Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (187 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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I released a deep breath. “You’re certainly very demanding, Vincent.”

“You have no idea how demanding I can be.” His eyes traveled up the exposed skin of my legs as if possessing me with his gaze. I crossed my legs to quell the uncomfortable sensation growing between them.

And there it is again, he can turn it on and off at will.
Despite the edgy feeling of being this close to Vincent, I had to admire his ability to make anything sound sexual. If he was willing to sign with Waterbridge-Howser based on the misguided belief he’d get into my pants, I wasn’t about to stop him. I’d just have to keep him at arm’s length.

“Fine, I’ll be your point of contact,” I said, pulling out a business card from my satchel and handing it to him. “My information is on the card, you can reach me at the office during the day. My Blackberry number is available for
as well.” I hoped the emphasis was taken.

“Good,” he said, pausing as though there was something else he wanted to add before gesturing towards my bag. “Do you have the paperwork?”

I handed him the contract.

“Thank you for deciding to go with us. I’m looking forward to working with you,” I said, holding my hand out. He took it and squeezed firmly, the heat of his palm sending tingles up my arm. I didn’t know if I was more excited about landing a huge client or Vincent’s touch.

Without moving from his position in front of me, he signed and dropped the papers on his desk, rather than returning them to me. “Now that we have the business out of the way, we can get to the pleasure.” The last word rolled off his tongue like a satin ribbon, sensuous and inviting.

“I’m sorry?” Heat coursed through my face.

“We didn’t finish our conversation at the bar.”

“I thought we were quite clear,” I said, mouth drying by the second. He wasn’t going to make this easy.

He shrugged. “You made it clear you didn’t like mixing business with pleasure, so I didn’t. The business is done, now it’s time for pleasure.”

As he leaned closer, his spicy cologne warped my brain into a puddle of incoherence. I froze as a series of lewd images played in my mind. His fingers caught a wisp of loose hair and pushed it behind my ear before trailing down my neck. Instead of pulling away, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping he couldn’t read the desire painted on my face.

“If you read the paperwork, you’ll see pleasure isn’t part of the agreement,” I tried.

Vincent took his hand away from my face, his dark pupils intense and focused. The sudden absence of his skin against mine felt wrong. I craved his touch immediately, but I tried not to lean closer to him.

“Of course not, the contract I signed was business. The pleasure part is just between you and me. Who’s trying to mix them now?”

My pulse beat a steady staccato in my ears. Alarm bells ringing faintly in the back of my mind were overwhelmed by the building need radiating between my thighs. His sizable bulge was just a few feet away from me and became bigger every time I looked at it. I drowned in fantasies of being crushed under his chest, his cock pressing against my aching sex.

“Vincent, we can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I’ll lose my job if anyone finds out.”

He looked around. “How would they? I checked behind the couch earlier, we’re definitely alone.”

I had to give him credit for his persistence, but the longer I was in his office the more likely I was to give in. I needed to end this conversation quickly. I couldn’t get involved with a man like Vincent.

“That’s not the only problem,” I blurted. “Just because you’re attractive doesn’t mean I’m willing to sleep with you.”

Some of the intensity left Vincent’s face and his mouth twisted into a boyish grin, but he never broke eye contact.

“You’re attracted to me and I’m attracted to you. We’re getting somewhere.”

I flushed with embarrassment. It was an unintentional admission. “No we’re not. There’s no way I’m having sex with you in your office.”

“I can pleasure you in so many ways beyond sex. Let me show you.”

A surge of arousal made my body tremble. I had no doubt Vincent knew how to pleasure a woman. A man didn’t become that confident without plenty of experience. In fact, he probably used the same lines on the perky blonde who greeted me earlier.

“What about your receptionist?” I snapped, the jealous words escaping my mouth before I had time to bite them back.

He furrowed his brows. “Lucy’s a happily married woman and I’ve never touched her, nor would I ever. What kind of man do you think I am?” His tone surprised me; he sounded almost indignant.

I regrouped. “A dangerous one.”

He shook his head and smiled. “I find danger only heightens the pleasure.” His stance widened giving a fuller view of that distinctly male area so near my face. I gripped the arms of my chair.

God, he was determined. And worse, it was turning me on more than I’d thought possible. I licked my dry lips, realizing how close he was to me. Vincent tilted his face to the side, a lustful glint in his eyes.

He leaned down and pressed his thumb against my lower lip, dragging it open slightly. All thoughts of pulling away were drowned out by the roaring in my ears.

“This is wrong,” I whispered, relishing his touch, my breathing shallow and forced. His beautiful face was close to mine, breath heavy and filled with desire.

“No, just a little dangerous.”

His lips crashed into mine, sealing firmly over my mouth. My head swam, dizzy with desire. His tongue flicked against my lips, tenderly at first, then more passionately. I couldn’t believe how full and soft his lips were. A soft whimper escaped my mouth.

This close to him, I could smell his unique scent underneath the cologne and feel his body heat. It was driving me wild. I squirmed in my seat, my panties beginning to feel damp already, and tilted my head back so as not to break the kiss. I knew if we stopped, my mind would return to rationality again, and that was the furthest thing from what I wanted.

