Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (120 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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“Henry!” Sophie writhed beneath his kisses.

Her past lovers had always been gentle, treating her like a delicate porcelain figurine, as if she were breakable. But not Henry. His touch had an edge of harshness, his words all sounded like commands. Sophie was more turned on than she’d ever been. Whereas she’d sometimes had trouble reaching orgasm before, she was about to come just from the touch of Henry’s mouth.

He drew back from her suddenly, sitting back on his haunches. He was breathing hard, nostrils flaring. Sophie trembled beneath his gaze. He held out a hand.

“Stand up.”

Sophie rose. He’d been kneeling so close, her feet were on either side of his thighs. She looked down, staring at the sight of Henry’s gorgeous mouth mere inches from her tingling sex, needing to bite her lip to keep from moaning.

As if sensing the direction of her thoughts, Henry leaned forward just a fraction of an inch and pressed a closed mouth kiss against the fabric of her pants, right over her mound. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath through her nose, eyelids fluttering at the fleeting touch.

She felt the brush of his knuckles against her waist as he reached up and curled his fingers beneath the waistband of her yoga pants. Henry kept his eyes on hers as he peeled the soft, stretchy material down her hips slowly. Soon she was stepping out of them.

When she was completely naked except for the thin scrap of her white lace panties and the heels she’d worn to dance in, Henry once again leaned back to study her. After several beats, he wrapped his big hands around her ankles, thumbs stroking tantalizing circles against her skin. Slowly, not breaking their gaze, he slid his palms up her calves.

He paused there, massaging the hard muscles gently. Sophie bit her lip hard as his hands continued upward toward her bad knee. He cupped her there, squeezing them tenderly. His thumb briefly traced the edge of her scar, but he kept sliding upward.

She shuddered in relief. Henry was still staring up at her as if he was going to devour her. When the tips of his thumbs grazed just beneath the edge of her panties, Sophie’s hips jerked spasmodically. Henry smiled.

“You have gorgeous legs, Sophie.”

She shook her head, wordless. “Don’t argue,” he said. “Believe me when I tell you your legs are sexy and beautiful and this,” he bent and pressed a quick kiss to the mangled skin just above her kneecap, “doesn’t change that.”

Hot tears stung the back of her eyes. She swallowed hard. Both because of Henry’s words and the feel of his lips against her thigh. “Thank you,” she managed.

He brushed his open mouth against her thigh again. “No, thank
,” he murmured against her flesh. His tongue came out to swipe over her skin quickly. Sophie moaned. He moved to her other leg and repeated the brief lick along her inner thigh. She clenched her hands into fists, resisting the urge to grab his head and press him against her slick sex.

This was like that first dance, the one at the studio. He was going slow, gauging her reactions, testing her. And just like she had then, she was following his lead breathlessly and completely, ready for whatever direction he took her in next. She relaxed her hands, taking a deep breath.

It caught in her throat as Henry flicked his tongue against her soaking wet panties. Sophie felt the warmth of his tongue as it wriggled against the lips of her sex, pushing against the fabric of her panties. She rocked her hips forward for more.

But Henry pulled back, licking his lips. He dropped his hands from her thighs, once again leaning away from her. She knew what was coming, but the anticipation still made her shudder.

“Remove your panties.”

She should say something. Shouldn't she? This was going too fast, too far. Her body was on fire with desire. She wanted this, but she’d never done anything like it before. He should know that. “Henry—”

“Off, Sophie. Now.”

His words were firm, commanding. It made it so easy. All she had to do was listen to what he said, do what he said, and they’d both get what they wanted. She curled her fingers around the waistband of her panties and began sliding them down. As soon as they reached her knees, she let them fall.

Her panties dropped around her ankles and Sophie stepped out of them. He was still completely clothed, while she stood naked except for her shoes. She lifted one foot. “My shoes—”

“Leave them on.”

She inhaled sharply at the deep, wicked tone to his words. Henry got to his feet quickly, and reached out to trace the line of her jaw, dropping briefly to tweak her nipple before brushing through the soft, dark curls covering her sex.

Sophie trembled, hips twitching. Her slick lips slid against his palm.

