Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (74 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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Sasha stroked his beautiful cock. Forced herself to slow down by looking at its powerful beauty, the width of it, the prominent veins flushed with blood just under the sensitive skin, the wide, blood-thick head. His cock stood up firm and strong from the nest of dark blond hairs, curving up slightly to the left. His balls were heavy and dark. She cupped them in her palm. Above her, Damien made another strangled sound.


He was the biggest man she’d ever been with. His cock a thing of beauty that had brought her to pleasure more times than she could remember.


She anticipated how his cock would feel on her tongue. The sounds he would make. She gripped his thick and throbbing length, leaned forward. Licked the thick head, the salt and musk of his body floated over her tongue. She moaned against him, her pussy tightening with arousal and the pleasure of touching him.


“No.” He wrenched her head back. “Don’t play with me,” he ground out. “You won’t like my response.” His expression was unreadable, his eyes dark and bottomless. He tightened his grip in her hair, jerked her closer to his cock, the meaty flesh slapping against her cheek. “Suck it. Don’t play with me.”


Sasha hid a smile at the desperation in his voice. Despite the fact that she was the one on her knees, he was the one at her mercy, his voice strained with desire, his cock weeping for her attentions. Power moved through her, flooding her pussy even more with wetness and heat. She opened her mouth and licked the head of his cock again, wetting the soft flesh with her tongue, sighing at the bitter-sweet taste of his pre-cum.


She gathered his balls in her hand, fisted the other around his length and slowly stroked him as she licked the crown of him like a kitten at her cream. Sasha moaned as she licked, but did not take him fully into her mouth, did not give him the relief of surrounding him with the wet cavern of her mouth. She licked him one more time, parted her lips around the firm crown, swirled her tongue around the massive tip of him. He tried to shove deeper into her mouth, but she wouldn’t let him, instead maintaining control of the wide head and sucking on it like a ripe plum.


Damien growled in frustration. Yanked her head back away from him and shoving her backward until she rocked back on her heels. Sasha blinked in confusion, licked the remnants of his pre-cum from her lips.


His eyes blazed with anger and frustration, the breath came quickly from his parted lips, and the color was high in his cheeks. He stood only a few feet away, neatly clad in his suit and tie, every part of him perfectly in place except for his cock thrusting aggressively through the opening in his pants.


Damien stalked to his desk and yanked open a drawer. A few moments later, he was standing in front of her again, the collar she had given him in his hands. He buckled it around her neck, thrust his fingers through the O ring and used it to drag her across the carpeted floor to the sofa. The leather pulled at her neck, rubbing her flesh even as the carpet abraded her knees and legs. He flung her, face down, into the couch.


“Don’t move.” His breath came quickly, roaring past his mouth.


The sound of his leather belt unbuckling, Damien yanking it from his belt loops. Sasha gasped quietly at the harsh sounds. Maybe she had gone too far. She’d never done this before, never brought him to such a place of need and anger. He seemed flushed with frustration now, a difference from the anger that had claimed him just a few minutes before. Now, he was completely focused on her, his eyes, his passion, his frustration. And she had wanted it. She had created this. But was she ready for the consequences?


Damien held the belt double in his hands, sank into the sofa and dragged her into his lap in one motion, her ass in the air and her face pressed into the arm of the sofa.


“When I tell you to do something, you do it.”


Before she could respond, the belt swatted across her thighs, gentle in spite of the heat in his voice. “Understand?”


“Yes!” She gasped the word as the leather belt slashed her thighs again, harder this time, leaving a strip of heat in its wake. She gasped again at the jolt of arousal that slammed into her body from the pain. The leather fell again, this time on her ass. Once, twice, three times and she moaned at each lash of the belt, moaning in pleasure and amazement as her body went hot, the blood and juices inside her body flushing her with heat and sexual desire, filling her even more than she already had been.


“Will you do what I tell you next time?”


“Yes,” she cried. “Yes!”


