Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (176 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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“I had to stall them. Every word was dragged out. I didn’t want to reveal too much or show the least bit of anxiety in my voice. I had to make them think I really didn’t care about you. I wanted to confuse them, make them doubt their decision. If they knew how much I cared, it might have been dangerous for you. They might have moved you or hurt you over the phone to try to persuade me more. I had to play it cool,” Alex said. He placed a hand over mine. “Also, I was angry. I wanted them to feel like fools. There was no other way I could have made them regret their decision than to make them think they had gone to all the trouble and risk of kidnapping you for nothing. I’m sorry that you had to hear that Samantha, I really am, but even if I knew that you were going to hear it, I would have had to make the same decision.”

“I understand, Alex.” I said, meaning it.

“The call lasted long enough to triangulate their position within a mile radius. A team was on it and they found what they believed to be a building that could be housing you. I told them that I was going to lead the rescue mission, to which the security team refused.”

“How did you convince them?”

“I told them I’d either lead the rescue mission or I would find another security firm that I would do business with in the future. They gave in pretty quickly. Strauss Engines is their primary income.

“I had to lead the rescue mission. I had to know you were safe, first-hand. If anything happened to you, Samantha, I would have been devastated,” Alex looked at me and his eyes were the brightest blue that I had ever seen.

“I love you, Samantha. I can’t lose you.”

I was speechless. I wanted to jump up and down. I wanted to grab him and squeeze him until he had to throw me off to save his life. I could feel tears of joy forming in my eyes and I let them fall down my cheeks. My heart was beating in my chest audibly through the room and I looked at the man of my dreams come to life. Alexander Strauss loved me.

“I love you, Alex.”

Alex grabbed me and kissed me gently. I felt his tongue move around mine and slowly. His arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up from my chair. We never broke the kiss. He laid me down on the couch. The fire burned in front of us.

We tore clothes from each other as though they were burning our skin. Alex’s hands ran over my breasts and I pushed my hips against his groin. He lifted me up and with one hand tore his pants off. His pants were thrown across the room and caught one of the chairs we were just sitting in.

I was naked, held up by Alex and lowered down on his hard cock. Slowly, every inch of him slid into me. He pushed into me deeper than I had ever had anybody in, and I moved my hips around him, keeping every inch in as deep as I could. He kissed me like my mouth was water from an oasis and he was a dying man in the desert.

Then he moved me up and down, rapidly, pushing deeper and deeper into me. He pushed his hips up and I felt him thrust even deeper than I thought possible. I cried out in pleasure and pushed my face into his neck, breathing him in. I sucked on his neck and his hands gripped my ass tightly as he thrust in and out of me.

We made love. Our words came to life as our bodies met.

We slowed. I bit down on his lower lip gently and an orgasm began to rise in me. I straightened and Alex pushed his face against my chest, kissing just above my breast where my heart now beat only for him. I came. I cried out his name at the top of his lungs and told him I loved him. His face was pressed against my chest and I felt his cock stiffen inside of me. He was about to come.

“Come inside me,” I whispered in his ear as I felt his entire cock push into my pussy. Then his cock violently shook and began to fill me with his seed. He let out a moan and his eyes shut against his will. I sucked on his right nipple as he came inside me. I moved up and down now, slowly as it was so big inside me that it was stretching me, and Alex gripped my head in his hands, rubbing my hair as his body rocked with an orgasm.

We were both satisfied and I rolled over with Alex still deep inside me. He kissed the side of my face and rubbed my chest with his hands, savoring every inch of my skin.

“You’re everything I could want in a woman,” Alex whispered into my ear.

I moved my hips slightly and felt him slide out of me slightly. He let out a little moan and pushed back in. I could feel his cock growing soft, but very slowly. I reached down and gently pulled him out of me and held his cock in my hand, caressing it, loving it.

We lay next to each other and kissed again. Our tongues moved in and out of each other’s mouths and I breathed in heavily. This was my dream come true.