He straightened, his lips drawing me upwards until I was standing as well. Faintly, I heard a stack of papers falling to the floor. We stumbled over to the leather couch in the corner. Our lips broke contact when I fell backwards onto the couch. My skirt rode up my thighs, revealing a scandalous stretch of skin.

“Gorgeous,” he said, fire burning in his eyes.

I bit down on my lower lip as I tried to pull my skirt down to cover myself. Before I could adjust it, he was on top of me, his lips pressing firmly against my vulnerable neck, making me moan. I could feel his erection throbbing against my leg, his warmth seeping through the thin fabric. One hand slid up my inner thigh, and I instinctively spread my legs wider for him, urging him to touch me as my fingers fisted his wavy hair.

An electronic sound beeped from the desk. My eyes shot open and my hands fell from his head.

“Shit,” Vincent cursed, running one hand through his hair and straightening his suit with the other.

He walked over to the desk and pressed a button on his phone. “Vincent, your three thirty is here. Should I send him in?”

“Give me another five minutes,” he said into the speakerphone before looking back at me. “I’m sorry about the interruption. We can pick this up after work. I’ll be done at five.”

I stared at my surroundings, lightheaded. My skirt was just inches away from exposing my damp panties. I sat up quickly, smoothing it back over my legs.
What the hell did I just do?
I’d never lost my senses like that before and I was both mortified and furious with myself. This was completely inappropriate and unprofessional.

I got up to leave with what dignity I had left.

“Kristen, are you okay?”

I took a deep breath to control my temper. “This was a mistake Mr. Sorenson. It shouldn’t have happened and I apologize for my part.”

“Mistake?” His brows furrowed.

“I wasn’t thinking clearly and you took advantage of it. We can still move on and pretend like it never happened, or I can transfer you to Richard—” My nails dug into the palms of my hands.

He let out a frustrated breath, shaking his head. “I’m not working with anyone else but you. I thought that was settled.”

“Look, I admitted I’m attracted to you, but we shouldn’t have acted on it. You’re a client for Christ’s sake. You caught me off guard and I was confused.” I tried to make it sound as convincing as I could, but he didn’t look like he was buying.

He stooped to pick up the paperwork and my work bag. As he walked over to me, I scrambled to my feet. My heels felt wobbly, and I took a step back, worried he was going to kiss me again.

He eyed me darkly, “Are you sleeping with anyone?”

He just wasn’t going to give up. “No, but I don’t—”

“Then there was no mistake. Stop apologizing, and stop denying what happened. We both wanted it.” His brows narrowed, his gaze was intense. It was clear we were both exasperated, but for very different reasons. “If you still think you’re confused, I’ll make you a bet: before this week is done, you’ll be touching yourself while thinking about me.”

His casual reference to my masturbation routine left me shocked and wordless. Though I was no prude, I hadn’t talked openly about touching myself to anyone but Riley and certainly not with any men I’d dated. And I wasn’t even dating Vincent!

He watched my shocked expression as if waiting for me to speak, but I couldn’t think of a coherent response.

“Right now I have a meeting. What I said earlier stands. If you’re not my point of contact, I’m not doing business with Waterbridge-Howser.” He gave me the signed contract and guided me to the door, his hand at the small of my back. I didn’t have the energy to fight it. “This isn’t over Kristen. We’ll discuss later.”

When I stepped out of the office, no one seemed to notice my shellshock or even pay me any attention. I let out a deep breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and checked my reflection in the glass wall, one eye trained on the office staff. The collar of my blouse had been turned upwards and I quickly folded it down. I ran my hands over my skirt to smooth out the wrinkles, but my panties were a lost cause. I’d have to pick up a spare on the way back or do without for the rest of the day. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I could see my face was a shameful red in my reflection.

The sooner I got out of there the better. That kiss was a mistake that might cost me more than my career. Now that Vincent had seen the effect he had on me, I had a nagging feeling he wouldn’t stop until he had exactly what he wanted.

Thank you for reading the teaser chapters of
Forbidden Surrender

Reviews for the Surrender Series (4.5 out of 5 stars on
- Silvana (SlitsRead Blog)

“This book is well written and very smooth… The basic premise of the story is that Kristen is a junior team member proposing a business relationship with CEO Vincent. Vincent decides to give his business to the company - as long as Kristen is the point person on the account. Okay, I gotta admit - at this point I realized I had read something similar at some time or another, and the CEO was a control freak Dom. I was really cringing in my chair thinking I was about to get a repeat. However... NOT THE CASE. Nope, Vincent is a multi-layered good guy/bad boy, with nipple rings & tats to go along with his ethics & manners… The give & take between the two is really engaging, and while this novel has sex, it isn't "in your face" and actually only occurs after an extended "will they or won't they" type of... foreplay.”
- Snarky Mom (Snarky Mom Reads Blog)

 “This series is fantastic! I cannot wait for book three!!! The cliffhanger had me chomping at the bit for the next installment.”
- Anne-marie Ledford (On GoodReads)

Click the links below to find out what happens next to Kristen and Vincent!

Forbidden Surrender (Book One) – Available Now!


Secret Surrender (Book Two) – Available Now!

Beautiful Surrender (Final Book) – Release Date: November 4
, 2013

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