Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (170 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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“Once we make the transition and we’ve entered into production and contracts that are binding, we’ll be past the danger. It can’t last forever,” he said. “It won’t last forever. The company has faced trouble before while my father ran the company and it came through stronger than it was before. I will follow in those footsteps.”

We arrived at the restaurant and I looked up at the sign. I started to feel giddy when I saw the name. This was the most exclusive restaurant in the entire city, possibly the country. Even celebrities had to make reservations weeks in advance. There was no set menu and the chef personally tailored a new menu each night, no small task indeed. The driver opened the door and we walked out.

A camera flashed immediately. Panic hit my chest like a bullet and I started breathing heavily, gasping for air. I felt a wave of distress and I was sure that it was the same person who had posted the photo on my door and maybe the same guy who had chased me through the subway. I turned to flee to the limousine when Alex’s hand caught my arm softly and pulled me in close.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered into my ear. “I called two photographers from different tabloid magazines. We needed to make sure they knew we were coming out for our public appearance to have the needed effect.”

I calmed down. When my vision cleared from the blinding flashes of light, I saw that the photographers were two young guys who were smiling and calling out to Alex amicably from behind a velvet rope. A well-dressed bouncer stood by the door, making sure the photographers kept their distance. Alex gave out a small wave to the photographers and gave his shadow of a smile that he always gave for public photos and I did my best to imitate him.

“Alex!” A photographer called. “What’s the beautiful young woman’s name?”

I couldn’t help blushing at the compliment. I admitted it felt nice to be called beautiful, especially by a tabloid photographer.

“Her name is Samantha Dubois. We’re going to enjoy a nice dinner at this fine establishment after a busy day. Now gentlemen, please excuse us while we enjoy our meal.”

We walked into the restaurant and the hostess immediately perked up when she saw us. She excused herself from the couple she was talking to. I recognized one of them as a prominent television star. The television star watched us as we entered the restaurant and whispered to his date, excitedly pointing at us.

“Mr. Strauss,” the hostess said brightly. “It’s always wonderful to see you, sir. A table for two?”

“Yes, that would be wonderful,” Alex replied.

“It’ll be only a brief moment, sir.” The hostess ran off quickly, motioning to two other waiters and then pointing towards Alex. They immediately dropped what they were doing and scrambled away with the hostess.

“How long ago did you have to make the reservations for this place?” I asked Alex.

“I didn’t make any reservations,” he said, letting his smile grow a fraction of an inch. “I own this restaurant.”

The hostess returned and led us to our table. A bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, and a bottle of champagne were all waiting for us on the table along with an assortment of oysters. Alex pulled out my chair for me and I sat down. I looked around and noticed every table was secretly stealing glances at us.

“You’re a celebrity here,” I said.

“It’s not often I come here. So when I do come, they make quite a big deal out of it.”

Alex poured me a glass of white wine and when the waiter came over, he waved away the red wine and the champagne. I took a small sip and I could feel myself growing warm from the earlier champagne and the fine wine that I was now drinking. I felt good.

The chef walked over to our table and introduced himself personally. His presence dominated the entire room and he talked not with his hands, but his entire upper body, exploding with joy and excitement with every sentence he said about the food he was going to cook for us personally. I barely understood any of it through his accent and his emphatic way of speaking. When he left, he bowed and turned to the entire restaurant and let out a glorious yell of triumph, to which most of the restaurant applauded.

I ate the finest oysters I had ever tasted and glanced at Alex. He seemed perfectly at ease. Every set of eyes in the restaurant returned to him whenever they got a chance. Alex took a sip of wine and then put his glass down.

“Let’s leave it all behind,” he said quietly. “Tonight, we’ll leave the country and never come back. We’ll travel the world and become new people.”

I was shocked. The fantasy was too amazing to consider even being real. We would never want for money. We could become anybody we wanted to be and do anything we wanted to do. All this drama and the danger that loomed over the company would disappear instantly. And I would disappear into the night with the most interesting and sexy man that I had ever known.

I couldn’t ask for more.