“Oh god!” She moaned. He stepped closer, brushing a kiss across her mouth, tongue teasing at the seam of her lips. He didn’t move his hand.

“Lovely Sophie, turn around.”

Her hands curled into fists, but she did as he said, spinning until her back was to him. She gasped as he pressed his whole body against hers. She could feel the hard length of his cock prodding her buttocks and trembled. He nipped her shoulder while his arms came around her. The heavy material of his slacks chafed the backs of her thighs.

“Put your arms around my neck,” he whispered against her lips. She slid her hands into his hair, clinging, and arching her back to press her breasts into his hand. “Mmm, yes. Like that. Now spread your legs for me.”

Again, she obeyed, leaning back against the tall, lean length of his body as she slid her feet farther apart. The rigid length of his erection pressed against the small of her back. Sophie rocked her hips, rubbing herself along his cock. Henry’s hands tightened on her. He ran his fingertips through her dark curls until he found the top of her slit. Sophie whimpered into his mouth as he parted the moist lips of her sex and slid one, then two, fingers inside her.

She bucked against his invading hand, body undulating against his as she chased the contact she so desperately needed. Henry rubbed the base of his palm in wide circles around her clit, his fingers pumping in and out of her clinging pussy. He curled his tongue around hers, sucking. She was so close, her orgasm a tight, glittering star nearly within her reach.

“Oh god!”

Henry plunged his fingers deeper into her, stroking against her slick inner walls. His long thumb pressed her clit hard while his other hand rolled the taut bud of her nipple between his calloused fingers.

Sophie came, moaning as she clamped around his fingers, squeezing rhythmically. All her muscles trembled as pleasure poured through her, hot and sweet as honey. She shuddered in his strong arms, pressing her mouth hard against his neck, tasting the salt of his skin. The tidal wave of sensation seemed to cover her for long minutes while she whimpered and panted.

He was still completely dressed. She was quaking in the aftermath of a truly spectacular orgasm, and Henry hadn’t even removed his watch. It made her feel hot and shivery all over again. He was murmuring to her, low words in another language. She didn’t understand them. She didn’t care. They were rough, sweet, sexy words. He whispered them between the soft kisses he rained down on her shoulders.

C’è la mia bella ragazza
.” He picked her up. Sophie melted into his chest, clutching to his strength. His lean muscles were taut against her skin, even through his shirt.

“I don’t know what that means.”

He nipped her lower lip. “It’s not important.” Henry pivoted, crossing the small sitting room in two strides. He pushed open the door with his foot, carrying her across the threshold into his bedroom. Sophie gasped. The entire wall was windows, looking out over the city.

The bed was massive, a great lake of a bed covered in a dark green blanket. She gave a small cry as Henry tossed her lightly into the center of the vast mattress. Sophie watched as Henry pulled off his shoes and socks and hastily tossed them aside before reaching for his shirt. She reached out, touching the back of his hand.

“Let me?”

His hands dropped. “Do it then. Undress me, Sophie.”

She bit her lip, tugging the shirt from his waistband, keeping her eyes on his face. Sophie opened each button slowly, baring his chest inch by inch. When every button was undone, she pulled his shirt open, shoving it off his wide shoulders and tugging it down his arms.

Henry pulled the sleeves free of his wrists and dropped the shirt. His chest was muscled and lightly furred with dark hair. Beneath the broad expanse, his stomach was flat and hard. She rubbed her palms over his shoulders, down his arms, leaning in to press her mouth against his skin. He tasted of sweat and spice. She traced patterns on his flesh with her tongue, on his neck, his collarbone.

When he drew back his eyes were fierce as coals. “Get on your knees.”

Desire shot through her legs at the sensual fire in the words. Her pussy grew slick and was once again throbbing. She sank to her knees at his feet. Henry stared down at her, touching her cheek. “Finish. Undress me.”

Her hands trembled as she raised them to his belt. She undid the buckle, tugging the length of leather free of its loops and tossing it aside. It was a matter then of only sliding down his zipper and pushing his slacks down off his hips. They slid to his ankles and he kicked them away, leaving him in only his boxers. His erection was practically bursting through the thin fabric.

