Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (40 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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In my fantasy, Leon had told me he needed me. Did I imagine this because I want him to need me in our working relationship? If he needed me, that would validate everything I was doing.

No, I hadn’t meant it like that. Those words had not carried an ego boost for me related to work. They had been emotional. I wanted him to need me emotionally. Is that really what I was thinking as I was masturbating to the thought of Leon Christensen fucking me?

I wondered if Leon had fantasized about me while jerking off. I pushed the thought out of my head.

Things were getting out of hand. So far, I had not acted inappropriately towards Leon, but if I kept up these childish fantasies, I might need to act them out in real life. If I slept with him, there was no way I was going to keep him as a client. It would threaten the entire integrity of my business and I wasn’t about to do that. I built this company; I did not intend to use it to get laid.

Marilyn was a perfect start. I had a meeting with her in less than two days, and I resolved to bring her case file to Leon before then. I would have to do it first thing in the morning. Once Leon was made aware of her, it would set in motion the beginnings of finalizing our contract. He’d be happy and maybe he could love her.

I felt a pang of regret in my chest. If only I had met him in a non-professional setting. I steeled myself against these foolish notions and reminded myself that we had met in a professional setting; there was no way to change that now. Things were as they were. Introducing Leon Christensen to Marilyn’s profile was the right thing to do; they were too compatible to keep apart.

Sleep didn’t come to me that night. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to calm myself enough to let the exhaustion take its hold, but each time sleep began to crawl upon me, my mind foiled its attempts. With every blink the night slipped away until I was staring at a clock in disbelief. Exhausted, I got up and prepared for the day. In a couple of hours I would call Leon and tell him all about Marilyn.

I made myself a small breakfast, but when I thought again of meeting with Leon and arranging him with Marilyn, I lost my appetite.


The sun was just beginning to rise as I got in my car. My stomach was still in a knot, refusing food and causing me mild discomfort. I drove slowly to work, leaving the radio silent. Thoughts were flying through my head, but I tried not to focus in on any of them.

I parked in my car in front of the office and paused before entering. The sun was climbing over the horizon and I let myself enjoy the sight of the rising sun, something that I normally paid no attention to. A few minutes passed before the sun was in the sky, the land basking in its warmth.

The office was dark. I flipped on the lights and the onslaught of light jarred me slightly. A low throbbing pulsated in my head, and I knew that my body cried out for its caffeine fix. I made coffee, slowly and carefully. I looked over to my office and felt a slight hint of dread at the thought of sitting down at my desk and taking out the folders that I knew I had to deal with today.

Still standing in the main office, I drank the coffee black and hot. It burnt my tongue, but I didn’t mind. The coffee warmed my stomach and slowly filled me with energy. I finished the first cup and poured myself a second, idly hoping that my appetite would return soon.

I opened my office door and took another huge swill of coffee before I sat down at my desk. I took out Leon’s folder and tossed it before me. Then I found Marilyn’s profile and tossed it next to his. A mild annoyance swept over me and I frowned. Why was I letting this task intimidate me? I had felt a reluctance to even start this day, but now I wanted nothing more than to be done with it all.

Leon and Marilyn would be matched, I would be paid, and all would be right in the universe.

I opened Marilyn Benedict’s folder. I arranged all the sheets on my large wood desk and began to crawl through them. I had no picture of her in the folder, but my memory was sharp and focused. Marilyn was an attractive woman, curvy and feminine but not dainty. Her coffee-colored hair had flowed over her shoulders in long waves, made all the more striking with her cobalt eyes. In her late twenties, she was just old enough for Leon.

I felt my discerning mind going over every inch of Marilyn’s physique, making sure there were no inconsistencies that could cause a problem. Yet I could find nothing in my memory that raised any red flags.

Her interests lined up with Leon’s perfectly. Even down to the sexual proclivities that they shared, their similarities were obvious. It was almost uncanny. A wrinkle cut across my forehead as I focused in on her file even closer.

Should two people who shared the exact same interests really be paired together? Wasn’t variety the spice of life? Opposites attract, right?