But I knew we couldn’t walk away from this fight. Alexander Strauss was not a man who could walk away from his goal and still be complete.

“I know you don’t mean that.”

“I want to mean it.” His voice was strong. There was no sense of self-pity or despair in it.

“You’ll fight and win, you know that. If you run away, you won’t be able to live with yourself. I know enough about you to recognize that,” I said, staring directly into his eyes. “And you won’t fight alone.” I put my hand over his and squeezed gently.

Our food arrived at the table. I was silenced by the smell of it, and it almost rivaled Alex’s cooking earlier. We ate quietly for a while.

“Tell me more about you and Henderson,” I said boldly.

Alexander put down his fork and took a sip of wine.

“William Henderson and my father met in college. They were practically inseparable afterwards. William was always around. He was like an uncle to me, I even called him Uncle Will until I was in my twenties. After my father died, he was practically my father. He’s always looked after me. When my mother died, Henderson was almost more crushed than I was. He was that loyal to our family.”

Alex paused and took another bite of his food, contemplating what he said.

“I remember the day my father died. It was raining. William came to me and sat me down. He poured me a drink and told me that my father had passed. Then he told me he would always be there. The company would never fall apart as long as he was alive. I remember how he looked when he said that. His eyes were red. I didn’t see him cry, but it looked as though he had.

“That’s why I can’t believe that Henderson would conspire against the company he had put so much of his life into. Yes, he might disagree with me, but I’m sure he has his own reasons that are justifiable in his mind. I must give him the benefit of the doubt until I’m shown otherwise. I’ll take your warning into consideration, but I still believe Henderson is a good man.”

We finished our meals and despite our protests against dessert, an assortment showed up at our table anyway. We nibbled decadently on the dishes and when my stomach threatened to explode inside me, I admitted defeat to the remainder of the food.

“Alex, I think you were right about my apartment,” I said. “It’s not safe there anymore. I’m going to take you up on the offer for a new, secure place.”

“Consider it done,” he replied. “I’ll have your things gathered and brought over to your new place for you tomorrow. Tonight, you can sleep at my apartment and tomorrow you’ll have your new one fully furnished and waiting for you.”

We left the restaurant, and I felt like I floated out, full of fine cooking and expensive white wine. Alex tipped every employee with a hundred dollar bill, including the dishwasher and busboy.

Driving back in the limousine, I rubbed the inner thigh of Alex’s leg, moving my hand higher up his leg with every circular motion. I breathed in on his neck and smelled the sweet scent of his cologne. I wanted him. I needed him. Badly.

He raised his hand and held my face, pulling me close.

“Tonight, you will satisfy my every demand,” he said sternly. I nodded my head in agreement and looked down submissively. He then pulled my face down and rested it against his crotch. I could feel his cock grow hard against my cheek, only separated by a thin piece of cloth. I breathed warmly against it and rubbed my face up and down slowly, teasing Alex. I could feel his grip tighten in my hair until it bordered on painful and I began breathing heavily.

We arrived in the underground garage. Alex walked behind me and we boarded the elevator together. He said nothing and I looked at him pleadingly, awaiting instruction. When the doors opened, he grabbed both of my hands and escorted me upstairs to his room.

“Strip off your clothes, slowly. And don’t look at me. You will only look at me when I instruct you to do so. If you wish to speak, you may only say ‘Sir’, to which I will respond and then, and only then, will I allow you to speak. Do you understand?” Alex asked. He was staring at me and I lowered my gaze.

“If you disobey, you will be punished. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded. He backed away and sat on the bed, still fully clothed. I began to peel off my clothes, slowly and delicately. He watched me and I looked up just enough to see the outline of his cock in his pants, poking out and erect. I slipped my panties down to the ground and stepped out of them.

“Pick up your panties,” Alex commanded. I did so. “Now, put them in your mouth. You’ll need something to sink your teeth into from all the orgasms I’m about to give you.”

I bundled the panties and pushed them in my mouth, tasting the fine fabric soaked with my arousal. My whole body vibrated with want and anticipation. I had to actively focus on not quivering to stop the shaking with how horny I was.

