing towards my bag. “Do you have the paperwork?”

I handed him the contract.

“Thank you for deciding to go with us. I’m looking forward to working with you,” I said, holding my hand out. He took it and squeezed firmly, the heat of his palm sending tingles up my arm. I didn’t know if I was more excited about landing a huge client or Vincent’s touch.

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