On paper, Marilyn was a perfect match for Leon. Now, that didn’t necessarily guarantee they would hit it off, but it was the best start that I had so far for Leon. For any other client, I would be celebrating my victory already. Yet with Leon I was searching for a reason to reject this match.

No, I wasn’t just trying to reject Marilyn. I had to make sure it was a good match. I wanted the first arrangement to be perfect. I would stand before Leon, knowing that I had proved myself to be as good as I thought I was. He would be humbled. Naturally the client that I matched him with had to be absolutely perfect. There was no margin for error.

There was nothing wrong with striving for perfection.

I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair. An image of Leon’s eyes looking into mine rose in the darkness as if to respond to my thoughts of perfection. I traced a finger along the side of his jaw, feeling the stubble with the tip of my index finger. His perfect jawline. His lips opened slightly and I felt myself moving towards them, ready to embrace him.

I looked back down to the folder. Marilyn’s educational background was before me. As a match, she and Leon could even understand each other’s professional lives. Almost every client wished for this, yet it is very difficult to actually have it realized. To have a partner that you share a professional or educational background with is a dream come true for so many of my clients.

I’d let him tie my hands behind my back, maybe even with handcuffs. Not the fuzzy, playful type either. Real, unbreakable handcuffs. Darkness swimming over my eyes as the blindfold tightened, I would breathe out against the pillow. I’d cry out for him and he’d silence me by fulfilling my every want.

I had to focus. I put down Marilyn’s folder and turned my computer on. I waited patiently while it booted up and tapped my fingers along my desk, trying not to let the fantasy of the previous night swim back in my thoughts. I checked my email, making notes on which ones would require a response.

My hand would slide down his abs, feeling the canyons that were dug out by brutal workouts. I’d stop just above his pubic hair, letting my fingers scan over his lower stomach. His cock would be rock hard, awaiting my touch. I would lean in and breathe in the smell of his neck. My hand would slide down further and graze over the head of his cock until it wrapped around the base. I would slowly move my hand up and down, feeling Leon’s pulse quicken in his neck against my lips.

I turned on some music. The sound of a song that I knew every lyric to filled the room and I was able to snap out of my thoughts about Leon. I stiffened my resolve to end this nonsense. I would set up Marilyn and Leon Christensen and he would be out of my life and my thoughts. There would be a huge paycheck and by the end of the week, I’d be laughing at my foolishness.

If only I could just get one night with him before I passed him onto Marilyn. One night would confirm or refute every fantasy that his eyes had filled me with. He would be inside of me, filling every want that I had been forced to leave unrequited.

The main office door opened. April had arrived. I turned down the music and we exchanged our greetings. It was no longer too early to call Leon and I knew that I had to call him as soon as possible. I picked up the phone and listened to the dial tone for a few seconds before I punched in his number.

Every ring filled me with an increasing amount of tension. Then a click cut through a ring and his voice filled my ear.

“Hello?” Leon Christensen asked.

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. It was deep and sensual, as though he were whispering it in my ear while his hips pushed against mine.

“Good morning, Leon. This is Julie Facet,” I said, pushing away the image of Leon’s arms wrapped around me as he pushed himself up to give himself better leverage to thrust his cock deeper inside me.

I need you. His lips against my ear, the breath warm and sensual.

“Ah, Julie, it’s so nice to hear from you. How can I help you on this beautiful morning?”

My mind cleared and there was a terrifying moment when I feared that I had no idea what to say. It was a brief second, but it was as though I had tripped over myself when he asked me what I needed. A maddening thought swept through my mind that I should tell him that I need him to come over and fuck me. He would probably oblige me.

“I’ve got some exciting news,” I said, the words coming from somewhere. I breathed silent relief.

“Yes?” Leon asked curiously.

“I’ve found you a match.”

“You have, have you?”

“Yes, I think she’s an excellent match. I want to arrange a meeting to go over her file with you as soon as possible. I think you’re going to be very happy.”