Alex stood up and walked over to me. He turned me around and pushed me to all four. I felt two fingers slide up between my pussy lips and I bit down on the panties in my mouth, suppressing a moan. The fingers wetted themselves and then they pushed against the rim of my butt. I felt them press in and I closed my eyes.

Alex slid his fingers slowly into my ass, and then he pulled them out again, just as slowly. His other hand gripped my left cheek and moved me back and forth against his fingers. I let out a moan as the fingers slid out of me.

I was lifted into the air and thrown on the bed. Alex pulled my ass high up in the air and massaged my pussy lips with his fingers as he slid his tongue deep in my ass. I began to quiver. I tried to push the orgasm back but it was coming at me. I let out a moan of pleasure and bit down on the panties so hard that I was sure they were torn in half now.

Something pushed into my ass and it was very hard and firm. Looking back, I realized Alex was working a butt-plug in and it slid in slowly. The pain was there, but it was masked under the tingling sensation that spread throughout my whole body. I could feel my orgasm waiting, taunting me to let go of my focus for a moment and it would explode through me. The butt-plug stopped as it reached its end and Alex lifted my head and turned me around to face him.

He carefully pulled out the panties from my mouth and tossed them aside.

“Beg me to fuck your mouth,” he said.

“Please,” I cried. “Please, fuck my mouth. I want nothing more than to feel your cock in my mouth.”

Alex pushed me down and I was on my knees. His forearm muscles exploded in a network of veins as he tore his pants off, belt and all. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, and his cock radiated heat at me. His hands wrapped around the back of my head and I opened my mouth wide. He slowly eased his length into my mouth and moved my head up and down his cock. I grabbed his ass with my hands and squeezed them as I felt his smooth cock slide against my tongue. I worked it along the shaft and closed my eyes, caught in the bliss of the moment.

His hands pulled my head out and saliva dripped from his throbbing cock in front of me.

“You want me in your ass?”

 I nodded emphatically, letting out a moan of desire.

“You’re going to come for me when I do it.”

He turned me around and I stood on my tip toes, holding up my ass for him. He slid out the butt-plug slowly, and I felt him push his cock into me. It kept pushing into my ass and with every inch further, I fought the urge to tighten around him. His thumb rubbed against my clit.

He thrust hard in my ass, the first time I had ever had a man inside me, and I let out a loud cry of pleasure. I was going to come with Alex anally fucking me, something I never thought possible. His hand worked on my pussy with precision and when I came, my legs gave out. Alex held me up with both hands, moving me up and down on his cock. The orgasm struck like lightning in my nervous system and I clenched my jaw, crying out through closed teeth. I saw stars and I felt like I was about to pass out.

Then Alex slowly pulled out of me, so slowly that I felt every inch. I braced myself against the wall, still weakened by my orgasm. Alex separated from me and stood back. He walked over to a leather chair in his room and sat on it, leaning back.

“Now, make me come harder than I’ve ever come before.”

I turned to him and locked my hungry eyes on him. I wrapped both legs around him and slid him back into my ass. I worked up and down on him, gyrating my hips. I slid my hand behind me and gripped his balls, squeezing them slightly and pulling them as I moved up and down on him furiously. I could feel his cock grow harder and his sack tighten. He was about to come.

His face strained and I quickly jumped off. I fell to my knees and grabbed his cock with both hands and worked it up and down so hard that my arms burned. I moved my tongue up and down the shaft. I licked furiously as I felt his orgasm shuddering through his body.

Alex rested my head against his cock, still hard and radiating heat. It would jump up a little, still in the wakes of a powerful orgasm. We stayed there for an endless amount of time, caught in the echoes of our orgasms.

Alex caressed my head and stood up. Before I could fully recover from the mind-blowing sex session, he lifted me up with both hands and walked me to the bathroom, both of us still naked. He started the shower and we washed each other slowly, reveling in every inch of one another’s body. After we cleaned up, Alex carried me over to the bathtub, where he ran a bubble bath for me. He placed me softly in it and ran his fingers along the side of my face. His face was expressionless except for a small smile.

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