Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (56 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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“Don’t sleep forever, unless you dream of me.”

Time passed. Forever passed by us and the world ended and began again. Leon kissed my lips and I felt the wetness of his tongue against mine, soft and gentle. I ran my hands through his hair and felt the back of his neck as I pulled him closer. I let out a small laugh of disbelief that this could be so wonderful.

“It is wonderful.”

Outside again, the sun lower in the sky, but still bright. Shadows cut across the ground as we walked through an orange grove. Trees stood tall among us and Leon reached up and picked an orange down, holding in his hands as he studied it. He peeled it and handed me a slice. Wet orange juice flowed down my chin as I bit down and I gorged myself on fresh orange that I knew must have tasted incredible but for some reason my taste buds were dull, unresponsive to the taste of anything. For a brief moment I had a sensation that this wasn’t real, this was nothing more than a beautiful dream, but the thought was hard to hold on to, hard to make real.

We came to a clearing where a blanket was spread out on the ground. As I saw it, I was suddenly looking up at the sky and I realized I was already laying down. The sun was shaking in the sky, flames so radiant and beautiful coming off of it that tears formed in my eyes at the mere sight of it. Mountains in the background climbed higher and higher and I marveled at them, the snow melting on the tops as they climbed towards the sun which exploded with more flame.

“Where are we?” I asked, my voice sounding airy and light.

“Here,” Leon said. He lay next to me, his shirt off. I studied his chiseled chest and he simply smiled, content to be in the sun.

His hand floated over to my shirt and unbuttoned the top button. I felt the soft touch of his hand and closed my eyes, leaning back. The sun made my closed eyes see nothing but bright orange and I laughed again over how good it felt to be in the sun with Leon’s hands slowly taking off my top. I inched closer to him and pushed my forehead against his. We lay there, face to face, until finally our lips gravitated towards each other’s, pulled by the force of our wanting.

Our lips met. Stars exploded behind my eyes and I felt dizzy. I tried to move my arms and nothing happened; I was powerless to do anything but kiss him. His hands fell on my hips and I let out a sigh of pleasure as his tongue moved against mine. I tried to breathe in deeply but no breath came. I panicked for a moment and then I relaxed; my lips against Leon’s, I didn’t need to breathe.

My eyes opened and it was much darker now. The sun was gone from up above. The orange grove no longer there. A fire was raging next to us and when I turned to look at it, I saw that a large fire pit was before me. The flames climbed high into the sky and danced against the night. My eyes grew wide as I watched the flames soar higher and higher until they reached the stars and spread out across the sky, filling it with beautiful, glorious flame.

Leon was above me, his arms flexing as he held himself up. His eyes, a sapphire that glowed bright in the relative darkness, were open and staring into mine. I felt my body convulse with energy, a wonderful, warming energy that alleviated all my pain and filled me with a loving embrace. I tried to speak, but the words were gone. I couldn’t think of a single word and all there was in my mind was the sight before me. Leon leaned down and his eyes burned so bright tears formed in my eyes, but it wasn’t painful. I reached up with my lips and kissed him.

We rolled through the grass, holding each other. Our bodies melted into each other’s and all lines of separation were gone. His heartbeat raced against mine and soon too they were one. My eyes opened and closed, a kaleidoscope of images and colors exploding as I opened and closed them. Darkness cast over my vision as I shut them closed forcefully and tried to taste the experience of being in Leon’s arms.

He caressed the side of my face with fingers that felt so soft and loving that I let out a moan. I could feel his cock pressing against my leg and I knew we were naked. The ground felt soft against my back and when I finally opened my eyes again, I saw we were inside, the fireplace steadily kicking up flames and tiny cackles as wood popped and burned. I looked up at Leon and he looked down at me, eyes interlocked and exchanging something deep and meaningful. Something beyond description. Something beyond thought.

I felt him enter me, slowly. I cried out soundlessly and Leon kissed the side of my face. Inch by inch, he pushed further and further into me in an cacophony of ecstasy that overtook me completely. My hands ran all over his back and I felt his taut muscles bulge out as he moved his hips to slide deeper into me until there was no separation between us at all. Inside me, deeper than anyone had ever been and as deep as anyone could go, Leon’s eyes glowed so bright they were two sapphire suns before me.