I lay in Alex’s arms, my hand still rubbing his cock, now soft. I kissed his chest and rubbed my head against him. I closed my eyes and Alex kissed the top of my head.

“I’m in love with you,” Alex said. I looked up at him and his eyes were so warm that I felt that the fire could go out and we could have basked in their warmth in its absence. I kissed his perfect lips and rested my head back on his chest.

We lay there for a while, holding each other. I could have lain there forever.

Chapter Twenty-one


A phone rang. Alex sat up abruptly.

“My phone is off,” he said flatly. A look of worry was spreading across his face. I was growing alarmed.

The phone continued to ring. Alex gently moved me off him and stood up. I marveled at his physique, and despite the panic of the phone ringing, I grabbed his leg and pulled him closer to me. He looked down at me and I kissed his cock, giving it a lick around the head. I saw it stir a bit and it began to get hard again.

The phone ringing seemed to grow louder. Alex gently cupped the side of my face and then turned to find the phone.

He stopped along a wall and I watched him pick a cell phone off a counter there. The phone had been sitting next to a photo of Alex’s mother.

“It says it’s a private number,” Alex said.

He looked at the phone for a moment and then answered it with a simple hello. His face remained stoic as he listened intently. Two tense minutes passed and I was now sitting up, worried. My lust was replaced with a growing sense of panic. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Alex hung up the phone. Then, to my surprise, he threw the phone down to the ground and brought down his foot on it, smashing it into a thousand pieces. His face remained unmoved. He looked at me and said one word.


Chapter Twenty-two


“Henderson,” Alex repeated, his voice growing with anger.

I was speechless. A flood of emotion swept over me, but I couldn’t discern one from another. It was only a few moments ago that I was laying in Alex’s arms, breathing in the scent of his skin and relishing the faint echoes of the sex we’d just had.

“I’ve been ousted from the board,” Alex said flatly. He looked down at the shattered cell phone in disgust.

“But...they can’t do that. You’re the CEO,” I exclaimed.

“Yes, they can. If the board votes a two-thirds majority to oust the CEO, whatever his last name is, he’s out. Henderson just called to tell me the ‘bad news, my dear old friend,’” Alex said, making his voice sound eerily like Henderson’s. I immediately felt a wave of revulsion towards the thought of Henderson and I hoped that Alex would never imitate the man’s voice again.

Professional mistress. The words rang out in my head. Then I thought of the voice over the intercom calling me a mistress. It was no coincidence.

“Alex, Henderson was behind my kidnapping,” I said.

“How do you know?” asked Alex. He was dressing himself quickly now. I stood up from the couch and began to dress myself as well.

“When I was in that prison cell, there was a voice that would come over the loudspeaker. It was the same voice that you had talked to on the phone. But it had called me a mistress, just like Henderson had when he confronted me after the board meeting. Whether it was actually Henderson talking over the loudspeaker that time or not, the intention of the word was clear. He wanted me to
that he was behind it.”

Alex paused for a long while. His voice looked like a storm of thoughts were going on in his mind. He was calculating. When he looked up at me, there was electricity in his eyes.

“Are you one hundred percent positive? I will only ask you once, just to extinguish any last shred of doubt about all of this.”

“Yes, I’m positive. The voice called me a mistress. I believe it in my bones that it was Henderson.”

“I should have treated your warnings about him much more seriously. It seems that I’ve grossly misjudged his intentions and just what that man is capable of,” Alex said.

“Even I didn’t suspect that he wanted to cause me physical harm or put me in a prison cell. I just had a bad feeling about him, but what are we going to do now?”

“A simple word that you heard him speak isn’t enough proof for the board or for the police, although we’re past the point of being able to go to the police. What we need is cold, hard proof that Henderson’s behind all of this. We’re leaving immediately. I’m not going to allow my father’s company to be taken over by that scoundrel of a man.”

“Alex, it’s not your father’s company anymore. It’s your company.”

He nodded his head slowly and looked at me. “I have to take it back. We need to be quick. Henderson is already a few steps ahead of us.”