With each fall of the belt, her desire rose higher and higher, pain flushing her skin. She felt the redness and heat gather from his attentions, his strokes falling harder and harder until she was crying out with each lash. Arousal and pain and tears of desire wetting her face. Her pussy was dripping wet, the core of her aching for Damien’s touch, throbbing for his attention.


She squirmed on his lap for relief, hunting for firm pressure against her clit, her hips jerking helplessly as he lashed her ass. Incredible, she felt an orgasm rising swiftly in her, a burning annihilation, heat whipping through her body as the leather came down on her skin. Sasha trembled from the pain, from the desire. The orgasm jerked her abruptly on Damien’s lap


“Yes!” she cried out, shaking and whimpering from the explosion of pleasure.


Damien said nothing. He only lashed her again with the belt, an unyielding metronome, lashing fire and desire into her flesh. Another orgasm wriggled to life under her flesh. Sasha was overwhelmed with the smell of her own pussy filling the room; she was so wet, dripping, drenched. Frantic for his touch, she felt that the entire household smelled her wet and open pussy; that the whole staff, everyone left behind in the house, knew that she was in heat for Damien. Then he dropped the belt, his breath whistling between his teeth. His fingers dove into her from behind, abruptly filling her pussy. They both groaned.


“You love this!” He thrust his fingers deeper inside her.


“Yes...” She moaned on his lap, her fingers buried in the sofa, shaking from the pleasure he pushed into her. Fingers stroking her deeply, stroking her well, whimpers and groans falling from her mouth as his fingers plumbed the very depths of her. She quivered. He abruptly withdrew his fingers and she moaned from the loss. He lifted her off his lap, dragged her mouth up to his. Their tongues twisted together, their mouths gasping.


Sasha slid her hands in his hair, clinging to him as they kissed, rubbing her naked body against his clothed one, her nipples sensitive still as they dragged across his chest, against the cotton of his suit. Damien pulled her even closer, dragged her until she was straddling his lap. Sasha groaned as her wide up pussy slid across his cock. Her hot and throbbing flesh, made sensitive from the belt, burned even more. Damien groaned into her mouth.


“Turn around.”


She turned, her back to him, still straddling him in the couch, her feet sinking into the sofa, bracketing his thighs. Damien touched her breasts, squeezed them from behind, pinching her nipples. Sasha moaned and bit her lip, twisting in his lap, her mind in tatters from want. Damien touched her clit, fingers pressing and circling and pinching it. She gasped, making needful noises.


“Please!” she cried. “Please!”


Her reason was completely gone. Sitting on his lap with her burning ass was delicious torture. Between that and his fingers on her clit, she was completely out of her mind with desire. His fingers disappeared. He lifted her, positioned his cock at her drenched slit.




His cock shoved deeply inside her. Sasha moaned. Damien pulled out. Then grabbed her hips, shoved up into her again. “You’re so fucking wet!” he cried into her shoulder.


His cock thrust into her, deep and hard, sliding against her swollen g-spot, filling her so completely. She felt him firm and hot at her back, the shirt and jacket of his suit sliding against her skin as she jolted up and down on his lap. Sweat drenched her skin. Her breath scraped raw through her lungs. Sasha moaned and gasped as he fucked her hard, his breath hot at the back of her neck, her body soaked in sweat and juices, her ass and thighs burning from the belt.


“Oh, God!”


Her thigh muscles twitched from the beginnings of another orgasm. Her hair flew around her face, sticking to her hot and sweat soaked skin. Sasha’s fingers clenched hard in Damien’s thighs as the pleasure rocketed through her. He gripped her hips hard. His cock bucked inside her, his hips slamming up into her as he made a rumbling sound of masculine satisfaction against her shoulder.


He moaned her name as he came. “You’re incredible….” Damien gripped her waist and pulled her to rest hard against him, his breath huffing through her hair. “How did you know this was just what I needed?” His heart thumped against her back through his clothes.