He started to pull away, sliding out so slowly that the sensation of him inside of me spread throughout my entire body. I moaned, the sound mixing with the popping of the burning wood, make a melody of our embrace. My eyes stayed wide open, locked on his and his locked on mine. The energy flowed between us and it materialized before us, a steady stream of bright white energy that formed a thick ribbon. Colors exploded all around us and my body rocked through convulsions of pleasure as he continued to slide out of me, miles of him sliding out.

Leon leaned down, the ribbon of energy between us thickening as our eyes grew closer. He kissed me fiercely and the energy exploded and filled the entire room. Everything was washed with white light and only the fireplace and Leon’s sapphire eyes shined through. Abruptly, but not alarmingly, he stopped pulling away and he pushed back in deep in one fluid moment. I cried out loudly, feeling the rush of him inside of me as a rush of pleasure. Growing with speed, he moved in and out of me, his eyes burning brighter than the sun now.

Climaxes rose and fell, countless and boundless. My body was wracked with the feeling of pleasure that Leon filled me with. Warmth and happiness wrapped itself around me like tight fitting clothing and my mind drifted away. Every push of Leon’s hardness into me was like a drug dumped into my veins, filling me with its wonderful effects.

“You are...” the words trailed off, letting the eyes finish the sentence. I cried out again, overcome with the moment.

I ran my hands down Leon’s arms, as hard as cut wood. His hips pushed against mine, firm but still gentle, and I gyrated my hips against his. His muscles flexed and veins raised off his arms as he propped himself up. His eyes remained open, focused on mine, but I watched as the thralls of his orgasm tore through him, bursting from every part of his body. He erupted inside of me as he cried out, convulsions moving through him with orgasmic pleasure.

He pulled me closer, his arms behind me. I felt him push deep inside of me, somehow deeper than before, and he rolled over. I bounced up and down on him, feeling a powerful orgasm rising inside me. I was wracked with pleasure, bound with the feeling of his embrace. I was lost in the feeling of him inside of me, pushing further and further into me as my eyes fought to stay open.

The orgasm broke through. I pushed back hard against him and I cried out loudly, my eyes defying me now and shutting. I opened them and as I came we were back in the orange grove.

I was floating across the lake that reflected a perfect summer day, trees surrounding us. My eyes opened and closed, scenes changing before me like a television changing channels as my orgasm grew and grew, grabbing hold of me and rising to a volcanic explosion. Finally, it broke and I felt myself tumble back down from the sky into the world where Leon lay beneath me, looking up at me with such affection as to melt me completely.

We laid there for eons. We were in a field, surrounded by stalks of wheat that swayed in the breeze. A little clearing was around us and I looked up at a perfect blue sky, the sun cutting across it. Darkness fell as the sun descended. Birds chirped as the sun circled the globe and rose again in another instant. We watched the years pass as we laid next to each other. The world was without weight, without stress, without anything but us.

We turned away from the sky and laid on our sides. I caressed his cheek and he smiled. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but the fought against me. Leon’s hand fell on my hip, but I couldn’t feel it. I knew it was there, but my body was slipping away, drifting back to a place I didn’t want to go. A place I knew where there was pain and I was plagued by that pain. A place where Leon wasn’t. I didn’t want to be anywhere but here. The darkness became complete and Leon was gone.


A beep repeated at a steady pace. The hum of electronics created a backdrop to the sound that cut through the quiet. I felt the weight of my body return and the pain in my shoulder throbbed with a dull ache. Warmth that had once enveloped me in a loving embrace had died down to a faint whisper of its former power. I lifted my hand, the same hand that had once been dripping with crimson blood, and flexed it open and close.

The throbbing in my chest grew as I became more awake. I looked down at my other hand and noticed a remote attached to a chord. I lifted it up and studied it. It was a simple remote which had television controls along with a button that allowed me to call the nurse if I needed. The morphine was wearing off and I could feel my wound ache with renewed pain. I turned my head and saw that an IV bag hung next to me, attached to a metal pole with a box that had numbers under it. A tube ran through the box that I figured out regulated the flow of the IV. The bag was completely dry. I pressed the button for the nurse.