Alex moved like a tornado through the cabin, snatching up articles of clothing and cleaning up. I helped him clean and for a moment it seemed ridiculous that we were doing dishes when Alex had been betrayed and backstabbed by his oldest family friend. Then I realized that nobody else was coming to the cabin. We were the only two people who knew of its existence. Except now three people knew about the cabin. Henderson had known that we were going to come here.

We finished washing the dishes and Alex extinguished the fire. As he walked away from the fireplace, he stopped and looked at the photograph of his mother as a young woman. He picked up the frame and held it in his hand. The moment was over as quickly as it had happened. He put the frame down and motioned towards the door.

“Henderson obviously knows about this place, so that means we’re definitely not safe here. I believe you that he was the kidnapper. I intend to find out exactly why. It’s obviously connected with the takeover, but if we can figure out why, then we’ll know exactly what’s happened.”

We ran out of the cabin and Alex started up the helicopter. I felt dizzy and exhilarated at the same time. Henderson had been the man behind my kidnapping, and now we were going to take him down, or at least try.

I thought briefly about the timing of Henderson’s phone call and I was thankful that he had called after Alex had told me his true feelings for me. I’d somehow hate the bastard more if he had ruined that moment than for kidnapping me.

Alex sat in the pilot’s seat and strapped on his helmet. I followed suit and buckled myself in. Alex reached over and flipped on the walkie-talkie built into the side of my helmet. I lowered a microphone and when we spoke, the audio was crystal-clear.

“We’re going to go to my apartment. Along the way I’m going to contact a security team to secure the building. We have to be careful now,” Alex said.

“Speaking of careful,” I said. “How many glasses of wine did you have tonight, Mr. Strauss? Are you okay to drive?”

Alex leaned over to me and gave me a wink. “If we get pulled over, I’ll tell them you were driving.”

We rose from the cabin and I looked down on it fondly. Alexander Strauss had confessed his love for me in that small, wooden little building. I looked back and Alex and then down at the cabin again, hoping that we would return in better times and enjoy a lot of alone time together. I could lie on the couch in front of the fire for years and never grow tired of it.

The cabin disappeared from view as we flew through the air towards Alex’s apartment. I wondered briefly about air zone regulations and about flying a helicopter through the city. Alex must have special licensure or some kind of permit, but I doubt it was the kind of license you get at the DMV or town hall. Being a billionaire probably made getting the permission to fly through a city a lot easier.

We flew above the city and I marveled at its beauty below us. It was night time now, and the lights from offices and apartment building flickered below us like light reflecting off of a diamond. Despite the warm night, the air was cool at this altitude and it beat against my skin, chilling it. I wrapped myself in my coat and when I saw Alex’s apartment building growing larger upon our approach. I was thankful.

On the roof of his building, I could see ants grow into the size of men. There was a group of them waiting for us, and I felt fear bite at my chest. I looked over to Alex and he nodded to me.

“They’re our people,” he reassured me.

When we landed, the men ran up next to us and escorted us into the building. We took the stairs with two men leading and two men following. When we reached Alex’s level, another man was stationed outside of his door. All the men were armed with pistols and wore earpieces.

“Sir, the garage is secured. The elevator is secured. We have several men in street clothes discreetly patrolling the neighborhood and reporting on all activity outside. This area is locked down,” one of the men said to Alex. Alex nodded and opened up the door to his apartment building for me. None of the men came inside with us.

It felt odd to be back in Alex’s apartment. It felt like years had passed since I had left here on that fateful morning to pack the things from my apartment. Alex walked up beside me and pulled a cell phone from his pants pocket, turning it on.

“I have to make a phone call. It’ll take one minute.”

I kissed him forcefully on the lips and ran my hands along the upper part of his back. Alex walked over to the window and started dialing on his phone.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I drank it in one gulp and poured myself another. It hurt to think, but my mind was racing along at a million miles per hour. So much had changed in such a short time. Life had turned from new and exciting into dark and scary territory.

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