She bit her lip, slipping her fingers into the waistband and drawing out the hard length of his cock. He was thick and long, the smooth head engorged. Sophie opened her mouth wide and  wrapped her lips around the spongy tip, licking at a bead of pre-cum. It was salty and slick. Henry hissed as she took him into her mouth, sliding her lips down his shaft. Tasting him like this, pleasuring him like this, intensified Sophie’s own desire. The glide of his silken skin against her tongue, the salt and male musk flavor of him, the springy hair at the base that tickled against her nose when she fully engulfed him—every sensation only heightened her own arousal.

Sophie stroked him, tongue curling around his shaft. Henry groaned, sliding himself between her lips, shuddering. Again he murmured words she couldn’t understand. She didn’t care.
It’s not important
, he’d said. It wasn’t.

“Sophie,” he moaned. “Dolce ragazza. Stop.” She pulled off of him, looking up into his smoldering eyes. He stroked her face. “I need to be inside you now.”

The words took away all her breath. Henry grasped her shoulders, pulling her up and pushing her back onto the lush, soft bedcover. She lay back, gazing at him, breath uneven. His cock stood up against his muscled belly, glistening with her saliva.

“Spread your legs.”

She did, watching him as he crawled over her. His hard body glistened with a fine sheen of sweat. Sophie stroked his shoulders and back, urging him upward until he knelt between her splayed thighs. His cock prodded gently against the slick lips of her sex. Sophie whimpered and slid her thigh against his hip, gasping at the feel of her skin gliding against his. They both moaned as he slid his shaft up and down her slit. “That’s it. Just like that.”

He teased her, pumping his hips in tiny increments, rubbing the head of his cock over her clit. Each time the smooth, spongy tip kissed the throbbing bud it set off sparks in her belly. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest, trying to coax him into her wet cleft. He bit her lower lip and plunged into her, burying his cock in her clinging flesh. Her thighs tightened around his hips as he began to move within her. He pulled out slowly and the slippery glide of his cock as he withdrew it tingled along her nerve endings. Then he pushed back in and Sophie lifted her hips to meet him.

They moved together, and apart, and together again. Each time his shaft parted her he seemed to press deeper, touch someplace new. She undulated against him, welcoming him back inside her with each thrust. Her heart pounded in her chest in time with the throb of her clit. Henry ground his pelvis against her with every downstroke, rubbing against the turgid nub and sending waves of pleasure throughout Sophie’s body.

His pace picked up. He thrust harder now, stomach slapping against hers with a resounding clap. His cock pounded into her, sliding against the wet silk of her inner walls. The delicious friction built a fire in her belly.

Henry slowed again, drawing out languidly, his ragged breath tickling against the aching tips of her breasts. One hard hand slapped her hip. “On your hands and knees, dolce.”

She rolled over and scrambled to her knees, bracing herself on her arms. Henry’s hands were warm on her buttocks as he kneaded the pale globes. He spread her open, notching the head of his cock back against her slick folds, and pushed into her once again.

Sophie moaned, long and low. His hard, calloused hands stroked her back, gripping her shoulders and pulling her back against him, impaling her on the rigid length of his cock as he thrust forward. Sophie found herself begging, saying words she never thought she’d utter.

He obliged, picking up the pace and pushing her head down deliciously  until her cheek was rubbing against the sheets. She felt her hair being tugged. Oh god to finally be handled like this, roughly, the way her body wanted to be handled.

“You’re going to come soon,” Henry moaned. His hand eased down from her hair to her neck to her shoulder as he fucked her harder still. “Now.”

Every muscle seemed to go tight within her. The coil of delicious tension unraveled viciously from her pussy to her toes. Her body clenched around his cock and she screamed in pleasure as her orgasm washed over her like a sudden storm.

“God you come good,” Henry rasped.

She did. She came and came, and came some more. Each cell that had drawn in, expanded into a new wave of pleasure. Her slick inner walls clamped down hard on the rigid length of his shaft, squeezing him like a fist within her. Henry cursed, bucking against her, driving himself deep. Sophie felt the hot pulse as he spilled his seed. The sensation set off another cascade of pleasure. His fingers dug almost painfully into her hips as pressed her tight against his groin while his cock throbbed inside her.

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