“Absolutely,” Leon said brightly. “I know that you prefer to meet at your office, but I’m pretty busy for the next two days. If it’s absolutely urgent that we meet as soon as possible, you can swing by my main office tonight.”

I studied every word that he spoke. He sounded excited, mutedly so, but the excitement was still in his voice. My demeanor stiffened slightly and I distanced myself from my own thoughts. His excitement was a positive development. Maybe I would be successful in matching him. I breathed out heavily, the gravity in my office pulling me down a little harder than normal.

“I’ll make an exception for tonight. I think it’s important that we act quickly,” I said. As soon as the words left my mouth, I hoped that Leon wouldn’t ask me to elaborate. If he asked why needed to act quickly, what would my response be? Well, the sooner we act, Mr. Christensen, the sooner I can stop masturbating to the thought of you while taking a bubble bath.

The sooner we acted, the sooner I could stop thinking about him entirely.

We made arrangements to meet that night and hung up. I held up Marilyn’s folder and eyed it disapprovingly. This was my ticket out of Leon Christensen’s life. I tossed it onto my desk and turned up the music again.

Chapter 8

That evening, I met Leon Christensen in his main office across town. The building stood plainly, not giving off the glamour and mystique of his other establishments. When I walked into the main lobby, a security guard escorted me to the elevators and cordially pressed the button for Leon’s floor. I thanked him and waited silently in the elevator as it climbed up. Nervousness picked at my heart and I felt every single second pass with growing anxiety.

The elevator door opened as I took a deep breath. Exhaling, I stepped out of the elevator into a spacious office that was well-furnished and comfortable looking. Plants lined the walls and windows of his office. A large conference desk was in the center of the room. In the corner was a door that led to a separate office that was enclosed with glass walls. Behind the glass walls, I could see Leon sitting at a desk, his eyes fixated on a computer.

Leon noticed me and raised a hand in a welcoming gesture. I walked over to his office and opened the door slowly. Leon rose when he saw me and walked over, his hand extended. I took his hand and we shook, exchanging polite smiles.

“Hello, Julie. Thank you for agreeing to meet me at my office,” Leon said as he began to sit back down at his desk. I sat down in a plush leather chair that was positioned in front of the desk.

“You’re welcome.”

His eyes fell on the folder that was in my hand. Marilyn’s file.

“Is the love of my life in that folder?” Leon asked, a smile spreading across his face.

His teeth shined perfect and white. Flashes of my previous night’s fantasy raced through my mind. I could feel his breath warming the flesh of my neck as his hands slid down around my thighs, gripping me tight. The feel of his muscles flexed and rigid with want pushing against me, making me grow wet and wanting.

“Unless the love of your life is a stack of papers, I’d have to say no, she’s not in here,” I said, smiling wryly. Leon’s smile widened and he raised his eyebrows at me. He held out his hands open palmed, a gesture of capitulation.

I imagined those hands gripped around my lower back, pulling me close. His mouth would taste sweet when his tongue worked against mine. Something firm would press against my stomach as he held me against him and I’d have to fight not to reach down and rub my hand against him.

“I’d like you to go over this file. I think that this may be a solid match for you,” I said, my voice remaining steady. I pushed down thoughts of Leon’s fingers caressing my nipples as he breathed against my neck. I held out the folder brusquely to Leon, practically throwing it in his face. He reached out and plucked the folder from my fingers, eyebrows raised as he studied me. I hadn’t meant to be so aggressive and now I was doing everything in my power not to blush out of embarrassment.

“Thank you,” he said, eyeing me suspiciously. For one panicked moment, I was sure that he was reading my thoughts and knew how badly I had lusted after him. If he were to stand up and tear off my clothes before throwing me on his desk, I might just let him. A wild desire arose through my alarm for him to do exactly that.

Leon’s eyes lingered on me for what seemed like eons, but could not have been more than a second or two, before they fell down to the folder. He opened up the folder and took out the papers delicately, as if they were fragile and required the utmost of care. Soon he was scanning the pages. A look of delight spread across his face and I felt a full onslaught of panic when I realized that I successfully found him a match.

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