Sasha smiled. Melted even more into him as he fell back into the sofa, loose-limbed. “Because it’s what I needed,” she said.


Slowly, as they sat pressed together, her pulse calmed, the riot in her blood settled. Damien laughed softly and pressed his mouth against her throat. He was still inside her, his replete cock resting amid the slickness of their combined juices. It was a delicate weight she happily carried. And theirs was a joining Sasha was in no hurry to undo.


But all too soon, they had to unwind from each other. Damien lifted her off his lap, gasping softly as their bodies disconnected. Sasha squirmed in his tender grip, bonelessly content as he gently lay her back in the sofa then stood up. Damien was completely unselfconscious with his damp cock hanging out of his pants. After briefly touching her cheek, he disappeared into the small bathroom attached to the study them came back with a wet, warm cloth. His fly was zipped, suit already straightened. Tenderly, he wiped between her legs, soothed the welts on her backside and thighs. Then he kissed each butt cheek.


“You,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her mouth. “Are perfection. I can’t believe I was lucky enough to find you.”


Sasha slid her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply, a part of her wondering if all this tenderness of his would disappear when he finally knew her secret. She kissed him harder.


Chapter Eighteen


Damien pulled away first. “Is anything wrong?” he asked. “Was I too rough?”


“No. You were perfect. You always know just how to touch me.” She threaded her fingers through his hair as he looked into her, his bright blue eyes, an ocean she could easily drown in.


“Then what’s wrong?” A frown marred his perfect features. His eyes darkened with concern.


“Nothing is wrong.” But even as she said the words, she found herself pulling even more away from him. But Damien wouldn’t let her escape.


“Don’t keep the truth from me, Sasha. If something is wrong, give me the chance to make it right.”


He gathered her in his arms, simultaneously firm and tender. He pulled her into his lap. Sasha felt her worries melting away under the warmth of his gaze on her, his arms sweetly enfolding her nakedness. She snuggled into his arms and sighed, giving in to the temptation to simply lie against him and listen to the strong thunder of his heartbeat.


“You make me feel safe,” she murmured.


He rested a hand on her head, tucked her face into the curve of his neck. “You’re a confusing woman,” he said with a mock sigh. “So stubborn.”


“Never that.” Sasha smiled and forced herself to pull gently away from him.


He let her go and she got to her feet, picked up her dress. She stepped into it and shook out her hair, shoving the thick locks away from her face and settling them in some semblance of order around her shoulders. Sasha looked at Damien with an eyebrow raised, turned her back to him with the unzipped dress revealing the smooth expanse of her back, the dip down to her bottom. Her lover stood up, walked slowly to her.


“Now you need me, huh?” His hand rested on the tab of the zipper. His warmth soaked into her through the thin material.


“Need is relative,” she said, reaching back to pull up the zipper herself. But he batted her hand away, smiling, and tugged on the zipper’s tab, closing the fabric of the dress with an exaggerated slowness.


A knock sounded at the door of the study. The door handle clicked as whoever it was opened the door and let themselves in. A shocked face in the door staring at Damien and Sasha.


Vincent Frazier.


She flushed, aware of how it looked with her lover’s hand on her zipper, the tousled mess of her hair. From the doorway, Vincent stared at her with his eyes gray eyes wide in shock. Then triumph.

Chapter Nineteen


Sasha stood frozen in front of Damien as Vincent Frazier stared at her and her lover. The jockey’s gray eyes moved insolently down her body as she remained with her back to Damien, his hand on the tab of her dress zipper. Although she was horrified by what the vindictive jockey was seeing, she forced herself to deliberately turn away from him in the doorway of Damien’s study.


“Excuse me,” Vincent said. His apology sounded as false as his alleged reputation with women. A moment later he stepped back outside and closed the door of the study behind him.


Only then did Sasha allow her true feelings to show.




She jerked away from Damien, wanting to bury her face in her hands. Or his chest. First her brother, now this. When would all these threats to her career and her happiness finally disappear?

BOOK: Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels
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