I closed my eyes and leaned back. I had barely moved since I was awake and I hoped that sleep would come back like a dearly missed friend. The hospital room was bleak and colorless; I wanted the world of exploding skies and climbing mountains back. I wanted Leon beside me, needing me. This world had none of that. This world only had pain and loneliness.

“Excuse me,” a nurse said as she entered the room. I vaguely realized that she wasn’t talking to me. Who else was in the room?

“Of course,” a man’s voice said. My heart stopped in my chest and I felt my mouth go dry. I opened my eyes and leaned forward. Pain erupted through my bandaged chest and I let out a little cry.

“Whoa, take it easy,” the nurse said. Her voice was calm and collected, but I could tell there was a hint of scolding in it. “No need to get up so quickly now.”

The voice had been Leon’s. I had been sure of it. Had I dreamt it? Was I still dreaming?

The nurse eased me back down and the pain pounded inside of me. Yet I knew that I was awake; there was no way I was dreaming the pain in my shoulder. Her touch was soft, yet firm, and she looked me over with a mild disapproving look, as though the gunshot wound was a personal affront to her.

“Are you in pain?” she asked. I nodded. “Well, that’s just not gonna do, now is it? Looks like you’re dry as a bone. I’ll get you a new IV drip and I’ll put something a little special in it for you. What are you drinking, anyway?”

I laughed. “The last drink I had was whiskey, but I think that I might be laying off the alcohol for a little while. Although a gin and tonic would be a godsend right now.”

“You’re telling me, hun,” the nurse said chuckling. “I’ve been here for sixteen hours already and a drink sounds like a taste of heaven. But enough about my problems, I’ll be right back.” With that, the nurse rose and exited the room quickly.

“Hello,” I said softly, still laying down. It hurt too much to raise myself to look around so I let my eyes remain closed.

There was a long pause. I was sure that I really must have been dreaming before and now I was talking to a figment of my imagination. Then I heard a soft shuffling and footsteps. A small cough that told me he was clearing his throat sealed the reality that Leon was in the room.

“Hello,” Leon said. “I’m sorry if I woke you up before. I came in and the nurse said you were sleeping and that it was family members only, so just remember that I’m your brother.”

The nurse reentered the room and came back to my side. Leon and I fell silent as she worked on changing the IV bag. I managed to turn my head and examine what she was doing. On the bag, I could read big bold lettering that said 5% DEXTROSE and 0.45% SODIUM CHLORIDE. The nurse tore off a little plastic piece from the bottom and stuck some of the tubing in the end. She ran the tubing through the box that regulated the flow and punched in a few numbers.

“Now, the good stuff,” she said, giving me a conspiratorial smile. She popped a grey top from a small glass vial and then raised it and poked a needle in. She withdrew some of the morphine and then tapped her finger on the side of the syringe before she took the syringe and attached it to a plastic piece that was attached to a tube that was injected into my arm. Warmth shot through my vein and I felt a wave of relief wash over the searing pain in my shoulder.

“There we go,” I said joyously. “Thank you.”

“Hey, that’s why I’m here. You need anything else, hun?” asked the nurse. “Oh, I can kick out ‘your brother’ if you want.” She clearly knew that Leon Christensen and I bore no familial resemblance and that there was no way this man was my brother. If I could have looked up, I probably would have seen her shoot Leon a disapproving glare.

“No, he can stay. And I don’t need anything else,” I said, then I stopped and reconsidered. “Or actually, a little tea or some hot water with lemon would be wonderful.”

“I’ll get it for her,” Leon said, maybe trying to score brownie points with the nurse.

“A little hot water with some lemon would be quite alright, or even some herbal tea. But nothing caffeinated. You got that?” the nurse asked Leon parentally.

“Absolutely, where is the kitchen?”

“I’ll show you the way,” the nurse said. She walked Leon out and I heard their footsteps patter off down the hallway. They didn’t make any small talk or chat. I could hear the beep of the machine next to me and the hum of machines that operated in the room. The television in the upper corner of the room stayed dead and silent. I didn’t want to turn it on.

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